Students organize Political Prisoners and Solidarity Forum
Mobilization4Mumia, in partnership with the Temple University Black Student Union (BSU) and Temple Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) held a political education forum on building solidarity with political prisoners on Feb. 22 at Temple University.
There were conversations about what it means to be a modern-day political prisoner; the recent release of political prisoner Leonard Peltier; an exciting panel discussion, a showing of the film Manufacturing Guilt, and a session on building the campaign to free Mumia Abu Jamal! And Mumia himself called in to speak and answer questions from participants.
Philadelphia Political Prisoner Teach-In
Philadelphia movement leaders held a political prisoners teach in on Dec 7 at Community College of Philadelphia.
Speakers centered their remarks on Philadelphia native Mumia Abu-Jamal, MOVE, Khalif Miller and Palestinian prisoners, but also raised the necessity of releasing arrestees with cash bail and the weakness of current laws when it comes to releasing those sentenced to life in prison.
One panelist talked about the unjust repression against Samidoun, an international organization dedicated to freeing Palestinian prisoners.
Participant were also treated to a call in by Mumia Abu-Jamal and a short video of Colin Kaepernick calling for Mumia's release.
See more photos at https://flic.kr/s/aHBqjBUmP2 .
Report from Houston rally to free Mumia!
Despite what is really cold weather for Houstonians, and a little rain, we had a great demonstration outside of the FOP union hall this afternoon. The FOP apparently notified the Houston police and dozens of cops were all over the neighborhood. We had speeches by Bunchy Crear, a longtime Black Panther, the national chair of the National Black United Front, and folks from Workers World Party and PSL, NBUF, BPP Alumni Association and Texas Death Penalty Abolition Movement were all there!
Protests in Philadelphia, Houston, Detroit, Paris, Mexico City, Berlin to mark Mumia’s 43rd year of incarceration
See posters to the right for news of events for Mumia Dec 7-9, 2024.
Below are details on Philadelphia’s Dec 9 event:
On Monday, December 9, 2024, we will be holding a rally and march to commemorate the 43rd anniversary of the 1981 traffic stop which led to Mumia Abu-Jamal being shot and framed for Daniel Faulkner’s murder.
1400 John F Kennedy Boulevard
Philadelphia, PA 19107The rally will begin at 2 PM at the Octavius Catto statue on the southern end of the City Hall loop. We will then proceed to District Attorney Larry Krasner’s office nearby and then to the 13th and Locust Street intersection where the original events leading to Mumia’s unjust incarceration first occurred.
New Yorkers:
TO/FROM PHILADELPHIATransportation to and from the event will be provided as usual by the Free Mumia Abu-Jamal Coalition NYC.
A reserved seat will only be guaranteed if arranged by end-of-day on Tuesday, December 3, 2024. After that, we will do our best to accommodate you, but you may have to get to and from Philadelphia in some other manner.
You can reserve a $40 ticket online at:
You can also make a reservation by calling the:
Free Mumia hotline
Please leave a brief clear message with your name, cell phone number, and email address.
When we call you back, you can pledge a full $40 donation to reserve a seat. or request a scholarship seat instead.
No one will be denied a seat due to lack of funds."
BOARDING FROM 11:00 – 11:30 AM
17th Street and Park Avenue South
New York, NY 10003
The Mumia International Collectives are announcing a press conference on September 12 2024 at the People's Forum in New York City - organized by the Leonard Peltier Ad Hoc Committee in Honor of Leonard Peltier's 80th Birthday.
We call on all grassroot activists and members of the Mumia campaign to continue cross movement building with the Leonard Peltier groups in the belly of the beast and in the world so that the old de facto collaboration be transformed into official operational unity along the lines of the C.O.N.C.P. uniting the anti colonial liberation movements led by Amilcar Cabral, Agostinho Neto and Samora Machel back in the seventies.
Our unity is our only answer to Death by Incarceration or DBI - the common denominator that chains Mumia, Leonard and all our political prisoners together.
On September 12th, at the People's Forum in NYC, please join the Leonard Peltier Ad Hoc Committee either in person or through messages of support in order to :
* Wish Leonard Peltier a Peaceful Birthday
* hear legal and health updates on both prisoners
* join us to charge the U.S. government with Death by Incarceration as torture while right near by the Nation States of the planet will be assembling for the 79th Opening of the Assembly General of the United Nations and the world will be listening
In sync with the NYC press event, there will be similar events organized elsewhere in the world from Berlin to French Guiana.
Press Conference Details :
The People's Forum
Date/Time: Thursday September 12th 2024 at 5 PM EST
Location : 320 West 37th Street, New York, N.Y. 100018
Email contact :
Julia Wright
International Mumia Collectives Liaison
Webinar Aug 6:
Overcoming Death By Incarceration: The Path to Freedom for Mumia Abu-Jamal
Please start Black August off by joining the Abolitionist Law Center on August 6th for a webinar "Overcoming Death By Incarceration: The Path to Freedom for Mumia Abu-Jamal." Register at this Link
This webinar will present important information on the path to freedom for one of our longest serving political prisoners. Topics to be discussed include legal strategies and updates in Mumia's case, commutation, International Advocacy and compassionate release.
The panel includes Saleem Holbrook, ALC Exec. Director; Bret Grote, ALC Legal Director; Ghani Kempis Songster, former Juvenile Lifer and organizer; Journalist & Professor Linn Washington, Jr. and Dr. Jennifer Black co-editor with Mumia Abu-Jamal of the recently released Beneath the Mountain (City Lights 2024). Plus a special message from Mumia Abu-Jamal.
Please circulate to your network. Flyer adjacent.
In Solidarity
Robert Saleem Holbrook
Executive Director
Abolitionist Law Center
Tell Pennsylvania to Care About Aging Prisoners
Since September, imprisoned radio journalist and author Mumia Abu-Jamal's health has been declining at a concerning rate. He has lost weight, is anemic, has an extreme flare-up of his debilitating skin condition, and is losing hair. In April 2021 Mumia underwent open heart surgery. Since then, he has been denied cardiac rehabilitation care including a cardiac diet and adequate outdoor exercise.
His is but one example of many suffering from deprivation of good medical care in Pennsylvania prisons.
Meanwhile, Pennsylvania's state government is drawing up a 10-year master plan for helping aging Pennsylvanians, but not including those who are imprisoned. There is a public comment period running through March 20th.
Vist Roots Action to submit your comments.
Mumia Abu-Jamal #AM 8335 Health Alert & Action
Wednesday, February 21, 2024
Mumia underwent a double bypass heart surgery on April 19, 2021. His doctor prescribed a cardiac diet and regular exercise for recovery. To date, almost 3 years later, the prison has failed to provide Mumia the required cardiac diet and opportunities for exercise. The outside yard is often closed, and he has been prohibited from walking in the day room. Mumia is extremely vulnerable. His severe skin condition has flared up, causing him great discomfort including painful itching 24/7. His heart and overall health is severely affected. The prison diet and limited exercise are in violation of the standards of cardiac care and doctor’s orders. Keeping elders in prison is a human rights violation.
TAKE ACTION! It's time we demand a heart healthy diet that includes fresh fruit and vegetables, whole grains and legumes, and limited highly processed foods, and we demand access for Mumia to do regular exercise every day.
Death by incarceration (DBI) should be banned. Free Mumia Abu-Jamal!
Please call and write these prison officials.
Call Monday thru Friday between 9AM and 4PM EST
1) Superintendent, Bernadette Mason: 570-773-2158 Email: bmason@pa.gov
SCI Mahanoy PA Department of Corrections, 301 Grey Line Drive, Frackville Drive, PA 17931
2) Secretary of PA Dept of Corrections, Laurel Harry 717-728-4107 Email: ra-crpadocsecretary@pa.gov Message this form: py-forms-prod.powerappsportals.us/DOCContactUs/
3) Acting Deputy Secretary Eastern Region, Morris Houser 717- 728-4122 ext. 4123 Email: mhouser@pa.gov
Sample Script (can also use for letters and emails):
“I am calling because Mumia Abu-Jamal #AM 8335 and other incarcerated elders diagnosed with heart disease are being prevented by the prison from getting what they medically require for their health.
Mumia Abu-Jamal #AM 8335 had double bypass heart surgery. He needs:
1) A CARDIAC DIET three times a day that includes fresh vegetables and fruit, whole grains, legumes, and limited sugar, salt, and highly processed foods;
2) He must have access to do sufficient cardiac rehab every day.”
Pam Africa, Noelle Hanrahan and Dr. Ricardo Alvarez on Assassination Attempts Against Mumia!
Pam Africa, Founder, International Concerned Family and Friends of Mumia Abu Jamal, Noelle Hanrahan and Dr. Ricardo Alvarez (Mumia's physician) Joins Dr. Joy James and Kalonji Jama Changa on this special episode of Guerrilla Intellectual University! Watch Feb 12 livestream.
Mumia and the Epidemic of Mass Incarceration
Watch Dr. Cornel West and local Philadelphia community leaders Marc Lamont Hill, Pam Africa and Susan Abulhawa for a discussion moderated by Gabe Bryant. Learn the current dire situation we find Mumia Abu-Jamal in right now. Through his legacy, understand mass incarceration as a decades long epidemic, and examine the intersections of police violence and militarism in Philadelphia and the ongoing genocidal acts against the people of Gaza, as well as the larger occupation of Black Philadelphia and Palestine. Go to 21:00 minute mark of livestream for start of program.
2.10.24 -
From Prison Radio:
This government is slowly, purposely, killing Mumia through medical neglect. (Pam Africa)
Since September, Mumia Abu-Jamal's health has been declining at a concerning rate. He has lost weight, is anemic, has high blood pressure and an extreme flair up of his psoriasis, and his hair has fallen out. In April 2021 Mumia underwent open heart surgery. Since then he has been denied cardiac rehabilitation care including a healthy diet and exercise.
“He does not get proper exercise and yard time, and he has a bad heart, and they’re not giving him a proper diet. We got to pick up the work.. we must put the pressure on the government to release this proven innocent man..these people have a blood lust, they have a vengeance…” - Pam Africa
Listen to Pam's full statement here.
Mumia Abu-Jamal, long distance revolutionary, Black freedom fighter, and Prison Radio's lead correspondent continues to battle the state for his life. He survived the state's attempt to execute him twice, three times if you count shooting him on the streets of Philadelphia. He survived decades in solitary confinement. He survived the PA DOC's refusal to give him the cure for Hep C. And he survived double bypass surgery. He is strong, but all of this takes a toll. He will be 73 in April. His health is deteriorating.
This week, Noelle Hanrahan and Pam Africa traveled to SCI Mahanoy to see Mumia and monitor his health and provide an update about his health.
Pam notes in her interview the long history of the struggle to make sure Mumia has proper medical care and freedom.
"And most of all, I want people to understand, this should not happen to anyone; Mumia is 100% innocent. And you'll see, through the years, all the illegal things they have done to keep him in jail. Wadiya’s son Issa and I both know what we saw."
1.15.24 -
From West Africa to West Philly to the West Bank, we shall set us free
The "From West Africa to West Philly to the West Bank, we shall set us free" march in Philadelphia yesterday was highlighted by a focus on political prisoners, from Mumia Abu-Jamal in the US to Ahmad Sa'Adat in Palestine. Photos here.
The march began at Malcolm X Park in West Philadelphia's 52nd Street Black commercial district. It marched despite freezing temperatures to the historic Calvary Church on Baltimore Avenue, where a Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network representative gave an impassioned speech, which I urge readers to view, thanks to Sunny Singh and Hate 5 Six:
Inside Calvary Church, African National Congress representative Godfrey Sithole, who led the campaign in Philadelphia against South Africa's Apartheid system, spoke first before the crowd split up into several workshops. The largest group heard Samidoun explain the struggle of political prisoners in Palestine. About 20 people participated in a Mobilization4Mumia workshop led by Gabe. Cindy, Yahne, Betsey and myself also helped explain Mumia's case to the group, most of whom knew little, if anything, about Mumia.
Before the march began, Yahne gave a short remembrance on Sekou Odinga and Gabe gave a short speech on Kamau Becktemba's remarkable life. Other speakers raised the common struggle against imperialism from Haiti to Palestine to Niger, Mali and other nations. South Africa and Yemen were particularly recognized for their solidarity with Palestine.
Formerly incarcerated people and advocates to testify against death by incarceration sentences in front of the United Nations International Human Rights Committee in Geneva, Switzerland
The United Nations is convening its Human Rights Committee in Geneva, Switzerland this fall, and we are making sure that people who have been sentenced to death by incarceration are represented to demand an end to extreme sentencing in the US.
This October, a coalition composed of the Amistad Law Project, Abolitionist Law Center, Center for Constitutional Rights, California Coalition for Women Prisoners, Drop LWOP, Release Aging People In Prison, Right to Redemption, Drexel University Thomas R. Kline School of Law Andy and Gwen Stern Community Lawyering Clinic, Sentencing Project, Visiting Room Project, and Promise of Justice Initiative, will be sending formerly incarcerated people and advocates in a delegation to testify in front of the United Nations International Human Rights Committee. These groups collectively filed a shadow report with the Committee ahead of the convening, demanding that the international body recognize death by incarceration as a violation of international standards. They will urge the Committee to examine the United States’ practice of sentencing people to death by incarceration sentences and recommend that the United States must abolish all death by incarceration sentences, including LWOP sentences. As a delegation, we are taking the issue of death by incarceration to Geneva to uplift our collective stories, power, and demands.
Human Rights Coalition
PO Box 34580
Philadelphia, PA 19101
Email: Info@hrcoalition.org
web site: www.hrcoalition.org.30.23
Three-day symposium explores history, reach of mass incarceration in America
PROVIDENCE, R.I. [Brown University] — “You ever hear the saying, ‘I didn’t see this coming?’” Mumia Abu-Jamal quipped.
The former journalist, activist and 41-year prison inmate joined a Brown University panel discussion on incarceration and the criminal justice system on Wednesday, Sept. 27, via a monitored and recorded prison phone line in Pennsylvania.
Abu-Jamal wasn’t just floored to be a central focus of the night’s conversation. He was also amazed to observe that four decades of his writings, artworks and possessions from prison — 97 boxes of them — were now available for reading and viewing at Brown’s John Hay Library, the centerpiece of one of the nation’s largest collections of the first-person accounts of incarcerated people.
“Welcome to a night at Brown, as we open the archives and thus turn a new page in history,” he said on speakerphone, addressing hundreds of in-person and virtual audience members. “It feels really remarkable… this was not foreseen.”
Comments from Abu-Jamal, who was convicted of murdering a Philadelphia police officer in 1981 and has since become one of the most outspoken incarcerated advocates for racial equity and criminal justice reform, kicked off “Voices of Mass Incarceration: A Symposium.” The three-day event at Brown was replete with performances and conversations focused on law enforcement, medical care in prisons, public art, the impact of incarceration on women and girls, and the history of incarceration; its events drew in diverse groups of activists and scholars from across the globe and Brown and Providence community members.
Jointly hosted by the Brown University Library, the Pembroke Center and the Ruth J. Simmons Center for the Study of Slavery and Justice, the symposium also marked the public opening of the Abu-Jamal archives and the beginning of a year-long exhibition on mass incarceration extending across the Brown campus.
Continue reading the Brown University article here.
Running Down the Walls raises funds for "Stop Cop City" struggle & political prisoners
Running Down the Walls walk/run/roll was held in Philadelphia Sep. 17.
More photos at: https://flic.kr/s/aHBqjAV58o
Philadelphia Anarchist Black Cross and MXGM Philly held their sixth annual Running Down The Walls (RDTW) on September 17, 2023. The revolutionary 5K run/walk/roll and day of solidarity amplified the voices of our comrades behind bars, lifting them up in their struggles, and maintaining material support. Official shirts are being sent nationwide to people who registered to participate remotely. Light yoga and warm-up stretches preceded the event.
This year’s event will benefit the ABCF Warchest and Weelaunee forest defenders facing repression from the ongoing efforts to #StopCopCity. The event once again raised energy and funds for the freedom of political prisoners and the struggles they are caged for.
Cop City Will Never Be Built!
Vive vive Tortuguita!
#StopCopCity #DefendWeelaunee #JusticeForTort
The ABCF Warchest program sends monthly stipends to political prisoners and prisoners of war who have insufficient, little, or no financial support. Since inception, the program has gathered almost $235,000, and this year’s event is sure to bump that over $250,000! Due to the abominable conditions that political prisoners and freedom fighters are subjected to, and the prevalence of health issues from medical neglect, they need our support now more than ever. The crowd both celebrate Dr. Mutulu Shakur’s release from prison since our last event and recommited themselves to the ideals he dedicated his life to.
PRESS RELEASE September 20, 2023
Contact: Sophia Williams 917-806-0521; Gabe Bryant 215-687-3754; Joe Piette 610-931-2615
The Feminist Fight to Bring Mumia Home: Opening Panel of Brown University Symposium “Voices of Mass Incarceration”
Wednesday, September 27, 2023 | 7 – 9 p.m.
Salomon Center for Teaching and Learning, DeCiccio Family Auditorium
Pam Africa - Chairwoman of the International Concerned Family and Friends for Mumia Abu-Jamal; Minister of Confrontation, The Move Organization
Angela Y. Davis - Distinguished Professor Emerita of History of Consciousness and Feminist Studies at University of California, Santa Cruz
Johanna Fernández ‘93 - Associate Professor, Department of History, Baruch College, CUNY
Julia Wright - Author, Mumia Abu-Jamal United Nations Liaison Group
Tricia Rose - Chancellor's Professor of Africana Studies, Associate Dean of the Faculty for Special Initiatives, Director of the Center for the Study of Race and Ethnicity in America, Brown University
7 - 7:10 p.m. - Opening remarks and panelist introductions by Nicole Gonzalez Van Cleve - Associate Professor, Department of Sociology, Brown University
7:10 - 8:45 p.m. - Keynote panel discussion
8:45 - 9 p.m. - Q&A
9 - 10 p.m. - Reception in Sayles Hall, located next door to the Salomon Center
Registration required @ voicesofmassincarceration.eventbrite.com
A Black Panther Party veteran, community activist and revolutionary journalist, Mumia Abu-Jamal was framed for the murder of a white Philadelphia cop. As a result of police, prosecutorial and judicial misconduct in a highly contested trial, Abu-Jamal was given the racist death sentence in July 1982. Since 1981, he has been incarcerated under inhumane and illegal imprisonment — including 29 years in solitary confinement on Pennsylvania’s death row.
Abu-Jamal’s defense team filed a 6th PCRA petition on Dec. 23, 2021 pertaining to the newest evidence from six hitherto unknown boxes of files on the case found in a closet of the Philadelphia's District Attorney's Office, first disclosed to the defense in January 2019. On March 31, 2023 Judge Lucretia Clemons once again denied all arguments, despite the new evidence.
Abu-Jamal’s health is precarious. He is 69 years old. He had double bypass surgery in March 2020, renal failure in 2017, and has been refused necessary cardiac rehabilitation. As an ill elder, who has suffered from cataracts, hepatitis B/renal failure, and debilitating skin rashes, and because he has been unjustly incarcerated, Mumia Abu-Jamal should be released immediately.
As of 2022, the United States’ vast carceral system imprisons two million people — more than any other nation and with a growth rate of 500% since 1970. Though government and institutional records on incarceration, law, and policy abound, there is a paucity of archival materials by incarcerated individuals, their families, and advocates. There are fewer than twenty archival collections in the U.S. that represent individuals who are incarcerated. Most of these are small (5 folders; a handful of diaries). Until now, none of these have been collected directly from a currently incarcerated individual.
Voices of Mass Incarceration in the United States will provide essential research material to advance scholarship on the carceral state and its historical antecedents.
FOR THE PEOPLE OF NIGER AND THEIR NEW LEADERSHIPWhereas Mumia Abu-Jamal 's writings carry on the revolutionary tradition of the Black Panthers by expressing international solidarity with all Black, Brown, Indigenous peoples and peoples of African descent everywhere, whose sovereign rights are subjugated and violated by an alliance of western imperialist economic, strategic and military elitist interests
Whereas the Black Panthers had an embassy in Algiers and in 1969 met with those very anti colonial and neo colonial liberation movements who often represent the spearhead of Independant and Pan Africanist Africa today
Whereas we remember the historical lesson of the use of the former Belgian Congo's uranium to bomb Hiroshima and Nagasaki - and whereas a few months before his assassination Patrice Lumumba rightly warned the world that the secession of uranium-rich Katanga was engineered by the West to prevent a strategic mineral from falling into Soviet hands
Whereas it was at the instigation of Burkina Faso and Iran that the draft of a resolution was written and endorsed by all 54 African member States of the United Nations to protest the 2020 murder of George Floyd and to demand that the United Nations investigate racist police brutality on U.S. soil - and whereas in December 2022 Mumia wrote to thank the group of UN States - of which the African States were such an important block - for this historic stand of African solidarity for a milestone episode in the history of our lynchings
Whereas Kwame Nkrumah wrote "Dark Days In Ghana" in 1968, a book analyzing the reasons for the military CIA- supported coup d'etat that overthrew him and chose as an epigraph these words Richard Wright had written in an open letter to him in 1954 : '' I say to you publicly and frankly : The burden of suffering that must be borne, impose it on one generation. Do not with the false kindness of missionaries and business-men, drag out this agony for another five hundred years while your villages rot ...Be merciful by being stern! If I lived under your regime, I'd ask for your hardness, this coldness" [ Richard Wright "Black Power", 1954].
And whereas in the same letter to Kwame Nkrumah, Richard Wright added :" African life must be militarized... Not for war, but for peace; not for destruction, but for service; not for aggression, but for production; not for despotism, but to free minds from mumbo-jumbo. I am speaking of a militarization of the daily lives of the people. I'm speaking of a temporary discipline that will unite the nation, sweep out the tribal cobwebs, and place the feet of the masses upon a basis of reality. What the Europeans failed to do, didn't want to do because they feared disrupting their own profits and global real estate, you must do "
Whereas in Africa today more than 60% of the population is under 25 years old and Niger is demographically the youngest country on the planet : 50% of Nigeriens are under the age of 15.
And whereas this African neo colonized youth is rising and speaking up whether it be within "the mother country" from the dirt poor suburbs of Nanterre to the brutally policed cityscape of Marseilles where rebellions against the militarized police have been unprecedented - or in the Global South backyards of the colonial powers from Burkina Faso where the President is the youngest head of state in the world and a true heir to Thomas Sankara but also Mali, Guinea and Niger where the students have vowed they will resist foreign interference with their bare hands
Whereas everywhere and increasingly this awakening of an articulate youth is at the intersection of eco-defense , a demand for monetary and economic sovereignty and political non aligned independence - from the youth movement resisting the introduction of the carcinogenic pesticide, chlordecone, in Martinique, the native island of Frantz Fanon, to the sons and daughters of the uranium miners of Niger, fired without compensation by the French from mines considered no longer viable as hills of radioactive waste are left to open skies
Whereas the Russia Africa Summit in Saint Petersburg witnessed a major contradiction between two Africas - the declining Africa of the past represented by heads of state "in the pocket of the West" and the rising Africa of the future represented by heads of state like Captain Ibrahim Traore of Burkina Faso who quotes Che Guevara and has sought alliances with Venezuela, Nicaragua and Cuba
Whereas the official western narrative about Niger is that it is one of "the poorest countries in the world" whereas its very wealth in oil, gold and uranium was monopolized by the French companies' strategy of paying a pittance so that the French could have electricity galore while most of Niger lives in the dark and is reduced to import electricity.
Whereas like Cop City's ambition to be patented throughout the United States , the USA drone base at Agadez is the biggest USA military airbase in existence, serving American strategic interests in the whole of the Sahel region where the war against terrorism is a pretext for the maintenance of USA presence in a zone increasingly non-aligned and diversifying its economic choices by turning to Russia and BRICS. And whereas the USA and France have been known to keep terrorist activities at a low intensity level so that the latter can be made to intervene on behalf of western interests whenever "needed"
Whereas Victoria Nuland , the U.S. acting deputy secretary of State, whose role in the 2014 pro american coup d'etat in Ukraine was revealed by infamous recordings - travelled to Niger to condemn and reportedly bribe "those guys" out of their coup d'etat, was not received by the new government's higher ups and stated in her press briefing back in the USA : "It is not our desire to go there but they may push us to that point". ( August 8th 2023 )
Whereas the stated French military strategy towards Niger is threefold : 1) to isolate; 2) to monitor so-called internal dissensions and especially 3) to create those internal dissensions
Whereas for decades the Free Mumia Abu-Jamal Coalition has been organizing protests for a United States of Africa, an African gold-based currency, the end of the colonial CFA Franc, the abolition of AFRICOM, the end of sanctions against Zimbabwe and the end of arming multiple sides in Libyaand whereas the people of NIamey, Niger, will demonstrate in front of the French military base on Friday August 11th 2023
- We, the Coalition to Free Mumia Abu-Jamal, strongly and unequivocally condemn all western monopoly capitalist and imperialist interference into the free, independent and sovereign affairs of our African brothers
- whether it be :
ECONOMIC through the CFA Franc,
POLITICAL through the corruption and seating through so-called democratic elections of pro western African elites
or MILITARY through the violation of airspace and the use of terrorists as mercenaries - or the trojan horse infiltration of regional regroupings such as ECOWAS.
August 10th, 2023
Mobilization4Mumia co-sponsors Palestine Writes Festival
Palestine Writes Literature Festival Returns with an Outstanding Line-up of Writers and Artists
بيان صحفي (للنشر الفوري)
عودة المهرجان الأدبي العالمي “فلسطين تكتب” بثُلة مميزة من الكُتّاب والفنانين البارزين
PHILADELPHIA, PA (July 24, 2023) – Three years after Covid-19 forced the inaugural Palestine Writes Festival to be held virtually, the only Palestinian literature festival in North America is back with an impressive list of writers, artists, musicians, dancers, filmmakers, and other intellectuals. The festival will be held at the University of Pennsylvania’s historic Irvine Auditorium on September 22-24, 2023.
Speakers include Pulitzer Prize winner Viet Thanh Nguyen, Arabic Booker Prize winner Ibrahim Nasrallah, celebrated filmmaker Darin Sallam, rock music legend Roger Waters, and dozens more renowned authors, such as Elias Khoury, Huzama Habayeb, Isabella Hammad, Sahar Mustafah, Suad Amiry, Salman AbuSitta, Gary Younge, Nur Masalha, and more.
The festival will be bilingual, with simultaneous translation for most sessions. The program and speaker list are published online, featuring 1) continuous children and YA programming; 2) Coffee & Books sessions; 3) Panel discussions; 4) Plenaries; 5) Hakawati oral storytelling; 6) An art exhibit; 7) Workshops; 8) Presentations; 9) A film screening, and; 10) Live performances.
Some highlights of the festival include:
Spoken Word Poetry. Palestinian poet Dana Dajani with Aboriginal Australian poet Lorna Munro on opening night.
The Cost and Rewards of Friendship. A discussion with Viet Thanh Nguyen, Gary Younge, Roger Waters, and Rachel Holmes on what it means to live ethically and in solidarity with Palestinian in the midst of an empire that holds Palestinian in contempt.
The Novel as a Historic Record. Lebanese writer Elias Khoury, Aboriginal Australian writer Ali Cobby Eckerman, and Viet Thanh Nguyen will talk about the ways in which novels correct, obfuscate, reinvent, or destabilize history.
Literature from a Collective Wound. Huzama Habayeb, Mahmoud Shqeir, Ibrahim Nasrallah, and Mahmoud Muna will discuss how Palestinian writers and artists often write from the shared generational trauma born from the Nakba and its impact on literature across the diaspora.
Film director Darin Sallam, creator of Farha, a ground-breaking Palestinian film that streamed on Netflix and was Jordan’s submission for the Oscars, will talk about her film and Palestinian cinema in general.
Salman Abu Sitta will give a presentation on the Right of Return, and How to Achieve it.
A series of Hakawati and Hakawatiyyeh sessions will narrate stories from Palestine in this ancient oral storytelling tradition.
Palestinian chefs Fadi Kattan, owner of Fawda Restaurant and akub London, and co-author of Craving Palestine, and Reem Assil, owner of Reem’s California and author of Arabiyyeh, will talk about Palestinian cuisine, food appropriation, and agricultural traditions cultivated over centuries in Palestine.
Al Ajaweed Dabke Troupe, traveling to Philadelphia from the Palestinian refugee camp of Baqa’a in Jordan, will perform Palestinian traditional line dance to folkloric songs.
The Festival will be the most dynamic gathering of Palestinian creatives in North America. In addition, the newly formed Palestine Writes Press will launch its first book, a translation and reprint of Ghassan Kanafani, at the Festival; the book was written by the Palestinian legendary writer’s widow, Anni Kanafani, and will feature a new foreword by Kanafani’s childhood friend Dr. Fadle Naqib, and an introduction by scholar and historian Louis Allday. The Press also plans to release an anthology of fiction, poetry, and other creative prose by Palestinians across the diaspora in 2024.
Palestine Writes is the only North American literature festival dedicated to celebrating and promoting cultural productions of Palestinian writers and artists. Born from the pervasive exclusion or tokenization of Palestinian voices in mainstream literary institutions, Palestine Writes brings Palestinian cultural workers from all parts of Historic Palestine and our exiled Diaspora together with peers from other marginalized groups in the United States. Crossing multiple borders—geographic, linguistic, generational, and cultural boundaries—writers, artists, publishers, booksellers, scholars, musicians, and thinkers hold conversations about art, literature, and the intersections between culture and power, struggle, politics, climate change, sexuality, human rights, animal rights, food sovereignty, and more.
For more information, contact Laura Albast or Rana Sharif (coordinator@palestinewrites.org).
Wars Against Black History
A commentary by Mumia:
And now we see, perhaps in the first time in modern days, states like Florida waging war against Black history by passing laws against what teachers can teach, and, perhaps more importantly, what they cannot. In the land that brags about First Amendment laws of free speech, teachers are threatened to be silent about any Black history after 1875, or the time of Reconstruction. It’s as if, for Black people, history stopped at Reconstruction and nothing happened in their lives.
To add more insult to injury, these same lawmakers have argued that slavery was maybe good for Black people. It is not enough to observe that legislators make damn poor historians, but it also reveals their titanic stupidity. For hidden history has a way of seeping through like a break in a dike until it unleashes a flood. For it reveals that which white supremacy fears most, the twentieth century’s history of Black resistance to white terrorism, that very force which overturned Reconstruction. Their solution: to lie to their own children. To outlaw history is a grave thing indeed.
Franz Fanon, who lived his last day supporting the Algerian anticolonial revolution, condemns the colonialists for assaulting Algerian history. In his classic work, The Wretched of the Earth, he wrote, “colonialism is not satisfied with snaring the people in the net, or of draining their colonized brain of any form or substance with a kind of perverted logic. It turns its attention to the past of the colonized and distorts it, disfigures it, and destroys it.” That colonial policy, conducted against the colonized people of Algeria a half-century ago, is being employed against Black people in America today. We need freedom schools, liberation schools, as occurred during the 1960s to teach the truth to children today.
With love, not fear, this is Mumia Abu-Jamal.
These commentaries are recorded by Prison Radio.
Ruchell Magee Re- Entry Fund
Ruchell “Cinque” Magee has won court-ordered Compassionate Release issued by judges in two courts—San Jose and L.A. — and will walk out of CA Medical Facility State Prison in Vacaville very shortly. He has been imprisoned for 67 years!
We’re raising money to ease his transition to the outside and I’m writing to ask for your help by making a donation. We have launched a Fundrazr on-line to collect funds. Here is the link: https://fundrazr.com/82E6S2?ref=ab_fCEmqa
At 84 years old, he is facing formidable health issues, but we are thankful that he will be able to live his life outside the torturous conditions of prison. Our goal is to raise $500 for each of the 67 years he has been locked up, for a total of $33,500. These funds will help provide him with the basic necessities and medical support he requires, and will ensure that his comforts are met and his family is not heavily burdened with expense. Thank you so much for your support.
For Ruchell "Cinque" Magee
i find
i am not used to joy -
i craved it so
that when it comes
it overcomes
and leaves me drunk
i find winning is surreal
for our History is scoured
and bleached
of our ancestors' victories
of the knowledge
that winning is ancient
and part of our wisdom
this morning i awoke
still hung over with the joy
of Cinque's release
but now
mindful that hope can break again
I sip the news
soberly -
a daily breakthrough medicine
(c) Julia Wright. July 23 2023. All Rights Reserved to Ruchell Magee and his family.
From Judge Wendell Griffen:
“…Race discrimination in jury selection and prosecutorial concealment of exculpatory information in criminal cases always matters for an obvious reason: because justice always matters in every case, for every person, and for the whole society.
That is why it is unjust to uphold a trial outcome caused by race discrimination. That is why it is unjust to uphold a trial outcome produced because prosecutors hid relevant exculpatory evidence. Judge Clemons took 39 pages to not only deny justice for Mumia Abu Jamal, but to show the world that justice for Mumia Abu Jamal does not matter to her, despite the racist jury selection process and sham trial that occurred in his case.
That is why Judge Lucretia Clemons is wrong – damned wrong – about Mumia Abu Jamal’s valiant effort to obtain justice. That is why Judge Clemons is wrong about justice.
Read Judge Griffen’s complete statement here.
No new trial for Mumia Abu Jamal
“…The rejection does not come as a surprise, it had already become apparent through decisions in the lower courts . Nevertheless, activists from the global solidarity network for Mumia Abu Jamal speak of another setback. The journalist was sentenced to death in the summer of 1982 for the murder of a police officer on the basis of questionable evidence. More than 25 years ago, a global solidarity movement saw the death penalty commuted to life imprisonment. Since then, the solidarity movement has been fighting for a new trial to prove that the journalist is not responsible for the police officer's murder. Mumia Abu Jamal has denied his involvement from the start.”
Read complete Menchen Machen Medien article from Germany here.
Mumia Abu-Jamal’s four-decade quest to overturn his murder conviction has again been denied by a Philly judge
“…In his latest petition, Abu-Jamal relied largely upon materials discovered four years ago, when prosecutors said they inadvertently found file boxes related to the case inside the DA’s Office while searching for furniture.
Abu-Jamal said the documents — which were not previously turned over to them, as required — suggested one eyewitness, Robert Chobert, had been paid for his testimony, while another witness, Cynthia White, had been promised leniency in pending prostitution cases.
But Clemons said even if Abu-Jamal was able to prove both of those assertions, they “would not cast [his] trial in such a different light as to undermine confidence in his first-degree murder conviction.””
Read completew Philadelphia Inquirer artcle here.
Clemons cops out
Lucretia And The Law Of Lawlessness
“When Philadelphia Common Pleas Court Judge Lucretia Clemons released an inmate from prison in May 2021, she clearly saw how prosecutors illegally withholding evidence of innocence caused that Philadelphia man to languish in prison for nearly 30-years on a wrongful murder conviction.
As Clemons released Eric Riddick from prison on May 28, 2021, she declared that misconduct by Philadelphia prosecutors against Riddick constituted a “constitutional violation.”
Yet, 96-weeks later, Clemons refused to see gross constitutional violations by Philadelphia prosecutors in the controversial case of Mumia Abu-Jamal, the Philadelphian whose murder conviction 41-years ago is condemned as wrongful by millions around the world.
On March 31, 2023, Judge Clemons issued a ruling on the latest appeal filed by Abu-Jamal where she rejected claims that materials in six boxes on the Abu-Jamal case withheld by prosecutors for 36-years did not constitute a constitutional violation like the violation she acknowledged in the Riddick case.”
Read Linn Washington’s article in “This can’t be happening!” here.
US Judge Denies New Trial to Mumia Abu-Jamal
“HAVANA TIMES – Supporters of political prisoner Mumia Abu-Jamal are raising alarm after a judge on Friday denied his request for a new trial. Philadelphia Judge Lucretia Clemons dismissed evidence the case was tainted by judicial bias, police and prosecutorial misconduct, and that key witnesses were bribed or coerced. Mumia is 68 years old and suffers from numerous health problems. The journalist and former Black Panther has maintained his innocence for the four decades he’s been in prison after being convicted of murdering a police officer.”
From Havana Times.
Cruel and unusual: How the justice system is failing Mumia Abu-Jamal
Patterns of misconduct in Abu-Jamal’s case have convinced people that his constitutional right to equal justice under the law was violated, argues Linn Washington.
“Curiously, one of the least examined — but most peculiar — aspects of the most contentious murder case in Philadelphia’s history is the unusual pattern of rulings by judges. These judges have denied Abu-Jamal the legal relief that others convicted of murder — who asserted violations of their legal rights — were granted.
For example, during the 28 years after Abu-Jamal’s arrest, Philadelphia and Pennsylvania appellate court judges overturned 86 Philadelphia death penalty convictions due to various errors by police, prosecutors, defense attorneys and even judges — including the judge at Abu-Jamal’s 1982 trial.
However, during that time frame, judges declared not a single error — evidentiary or procedural — existed anywhere in the Abu-Jamal case, despite the persistent emergence of compelling new evidence that undermined all elements of his conviction.”
Read complete Linn Washington article in WHYY News here.
With assist from reform DA Krasner’s office:
Philly Judge Blows off Mumia Abu-Jamal’s Latest Appeal
“Despite overwhelming evidence that Mumia Abu-Jamal has never had a fair trial, that his conviction was won through judicial bias and interference, fabricated police testimony and evidence, prosecutorial misconduct and that even political interference (including by the governor’s office) has sabotaged his appeals process over the years, Krasner has never had his revamped and enlarged Conviction Review office take up this most prominent legacy case for consideration.
Instead, Krasner, amazingly, chose ADA Grady Gervino, one of those very legacy ADA’s whose tenure dates from the days when promotions of prosecutors were based upon the number of convictions won, however they were obtained, but who was not sacked, and who continues to work in the very division of the DA’s office tasked with defending against appeals by convicted prisoners, to handle the job of combatting such an effort by Mumia Abu-Jamal.
…Thanks to Krasner’s totally inexplicable assignment of ADA Gravino to fight Abu-Jamal’s PCRA claim, appears to have deliberately enabled a kind of “DA predecessors’ revenge,” with Gravino, in his court statements and filings, repeating to Judge Clemons the same tired falsehoods to justify blocking Abu-Jamal’s appeal that have been trotted out in the past, instead of joining the prosecution in urging a public court hearing and calling of witnesses in the issues raised by the discovery of the hidden materials.
Judge Clemons, a Black judge appointed in 2016 by Pennsylvania’s Democratic Gov. Thomas Wolf, has been incuriously accepting of ADA Gervino’s easily debunked arguments against an evidentiary hearing, and has rejected all efforts by Abu-Jamal’s attorneys to get one.
This raises suspicion about this being yet another case of the entire Judicial establishment in Philadelphia, which has stood solidly behind the conviction of Abu-Jamal and his original trial conviction since it happened over 40 years ago, again stomping on his right to obtain a fair trial.”
Read complete Dave Lindorff article in “This can’t be happening!” here.
No rights for Mumia
USA: Judge rejects new trial in Mumia Abu-Jamal case
“In the USA, Judge Lucretia Clemons of the Common Pleas Court in Philadelphia has dashed the hopes of US civil rights activist and jW columnist Mumia Abu-Jamal that after decades of injustice he would finally receive justice from the US judiciary. On Friday, as the last official act before the weekend, at 4:08 p.m. (local time) she rejected Abu-Jamal's request for a new trial. In a first reaction, the producer of California Prison Radio said,Noelle Hanrahan, of "devastating news" that almost went unnoticed in light of the coverage of ex-President Donald Trump's affairs. After more than 41 years in prison, Abu-Jamal has now "exhausted almost all his legal options" to get out of prison alive, according to Hanrahan.
Judge Clemons seized the opportunity and launched her negative decision, feared for months by Abu-Jamal's defense and the solidarity movement. She also undermined the defense's request to be able to present new evidence of innocence at a court hearing. Petitions from all over the world in favor of Abu-Jamal would have obviously left the judge unimpressed. In an impromptu interview with Black Power Media , Jamal Jr., one of Abu-Jamal's grandsons, called the court decision "heartbreaking." His grandfather is still blamed for the murder of police officer Daniel Faulkner in Philadelphia in 1981, for which he was originally sentenced to death, although it is now clear that he cannot have committed the crime. The judge knows that, as does Larry Krasner, the liberal Philadelphia district attorney.”
Read the complete junge Welt (from Germany) article here.
“Today at 4:08 pm, March 31, 2023, Common Pleas court Judge Lucretia Clemons denied Mumia Abu-Jamal’s request for a new trial.
This is simply devastating news.
After 43 years in prison, Mumia Abu-Jamal has exhausted nearly all of his avenues for relief.
Make no mistake: Justice required that Mumia Abu-Jamal be given a new trial.
The enemy now is time. At 68 years old Mumia is suffering from cardiac disease and has had a double bypass, and nearly died from lack of treatment for acute Hepatitis C.
If you put thick blinders on that block out all reality and rely on procedural minutia for cover, honestly, it is still impossible to avoid the scorchingly blatant racism of trial Judge Albert Sabo, Assistant District Attorney Joseph McGill, Mayor and former police chief Frank Rizzo, District Attorney during Mumia’s trial Ed Rendell, and Ron Castille, DA and former Pennsylvania Supreme Court Justice.”
Read Noelle Hanrahan’s article in Popular Resistance here.
Court denies a fair trial: The fight for Mumia’s freedom continues
On March 31, news of Judge Lucretia Cle
mons’ decision to deny Mumia Abu-Jamal his right to a fair trial spread instantly around the world, even though in the U.S., the major media remained silent. Those who were expecting this outcome and those who had remained hopeful — all suffered grim disappointment.
The media headlines focused solely on the indictment of Donald Trump. Does the media coverage and headlines mean that democracy prevails because of the indictment of an actual criminal whose major crime, they say, is the loathsomeness in which the former president likes to wallow?
In real-time, did the Pennsylvania judge, with corrupt brutality underscoring her decision, say it was too late for justice and democracy to prevail in Mumia’s case? Did the court decision from the USA, a country with a history of racist bondage, resonate worldwide? Yes!
Read Gloria Verdieu’s article in Struggle/La Lucha here.
Decision against Mumia an “affront to basic justice and the law”
“Let us recall the arguments presented by the defense based on two major judgments in American law:
Brady vs. Maryland, 1963 (obligation to provide the defense with all the evidence in favor of the accused);
Batson vs. Kentucky, 1968 (right to a new trial in case of disqualification of jurors on racial grounds).
The recent documents discovered in the archive boxes made available to the defense show that these two judgments were not respected, which should legally justify a new trial:
Black jurors were excluded by prosecutor McGill. Argument refuted out of hand by the judge for "lack of convincing written evidence";
All the documents in favor of the defense have not been disclosed (corruption of witnesses and racist statement by Judge Sabo). Argument refuted by the judge because "presented too late" and which, according to her, would not have prevented Mumia's death sentence.
What a scandal for a state court to trample the law with such aplomb! What a shame for a magistrate to consider that evidence deliberately hidden for four decades from the defense can be discarded once and for all. And this, the same day that Donald Trump must answer for embezzlement of public funds for his benefit before the American federal justice. Judge Clemons chose this date thinking that the media and opinion monopolized by this case would allow her to more discreetly pass her decision in the columns of the various facts in Philadelphia.
Faced with this obstruction of justice to obstruct the manifestation of the truth, the mobilization must increase to demand unconditionally and without delay the release of Mumia. “
Read complete statement in French and English here.
National Writers Union President Larry Goldbetter:
“On March 9, a delegation visited Mumia at SCI Mahanoy Prison in Pennsylvania, made up of Jacky Hortaut of the French Collective for the Liberation of Mumia, Patrick Kamenka, representative of the French CGT National Union of Journalists, and NWU President Larry Goldbetter representing the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ). The visit began with a message of solidarity from the President of the IFJ, and letting Mumia know that 600,000 journalists represented by the member unions in 150 countries stand with him. Mumia will from now on hold an IFJ press card and will have a regular column in the NWU newsletter. Last June at the IFJ World Congress in Oman, 150 trade-unionist journalists signed an open letter to the Governor of Pennsylvania demanding a review of his trial and his immediate release on health grounds.
During this three-hour visit, Mumia described how he and thousands of inmates were sickened and killed by Covid, which he blames on the prison administration and guards who are “mostly Trumpers,” who came and went and refused to be vaccinated or wear masks. Since the Covid pandemic, visits have been reduced to a minimum, as registrations are now only made online and it is not a simple process. Many families do not have internet access, and if you do, any errors are used as a pretext to deprive prisoners and their families visitation rights. The food is terrible. He said the best food was in the vending machines in the visitation area so we provided salad and fruit salad for him.
Despite his long, illegal imprisonment, serious health issues, and the loss of his wife Wadiya last year, Mumia is not defeated, far from it. He is working on a new book, an anthology of writings from formerly enslaved and incarcerated people, and getting accepted into a PhD program. He exercises three days a week and is now in good health. Mumia was eager to talk about the state of the world; wars and economic and social misery, climate upheaval, all consequences from his point of view of a capitalist system in deep crisis. He said the pandemic revealed, “the empire in a state of decay.”
Mumia is seeking a review of his trial so that he can be cleared and released. His lawyers recently gained access to hidden evidence contained in dozens of archived documents in the Philadelphia District Attorney’s office clearly indicating multiple violations of the defendant’s rights. Judge Lucrecia Clemons, who is in charge of the appeal procedure (currently underway), obtained after years of legal struggle, is expected to decide soon on the outcome of the application for a review of the original trial, which could pave the way for his release.”
From https://nwu.org/free-mumia/
Wadiya Jamal, my beloved
The following message from Mumia first aired on Prison Radio Dec. 30, 2022.
She was a spring baby, born in the first week of April 1953 — a West Philly girl, whose beauty made her shine in a crowd. She loved fiercely like a lion. This love blessed the lives of five beautiful children, and it blessed me.
As mother and grandmother, she radiated like a sun over her planet; and when anyone was lost, her mighty love was cracked by such loss — her mother and father, her brother Jimmy, and perhaps deepest, the loss of the family’s baby, Samiya, was the deepest crack, the deepest past.
After that, every December was a trial through darkness. We were all waiting for the first light of spring, for this dark fog to break. But it was not to be. Just after the holidays, her heart, her mighty heart, gave up. She loved like no one else ever.
I love you, I will always love you. All the children and grandchildren love you and will always love you. Your smile was the only sunshine we ever needed, and we need it now. We love you, Wa-Wa. We miss you.
With love, not fear, this is Mumia Abu-Jamal.
From Workers World: https://www.workers.org/2023/01/68437/
Family, friends pay respects to Wadiya Jamal
“Wadiya Jamal has spent most of her adult life fighting for her husband’s release. The beloved wife of political prisoner Mumia Abu-Jamal died unexpectedly from a heart attack Dec. 27, 11 days after a historic decision by a Philadelphia judge in his case.
Family and friends attended services for her Dec. 30 in Philadelphia.
Those who knew her best described WaWa, as she liked to be called, as devoted to her family life, for her the cause of joy but also great sorrow. She was separated by prison walls from Mumia since his arrest Dec. 9, 1981. Her youngest child, Samiya — known as Goldii — died Dec. 17, 2014, after a long fight with breast cancer. Wadiya was buried next to her daughter’s grave.
In talking about Wadiya with friend and supporter Johanna Fernandez, Mumia noted that December was always a “dark time for her because of this.”
In the funeral handout, Wadiya Jamal was described as “lively and outspoken, often at the center of any social gathering she attended. She was always well versed in the social and political news of the day, adding her well thought-out opinions to the conversation. … She was a frequent participant in forums, rallies and cultural events designed to raise awareness of injustice perpetrated against Black people. …
“[Wadiya] often hosted movie nights for her grandchildren, nephews and nieces. [She was] revered as the “Aunty” of her neighborhood, her home a safe space for all who may have needed her love and affection.”
While kept from attending the funeral in person by the Pennsylvania Department of Corrections, Mumia was able to watch the proceedings for about an hour by zoom. He told Fernandez he wished Wadiya could have seen the outpouring of love for her that he witnessed during the ceremony.
When asked to name one of his fondest memories about Wadiya, he told Fernandez “She let me be silly.”
Wadiya Jamal will be sorely missed by all who knew and loved her. Condolences can be sent to Mumia Abu-Jamal at Smart Communications/PADOC, Mumia Abu-Jamal / AM8335, SCI Mahanoy, P.O. Box 33028, St. Petersburg, FL 33733.
Those who are on Abu-Jamal’s visitors list are encouraged to make every effort to see him.”
Workers World article: https://www.workers.org/2023/01/68441/ .
Exculpatory evidence suggests the prosecutor in Mumia’s trial bribed star witnesses to testify, wrongly excluded Black jurors.
UN experts file amicus brief; cite “violations of minimum international standards safeguarding fairness of legal proceedings.”
Defense brief at: http://voiceofdetroit.net/wp-content/uploads/Mumia-Abu-Jamal-defense-brief-MAJ-PCRA-Dec.-2021-w-Exhibits-1.pdf
Read Marjorie Cohn’s article as published in Voice of Detroit here.
In 60 days a PA judge will determine if political prisoner Mumia gets new trial
“…Abu-Jamal’s conviction is based on contradictory claims of guilt from police and prosecutors. The prosecution’s two (alleged) eyewitnesses, who claimed they each saw Abu-Jamal shoot the officer, both testified to not seeing each other despite each (allegedly) standing within eight feet of each other.
One of the only two policemen to testify that Abu-Jamal confessed to shooting the dead officer while laying on an emergency room floor filed an official police report shortly after the shooting declaring Abu-Jamal made “no” comments. Police failed to perform routine tests on Abu-Jamal to determine if he fired a gun. Authorities denied Abu-Jamal’s repeated requests to conduct a routine line-up – defendants rarely, if ever, request a line-up.
The journalistic and scholarly output of Abu-Jamal during the deep deprivations of his imprisonment exceeds the output of most journalists and academics who are not incarcerated.
Authorities in Philadelphia rescinded Abu-Jamal’s bail, but weeks later granted bail to two white men accused of brutally beating a Black man to death. Authorities even allowed those racists to sign their own bail without posting any money for their release.”
Read to complete SF BayView article by Linn Washington here.
‘From the Darkness Shines a Light’
“Philadelphia is known as the “City of Murals,” with over 4,000 works of community-based public art adorning outer brick walls of buildings in every neighborhood. The artworks are part of a “campaign by the city to repurpose public spaces and create positive dialogue in communities,” according to Mural Arts Philadelphia.
Yet since its inception in 1984, this government sponsored nonprofit, anti-graffiti program has never included a mural of Philadelphia’s most famous native son — no, not the fictitious Rocky Balboa — but real-life political prisoner Mumia Abu-Jamal.
Artists and activists supporting Abu-Jamal took it into their own hands to do something about this in advance of his Dec. 16 court date. “
Read the rest of this Workers World article here.
Judge Orders Philly DA to Disclose All Evidence in Mumia Abu-Jamal Case. Could It Lead to New Trial?
Supporters of imprisoned journalist Mumia Abu-Jamal are celebrating a decision by a Philadelphia judge on Friday to order the Philadelphia District Attorney's Office to share all of its files on the case with Abu-Jamal's defense team. Judge Lucretia Clemons gave prosecutors and the defense 60 days to review the files, including many that Abu-Jamal's team has never seen. The judge is then expected to rule on whether to hold a new trial for the former Black Panther, who has been imprisoned for over 40 years for his 1982 conviction in the murder of police officer Daniel Faulkner. His supporters have long claimed prosecutors withheld key evidence and bribed or coerced witnesses to lie, and documents found in the DA's office in 2019 show Abu-Jamal's trial was tainted by judicial bias and police and prosecutorial misconduct. For more on the case, we speak with Johanna Fernández, an associate professor of history at CUNY's Baruch College and one of the coordinators of the Campaign to Bring Mumia Home. "We have enough evidence here to clearly give Mumia at least an evidentiary hearing, a new trial or set him free," says Fernández. She is the executive producer and writer of the film "Justice on Trial: The Case of Mumia Abu-Jamal" and is also the editor of "Writing on the Wall: Selected Prison Writings of Mumia Abu-Jamal." Democracy Now! is an independent global news hour that airs on over 1,500 TV and radio stations Monday through Friday.
Watch Democracy Now segment here.
Philadelphia: Fight to free Mumia Abu-Jamal continues
“There are dozens of boxes of material that were withheld from Abu-Jamal’s lawyers that have to be searched. All of these facts demand a new trial for Mumia Abu-Jamal or throwing out his conviction.
Judge Clemons said she would make a ruling in 60 to 90 days. Supporters of justice need to spread the truth: Mumia Abu-Jamal is innocent.”
Read Struggle / La Lucha article here.
Critical hearing for Mumia Abu-Jamal
Dec. 16 — Supporters and family of Pennsylvania political prisoner Mumia Abu-Jamal filled the courtroom and demonstrated outside the Philadelphia Criminal Justice Center today. All were asking whether Philadelphia Court of Common Pleas Judge Lucretia Clemons would continue the long miscarriage of justice against Mumia — 41 years in prison — or whether she would place herself on the side of justice and rule in favor of Abu-Jamal.
In the end, it is accurate to say Clemons straddled the judicial fence — but in a way beneficial to Mumia.
After hearing additional oral arguments from attorneys Judith Ritter and Sam Spital for Abu-Jamal and counter arguments from Assistant District Attorney Grady Gervino for the commonwealth, Clemons announced she would not make a ruling today. But in a surprise move, Clemons asked how much access Abu-Jamal’s attorneys had been given to the case files, beyond the six boxes made accessible in January 2019…
…Acknowledging that she was aware of the 200 boxes mentioned by Krasner, Clemons stated that, in the interest of uncovering any additional evidence to support claims of violation of Abu-Jamal’s rights, his attorneys should be granted access to all file boxes. The relevant legal cases are Batson (involving racism in jury selection) and Brady (concerning withholding exculpatory evidence from the defense).
After the commonwealth prosecutors agreed to make this happen, Clemons announced a 60- to 90-day extension and adjourned the proceedings. Contrary to its own interests, by acknowledging the existence of evidence previously withheld from Abu-Jamal and his attorneys, the commonwealth admitted a Brady violation.”
Read complete Workers World article by Betsey Piette here.
PRESS RELEASE Dec 15, 2022
Contact: Sophia Williams 917-806-0521; Gabe Bryant 215-687-3754; Joe Piette 610-931-2615
Will Philadelphia Court of Common Pleas Judge Lucretia Clemons continue the 40 years long miscarriage of justice or will she stand on the side of justice and rule in favor of Mumia Abu-Jamal’s appeal? She will announce her decision Dec. 16 in front of a packed courtroom in the Philadelphia Criminal Justice Center, 1301 Filbert St., Philadelphia. Other Abu-Jamal supporters will demonstrate outside starting at 8:30 a.m. and continue during the hearing. Thousands more will watch the live-stream at youtu.be/zT4AFJY1QCo.
The pivotal hearing follows a hearing Oct. 26 at which the Judge said she intended to dismiss Abu-Jamal’s appeal based on six boxes of evidence found in the District Attorney’s office in Dec. 2018. Clemons repeatedly used procedural rules - rather than allowing for an examination of the new evidence - in her 31-page decision dismissing Mumia Abu-Jamal’s petition for a new trial. (https://tinyurl.com/mtvcrfs4 ) She left the door open on Abu-Jamal’s appeal regarding the prosecution’s selection of jurors based on race.
Abu-Jamal’s attorneys Judith Ritter, Sam Spital and Bret Grote filed a “ Petitioner’s Response to the Court’s Notice of Intent to Dismiss PCRA Petition” (https://tinyurl.com/mvfstd3w ) challenging her refusal to hold a hearing on the new evidence.
Just this week, the UN Working Group on People of African Descent filed an Amicus brief, a friend of the court document that reinforced the facts and arguments in Mumia's attorney's PRCRA filing. (https://tinyurl.com/587r633p ) They argued that no judicial time bar should be applied when the defendant is a victim of historic racial bias that may have tainted the possibility of a fair trial and due process.
At a press conference Dec. 13 announcing the Amicus brief, the Hon. Wendell Griffen, State Court Trial Judge in the Sixth Judicial Circuit of Arkansas said, “Clemons is only the second Black judge to hear any aspect of Abu-Jamal’s case. Will she have the courage to say that there are too many factors here that compel for Mumia to justify dismissing the motion? This evidentiary hearing is required, because exculpatory evidence was concealed.” (https://youtu.be/Xh38IKVc_oc )
Griffen clarified his statement on Dec 14 during a Democracy Now interview (https://youtu.be/odA_jjMtXQA): “Under a 1963 decision that every law student knows about, and every lawyer that does criminal law practice, in Brady V Maryland, the Supreme Court of the U.S. held that due process of law is violated when the prosecution conceals evidence relevant to guilt or punishment from the bench. In this country, that kind of precedent should have required Mumia to be released and the Commonwealth decide whether or not to prosecute him based upon having revealed the right evidence. That hasn’t been done.”
More details on Abu-Jamal’s case can be found at https://tinyurl.com/ymhvjp8e and https://tinyurl.com/34j645jc.
From the Darkness Shines a Light:
A Mural for Mumia Abu-Jamal
A video on the installation of a mural featuring Mumia Abu-Jamal can be viewed here.
The mural can be seen in person in the 1400 block of North 52nd Street in West Philadelphia.
Mural made possible by: @lovenotphear @justkeebs @oneartcommunitycenter @borisbernard Lamar Warren Sam Rodriguez Mobilization4Mumia
Statement of Vermont AFL-CIO President David Van Deusen
"The Vermont AFL-CIO declares that it is time that Mumia Abu Jamal, and all Black political prisoners in the U.S. who were engaged with organizing through the Black Panther Party, be set free! We also declare that the time has come for Organized Labor, without hesitation, to stand with working class Black communities when they demand true freedom, economic equity, and self-determination!
“The long march towards true freedom and working class liberation has taken many turns since our anti-imperialist revolution of 1777. A generation ago, that turn, that righteous and justified struggle, brought us the Black Panther Party. This Party, one dedicated to engaging in the fight for Black liberation, socialism, and Power to The People served as an example of militant struggle across the U.S. and produced countless organizers and resistance leaders including brother Mumia Abu Jamal.
“Brother Jamal spent his free life struggling for the liberation of his people, and as he gained the ear of the many, as his fight for a better world become a threat to the entrenched ruling classes of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and the American Empire, those same ruling classes, through their agents, actively sought to silence him. And here, on trumped up charges, after a charade of a trial, he was imprisoned and sentenced to death for a crime he did not commit. Like Sacco and Vanzetti, or Joe Hill before, the capitalist state sought to execute him, not for the crime he is innocent of, but because of the treat that his words and actions represented to the racist and classist status quo.
“The ruling class has in fact forced brother Jamal to ‘walk through the valley of the shadow of death,’ straight to death row, but brother Jamal, like so many of our political martyrs who have come before, has ‘feared no evil.’ And because of the outcry of tens of thousands of workers like you, because even the rich and powerful have been made to understand that if Mumia dies, Philly burns, he is still alive, and there is still a chance, through struggle, for true justice to prevail.
“Therefore I join with you today in the call for Mumia to be set free! I lend my voice to yours as we demand justice! I too say that brother Jamal must be led out from behind those prison bars of oppression, and back into the struggle for long overdue change! And together, through a working class unity which articulates the aspirations of all workers (be they Black, White, Latino, Native American, or Asian) may we endeavor to once and for all break the chains of exploitation and capitalism and deliver henceforth a new world grounded in economic equity, cooperation, a more direct and participatory democracy, and pro-Union to the core! Free Mumia Abu Jamal!”
David Van Deusen
President of the Vermont AFL-CIO
Judge Wendell Griffen on the Case of Mumia Abu-Jamal via Democracy Now
Judge Lucretia Clemons is expected to dismiss Mumia's current PCRA appeal for a new evidentiary hearing despite newly discovered evidence indicating gross judicial and prosecutorial misconduct stemming from his 1982 conviction, as outlined here by Amy Goodman and Judge Griffen.
Listen to the Democracy Now interview here.
U.N. steps in with amicus brief in Mumia Abu-Jamal’s case
The United Nations Working Group of Experts on People of African Descent filed an amicus brief Dec. 6 with Philadelphia Court of Common Pleas Judge Lucretia Clemons regarding the case of Mumia Abu-Jamal. Their primary message to Clemons is that no judicial time bar should be applied when the defendant is a victim of historic racial bias that may have tainted the possibility of a fair trial and due process.
A press conference was held Dec. 13 to discuss the U.N. Working Group’s Amicus Brief and key evidence regarding the appeal by political prisoner Abu-Jamal. The amicus brief is now before the court. The evidence was first discovered in 2019 in six evidence boxes hidden in a remote storage area in the Philadelphia District Attorney’s office.
The next court appearance for Mumia will be held Dec. 16 at 8:30 a.m. at the Philadelphia Criminal Justice Center, 1301 Filbert St., Philadelphia. Abu-Jamal supporters will demonstrate outside during the hearing and the rally will be live-streamed at youtu.be/zT4AFJY1QCo.
Read complete Workers World article here.
After 41 Years in Prison, Mumia Abu-Jamal May Finally Get a Chance for New Trial
Award-winning journalist and author Mumia Abu-Jamal has been in prison for 41 years in a case infused with racism. The 68-year-old is a former Black Panther and the author of a dozen books, including the celebrated Live from Death Row. After his 1982 conviction in the killing of police officer Daniel Faulkner, Abu-Jamal was sentenced to death. In 2011, his sentence was reduced to life without the possibility of parole. Abu-Jamal has a serious heart condition and other life-threatening health problems…
On December 16, Judge Lucretia Clemons in the Philadelphia Court of Common Pleas will decide whether Abu-Jamal will receive a new trial. His attorneys, Judith Ritter, Samuel Spital and Bret Grote, argue that if the jury had heard newly discovered evidence that was withheld from him and not presented at his murder trial, Abu-Jamal would not have been convicted. On October 26, Clemons indicated her intent to deny Abu-Jamal’s petition for a new trial but she will make a final decision on December 16 after hearing from the parties in the case.
Read Marjorie Cohn's complete Truth Out article here.
United Nations files an Amicus Brief on behalf of Mumia Abu-Jamal
Press conference Dec 13 to announce: United Nations files an Amicus Brief on behalf of Mumia Abu-Jamal ahead of his 12/16 court hearing, where Judge Lucretia Clemons intends to dismiss his PCRA appeal despite evidence of racial bias in jury selection + witness bribery.
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
For the past two years Julia Wright has persisted in a conversation with the UN Working Group on People of African Descent. She prevailed, alongside 4 others of us in the Mumia work. At an online press conference tomorrow, we will discuss the Amicus brief filed by the UN working group
What: Online Press Conference
When: Tomorrow, Tues, Dec. 13, 2022 at 11am
Where: https://youtu.be/Xh38IKVc_oc
Speakers include an acting judge in the 6th Circuit Court of Appeals. They will discuss the UN's Amicus Brief on Racism in Mumia's case.
The brief was mailed to Judge Lucretia Clemons by the UN working group on December 6, 2022.
How this happened?
Julia's request to the UN, over the past two years, was simple: that it review the shocking racism in Mumia's case and intervene accordingly.
In the last two month, Julia convened a strategy group composed of Annette Schiffman, Michael Schiffman, Mark Taylor and me.
About two weeks ago, the UN working group granted us an hour to make our case. Julia asked me to preside over that meeting and together we made a fact-driven, impassioned case on the legal atrocities in Mumia's case and the urgency of this last Hail Mary moment.
At the end of the meeting, the UN and all the members of the working group convened privately, in person. Miraculously, they were all in the same hotel room and could convene and decide what to do, a requisite of their process.
They decided they'd write an Amicus brief, a friend of the court document that reinforced the facts and arguments in Mumia's attorney's PRCRA filing.
We are working with the publicist who for many years worked with the Angola 3 movement.
We will win!
With Love not Phear,
Watch live 11:00am, Tuesday, Dec 13 at https://linktr.ee/mumia
The UN Amicus Brief can be read here.
The livestream of the press conference can be seen here.
Virtual Rally Dec. 9: Free Mumia and All Political Prisoners
One week before Mumia Abu-Jamal's COURT DATE on Friday, Dec. 16, an important virtual forum was held. Speakers included:
-Updates on Mumia's legal case to be provided with a new trial
-Roundtable of former political prisoners
-Remarks from representatives working in the following Political Prisoner Campaigns: Leonard Peltier, Samidoun Palestinian Prisoners Network, Kamau Sadiki, Imam Jamil Al-Amin and Veronza Bowers!
There were also solidarity messages from around the world!
The livestream video can be watched here.
Zine - Beyond Bars: Mumia Abu-Jamal
From the Free Mumia Abu Jamal Campaign UK
Mumia Inspires a Vision of a World Beyond Bars (Youngblood)
Illustration: Shelby x Ayeola Olomara Kaplan
Illustrated by Shelby x Studios
Messages from comrades in London
Jamal Jr., Linn Washington + Mirielle Fanon-Mendez France
Artwork by Mohammed Hamza
Cecil Gutzmore, Jean Roach + The Anti-Imperialist Front
Selma James, Johanna Fernandez + Todd Steven Burroughs
A selection of books by Mumia Abu Jamal
Nicki Jameson, Julia Wright + Ayeola Omolara Kaplan
Mumia stands against US imperialism’s
global expansionism and hegemonism.
An article by Wilf Dixon
The zine can be read here.
Cruel and unusual: How the justice system is failing Mumia Abu-Jamal
“On Dec. 9, 1981, award-winning journalist Mumia Abu-Jamal was arrested for the murder of Daniel Faulkner, a Philadelphia police officer. His case has generated unprecedented attention both nationally and internationally. This attention includes books, documentaries, feature-length films and a seminal report by Amnesty International.
Curiously, one of the least examined — but most peculiar — aspects of the most contentious murder case in Philadelphia’s history is the unusual pattern of rulings by judges. These judges have denied Abu-Jamal the legal relief that others convicted of murder — who asserted violations of their legal rights — were granted.
For example, during the 28 years after Abu-Jamal’s arrest, Philadelphia and Pennsylvania appellate court judges overturned 86 Philadelphia death penalty convictions due to various errors by police, prosecutors, defense attorneys and even judges — including the judge at Abu-Jamal’s 1982 trial.
However, during that time frame, judges declared not a single error — evidentiary or procedural — existed anywhere in the Abu-Jamal case, despite the persistent emergence of compelling new evidence that undermined all elements of his conviction.”
Read rest of WHYY article by Linn Washington here.
All out for Mumia Abu-Jamal Dec. 9
“…A virtual rally calling for freedom for Mumia and all political prisoners will be held Dec. 9, 7 p.m. EST. Speakers will include representatives of the Ed Poindexter Campaign, Samidoun Palestine Prisoners Network, Imam Jamil Al-Amin Campaign, Leonard Peltier Campaign, Veronza Bowers Campaign, Kamau Sadiki Campaign and incarcerated environmental activist Bryant Arroyo who was with Mumia at SCI Mahanoy. Register at Linktr.ee.mumia to attend the event.
Abu-Jamal support groups are calling on people in every city to hold some type of event Dec. 10 — rallies, teach-ins, film showings, flyer distributions — to build for the Dec. 16 court date…
Around the globe events are scheduled to pay tribute to Mumia and other political prisoners and to raise awareness of his critical court date Dec. 16.
In France, as has happened every first Wednesday each month for years, a rally in support of Mumia is set for Dec. 7 in Paris outside the U.S. Embassy. Supporters will write letters and sign petitions to Judge Lucretia Clemons, who is presiding over Abu-Jamal’s Dec. 16 hearing.
In Germany, a demonstration on Dec. 9 will march to the U.S. Embassy in Berlin and to the Brandenburg Gate. On Dec. 10, the Britain-based Collective for Political Prisoners will do a webinar around Mumia’s case featuring Linn Washington Jr., Johanna Fernandez, Mireille Fanon Mendes France and Julia Wright.
In Mexico City, starting at noon Dec. 11, there will be a demonstration at the U.S. Embassy, followed by a youth-focused gathering featuring the rap of Guerilla Bang Bang, Jamaican style music from Chingona Sound, songs by Eva Palma, a pre-Hispanic dance by Aurelio and friends, graphic work by Ulises Xozulu, body stamps by Colibri and a new banner created by Indiosindios Lopez, plus battle raps of De Batl.
In San Francisco, the Labor Action Committee to Free Mumia Abu-Jamal and Workers World Party are organizing a demonstration Dec. 15 at the Federal Building.”
Read complete Workers World article here.
Disenfranchised in prison
US civil rights activist Abu-Jamal before appeal decision. Admission of exculpatory evidence required
“…As Abu-Jamal's defense wages an unsuccessful battle before the appeals courts to prove her client's innocence, the focus of the Free Mumia movement's mobilization is now on December 16th. On that day, Judge Lucretia Clemons in Philadelphia plans to announce her decision whether to definitively deny Abu-Jamal's request for a retrial. On October 26, the Common Pleas Court Justice announced her intention to "deny the defendant's motion for a retrial without a hearing." But she wanted to wait for statements from the defense and the district attorney's office first. She set the date for announcing her decision as Friday one week before Christmas,
Critics of the judge, such as the US journalist Linn Washington, see her actions as part of a "smoldering injustice" that runs through the entire process. Judge Clemons "continues the typical appellate practice of glossing over wrongs that negates Abu-Jamal's constitutional right to a fair trial," Washington said in an article published by Workers Worldpublished on Friday. Clemons clothed fabricated claims in legal language "to justify the denial of Abu-Jamal's appeal." As in previous years, Clemons apparently intends to block Abu-Jamal's appeal rights again by disregarding the fundamental fact that "the right to a fair trial requires prosecutors to disclose evidence that is exculpatory to a defendant." according to the journalist.”
Read Germany’s Junge Welt article here.
Join Us on the NYC Bus to Philly to Support Mumia!
Get on the bus to Philadelphia to pack the court for Mumia on Fri., Dec. 16th! This hearing may determine if Mumia can use evidence from the 6+ boxes of info that the prosecution hid that was favorable to Mumia (and recently found). There is evidence in these boxes that demonstrates Mumia's innocence and frame-up trial and we need a strong presence in court to demand this evidence be finally admitted into court.
We're heading to the Criminal Justice Center in Philadelphia, 1301 Filbert St., Philadelphia, PA. The bus doors open at 5:30 am at 17th St. & Union Square East, NYC, and the bus leaves at about 6 am. The bus then returns there at about 5 pm. Come early!
Join us outside the courthouse at 1301 Filbert St., Philadelphia from 9 AM until 1 PM on Friday, December 16th, 2022, for the next hearing in the current appeal of Mumia Abu-Jamal’s unjust 1982 conviction.
Buy tickets here.
Analysis of a festering injustice
Judicial Persecution Corrupts The Case Of Mumia Abu-Jamal
“While Abu-Jamal’s defense argues evidence in those six withheld boxes constitute a “watershed revelation” Judge Clemons deems that evidence irrelevant, essentially old wine in a new bottle that prior appellate rulings rejected.
Consider Judge Clemons’ posture on one document in those six boxes. That document is handwritten notes by the trial prosecutor where that prosecutor placed a big ‘B’ by the names of potential Black jurors and a big ‘W’ by potential white jurors. Prosecutors employing race as a criterion in jury selection is forbidden by the Pa and U.S. supreme courts. For decades, Philadelphia prosecutors denied any improprieties in Abu-Jamal’s jury selection citing a lack of conclusive evidence of any impropriety that the handwritten notes now provide.
Clemons blasted Abu-Jamal’s defense for not probing the trial prosecutor on his jury selection rationales during a mid-1990s appeal hearing.
But, as noted in Abu-Jamal’s reply to Clemons, defense lawyers could not have questioned the trial prosecutor on those handwritten notes because prosecutors improperly withheld those notes from the defense. Abu-Jamal’s reply stated there was no notice before January 2019* that the trial prosecutor in 1982 “took jury notes showing he was tracking jurors by race.” (*January 2019 is when the DA’s Office released those six boxes of documents to Abu-Jamal’s defense team.)
Clemons made an astoundingly absurd assertion in her ‘Intent’ when she declared that either Abu-Jamal or his trial lawyer could have easily observed “with their own eyes” the prosecutor making those improper racial notations during jury selection. Clemons’ assertion ignored the virtual impossibility of someone sitting at the defense table during a trial being able to see exactly what someone wrote on a note pad at the prosecution table located at least five feet away from the defense table.
Judge Clemons – in her ‘Intent’ – rejected holding an evidentiary hearing where she could hear testimony to determine for herself the veracity of claims by the DA’s Office, thus resolving factual disputes.”
Read the complete ‘This Can’t Be Happening’ article by Linn Washington here.
Mumia’s attorney Judith Ritter, Sam Spital and Bret Grote respond to Judge Lucretia Clemons’s Oct. 26 legal document of intent to deny Mumia Abu-Jamal’s appeals for the right to re-open his trial based on new evidence found in boxes from the DA’s office.
Read the 32 page document here.
‘Time-bar’ used to deny Abu-Jamal justice
“Judge Lucretia Clemons repeatedly used procedural rules — rather than allowing for an examination of the new evidence — in her 31-page decision dismissing Mumia Abu-Jamal’s petition for a new trial on Oct. 26, 2022.
One of the procedures frequently cited was “time-bar.” Where did the rule originate and why?”
Read complete Workers World article by Jerome Coffey here.
(Jerome Coffey is currently incarcerated at SCI Pine Grove in Pennsylvania. His own murder conviction is currently under appeal.)
Judge Lucretia Clemons 31-page “Intent to Dismiss” document
The Judge’s Oct. 26 legal document of intent to deny Mumia Abu-Jamal’s appeals for the right to re-open his trial based on new evidence found in boxes from the DA’s office can be read here.
‘This Is America. That’s the Kind of Trial Mumia Abu-Jamal Had.’
FAIR coverage of CounterSpin interview with Noelle Hanrahan on Mumia Abu-Jamal update:
“We have a court reporter, Terri Maurer-Carter, saying, in front of another judge, Richard Klein, that [Judge] Albert Sabo said, “I’m gonna help them fry the N-word.” He said this in the first week of the trial.
JJ: Yeah.
NH: So this is America. That’s the kind of trial that Mumia Abu-Jamal had, where his original trial judge Albert “I’m gonna help them fry the N-word” Sabo presided.
And so we have a judge now who is saying none of this matters. He doesn’t get relief.”
Read complete FAIR article here.
Bay Area protest demands,‘Free Mumia Abu-Jamal’
“Oakland has a long history of support for Abu-Jamal. Gerald Smith, a member of the Labor Action Committee, recalled the early actions of the Oakland Education Association, this city’s teacher’s union, to educate students about this political prisoner’s case. Jack Heyman, a retired executive board member of the International Longshore and Warehouse Union Local 10, recalled his union’s decades-long support for Abu-Jamal.”
Read complete Workers World article here.
Philly Judge Blows off Mumia Abu-Jamal’s Latest Appeal
Dave Lindorff, in This Can’t Be Happening!, writes:
“…An example of such casual dismissal of valid judicial claims was Judge Clemons’ rejection of the Mumia’s PCRA assertion that the discovered hidden files in the DA’s office contained evidence of possible deals struck by the prosecution to obtain favorable damaging testimony of guilt from two alleged “eye-witnesses” to the Faulkner shooting — Robert Chobert and Cynthia White.” Her rejection of this claims was based on the patently absurd grounds that even had such evidence been presented to the jury at trial there wouldn’t have been “reasonable probability” that the jury would have reached a different conclusion on guilt!
That is to say, she is saying in her opinion rejecting a PCRA claim that if one or both of the only alleged prosecution eye-witnesses to the shooting could have been shown by the defense at trial to have been induced financially or by a prosecutor’s offer to clear a record or drop a prosecution, into giving false testimony, such evidence would not have likely even convinced even one juror to oppose instead of support a murder conviction. (In felony cases, including of course capital cases, conviction requires a unanimous jury finding of guilty, so that one juror’s “not guilty” vote means acquittal or a whole new trial and new jury.)”
Read complete This Can’t Be Happening! article here.
Philly Judge Blows Off Mumia Abu-Jamal’s Latest Appeal
Dave Lindorff wrote in Counterpunch:
“Despite overwhelming evidence that Mumia Abu-Jamal has never had a fair trial, that his conviction was won through judicial bias and interference, fabricated police testimony, prosecutorial misconduct and that political interference (including by the governor’s office), has sabotaged his appeals process over the years, DA Larry Krasner has never had his revamped and enlarged Conviction Review office take up this most prominent legacy case.”
Read complete article here.
Mumia, Another Denial and The Role of Class Consciousness
I Mix What I Like, on Black Power Media:
Panel members discussed the hearing on 10/26 during which Mumia's latest attempt at a new trial was dismissed and denied and the class contradictions helping lead to that end.
Listen to the program here.
Noelle Hanrahan on Mumia Abu-Jamal Update
FAIR / Counterspin introduced Prison Radio’s Noelle Hanhrahan’s comments with:
“A 1995 Washington Post story led with a macabre account from the widow of Philadelphia police officer Daniel Faulkner, about how when her husband’s bloody shirt was held up in court, his accused killer Mumia Abu-Jamal turned in his chair and smiled at her. An evocatively sinister report, which the paper printed untroubled by the fact that the court record showed that Abu-Jamal wasn’t in court when the shirt was displayed.
ABC‘s investigative news show 20/20 used all the techniques for their big 1998 piece on the conviction of Abu-Jamal for Faulkner’s killing—stating prosecution claims as fact, even when they were disputed by some of the prosecution’s own witnesses or the forensic record; stressing how a defense witness admitted being intoxicated, while omitting that prosecution witnesses said the same. At one point, actor and activist Ed Asner was quoted saying, “No ballistic tests were done, which is pretty stupid”—but then host ABC‘s Sam Donaldson’s voiceover cut him off, saying: “But ballistics test were done”—referring to tests that suggested that the bullet that killed Faulkner might have been the same caliber as Abu-Jamal’s gun, but refraining from noting that tests had not been done to determine whether that gun had fired the bullet, or whether it had been fired at all, or if there were gunpowder residues on Abu-Jamal’s hands.”
Read the complete article here.
Demand buried evidence in Mumia’s case be heard
Struggle / La Lucha wrote:
“In Judge Lucretia Clemons’s oral statements from the bench, she adopted the Philadelphia District Attorney’s positions meant to preserve Mumia’s conviction. These arguments prevent the defense from putting on the record evidence of discrimination because the PCRA (Post Conviction Relief Act) allows the dismissal of critical evidence through procedural rules such as time bar, due diligence, waiver, and previously litigated, all to avoid a judicial review of the merits.
Mumia’s lawyers have 20 days to reply, and the prosecution was given ten additional days to respond before the court’s order dismissing Mumia’s request for a new trial becomes final and appealable.
All out on Dec 16
The new court date for Mumia’s case is Dec.16. The Oct. 26 protests for Mumia took place from coast to coast, in Mexico City and abroad. Speakers at the rally on Oct. 26 said it was urgent now for supporters to spread the word and build a powerful response for the Dec. 16 court date. Demands for Mumia’s freedom in the courtroom and on the street will bring to light the conduct of the court and DA. “
Read complete article here.
Fighting Words:
Mumia Abu Jamal Denied New Trial by Common Pleas Court: Racism Reigns
“If you put thick blinders on that block out all reality and rely on procedural minutia for cover, honestly, it is still impossible to avoid the scorchingly blatant racism of trial judge Albert Sabo, Assistant District Attorney Joseph McGill, Mayor and former police chief Frank Rizzo, District Attorney during Mumia’s trial Ed Rendell, and Ron Castille DA on appeal.”
Read complete article here.
Abu-Jamal hearing: racism the elephant in the room
Workers World Newspaper wrote:
“It has been just over 40 years since Mumia Abu-Jamal was subjected to a racist frame-up and unjustly sentenced to death row. The Court of Common Pleas of Philadelphia held a hearing on his case Oct. 26, where Judge Lucretia Clemons was scheduled to render her decision on whether the new evidence found in December 2018 was sufficient to warrant a new Post-Conviction Relief Act (PCRA) hearing.
Outside the court building, over 100 demonstrators kept up a spirited rally for almost four hours. The atmospheres inside the courtroom and outside were like night and day. Inside the court, it was clear the state’s intent was to bury the truth and continue to suppress evidence of the blatant racism that has permeated this case. Outside, powerful oppressed and working-class speakers, of all nationalities, spoke truth to power — exposing the racist and class-based oppression of the court system and the capitalist state.”
Read complete article here.
Mumia’s Appeal Dismissed; The “Mumia Rule” Still in Force in the Bosses’ Courts
Socialist Action newspaper published Prison Radio’s Noelle Hanrahan analysis of Judge Clemons’ decision:
“Yesterday, Judge Lucretia Clemons in her oral statements from the bench continued a common practice of adopting wholesale the Philadelphia District Attorney’s positions. These positions only seek to preserve convictions at all costs. These arguments prevent the defense from putting on the record evidence of discrimination. PCRA procedural rules such as time bar, due diligence, waiver, previously litigated, all avoid a judicial review of the merits.
The racism is so transparent and indefensible so the DA is using court created law to dismiss cases before hearing new suppressed evidence. This is a blatantly dishonest practice routinely used by the prosecution and the courts when everyone knows, and I mean everyone knows, that racism was a hallmark of the original trial.”
Read complete article here.
Mobilization4Mumia PRESS RELEASE Oct. 25, 2022
Join justice seekers for Mumia Abu-Jamal at a Court of Common Pleas hearing in the Criminal Justice Center, Filbert and 13th St. Philadelphia at 9 am on Wednesday, October 26. Supporters from Pennsylvania, New York, New Jersey, and points South will be in court and on the streets as they learn whether Judge Lucretia Clemons will choose love or fear in the highly politicized case.
A Black Panther Party veteran, community activist and revolutionary journalist, Mumia Abu-Jamal was framed for the murder of a Philadelphia cop. As a result of police, prosecutorial and judicial misconduct in a highly contested trial, Abu-Jamal was given the racist death sentence in July 1982. Since 1981, he has been incarcerated under inhumane and illegal imprisonment — including 29 years in solitary confinement on Pennsylvania’s death row. But the court hearing will consider none of these points as Abu-Jamal sits behind bars. Judge Clemons will only consider three narrow arguments.
After the Oct. 26, 2021 denial of the last of Abu-Jamal’s five previous PCRA (Post Conviction Relief Act) petitions, Abu-Jamal’s defense team filed a 6th PCRA petition on Dec. 23, 2021 that pertains to the newest evidence from six hitherto unknown boxes of files on the case first disclosed to the defense in Dec., 2018. Based on the new evidence, Abu-Jamal’s defense again asks for a new trial with the following three arguments.
1) New evidence shows that the prosecution’s most important witness, Robert Chobert, expected to receive money from the Commonwealth in exchange for his testimony. This had not been disclosed to the defense.
2) Additional evidence in memoranda and letters contained in the boxes reveal the District Attorney’s Office made significant efforts to monitor and direct outstanding prostitution charges against witness Cynthia White with the goal of making life easier for her in exchange for her false testimony against Abu-Jamal.
3) Further, handwritten notes by Prosecutor Mr. McGill show that he was actively tracking prospective jurors by race during jury selection, prominently placing the letter ‘B’ next to the names of many prospective Black jurors. The explicit focus on the race of possible jurors in the prosecutor’s notes is evidence that the prosecutor relied, at least in part, on race in deciding which jurors to strike, in violation of federal law.
Abu-Jamal is represented by Judith Ritter, Bret Grote (Abolitionist Law Center) and Sam Spital, the latter for the NAACP Legal Defense Fund. The state is represented by Tracey Kavanagh for Larry Krasner’s District Attorney’s Office. On Oct 26, the Judge will decide whether to order a hearing on the case or dismiss the PCRA petition.
Abu-Jamal’s health is precarious. He is 68 years old. He had double bypass surgery in March 2020, renal failure in 2017, and has been refused necessary cardiac rehabilitation. He also suffers from the after-effects of COVID and Hepatitis C.
As an ill and elderly man, and because he has been unjustly incarcerated, Mumia Abu-Jamal should be released immediately.
Brief Overview of Mumia Abu-Jamal’s Current Legal Situation
After the denial of the last of Abu-Jamal’s five previous PCRA petitions1 on October 26, 2021, on De-cember 23, 2021 Abu-Jamal’s defense team filed a 6th PCRA petition that pertains to the newest evi-dence from six hitherto unknown boxes of files on the case first disclosed to the defense in January 2019. This evidence consists of three pieces, based on which Abu-Jamal’s defense again asks for a new trial. This latest petition thus makes the following three arguments (the passages in quotations marks are from the petition). According to the defense,
1) Evidence shows that “the prosecution’s most important witness,” Robert Chobert, “expected to receive money from the Commonwealth in exchange for his testimony.” This had previ-ously not been disclosed to the defense.
2) Additional evidence is “highly probative of […] a hidden arrangement” or “understanding that the prosecution would seek favorable treatment for Ms. White.” That is, Cynthia White, the other key prosecution witness, “in exchange for her testimony.” Memoranda and letters con-tained in the boxes mentioned above reveal that “the District Attorney’s Office, at its higher levels, made significant efforts to monitor and direct the outstanding prostitution charges against Cynthia White” with the goal of making life easier for her in exchange for her testimony against Abu-Jamal.
3) Further, “handwritten notes by [Prosecutor] Mr. McGill” show that “he was actively tracking prospective jurors by race during jury selection, including by prominently placing the letter ‘B’ next to the names of many prospective Black jurors. The explicit focus on the race of prospec-tive jurors in the prosecutor’s notes is highly probative evidence that the prosecutor relied, at least in part, on race in deciding which jurors to strike,” which is in violation of federal law.
On March 2, 2022, there was a brief appearance in the Court of Common Pleas in Philadelphia before Judge Lucretia Clemons, who took over as the Supervising Judge of the Criminal Division from Judge Leon Tucker in April 2021. Abu-Jamal was represented by Judith Ritter and Sam Spital, the latter for the NAACP Legal Defense Fund. The state was represented by ADA Tracey Kavanagh and three addi-tional members of the District Attorney’s Office (DAO). At that meeting, the District Attorney asked for 120 days to file a response and the judge granted that. The next court date was set for June 29, 2022.
The DAO filed its brief at the very last day, and at the court date on June 29, Judge Clemons took note of the DAO’s motion and gave the defense 45 days to file its response, which it did on August 15, 2022. The DAO filed another response on August 30, 2022. The Judge said that on (or “by”; it is my understanding that the decision could even come before) October 19, she would decide whether to order a hearing on the case or dismiss the PCRA petition without one.
The last news that came in on October 14 was that the October 19 date has now been postponed to October 26.
Mumia’s court hearing has been postponed to Oct. 26
Mumia court hearing Oct. 19
An October 19 court hearing may rule that Mumia has a right to reopen his case in Common Pleas Court to hear the new eNew evidence found in hidden boxes at the Philadelphia District Attorney’s office in 2018 could prove his innocence. If so, the resulting court procedures could finally release him after 40 years behind bars.
Come out Wednesday, October 19 to demand: FREE MUMIA!
Philadelphia Criminal Justice Center, 1301 Filbert St, 8:30am.
FROM NYC: Bus leaving from Union Square, New York, NY.
Tickets available online for $30 (scholarships also available (call 212-330-8029 hotline) OR email tickets@bringmumiahome.com .
FROM NEWARK, NJ: Bus leaving from Newark, $25/seat, reservations required, more info soon
Brown University Acquires the Papers of Mumia Abu-Jamal
“Brown University has acquired Abu-Jamal’s personal archive, more than 60 boxes of letters, notebooks, manuscripts, pamphlets, personal artifacts, books and other material. It had filled his cell on death row, before it was shipped a decade ago to the home of a scholar and friend, where it sat all but unseen.
Abu-Jamal’s archive will be held by the university’s John Hay Library, as part of its new Voices of Mass Incarceration collecting initiative, which is aimed at chronicling one of the most pervasive, hotly debated — and under-documented — aspects of American life.”
Read NYTimes article here: https://bit.ly/3CIRsaP
Mumia: Unjustly imprisoned for 40 years
Read Workers World article on July 3rd Philadelphia rally for Mumia here.
40 years is too long! Free Mumia Abu-Jamal!
Read Struggle/La Lucha article on July 3rd Philadelphia rally for Mumia here.
Houston stands for Mumia during 40-for-40 events
Read Workers World article on July 1st Houston TX banner drop for Mumia here.
Philadelphia Release Mumia Rally 40 years after unjust conviction
On the same day dozens of FREE MUMIA rallies were taking place in Houston, San Francisco, Boston, Detroit, Newark NJ and other US cities and in Mexico, France, Germany and other countries, over 100 community activists rallied in Mumia’s home city to demand his release.
Organized by Love Not Phear, Mobilization 4 Mumia, Campaign to Bring Mumia Home, Free Mumia Coalition of NYC, Prisoners Solidarity Committee of Workers World Party and other groups, a rally kicked off at 1pm in front of the Municipal Services Building, where the hated Frank Rizzo statue used to stand.
Speakers included Gabe Bryant, Mike Africa, Krystal Strong, Susie Abulhawa, Teddie Kelly, “Shakaboona” Marshall, YahNe Ndgo, Hiram Rivera, Russell Shoatz III, Deandra Jefferson and others.
A march wound through Center City despite temperatures hovering around 91 degrees F, drawing the attention of many pedestrians on the busy Fourth of July (You Lie) weekend.
Participants were repeatedly reminded to be back on the Philadelphia streets on Wednesday, October 19, when an important court hearing will take place for Mumia, in which the Common Pleas Judge said she would issue a ruling on the petition to remand the case back to the Philadelphia Court of Common Pleas.
Sunny Singh's video of Philadelphia's July 3 Rally:
All Out For Mumia: 40 Years of Unjust Incarceration
March and Rally to Free Mumia Abu-Jamal in Philadelphia at 1PM, Sunday July 3rd at Thomas Paine Plaza...
Gwen Debrow explains Mumia’s legal case on Black Agenda Radio
Gwen Debrow of the Campaign to Free Mumia spoke on Black Agenda Radio on July 1st to explain Mumia’s 40 years long legal struggle and to us listeners about the July 3rd demonstrations in dozens of cities in the US and around the world. Listen here.
New book on Mumia:
The Trials of Mumia Abu-Jamal: A Biography of 25 Voices
YOUTUBE MEDIA ALERT: Michael Schiffmann and YahNe Ndgo are scheduled to join Todd Steven Burroughs on Dr. Jared Ball's IMIXWHATILIKE program on Black Power Media on Monday, June 27 at 8 a.m. EST to talk about the #LoveNotPhear "40 Cities" campaign and the new book on Mumia entitled “The Trials of Mumia Abu-Jamal: A Biography of 25 Voices.”
Here is the advance link for those who want to set a notification:
American delegation visit to Paris – June 2022
Report from France:
“On Saturday June 4th Jamal Hart and Brenda Arjona honoured the French ‘Libérons Mumia’ Collective and the town of Villejuif with their presence at the inauguration of the murals depicting Nelson Mandela and Mumia Abu Jamal, both honorary citizens of the municipality. After an introductory speech by the mayor Jamal Jr. spoke to the assembled crowd of free Mumia militants, local dignitaries and citizens. He places his telephone in front of the microphone so that Mumia’s vocal message, in French, could be heard by all. Jamal then began his speech: “Art is a weapon best used to be an inspiration to all who have the opportunity to decipher it. My grandfather, an artist, journalist, philosopher, and family man galvanizes the revolutionary mind and soul of those seeking his revolutionary analysis…”
Read complete report including photos at:
Completion of the Independent Investigation into the Philadelphia Medical Examiner’s Office’s Possession of Human Remains of Victims of the 1985 Bombing of the MOVE Organization
Read the complete report here.
On Mumia’s birthday: Give Back to the Community Day
On April 24, Mumia Abu-Jamal's birthday, Love Not Phear organized a "Give back to the community" day in the Philadelphia neighborhood where Mumia grew up, the Richard Allen Projects.
Participants shared bags of groceries with the residents, played some soccer, listened to music from the 60s and 70s, and had conversations with neighborhood folks, some of whom knew him and went to school with him. Some children and even adults enjoyed having their faces painted by Cindy.
Brian brought out a June 1968 yearbook (The Ambassador) from Mumia's Stoddart Fleisher Junior High School in which Mumia has two written submissions published and his photo, as a 14 year old. (You can view the 2 articles in the photo album: https://www.flickr.com/photos/109799466@N06/albums/72177720298360440
On the 40th anniversary of Mumia's unjust conviction and sentencing, July 3rd, come to a large gathering in Philadelphia or in one of 40 cities around the world to demand his freedom.
On the anniversary of Dr Martin Luther King’s assassination, April 4th, 2022, the People’s Organization For Progress held a MILLION PEOPLE’S MARCH FOR VOTING RIGHTS, EQUALITY, AND DEMOCRACY in Newark, NJ.
A pre-march press conference at 4:00pmtook place at the Lincoln Statue at the intersection of West Market Street and Springfield Avenue, where Pam Africa said, “When you vote, don’t make it just that. You gotta deal with these people that are in the position to make changes. They’re making a lot of changes, not for us but for corporate America! When we say we’re not gonna take it no more, that’s exactly what we mean. We’re here to organize. It’s not just a march today. Organize!”
“We are calling this march because although the U.S. Senate failed to pass voting rights legislation the fight for voting rights must continue,” stated Lawrence Hamm, Chairman, People’s Organization For Progress.
“We believe it is time for everyone to stand up and fight back against the relentless attack on voting rights, equal rights, civil liberties and democratic elections being waged by the racist, white supremacist and fascist movement in the United States led by Donald Trump,” Hamm said.
The march by over 300 people was sponsored by People’s Organization For Progress (POP) and co-sponsored by 139 organizations. Many representatives of sponsoring groups spoke, including family members of young Black men brutalized by police.
“The U.S. is facing a profound political crisis. We stand at the crossroads between democracy and fascism. The attempt to thwart democracy did not end with last year’s failed coup,” he said.
“We are also marching on April 4th to demand the arrest and prosecution of Donald Trump and all those that planned and carried out the January 6th coup attempt,” Hamm said.
“Now is the time for ‘good trouble.’ In the spirit of the Civil Rights Movement we need massive nonviolent direct action. We need millions of people to go to the streets in defense of democracy, equality and justice,” he said.
Hamm said “In addition to a million marching in the streets we are calling for people to register at least a million new voters by October,” he said.
And he called for the mobilization of these voters for upcoming local, state, and congressional elections. “We want to see millions marching to the polls on Election Day,” he said.
“Dr Martin Luther King Jr was assassinated because of his participation in the struggle for racial equality, political empowerment, economic justice, and peace. Let us honor him by continuing to struggle for the things he was fighting for until they are achieved,” Hamm said.
The struggle to free Mumia continues
Philadelphia, March 2 — Dozens of supporters of Mumia Abu-Jamal — the imprisoned, internationally renowned journalist, community activist and Pennsylvania political prisoner — gathered March 2 outside the city’s Common Pleas Court. At an earlier brief court hearing on Mumia’s current appeals of his unjust sentence, Judge Lecretia Clemons postponed the hearing at the request of the prosecutor’s office, for 120 days, until June 29.
In anticipation of today’s hearing, anti-death-penalty activists in France sent hundreds of letters to Philadelphia District Attorney Larry Krasner and Pennsylvania Governor Tom Wolf calling for Mumia’s release after 40 years in prison. (tinyurl.com/y9uusj5b)
On Jan. 4, Judith Ritter and Sam Spital, attorneys for veteran Black Panther Abu-Jamal, had filed a petition for a Post-Conviction Relief Appeal, based on evidence contained in six file boxes they had not been able to review until January 2019. Abu-Jamal was prosecuted and sentenced to death in 1982.
The boxes were found in a remote storage room in the Philadelphia District Attorney’s office in late December 2018. The uncovered evidence reveals a pattern of misconduct and abuse of authority by the prosecution, including bribery of the state’s two key witnesses — a violation of the U.S. Supreme Court ruling in Brady v. Maryland — and racist exclusion in jury selection — a violation of the landmark SCOTUS ruling Batson v. Kentucky.
After the adjourned court hearing, #LoveNotPhear activists gathered at the nearby Harriet Tubman statue before dispersing back to their homes in Philadelphia and New York City.
The nine-foot-tall Tubman statue is featured in front of City Hall’s North Apron through the end of March to celebrate the abolitionist’s 200th birthday, as well as Black History and Women’s History Months. Tubman had a strong connection to Philadelphia, making her way to the city in 1849 after escaping slavery in Maryland and speaking at the city’s Mother Bethel A.M.E. Church.
The sculpture of Tubman by Wesley Wofford is entitled “The Journey to Freedom” — emblematic of the determined 40-year struggle to free Mumia Abu-Jamal.
I'm Free Now, You Are Free
A story about the reunion and repair between Mike Africa Jr and his mother Debbie Africa—a formerly incarcerated political prisoner of the MOVE9.
Watch POV short film here.
40 years unjustly incarcerated/ Mumia petitions for new trial
Attorneys for imprisoned journalist and veteran Black Panther Mumia Abu-Jamal filed a petition Jan. 4 for a Post-Conviction Relief Appeal (PCRA), based on evidence found in six case file boxes they were first able to review in January 2019. The boxes were discovered in a remote storage room in the Philadelphia District Attorney’s office in late December 2018.
The uncovered evidence reveals a pattern of prosecutorial misconduct and abuse of authority, including bribery of the state’s two key witnesses — a violation of Brady v. Maryland, and racist exclusion in jury selection — a violation of the landmark Supreme Court ruling Batson v. Kentucky.
Continue reading Workers World article here.
Mumia speaks on climate crisis at Luxemburg Conference
“My point here? That the people who lived here for tens of thousands of years did so in balance with their natural and environmental inheritance. These were the people that they called “savages,” yet after several centuries of European invasion and decimation of the natural world by these savages and the industrial revolution the earth’s climate is in crisis. One wonders who are the real savages?
This is the time for social movements and socialists to raise fundamental questions about the destructive nature of capitalism and its toll on mother earth and living systems. Another world is not only possible, it is necessary.”
Listen to or read complete statement on Prison Radio here.
New Legal Filing in Mumia's Case
In her novel Their Eyes Were Watching God, Zora Neale Hurston wrote, "There are years that ask questions and years that answer."
With continued pressure from below, 2022 will be the year that forces the Philadelphia DA's Office and the Philly Police Department to answer questions about why they framed imprisoned radio journalist and veteran Black Panther Mumia Abu-Jamal. That’s because Abu-Jamal’s attorneys have filed a PCRA petition (link below) focused entirely on the 6 boxes of case files that were found in a storage room of the DA's office in December 2018 when the case was being heard before Judge Leon Tucker in the Court of Common Pleas.
The new evidence contained in the boxes is damning and we need to expose it. It reveals a pattern of misconduct and abuse of authority by the prosecution, including bribery of the state's two key witnesses, as well as racist exclusion in jury selection—a violation of the landmark Supreme Court decision Batson v. Kentucky. The remedy for each or any of the claims in the petition is a new trial. The court may order a hearing on factual issues raised in the claims. If so, we won't know for at least a month.
The new evidence includes a handwritten letter penned by Robert Chobert, the prosecution’s star witness. In it, Chobert demands to be paid money promised him by then prosecutor Joseph McGill. Other evidence includes notes written by McGill prominently tracking the race of potential jurors for the purposes of excluding black people from the jury and letters and memoranda, which reveal that the DA’s office sought to monitor, direct and intervene in the outstanding prostitution charges against its other key witness Cynthia White.
Mumia Abu-Jamal was framed and convicted 40 years ago in the early 1980s during one of the most corrupt and racist periods in Philadelphia’s history—the era of cop-turned-mayor Frank Rizzo. It was a moment when the city's police department, which worked intimately with the DA’s office, routinely engaged in homicidal violence against Black and Latino detainees, corruption, bribery and tampering with evidence to obtain convictions.
In 1979, under pressure from civil rights activists, the Department of Justice (DOJ) filed an unprecedented lawsuit against the Philadelphia police department and detailed a culture of racist violence, widespread corruption, and intimidation that targeted outspoken people like Mumia. Despite concurrent investigations by the FBI and Pennsylvania’s Attorney General and dozens of police convictions, the power and influence of the country’s largest police association, the Fraternal Order of Police (FOP)
prevailed. Now, more than 40 years later, we're still living with the failure to uproot these abuses. Philadelphia continues to fear the powerful FOP, even though it endorses cruelty, racism, and multiple injustices. A culture of fear permeates the "city of brotherly love."
The contents of these boxes shine light on decades of white supremacy and rampant lawlessness in America’s courts and prisons.
They also hold enormous promise for Mumia's freedom and challenge us to choose Love, Not PHEAR. Stay tuned.
Johanna Fernández
Campaign to Bring Mumia Home
Access Legal Document Here
From Julia Wright (novelist Richard Wright’s daughter):
“…In the Spirit of Tutu, in the spirit of the Founding Fathers of Truth and Reconciliation, Mr Krasner, would you consider bringing restorative justice to the man the Arch cried with and laughed with and sought immediate freedom for ?”
Read complete open letter to DA Krasner here.
Mumia Abu-Jamal remembers South African Archbishop Desmond Tutu visit on death row
Mumia Abu-Jamal remembers South African Archbishop Desmond Tutu, who died on Sunday at the age of 90. Tutu was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for fighting to end apartheid in South Africa. In 2007, Tutu visited Mumia when he was still on death row. “His spirit reflected a giant,” says Abu-Jamal. “He struggled for change with his prophetic voice, his sweet humor, his deep love and his boundless sense of compassion.”
Watch Democracy Now video here.
bell hooks: feminist icon
Mumia commentary on Prison Radio:
“…Many readers know of a book by myself and Marc Lamont-Hill, From a Clasroom to a Cell. Marc and I prepared for this book by reading Breaking Bread by bell hooks and Cornell West, two intellectual giants. We also read a similar text by Margaret Mead, the anthropologist, and the renowned writer, James Baldwin.”
Hear and read his complete commentary here.
International Online Political Prisoners Conference
A Dec. 26 event, postponed from Dec 19, gathered prisoners solidarity networks from many countries to unite/struggle to free political prisoners, organized by Freedom Committee for #AliOsmanKose, in memory of 28 political prisoners killed by Turkish prison guards in Dec., 2000.
Watch video at: https://youtu.be/pKb1HIjiFPI
Forty years is too long: there is still no justice for Mumia
Anarchist News Agency (ANA) in Brazil:
National and international support for incarcerated journalist and former Black Panther Party member Mumia Abu-Jamal continues on the streets of cities around the world and in cyberspace. Supporters and supporters are calling for his sympathetic release, citing not only questionable testimony that led to his 1981 arrest for killing a white police officer, but also the political nature of the verdict and sentence, his age and poor health in prison.
Continue reading ANA article here.
Sunday Dec. 19 from Turkey will include Mike Africa Jr from Mobilization4Mumia, Paulette D'Auteuil from Jericho Movement, Charlotte Kates from Samidoun Network, and others from 11 countries.
"Commemorating those who lost their lives is to speak out for and unite in struggle with those who have been separated from us behind prison walls and wires.... Freedom for all political prisoners!"
#FreeMumia #FreeGeorgesAbdallah #FreeAliOsmanKose #FreePabloHasel #FreeLeonardPeltier #Free...........
*Participants from Peru, Greece, Italy, Turkey, Ireland, France, England, Germany, Philippines, USA, Palestine, and Donbass... 19 speakers & eyewitnesses from 11 countries will contribute to the event, sharing their experiences and talking about their solidarity work...
The international online conference is organized in Turkey in memory of 28 political prisoners who were brutally killed during prison operations dated 19-22 December 2000, will be broadcast live on Sunday 19 December at 19:00 Central European Time (Germany).
You can find the transformed time for your area here:
Facebook: 19 December - 2000 - 19 Aralik: https://facebook.com/19-December-2000-19-Aral%C4%B1k-106079298053464
Youtube: Free Ali Osman Köse: https://youtube.com/channel/UC0pQGKSK79KDeMduwuNKW8A
Share this event with others and watch the live program that will be broadcasted in English and Turkish from this Facebook account and YouTube channel.
Free Ali Osman Köse YouTube channel:
Facebook: Dec 19 - 2000 - Dec 19
19:00 - Introduction of program with short video about 19 December
19:10 - Sadi Özpolat, eye witness of 19 Dec. massacre, political prisoner, Greece
19:20 - MAR, Movement against Repression, solidarity with Pablo Hasel, Catalonia
19:30 - Alexey Albu, Union Borotba, Donbass (21:30 UTC)
19:35 - Pol MacAdaim, musician, Ireland (18:35 GMT)
(dedicated a song for prisoners in Turkey during the death fast)
19:45 – Ayten Öztürk, witness of massacre in Ümraniye prison, relatives killed in massacre, long years repression, torture and today campaign house arrest
- Mehmet Güvel, TAYAD member, former death faster and witness of the massacre in Bayrampasa prison (21:45 TR)
20:00 – GRUP YORUM (VIDEO with short statement and song)
20:10 - Bishop Antonio N. Ablon, Coordinator of Europe Network for Justice and Peace in the Philippines (ENJPP)
20:15 - Unitary campaign for the liberation of Georges Ibrahim Abdallah, Paris (will read a personal message from Georges Abdallah)
20:20 - Political Prisoners Network, Hamburg
20:25 - Zehra Kurtay, France, witnessed massacre in Ümraniye prison
20:35 - Music video – Grup Yorum
20:40 - Anti-imperialist Action, Ireland (19:40 GMT)
20:45 - Fabiola Alcázar, Committee of relatives of "Operation Olympus", Peru
20:50 - Charlotte Kates, Samidoun Network
20:55 - Message from Ali Osman Köse, eye witness of 19 December, sick political prisoner
21:05 - Michaela Arricale, lawyer, Italy
21:10 - Anti-internment Group of Ireland (20:10 GMT)
21:15 - Paulette D'Auteuil, Jericho Movement, USA (Leonard Peltier and other PP's) (3.15 PM ET)
21:20 - Mike Africa Jr , Mobilization4Mumia, USA (3.20 PM ET)
21:27 - Last words from eye witnesses
Zehra & Ayten
21:33 - Music video
March for Mumia in Philadelphia marks 40th anniversary of his incarceration
Read NY Amsterdam News short article here.
Jornada por la Libertad de Mumia Abu Jamal en Ciudad de México
El 11 de diciembrede 2021 las y los Amigos de Mumia convocamos a una jornada por los 40 años de su injusta detención de este periodista y compañero de Lucha victima de un sistema racista y desigual como es el capitalista. Nos sumamos a otras personas en distintas geografías a seguir demandando su libertad.
Read more (including an English translation) at Amigos de Mumia Mexico facebook post here.
Forty years is too long: Still no justice for Mumia
“Referring to Mumia’s incarceration as an extension of the federal government’s infamous Counter-Intelligence Program (COINTELPRO), which for decades sought to destroy Black liberation leadership and movements throughout the United States, the recent “Free Mumia” event used social media platforms and a network of international supporters to say 40 years as a political prisoner is long enough.”
Read complete Final Call article here.
Sabo’s donations
This commentary by Mumia Abu-Jamal was produced by Prison Radio on the 40th anniversary of Abu-Jamal’s imprisonment.
Question: What do you call a judge who takes money from one side of a case? Answer: In Philadelphia you call him “your honor.” Here I speak of the late, notorious Judge Albert Sabo, who not only returned more death sentences than any other judge in Pennsylvania but was also a life member of the Fraternal Order of Police, or the FOP.
Sabo, my trial and posttrial judge, was so openly biased that a local newspaper carried a brilliant, bright yellow banner headline saying: “Sabo must go.” But Sabo was just one of many.
The point is, why isn’t it against simple due process for a judge to take donations to do anybody’s bidding — because judges write the rules, period. In trials, they choose lawyers, jurors, decide which witness to appear and which won’t. The courtroom is their fiefdom.
If anyone denies this, just look at the Kyle Rittenhouse case. The accused was treated as if he was the judge’s grandson. When was the last time you saw a judge outlaw the word “victim?” The court dropped charges as if he was dropping dimes on a street corner dice game. This ain’t about a judge or a case, it’s about a system. Let’s change the damn system!
Keep Mumia’s voice alive
The following remarks were delivered by Jamal Jr. during a webinar Dec. 9 to mark the 40th anniversary of the state’s illegal incarceration of Mumia Abu-Jamal.
“…The power of the people pulled him from death row. The love of the people keeps him sane and keeps him active and keeps him fighting for all of us. And now it’s time for the will of the people to free Mumia Abu-Jamal and all political prisoners.”
Read complete Workers World article here.
For the full webinar: https://tinyurl.com/2p87mdvz
Even after 40 years, activists around the world continue to demand: Free Mumia Now!
Human rights and community activists in six countries held online and in-person events to mark the date 40 years ago when award-winning Philadelphia journalist, radio personality and Black Panther Party veteran was nearly killed and unjustly charged with a crime he did not commit.
Abu-Jamal was arrested, convicted and unjustly imprisoned on Dec. 9, 1981 and subsequently convicted as the result of judicial, police and prosecutorial misconduct for allegedly killing a Philadelphia policeman. Supporters worldwide assert that Abu-Jamal was framed, is innocent and continue to fight for his release, even after four decades.
In Philadelphia, a rally and march of around 200 people gathered at the statue of abolitionist Octavius V. Catto statue outside City Hall where Gabe Bryant with the Campaign to Bring Mumia home opened the event and Warrior woman Mama Pam welcomed the crowd. Laila Boutros, with Samidoun Palestinian Prisoners Solidarity Network NY/NJ, and Jacky Hortaut, co-coordinator of the French Free Mumia Collective also spoke.
The march that followed circled City Hall to the Christmas Village shopping area near Love Park where demonstrators blocked traffic as long time Mumia supporter Suzanne Ross, Rev. Keith Collins, with Generation Impact Ministries, and Deandra Price with Black Alliance for Peace addressed the crowd. The demonstrators then marched to 13th and Locust Streets, site of the 1981 incident, where Cindy Lou and Pam Africa spoke on court complicity with the frameup.
The final stop was at the Criminal Justice Center at 13th and Filbert where a commentary from Mumia was played, Betsey Piette from Workers World gave an update on the legal case while urging demonstrators to keep the struggle in the streets, and a statement from the Freedom Committee for Ali Osman Köse in Vienna, Austria was read.
On Dec. 9, the Freedom Committee for Ali Osman Köse had held a rally in front of the world-famous Vienna State Opera House, demanding freedom for political prisoners Mumia Abu-Jamal, Ali Osman Köse (held inTurkey), and Georges Ibrahim Abdallah(in France).
Amigos de Mumia Mexico held a rally outside the U.S. Embassy in Mexico City on Dec. 11, including delegates from the indigenous Otomí community, who continue to occupy the building of the fraudulent National Institute for Indigenous People. Cultural presentations followed at Casa Okupa Chiapas, including an exhibit of the engravings of Indiosindios Lopez, traditional music of La Mala Mata, performance by Salcosoma, soul-rap of Luna Negra, dance by Argelia Guerrero, rebel rap of Guerrilla Bang Bang, and poetry-dance by Eva Palma. Watch video here.
Events for Mumia also took place in the Mexican cities of Oaxaca, Tepic and Nayarit on December 9th.
In Germany, Free Mumia Committees in Berlin, Heidelberg and Nuremberg organized events. In addition to onstreet rallies, a webinar was held by the German Free Mumia Collective describing Mumia's current legal and health situation and readings from Mumia’s book “Writing on the Wall”, translated into German. The
In France, the French Collective to Free Mumia held a rally at the Place de la Concorde in Paris on December 8th. On December 10th, International Human Rights Day, the Mayor of Paris, Anne Hidalgo, commemorated the 20th Anniversary of the recognition of Mumia as "Honorary Citizen of the City of Paris".
Activists held a Free Mumia protest in the Basque city of Bilbo on Dec 9.
In HOUSTON , Texas, the Texas Death Penalty Aboition Movement, Workers World Party, the Self-Help for African People through Education Center and the Party for Socialism and Liberation held a rally despite cold, windy weather and a heavy police presence outside the office of progressive District Attorney Kim Ogg. Ogg is being asked to contact Philadelphia DA, Larry Krasner, to remind him that his Integrity Conviction Unit has exonerated 23 cases yet Mumia Abu-Jamal is still wrongfully imprisoned after 40 years. Afterwards, participants gathered at the S.H.A.P.E Community Center for food and discussions.
In her Philadelphia speech, Laila Boutros, coordinator of Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network NY/NJ, quoted Ahmad Sa’adat, the imprisoned general secretary of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine:
“Whether the name is Mumia Abu-Jamal, Walid Daqqa or Georges Ibrahim Abdallah, political prisoners behind bars can and must be a priority for our movements. These names illustrate the continuity of struggle against our collective enemy—their legacies of organizing that reach back to the anti-colonial, liberation movements of the 1960s, 1970s, 1980s, to today. Political prisoners are not simply individuals; they are leaders of struggle and organizing.”
People at all these events not only protested Mumia’s continued imprisonment, but also celebrated his 40 years of resistance behind bars as a leader in the struggle for Black liberation and human freedom. Free Mumia NOW! Free all political prisoners!
Watch video here.
Watch Unicorn Riot video here
Samidoun joins Philadelphia march to free Mumia Abu-Jamal after 40 years behind bars
Samidoun NY/NJ members marched in Philadelphia on Saturday, 11 September to call for freedom for Mumia Abu-Jamal, the long-held political prisoner, award-winning journalist and former Black Panther. The demonstration was organized by the Mobilization 4 Mumia along with other community activists, bringing together campaigns and organizations like International Concerned Family & Friends of Mumia Abu-Jamal; International Action Center; Free Mumia Abu-Jamal Coalition (NYC); Campaign to Bring Mumia Home; Mobilization to Free Mumia Abu-Jamal; and Educators for Mumia Abu-Jamal.
The march began at Philadelphia City Hall and marched through the streets of the city, calling for justice for Mumia after 40 years of imprisonment. As the Mobilization 4 Mumia wrote, “Mumia Abu-Jamal has been unjustly imprisoned since Dec. 9, 1981. He was convicted of the murder of a cop because of judicial, police and prosecutorial misconduct. Many of the illegal practices that resulted in his conviction were the same practices that has led to the exonerations since 2017 of 23 innocent men by the Philadelphia District Attorney’s Office.”
Read complete Samidoun article here.
Mumia illustration acclaimed
When Mobilization4Mumia asked for an artist to provide a graphic for fliers, posters and social media pages in recognition of the 40th year Mumia has been imprisoned, Renata Sabina Rojo responded.
Many people who viewed their graphic have told organizers how much they liked the graphic.
For their work, Mobilization4Mumia commends Renata Sabina Rojo. Any readers who agree are urged to visit their website and send messages of appreciation: https://www.renatarojo.com/
Free Mumia Now
The video of the ssuccessful live zoom event on Dec. 9 featuring Temple University Professor Linn Washington, Jr., former political prisoner Jalil Muntaqim, Warrior Woman Mama Pam Africa, retired International Longshore & Warehouse Union Local 10 Secretary Treasurer Clarence Thomas, longtime international supporters Julia Wright and Jacky Hortaut from France, Mumia’s grandson Jamal and poet/author Ewuare Osayande, plus an interview with youth supporters Emok Quint, Tag, Kevin Steele, Cyrus Mayer, Kelsey Chaplain, Essence Gaines and Anne Sternberg can be viewed here.
A short video with Michael Shiffman from Germany, who was not able to join the zoom event as expected, can be viewed here.
40 years after Mumia Abu-Jamal’s arrest, the case is ‘a symbol’ of a ‘broken’ justice system
“Forty years ago today, Philadelphia journalist Mumia Abu-Jamal was arrested and charged with the shooting death of 25-year-old Daniel Faulkner, a police officer for the city.
The following July, a jury delivered a unanimous guilty verdict. Abu-Jamal was sentenced to death and, though he maintains his innocence and his death sentence was dismissed in 2011, has remained in prison for the last four decades.
In that time, Abu-Jamal has become one of the most famous prisoners in the world.
“He became a symbol for a lot of the flaws in the American criminal justice system,” says Linn Washington, who was an up-and-coming journalist in Philadelphia alongside Abu-Jamal and now teaches journalism at Temple”
Read complete WHYY article here.
Reflecting on the Abu-Jamal-Faulkner case, 40 years later
“Today marks the 40th anniversary of the arrest of Mumia Abu-Jamal for the killing of Philadelphia police officer Daniel Faulkner.
Why it matters: The Dec. 9, 1981 fatal shooting in Center City is one of the most high-profile police shooting cases in Philadelphia and around the world.
The arrest and conviction of Abu-Jamal sparked a global movement to free the activist and former journalist.”
Read complete AXIOS Philadelphia article here.
Forty years after the arrest of Mumia Abu-Jamal, the case is a “symbol” of the “broken” judicial system
“Forty years ago today, Philadelphia journalist Mumia Abu-Jamal was arrested and charged with shooting and killing 25-year-old Daniel Faulkner, a city police officer.
The following July, the jury unanimously convicted him. Abjamal was sentenced to death, he remained innocent, and the death sentence was dismissed in 2011, but he has remained in prison for the past 40 years.
At that time, Abjamal became one of the most famous prisoners in the world.
“He has become a symbol of many flaws in the American criminal justice system,” says Lynn Washington, an up-and-coming journalist in Philadelphia alongside Abjamal, who currently teaches journalism at Temple University. “
Read complete Philadelphia News Today article here.
Mumia Abu Jamal: 40 years unjustly imprisoned
“Human rights and community activists from throughout the world are organizing online and in-person events to mark the anniversary of the December 9, 1981 unjust arrest of Mumia Abu-Jamal, award-winning Philadelphia journalist, radio personality and former Black Panther. Abu-Jamal was arrested, convicted and unjustly imprisoned as the result of judicial, police and prosecutorial misconduct for allegedly killing a Philadelphia policeman — a crime he didn’t commit. Supporters worldwide assert that Abu-Jamal was framed, is innocent and continue to fight for his release, even after four decades.”
Read complete Havana Times article here.
40 years later, we still say: FREE MUMIA ABU-JAMAL! – Editorial
“December 9 marks 40 years since Black Panther Party member, activist and revolutionary journalist Mumia Abu-Jamal was framed for the murder of a Philadelphia cop. As a result of police, prosecutorial and judicial misconduct in a highly contested trial, Abu-Jamal was given the racist death sentence in July 1982. Since 1981, he has been incarcerated under inhumane and illegal imprisonment — including almost 30 years in solitary confinement on Pennsylvania’s death row.”
Read complete Workers World editorial here.
Mumia Abu Jamal: 40 years unjustly imprisoned - Community continues fight for Mumia’s freedom
PHILADELPHIA, Dec. 7, 2021 – Human rights and community activists from throughout the world are organizing online and in-person events to mark the anniversary of the December 9, 1981 unjust arrest of Mumia Abu-Jamal, award-winning Philadelphia journalist, radio personality and former Black Panther.
Abu-Jamal was arrested, convicted and unjustly imprisoned as the result of judicial, police and prosecutorial misconduct for allegedly killing a Philadelphia policeman -- a crime he didn’t commit. Supporters worldwide assert that Abu-Jamal was framed, is innocent and continue to fight for his release, even after four decades.
On Thursday, December 9, from 7:00PM - 9:30PM, an online “Free Mumia Now!” forum (https://t.co/1eqT4x2F80) will feature Temple University Professor Linn Washington, Jr., former political prisoner Jalil Muntaqim, Warrior Woman Mama Pam Africa, retired International Longshore & Warehouse Union Local 10 Secretary Treasurer Clarence Thomas, longtime international supporters Julia Wright and Jacky Hortaut from France, Michael Shiffman from Germany and poet/author Ewuare Osayande. Special panels will feature international and youth activists for Mumia.
At 1:00PM, Saturday, Dec. 11 community activists will gather at the Octavius V. Catto Statue on the south side of Philadelphia City Hall for a “March for Mumia” through Center City featuring speakers.
Similar events are being held in Houston, TX, France, Mexico, Vienna, Austria and Germany.
Many of the judicial, police and prosecutorial misconducts that resulted in Abu-Jamal’s conviction were the same illegal practices that led the Philadelphia District Attorney’s Office to exonerate 23 innocent men.
Abu-Jamal’s health has deteriorated significantly over the years. He recently underwent open heart surgery, has had cataract surgery, and suffers from cirrhosis of the liver and a severe skin ailment. Independent doctors maintain he must be given a healthy, fresh diet and a regular exercise regimen which would support his cardiac rehabilitation and speed his recovery. Now 67, Abu-Jamal is one of 6,000 aged and ill incarcerated people in Pennsylvania who have spent decades in prison, who pose no risk to society and should be released. Prison officials have refused to do this.
Your coverage is requested.
Online & In Street Free Mumia events in locations far and wide on 40th anniversary of Mumia’s incarceration
So far, we’ve been notified of forums and protests in Philadelphia, PA and Houston, TX in the US and in Austria, France, Germany and Mexico between December 8th and Dec 11th.
Go to the EVENTS section to view more information on each event.
Prayer Gathering for Russell Maroon Shoatz
Full recording from 11/2/21 prayer gathering celebrating Russell Maroon Shoatz' homecoming from prison after 50 years.
Watch Sunny Singh’s video here.
Russell ‘Maroon’ Shoatz Is Free, But Other Political Prisoners Languish
Russell “Maroon” Shoatz has been granted compassionate release after 50 years in prison. The length of his sentence is outrageous but it is hardly unique. The United States not only has the dubious distinction of being the country with the largest population of incarcerated people, but it also has political prisoners held longer than anywhere else in the world. Shoatz is now 78-years old and suffering from cancer. To be blunt, he is being released so that he can die outside of prison walls.
Of course there is deeply felt happiness that Shoatz will be freed for whatever time remains in his life, but no one should forget the tortures he suffered, including 22 years in solitary confinement. No one should forget the other prisoners such as Mumia Abu Jamal, Ruchell Magee, Sundiata Acoli, and Dr. Mutulu Shakur. They are the best known, but there are hundreds of people imprisoned since the days of the liberation movement. That movement was crushed in part because its most committed fighters were locked away.
Continue reading article here.
Compassionate release for Maroon!
Oct. 25 — Pennsylvania political prisoner Russell Maroon Shoatz’s petition for compassionate release was finally granted by Philadelphia County Court of Common Pleas’ Judge Kai Scott following a hearing Oct. 25. With his petition accepted, Shoatz will be sent to a hospital for evaluation, then moved to hospice care with his family. According to medical testimony in court today, he has only a month to live.
Read Betsey Piette’s article here.
Watch Sunny Singh’s short film reporting here.
Mumia: Health and Legal Update
My family, my friends, brothers, sisters, comrades, I’ve heard that a lot of people worried about my health. I really want to reassure people that I am so much better than I have been in recent months. My strength has returned to me, I walk incessantly, and I think that most people have heard that I’m in quarantine, but thats only because a guy, two guys actually on this block were positive for COVID 19.
And I had only taken one shot instead of the two that is required. And me and two other guys had not completed our shots. So we were placed in quarantine as well. I have not been informed that I’m positive or negative, but I want to assure you, I feel pretty damn good. So I thank you for worrying about that and caring about that.
On the legal front, we are still waiting, this is a waiting game. It always has been, and perhaps always will be, but no one knows what tomorrow may bring. But we shall continue to keep you informed and to keep you in our hearts as you’ve kept me. I thank you.
Dear Mumia supporters
The awesome Mumia puppet participated in the Sep. 12 Running Down the Walls benefit for Mumia and all political prisoners in Philadelphia. (Video from Riot Unicorn of Sunday, September 12. Hear the speakers and see the giant Mumia puppet: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mNDAYhwoHF4 )
Now Jacqueline Wade is trying to get the puppet into an event in NYC this Sunday, September 19, The Freedom Fighters March, but they need your help.
If you are in the NYC area, can you help do some maintenance work on the puppet, Thursday, September 16, Friday, September 17 and or 'Saturday, September 18? And or can you be part of the puppet crew at the event on Sun, September 19? If so, contact Jacqueline at 917-254-6825 and email her at jwade1091@gmail.com.
Maintaining, storing, transporting the puppet and other expenses, cost money and time. Funds are desperately needed to continue this work. Please donate at: https://gofund.me/31985c94
GENTLE GIANT MUMIA -- a poem to Jacqueline Wade
you let us know
with the gentle giant
Mumia puppet
you created
that we
and only we
are the puppeteers
of his liberation
you tell us
that when we carry
the moveable
of his unshackled presence
we are the sole designers
of his release
As we feel
his live weight
in the wind
only we
draw the strings
that will activate
his Freedom
(c) Julia Wright, August 13, 2021
Interfaith call to FREE MUMIA
Initiated by Dr. Cornel West and others in communities of faith, the Call for the immediate and unconditional freedom of Pennsylvania inmate and internationally-recognized political prisoner Mumia Abu-Jamal is directed to Pennsylvania Governor Tom Wolf, Philadelphia District Attorney Lawrence Krasner, and PA Department of Corrections Secretary Secretary John Wetzel. The list is still in formation. Notable signers include:
Rev. Dr. Emma Jordan Simpson, Executive Director, Fellowship of Reconciliation
The Most Rev. John Eric Stowe, Bishop President, Pax Christi USA
Rabbi Alissa Wise, founding co-chair, Rabbinic Council of Jewish Voice for Peace
Rabbi Lynn Gottlieb, Board Chair of the Interfaith Movement for Human Integrity; member, Rabbinic Council of Jewish Voice for Peace
Dr. Gwendolyn Zoharah Simmons, founding member, National Council of Elders; Professor Emerita, African American Religions & Islamic Studies, Univ. of Florida
Dr. Renee McKenzie-Hayward, former Senior Pastor, Church of the Advocate, Philadelphia PA
and many more.
Sign on to the list still in formation by going to: https://forusa.org/2021/04/27/sign-on-to-our-statement-on-releasing-mumia-abu-jamal/
13th & Locust: An Update on Mumia Abu-Jamal and His Path to Freedom
On December 9, 1981, Mumia was framed in the killing of a Philadelphia police officer on the corner of 13th and Locust. On July 30, 2021, his grandson, Jamal Jr, and long time supporter Noelle Hanrahan of Prison Radio, met at the intersection of 13th and Locust in Philadelphia to talk about the current state of his health and path to freedom.
Watch Videographer Sunny Singh video here.
Rally: Free Mumia and all political prisoners
“…In response to a question about the recent transfer of Judge Leon Tucker from the Common Pleas Court, Fernandez said, “Tucker was the only judge in Pennsylvania who spoke the truth about this case. His rulings on Mumia’s appeal allowed the case to move to the appeal process.” She proposed Tucker be brought back to hear Mumia’s appeals.
There is precedent. Judge Albert Sabo was brought back from retirement in 1995 to rule over Mumia’s Post Conviction Relief Appeals. The case is currently before the Pennsylvania Supreme Court, which is filled with white-supremacist judges.
“Our lawyers are demanding that the case be remanded to lower court and that Tucker be allowed to review new evidence which suggests that cops and prosecutors bribed witnesses to convict Mumia,” Fernandez concluded.”
Continue reading Workers World article about July 3 Philadelphia rally for Mumia here.
In the spirit of Consuewella Africa! We must all MOVE to Free Mumia Abu-Jamal & All Political Prisoners
Saturday July 3, 2021 - A March and Rally for Mumia Abu-Jamal and also honoring MOVE sister Consuewella Africa* took place despite rain at the Municipal Services Bldg, 1401 JFK Blvd in Philadelphia.
Just ten minutes after the beginning of the rally, participants and the just-assembled Mumia puppet were forced to take cover under the Municipal Office Building's overhang where they continued to rally. The storm prevented the participants from marching but all the speakers were able to say their points under the building's overhang.
Don’t let them take any more of our Freedom Fighters!
The event was the first public participation of a 16 foot Mumia puppet, designed and constructed by Jacqueline Wade and Little Wolf.
The rally took place below the “Crown - Freedom” mural honoring Black women activists, in the same plaza where the hated Frank Rizzo statue was finally removed one year ago after massive protests following the police murder of George Floyd. YahNé Ndgo, one of the women in the mural, moderated the event.
After the event, a number of activists posed at the exact location where the hated Rizzo statue used to be located, in front of the Municipal Services Building.
Mumia is an innocent man, a victim of racist police brutality and unjustly incarcerated by PA for over 39 years. His case is currently under appeal. It represents the injustice of a system that has wrongly incarcerated millions of our family and revolutionaries. He recently underwent open-heart surgery. The rally took place on the 39th anniversary of the date when Mumia was sentenced to death in 1982.
*Consuewella Africa passed June 16, 2021, from lung issues and stress due to the state’s mistreatment of the remains of her daughters Tree Africa and Netta Africa, murdered by this government May 13th 1985. Minister of Confrontation for the MOVE
Consuewella Africa, 67, Dies; Lost Two Daughters in MOVE Siege
“Consuewella Africa, whose two young daughters were among 11 victims of a police siege in West Philadelphia in 1985 that began when officers tried to arrest four members of the revolutionary group MOVE and ended after the police dropped a bomb on its fortified commune, died on Wednesday in Philadelphia. She was 67.
Her death was confirmed by MOVE, which said she had been hospitalized several weeks ago with lung problems.
The group said Ms. Africa had become ill after officials at the University of Pennsylvania and Princeton publicly acknowledged in April that anthropologists had been using the unidentified bones of one of the siege’s young victims for research and in teaching an online course on forensics.
Continue reading NY Times article here.
The Revolution is Worldwide-French Supporter of MOVE and Mumia Abu-Jamal
“In La French Connect's first episode, I interview Claude Guillaumaud-Pujol, A French professor of American studies, author, and activist supporting MOVE members and Mumia Abu-Jamal. Mumia Abu-Jamal is an American political prisoner currently incarcerated for life after being convicted of killing a Philadelphia police officer. The MOVE Organization is a family of Black revolutionaries who follow the guideline principles of John Africa. Their beliefs include a natural law philosophy of life that is governed by God and not man-made laws. Claude explains her support for Mumia and the support that he receives from the French and British governments, such as being awarded honorary French citizenship.”
Watch 52 minutes long La French Connect Podcast here.
Mumia Abu-Jamal 101: How he ended up in prison, and why MOVE wants him freed
“…“We’re not asking for no apologies. We’re not asking for no investigation, because neither one will mean anything,” said Janine Africa during an April press conference about the initial discovery of MOVE remains held by the University of Pennsylvania.
“If they want to do anything to show people that they are sincere about resolving this situation with MOVE and the city, let Mumia out,” Africa said. “He’s still alive.”
When Abu-Jamal worked as a radio reporter in the 1970s and early 1980s, he covered MOVE and the organization’s dramatic clashes with police, plus other issues of race and racism, systemic oppression, and social and political topics for outlets including WHYY and WDAS.
By the time he was charged with Faulkner’s murder, he was considered a MOVE sympathizer. Reports from the time took special note of his loc’d hairstyle, which at the time wasn’t yet widely accepted, and was the same style worn by MOVE members.
In the years before Faulkner’s death, Abu-Jamal reportedly said police were mistreating him because of his reporting.
Since the officer’s death and Abu-Jamal’s conviction, he and his supporters have echoed and amplified the sentiment that Abu-Jamal was unfairly targeted by law enforcement. They’ve been raising the decibels to shout that police bias, and not guilt, is why Abu-Jamal is behind bars for Faulkner’s murder, a murder he and his supporters maintain he did not commit.”
Read more of Billy Penn article here.
Lynching Lynchpin Links Racist Impunity From Tulsa To MOVE
“Just like the lynching era where arrests of murderous lynch mob members was rare and convictions rarer, Philadelphia and federal prosecutors refused to arrest any police or city government officials for that deadly, reckless 1985 catastrophe.
After the bloody May 31, 1921 racist rampage in Tulsa, Oklahoma authorities refused to prosecute any of the white rioters who decimated the prosperous “Black Wall Street” community…
“…Almost 147-years before the 1985 police bombing of MOVE, a white mob in Philadelphia, burned down the then newly built headquarters of the Pennsylvania Anti-Slavery Society. Authorities in Philadelphia, however, made no arrests for that May 17, 1838 arson…
“…The failure to hold anyone accountable for deaths of MOVE members in 1985 remains a burning injustice…just as are failures on accountability following the 1921 Tulsa riot.”
Read Linn Washington’s ThisCan’tBeHappening" article here.
Ionov called on the Anti-Repression Foundation to assist in the protection of African American Abu Jamal
“The time has come to draw everyone's attention to the fate of Mummy Abu Jamal, who is forced to spend his life in prison for a crime he did not commit. The West loves to criticize Russia because of the allegedly tough work of law enforcement agencies. Meanwhile, it is the American justice system that is the most ruthless repression machine in the world, directed primarily against African Americans, ”Ionov said.
The human rights activist noted that "thousands of black citizens of the United States are tormented in prison because of incorrect, not properly proven or simply false sentences."
Read RT article here.
Protesters Convene at MoMA to Denounce Police Violence in Colombia
MoMA trustee Paula Crown’s husband James Crown, a speaker said, is a director at a weapons conglomerate with ties to violence in Israel, Colombia, and elsewhere.
"“We have to take a stance against the imprisonment of revolutionaries if we believe in freedom,” said Fernández, who is a scholar of Abu-Jamal’s legacy, addressing the crowd. “Three decades ago it was Mumia, but today it could be any one of us.” She traced the emergence of racist “law and order” rhetoric to the repression of Black power activists and the Black Panther Party. Today, she explained, it takes the form of the incarceration and disenfranchisement of people of color, immigrants, and people on welfare."
Read Hyperallergic article here.
Disrespect for the MOVE families is a stain that never goes away in Philadelphia
The decadeslong war against the group shows the desecration of children’s bones is no accident
“… Rejecting apologies, Janet and Janine Africa declared that justice for the MOVE family required ending the injustice of a key MOVE supporter, imprisoned journalist Mumia Abu-Jamal.
Many view Abu-Jamal, incarcerated for a 1981 killing of a Philadelphia police officer, as a political prisoner. I’ve covered his case for decades.
Authorities ignored MOVE’s request for the release of Abu-Jamal.”
Read Lynn Washington’s article in The Undefeated here.
Mumia Abu-Jamal’s spiritual advisor confronts DA Krasner and the FOP
In this new Jamal Journal interview, Professor Taylor covers many topics including his personal observations from Judge Sabo’s 1995-97 PCRA (Pennsylvania Post Conviction Relief Act) hearings. Taylor also confronts Philadelphia District Attorney Larry Krasner’s Feb. 3 brief filed in opposition to all of Mumia Abu-Jamal’s appeals. In support of the critiques made previously by Pam Africa and Dr. Ricardo Alvarez, Taylor now makes his own response to DA Krasner’s continued defense of Mumia’s unjust 1982 conviction.
Read the San Francisco Bay View article here.
‘Crown: Freedom’ – Tribute to Black women activists
“Crown: Freedom” and “Crown: Medusa,” the two newest murals, were dedicated by the city on May 11. “Crown: Freedom” pays tribute to Black women activists including freedom fighters Ramona Africa and Pam Africa, who are with the MOVE organization.
Going left from Pam Africa on the mural are YahNé Ndgo, who is with Blacks Lives Matter Philadelphia; educator Kezia Ridgeway; Krystal Strong, an organizer with Philadelphia Black Radical Collective; Ajeenah Amir, director of the Mayor’s Office of Public Engagement; underground radio personality Sajda “Purple” Blackwell; and Dr. Ala Stanford, founder of the Black Doctors Consortium to address COVID-19’s deadly impact on Black communities.
Read Workers World article here.
Frances Goldin, iconic housing activist, literary agent, remembered at memorial
Family, friends and comrades gathered at St. Mark’s Church in the Bowery on Sat., May 15, to remember Frances Goldin, the legendary Lower East Side housing activist and literary agent, whose books reflected her radical politics.
Goldin died a year ago, on May 16, at age 95. The memorial was put off this long due to the COVID pandemic… Speakers delivered their tributes either in person at the church or in recorded videos.
Among the latter was Mumia Abu-Jamal, who is serving a life sentence after being convicted of killing a Philadelphia police officer and who was one of Goldin’s authors. Speaking inside the church was bestselling novelist Barbara Kingsolver, another client.
Read The Village Sun tribute article to Golden here.
State Supreme Court to hear latest Mumia Abu-Jamal case filings
The state Superior Court ruled Thursday that it lacked jurisdiction to hear Abu-Jamal’s latest challenge of his conviction and life sentence for the 1981 traffic stop death of Officer Daniel Faulkner.
May 20, 2021.
PHILADELPHIA — The latest appeal filed by Mumia Abu-Jamal and a related suit brought by the widow of the Philadelphia police officer he’s convicted of killing will now go before Pennsylvania’s Supreme Court.
The state Superior Court ruled Thursday that it lacked jurisdiction to hear Abu-Jamal’s latest challenge of his conviction and life sentence for the 1981 traffic stop death of Officer Daniel Faulkner. The panel also found the state’s top court is the better venue for addressing a plea by Maureen Faulkner to intervene in the case in opposition to Jamal’s bid for freedom.
Neither side opposed the transfer to the Supreme Court, the panel noted.
The ruling comes less than six months after the state Supreme Court rejected Maureen Faulkner’s bid to disqualify the city district attorney’s office from continuing to work on the matter. She sought to have the attorney general’s office appointed to take over the prosecution.
Maureen Faulkner has argued that District Attorney Larry Krasner and his aides have links to Abu-Jamal’s case that should have disqualified them and that the office has not handled the case with due vigor. Krasner, a Democrat, has denied any substantial conflict exists.
The 67-year-old Abu-Jamal is arguing that his convictions must be reconsidered, especially in light of the discovery by a DA’s office of previously undisclosed boxes of material in its files on his case. He is serving a life sentence and, in the intervening decades, his claims of being unfairly convicted have drawn fervent supporters, both in the United States and internationally.
Reprinted from The Associated Press, in The Philadelphia Inquirer
Philly DA Larry Krasner’s big win is a huge loss for the police union that tried to stop him
“After voting for Philadelphia District Attorney Larry Krasner, Jesse Vincent walked out of his Mount Airy polling place and said he showed up “for one reason.”
“To make sure the FOP-supported candidate and his desire to please the establishment and the police did not prevail today,” Vincent said Tuesday. He was referring to the Fraternal Order of Police Lodge 5, the city’s police union and the most vocal opponent of Krasner and the local criminal justice reform movement he leads.”
Read Philadelphia Inquirer article here.
Reflexiones sobre Malcolm X
On the 96th anniversary of the birth of Malcolm X Amigos de Mumia posted this link to a Spanish language translation of a great commentary that Mumia wrote about Malcolm X in 1992.
NOTE: English translation available at link:
Investigation into MOVE remains will go ‘as deep as we can,’ Kenney says, vowing to reform Medical Examiner’s Office
“… This is … a 36-year-old incident that has been mishandled for a long time,” he said. “We would like to be the administration that gets to the bottom of everything that happened and put in place procedures and policies to keep it from happening again.”
…“We want this thorough and final,” Kenney said. “And then we also want to figure out a way to kind of deal with this heartbreak and this sin of Philadelphia that’s never been dealt with directly or in an appropriate way as it relates to the death of these Philadelphians at the hands of the government and the death of these children.”
Read Philadelphia Inquirer article here.
Saying Her Name
Remains that were found to be those of a Black teen-ager who was killed by Philadelphia police in 1985 were treated as an anthropological specimen. How was her identity known and then forgotten?
“… The chairman of the commission asked Birdie, “When the police got you after you finally got out, did they ask you anything about whether or not there were any kids still in the house or were there any other grownups still in house?” Birdie nodded and said, “I said yes.” “Do you remember who it was that was still in the house?” they asked. “Tree,” Birdie answered emphatically, and then continued, “Tree, Netta, and Tomaso and Melissa and the big people…”
Read The New Yorker article here.
Mothers of children who died in the MOVE bombing find no comfort in city discovery that human remains were not destroyed
“… In a surprising revelation, Janine Africa said the mothers have just one demand: Free writer and activist Mumia Abu-Jamal from Mahanoy State Correctional Institution in Frackville, Schuylkill County.
Abu-Jamal is serving a life sentence without parole after being convicted in the 1981 killing of Philadelphia Police Officer Daniel Faulkner.
Long supported by MOVE members, Abu-Jamal had in turn been a champion of MOVE, which long advocated equal treatment for African Americans, as well as respect for nature and animals.
On Saturday at the rally, photos and writings of Abu-Jamal were omnipresent. Fresh fruit was offered for free to any of the approximately 50 people who showed up. Orange and black T-shirts with a reproduction of a photograph of the bomb that was dropped from a helicopter onto MOVE members were being sold for $15 apiece…”
Read Philadelphia Inquirer article here.
MOVE bombing victims’ remains were not destroyed and have been found intact, a lawyer for family says
“The remains of the MOVE bombing victims that Mayor Jim Kenney’s administration previously announced it had cremated and discarded without notifying their relatives were, in fact, never destroyed, a lawyer for the family said Friday night, the latest twist in a saga that cost the health commissioner his job and exacerbated tensions over the treatment of Black Philadelphians.
The revelation came after city officials learned that a subordinate had disobeyed Health Commissioner Thomas Farley’s order in 2017 to dispose of the remains, said Leon A. Williams, an attorney for the family of the MOVE victims. Kenney and other city officials told the family about the development on Friday, he said.”
Read Philadelphia Inquirer article here.
Hundreds march in West Philadelphia to remember lives lost in 1985 MOVE bombing
"… “What should happen next was a recurring theme of the evening.
One demand is that former journalist and MOVE advocate Mumia Abu-Jamal be freed.
Abu-Jamal has been in prison since he was convicted in 1981 of killing Philadelphia Police Officer Daniel Faulkner. He spent decades on death row before his sentence was reduced to life in prison. Abu-Jamal and his supporters have maintained his innocence, arguing he was targeted by police because of his support for MOVE."
Read WHYY article here.
MOVE Day of Remembrance: May 13, 2021
Watch Sunny Singh’s livestream of the May 13 MOVE Day of Remembrance video here
Philadelphia incinerated remains of police bombing victims without telling families
“…It is understood that the health commissioner became aware of the bones’ existence in 2017. Instead of attempting to identify them and return them to the families of the deceased, Farley said “he made a decision to cremate and dispose of them”, the mayor said in a statement.
Kenney said he had asked the health commissioner to resign. “This action lacked empathy for the victims, their family, and the deep pain that the Move bombing has brought to our city for nearly four decades.”
Read the Guardian article here.
‘This action lacked empathy’: Philadelphia health commissioner resigns over cremation of MOVE bombing victims
“… “Earlier this week, I learned of a very disturbing incident involving the Philadelphia Department of Public Health that occurred during the first term of our administration,” the mayor said in a statement.
“Farley disclosed that several years ago he learned of remains found by the Medical Examiner’s Office that belonged to victims of the 1985 MOVE bombing. Instead of fully identifying those remains and returning them to the family, he made a decision to cremate and dispose of them.”
Listen to KYW Newsradio report here.
Philly health commissioner resigns over cremating MOVE victims without telling family; Kenney apologizes
“Philadelphia Health Commissioner Thomas Farley resigned Thursday after admitting that he arranged for the cremation and disposal of remains from victims of the 1985 MOVE bombing found about four years ago in the city Medical Examiner’s Office, but without identifying the remains or notifying family members.
Mayor Jim Kenney said he asked for Farley’s resignation after learning this week of the health commissioner’s actions in 2017.
“This action lacked empathy for the victims, their family, and the deep pain that the MOVE bombing has brought to our city for nearly four decades,” he said.”
Read Philadelphia Inquirer article here.
On the anniversary of MOVE bombing, fresh pain and calls for accountability on Osage Avenue
“Thirty-six years to the day after Philadelphia police dropped a bomb on the MOVE rowhouse in Cobbs Creek, killing 11 people, including five children, and razing 61 homes, the pain is fresh on Osage Avenue.
“There are a lot of thoughts running through my mind,” said Mike Africa Jr. with a heavy sigh, looking out to the crowd of 200 dressed in white at Osage Avenue and Cobbs Creek Parkway. “Before we get to those, we have to say their names.”
Rhonda Africa. Theresa Africa. Frank Africa. Conrad Africa. John Africa. Tree Africa. Delisha Africa. Netta Africa. Little Phil Africa. Tomaso Africa. Raymond Africa.”
Read Philadelphia Inquirer article here.
“Oh my God,” I screamed in horror. “That’s Rhonda mom! I know her.” I began to cry. Rhonda, Birdie’s father Andino and I were all members of Germantown High School’s Black History Club. In the 1971 Yearbook, there is a picture of us standing in front of the Uhuru Kitabu Book Store on Germantown Avenue with our fists raised in the Black Power salute. I remember Rhonda as a strong, conscious, gentle sister who knew her history and wasn’t afraid to speak up against injustice and for the liberation of our people. I enjoyed conversing with her about history and the continuing liberation struggle. Rhonda was good people! I still can’t get over the fact that they allowed the fire to burn, killing Rhonda, five other adults and the children! Demonic and barbaric!…”
Read Marilyn Kai Jewett’s article here.
Restored Richard Wright novel hits bestseller lists
More than 60 years after his death, Richard Wright is again a bestselling author and very much in line with the present.
“The Man Who Lived Underground,” a short novel written in the 1940s and never published in full until this spring, is the surreal but credible story of a Black man who is tortured by police into confessing to a double murder he didn't commit. He escapes into the city's sewer system. Like an inversion of the American road novel or a tale of space travel, Fred Daniels inhabits a world outside the world, making up the rules as he goes along and seeing his old life in a new way…
…The revival of “The Man Who Lived Underground” began more than a decade ago, when the author's daughter and literary executor Julia Wright wanted to unearth some of his unpublished work. She was a prisoners' rights activist at the time, met with Mumia Abu-Jamal and other death row inmates, and followed closely the stories of police shootings of people of color, and the dismemberment of James Byrd by a gang of white supremacists.”
Read ABC News article here.
Read Oprah Daily review here.
Watch Democracy Now interview with Julia Wright here.
MOVE Demands Justice for Children and The Return of Stolen Remains
On this episode of Making Contact, MOVE members and supporters of the Black radical liberation group demand that the University of Pennsylvania and Princeton University return the remains of two children killed in the 1985 MOVE bombing in Philadelphia. Both Universities claim to not know where the remains of the two children, Tree Africa, age 14, and Delisha Africa, age 12 are being housed.
Listen to “Making Contact” radio interview here.
Moms of MOVE Bombing Victims Reflect on Anniversary, Controversy Over Remains
“On the eve of the 36 year anniversary of the 1985 MOVE bombing, the mothers of the victims remembered the lives lost while remaining skeptical of a museum’s handling of their loved ones’ remains.”
Watch NBC News Philadelphia TV segment here.
Losing Conviction
Philly’s murder exonerations raise questions about decades of homicide investigations — and whether the misconduct alleged in those cases was part of a pattern that led to many more wrongful convictions.
Read Samantha Melamed’s article here.
The long article reveals massive misconduct in policing and prosecuting in the Philadelphia injustice system going back to the 1970s - the same misconduct that convicted Mumia Abu-Jamal in 1982.
MOVE: The Shame of the City Without End
“…Wanting to know more, I went to a public meeting about the MOVE bombing on the Penn campus. I made the suggestion that there had been miscommunication on both sides, with a horrific tragedy the result. I was immediately challenged by an angry woman who said I had no idea what I was talking about. Her name was Pam Africa. And she was right.
The MOVE bombing was not an aberrant episode; it was the culmination of a decade-long war that had first escalated in a full-scale police assault against the original MOVE enclave in Powelton Village in the summer of 1978. This was a shootout in which police surrounded MOVE’s property and fired indiscriminately into a building occupied by children as well as adults. MOVE members fired back in self-defense. A police officer, James Ramp, was killed in the crossfire. When the shooting stopped and MOVE members surrendered, there were savage beatings. Although it was never established who had fired the fatal shot, Ramp’s wound forensically indicated it had come from police fire. Nine MOVE members, male and female, were nonetheless charged with murder…”
Read The Triangle article here.
Richard Wright’s Novel About Racist Police Violence Was Rejected in 1941; It Has Just Been Published
“…So, since I would travel to the United States to visit death row and visit death row prisoners there, like Mumia Abu-Jamal, whose human rights were being so systematically violated, I would take the plane, land in the United States, go through cities like New York or Philly, Philadelphia, and go to death row. But on my way to death row, I would encounter another type of death sentence. And that is the shootings of unarmed Black and Brown people in our streets, also of vulnerable minorities like mentally challenged people. And I remember being absolutely shocked, for instance, by what happened to James Byrd down in Texas, who was dragged behind a white — I believe there were three of them, three white supremacists’ van, until he was dismembered, alive, while he was still alive. I remember Abner Louima in New York and his sodomization. I remember in those years —
AMY GOODMAN: By police.
JULIA WRIGHT: — as I was going to death row — yes, absolutely, by the police, always by the police. And also I remember Amadou Diallo, shot by the police 40 times, not because he was the one suspected of rape — it was somebody else — but he was a convenient Black target…”
Read or view Democracy Now interview here.
Is It Cruel? Is it Unusual? Is it Unconstitutional?:The Treatment of U.S. Held Political Prisoners.
Physicians, Activists and Lawyers and one paralegal Discuss the Treatment of U.S. Held Political Prisoners with respect to the 8th Amendment. They cite the evidence among nearly all these prisoners of inordinately lengthy sentencing, inordinately lengthy incarceration, evidence, medical mistreatment, solitary confinement, physical torture, the intimidation of witnesses and the hiding of exculpatory evidence.
Watch the April 25 CEMOTAP Forum here.
Univ Of Pennslyvania & Princeton Kept The Bones From Deceased MOVE Children For Research Since 1985
Phillip Scott report on the recent discovery of bones from the children that died in the MOVE bombing in Philly back in 1985 being studied at University of Pennslyvania and Princeton. This report includes a well-researched history of MOVE and Philadelphia repression against it.
Watch the African Diaspora News Channel video here.
‘Indomitable spirit that refuses to be broken’: Albert Woodfox and Mumia Abu-Jamal
The following exchange between political prisoner Mumia Abu-Jamal, wrongly incarcerated since Dec. 9, 1981, and Albert Woodfox, of the Angola Three, released in February 2016 after nearly 45 years of incarceration, most in solitary confinement, was recorded by Prison Radio. It aired as part of an evening of solidarity with Abu-Jamal April 23.
Read the Workers World article here.
There will be no justice for Penn and Princeton’s treatment of MOVE victims’ remains
"There are no words that can compensate for an institution holding onto the remains of two innocent teenagers, using them for educational purposes and hiding this from direct relatives.
The only thing that the city of Philadelphia can do is provide the requested reparations, free political prisoner Mumia Abu-Jamal, and make sure nothing like this ever happens again. "
Read Al Dia News article here.
Global movement demands freedom for Mumia
Mumia Abu-Jamal has fought for international solidarity since he wrote for The Black Panther newspaper as a 14-year-old in 1968. Today, from State Correctional Institute Mahanoy, he continues to encourage all revolutionaries to support each other’s struggles regardless of where in the world they may be.
Solidarity is a reciprocal thing. People around the world have signed petitions, written letters and called Pennsylvania officials demanding Mumia’s release from prison, because he is a political prisoner, because he’s innocent and because ailing and elderly people should not be incarcerated.
Continue reading Workers World article here.
Angela Davis and the International Longshore and Warehouse Union Lead San Francisco May Day March
“… Arguably, the largest demonstration in the U.S. occurred in San Francisco where an estimated 4,000 marchers, trade unionists, community groups and leftists, gathered at the Embarcadero and marched to Civic Center to commemorate the 1934 Maritime and General Strike provoked by the police murder of two strikers.
The demands of the event organized by all Bay Area labor councils were: (1) to support passage of the PRO Act (Protection of the Right to Organize) after the defeated union organizing drive at Amazon and (2) for racial justice.
Many marchers carried signs protesting racist police killings. The longshore union carried banners calling for Mumia’s freedom. One from the 1999 Mumia rally in San Francisco read: “Stop the Execution of Mumia Abu-Jamal“ which is relevant today given Mumia’s continued dire medical conditions and DA Krasner’s court filing opposing his appeal rights…”
Read Jamal Journal article here.
The attached interview is a very important and far reaching interview done by a Brazilian journalist with Jalil Muntaqim. It addresses the BPP, the BLA, Jalil's own involvement with both, BLM, and much more, After Jalil spent 50 years in prison, he has been out since this past October, working in Rochester, NY. and giving zoom workshops on political strategy.
Watch video, with subtitles, here.
Students hold protest in solidarity with MOVE at Princeton University
“On Wednesday, over a hundred students gathered on the lawn outside Nassau Hall to stand in solidarity with the MOVE organization in Philadelphia in protest of Princeton and the University of Pennsylvania’s handling of the remains of 1985 MOVE police bombing victims.”
Continue reading The Daily Princetonian article here.
If Mumia Abu-Jamal’s Case Is a ‘Non-Issue,’ Why Have Media Gone to Such Lengths to Silence Him?
“…Elite media would have us believe they are engaged in a serious reckoning with the racism of the US criminal justice system, that they care about over-incarceration and prison conditions. And keeping people behind bars just because powerful people want them there, and not due to the merits of their case? Well, that’s what Other Countries do.
If only there were a case, 40 years’ worth of case, that would allow them to explore those ideals—if not to do justice by Mumia Abu-Jamal (they can’t return what’s been taken from him), then to do some semblance of justice by their own claims of concern.”
Read Fairness & Accuracy in Reporting article here.
Richard Wright's daughter on his new book, “The Man Who Lived Underground," published decades after his death
CBS News interviews Mumia supporter Julia Wright on the recent publication of her father’s new book, The Man Who Lived Underground. Publishers in the 1940s would not let it be printed, except for certain sections as short stories. Watch the interview here.
Rassemblement pour MUMIA et les autres prisonniers politiques aux US
On April 25, 400 people from the Black Diaspora gathered in Paris. The Anti-Negrophobia Collective, the "Trop Violans" Collective from French Guiana and others from Africa, Martinique, Mayotte, Guadeloupe, Kanaky (New Caledonia), Polynesia, and Guiana spoke against French imperialism and for Mumia’s freedom. A video of excerpts of the important event, plus Julia's statement on the UPenn desecration of the MOVE children, with English subtitles, can be watched here.
Association of Black Anthropologists, the Society of Black Archaeologists, and the Black in Bioanthropology Collective statement on unethical use of MOVE remains
“The Association of Black Anthropologists, the Society of Black Archaeologists, and the Black in Bioanthropology Collective are painfully aware of the barbaric history of anthropology, especially when it comes to populations of peoples of African descent. We know that our discipline has been mobilized to rationalize eugenics and white supremacy and to justify slavery and colonialism. We also know that ethnographic museums, like Penn’s Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology (which houses the collection of the notorious racist Samuel Morton) , have supported the academic rationale for the institutionalization of racism in anthropology textbooks, courses, and curricula.
It is because of this history of racism in anthropology, and because of the missions of ABA, SBA, and BiBA to counter it, that we as organizations condemn in the strongest possible language the University of Pennsylvania, Princeton University, Coursera, along with Professors Alan Mann and Janet Monge, for their horrific treatment of the remains of Tree and Delisha Africa, and for the unfathomable heartlessness and disrespect shown towards the Africa family. We are outraged by the stunning ethical indifference shown by all parties involved to both Tree and Delisha and to the Africa family, but also by the fact that these entities effectively monetized the remains of Black children murdered in a state terrorist attack – a fact made all the more painful given the heightened public awareness of brutal murders of Black children and youth by the police over the past few years. “
Read complete statement here.
Mumia Abu-Jamal: State Running Scared, Trying to Make Sure He Dies in Prison
“…I want to leave your audience with those words, because we’ve been talking about the fact for years now, that the United States has 5 percent of the world’s population but imprisons 25 percent of the world’s prisoners. And I think that the problem of incarceration, its racist character, is really a reflection of everything that’s wrong with American society.
But prisoners, because of an unrelenting law-and-order campaign that’s been carried out in this country over the last 40 years – by Republicans and Democrats – are not seen as human beings. And that is to our peril because when you erode standards of freedom anywhere in society, as we see happening in the prisons, eventually that constriction of freedom comes back to affect all of us.
So this is not a problem that’s narrowly about imprisonment and prisons. This is a problem that raises questions about liberty and freedom for all of us in American society – and whether we are going to continue to allow the erosion of liberty and freedom indefinitely until it’s gone.”
Read the complete Black Agenda Report interview with Johanna Fernandez here.
‘We are not subjects of study!’: Protesters march on Penn Museum to decry handling of MOVE remains
“More than 100 people rallied Wednesday evening in front of Penn Museum to call on the University of Pennsylvania to immediately return remains belonging to children who died in the 1985 MOVE bombing.
“They’ve been doing this to our Black bodies for hundreds of years, in the name of science, in the name of study,” said YahNé Ndgo, striking a chord with the crowd. “We are not subjects of study, we are human beings!””
Continue reading WHYY article here.
Rally demands: MOVE children deserve to rest in peace
“…At the rally, Mike Africa Jr., son of MOVE 9 members Debbie Africa and Mike Africa, recalled having played with the children killed in the fire. He said: “The medical examiner was paid to find out how our people died. They took the bodies to a lab, left them unrefrigerated and let the bodies decompose. This was so egregious they were fired. The people from Penn Museum who took over were supposed to be ethical, but they are the monsters we are talking about today.”
Read complete Workers World article here.
Penn Museum pledges to return remains of MOVE member to the Africa family, demonstrators visit residence of Penn President Amy Gutmann
The director of the Penn Museum said Wednesday that he had contacted members of MOVE to arrange the return of bone fragments belonging to one of the group’s members who died in the 1985 bombing of their West Philadelphia home.
In a statement, Christopher Woods said he has plans to meet with the family in the coming days to discuss the return of the remains, though no formal plans have been announced. Woods also called the decision to use the bones in an anthropology course a “serious error in judgment” by an adjunct professor.
MOVE spokesperson Janine Africa confirmed that Woods had spoken with the group late Tuesday, and said its members are open to sitting down with him to discuss the issue.
“Right now we are so angry and hurt that we haven’t been talking about this to anybody,” Africa said. “We don’t know how we’ll be feeling and what will come out of this until we sit down and talk.”
Continue reading Philadelphia Inquirer article here.
Confronting UPenn on the bones of MOVE children that they stole, "studied" & mishandled
Over 300 outraged students, activists and community members protested at UPenn for their just-revealed desecration of the 1985 remains of murdered MOVE children. Beginning with a rally across the street from the Penn Museum, participants marched in the streets to the on-campus home of UPenn President Amy Gutmann where Mike Africa described his experiences growing up with MOVE children Delisha and Tree.
Watch the video by Sunny Singh of the whole event here.
From Paris, France: “Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.”
On April 25, there were 300 to 400 members of the Black Diaspora gathered in Paris, where spokespeople from Africa, Martinique, Mayotte, Guadeloupe, Kanaky ( New Caledonia ), Polynesia, Guiana, the Anti Negrophobia Collective ( responsible for painting red the statue of Colbert at the National Assembly ) etc... spoke against imperialism in general , French imperialism in particular and paid tribute to Mumia.
The "Trop Violans" Collective from french Guiana said movingly : " We carry Mumia Abu-Jamal in our hearts and in our heads".
Julia Wright read a statement in the form of a letter to Frantz Fanon giving the crowd the tragic news about the loss of the bones of the MOVE children.
Drumming, rapping, PanAfrican hymns and dancing went on till curfew time.
Madly Etile, the mother of the young Keziah who was tortured by the French military police last July in Fort de France, Martinique, spoke. Mumia had recorded a message called "Environments of Racism" for Keziah on March 26 and Keziah's family had been humbled that Mumia had spent his already labored breath to record it. Keziah, who is battling the side effects of physical and psychological torture, translated his mother's message, which can be read here.
Birthday events in Philadelphia say: Let Mumia OUT
“An international coalition of groups supporting Mumia Abu-Jamal held events April 23-25 to commemorate his 67th birthday (April 24) and call for his freedom. Mumia has been unjustly incarcerated for nearly 40 years. His health has deteriorated due to the harsh conditions he has endured under an unjust carceral system. He is currently hospitalized following triple bypass surgery on April 20. (tinyurl.com/ygbcnra9)”
Read about all three days of activities at Workers Workers article here.
Ivy League Secret Exposed: Classes Used Bones of Black Children Killed in 1985 MOVE Police Bombing
“Outrage is growing in Philadelphia after explosive revelations that the University of Pennsylvania and Princeton University have been in possession of remains thought to belong to two children who were among 11 people killed in the 1985 police bombing of the Philadelphia home of the radical, Black liberation and anti-police-brutality group MOVE. We show an excerpt of a training video — now removed from the internet — by an anthropologist at the University of Pennsylvania and Princeton University who has been using the bones of at least one of the young bombing victims for the past 36 years — without the knowledge or consent of the families — and get response from a MOVE family member. “It makes you wonder: What else do they have?” says Mike Africa Jr.
Watch Democracy Now video here.
MOVE denounces museum’s desecration of children’s remains
“…Janine Africa said: “We’ve had our babies beat, pregnant women beat, men beat, and they put us in jail for 41 years. In 1985, Police Commissioner Gregore Sambor said the children were as much of a threat as the adults. Police shot at our children, forcing them back into the burning house.
“When we were finally released, the politicians apologized and said they are sorry. We don’t trust them. They can’t give us our children. Our children are gone. We don’t want their apologies — we want our brother Mumia Abu-Jamal released.”
Read complete Workers World article here.
Penn Museum apologizes for keeping remains of MOVE victim rather than returning them to family
“…Members of MOVE, the West Philadelphia-based radical organization whose compound was bombed by the city in 1985 in a conflagration that killed 11, accused the city and the Penn Museum of mishandling and disrespecting the remains of at least one child who died in the blast.
They rejected the museum’s apology at a news conference Monday at the group’s West Philadelphia office, calling it empty words offered by an untrustworthy institution 36 years late. As part of its demands, the group called for the release of Mumia Abu-Jamal, who was convicted of killing Philadelphia Police Officer Daniel Faulkner in 1981….”
Read complete article here.
MOVE Press Conference 4/26: Addressing UPenn & Princeton's Theft of Bones of Murdered MOVE Children
For decades, Penn Museum at University of Pennsylvania unethically held hostage the remains of Delisha Africa and Tree Africa, two children killed in the May 13, 1985 bombing of MOVE by the city of Philadelphia.
Watch livestream by Sunny Singh at
Philadelphia Inquirer:
Walter Wallace Jr. is remembered 6 months after police fatally shot him
“Three siblings stood in Malcolm X Park on Sunday and looked out at a crowd of more than 200 who gathered in West Philadelphia.
But there should have been four, said Lakitah Wallace, 28. Six months ago Monday, her brother Walter Wallace Jr. died at the hands of Philadelphia police.
“We will never let my brother’s name be forgotten,” said Lakitah Wallace, her voice catching. “Our lives matter. Our lives matter.”
In her brother’s honor, scores marched from 58th and Spruce to Malcolm X Park. The event marked one of the first times the family has appeared publicly since Wallace’s death. It was part of a multi-city rally calling for freedom for Mumia Abu-Jamal and Russell Maroon Shoatz, both convicted of killing Philadelphia police officers.”
Continue reading here.
Video with a rap for Mumia on his birthday by Van T, in Mexico City
Watch the infectious beat here.
Marching in solidarity: hundreds take to NYC streets to protest anti-Asian attacks
“… Johanna Fernández is an assistant professor of history at Baruch College and is a part of a movement to free Mumia Abu-Jamal, an activist and journalist who helped create the Philadelphia branch of the Black Panther Party and was convicted of murdering officer Daniel Faulkner in 1981. On Saturday, protesters celebrated his 67th birthday at City Hall and continued to declare his innocence in the incident and demanding that he be freed from prison.
“We are here in the heart of the Dominican community; we are marching to East Harlem and we are here to say an injury to one is an injury to all. Not too long ago we had a person in the White House who was blaming China and the Chinese for the coronavirus and spewing anti-Asian hate, spewing white supremacy, and jingoism in this country and that is what we have to blame,” Fernández said to a roaring, jam-packed crowd.”
Read complete amny.com article here.
Oakland Rally To Get Ex-Black Panther Mumia Abu-Jamal Out Of Jail
“Dozens participated in the ‘Free Mumia’ march and rally in support of Mumia Abu-Jamal, a political activist and former member of the Black Panther Party who has been incarcerated for over 40 years.
Footage shows protesters gathering for the rally in Oakland on Saturday, which was also the 67th birthday of the incarcerated Mumia.
“It is incredibly important for us to unite to free Mumia Abu-Jamal. He has been in prison for over 40 years for a crime he did not commit, for his outspoken defence of black people, of people who are struggling against the US government and against gentrification. He was framed and he was set up at a time when the Philadelphia police department and government was rampant with KKK members and white council members,” remarked one protester.”
Continue reading Oakland News Now article here.
Supporters of Mumia Abu-Jamal rally on his 67th birthday for his release
“On Saturday, his 67th birthday, supporters of Mumia Abu-Jamal staged the first of two weekend rallies seeking his release from prison, where he is currently serving a life sentence for the 1981 murder of Philadelphia Police officer Daniel Faulkner. The case has pitted Abu-Jamal’s supporters, including a long list of national and international celebrities who say he was framed, against police and their supporters, who resent the attention given to a man convicted of murdering a fellow officer.
A crowd of several hundred people began to gather at the north side of City Hall about 2 p.m. Either on mic or in the crowd, some wore black placards declaring, “Innocent,” in white lettering. Signs reading “Free Mumia,” “Black Lives Matter,” and “Abolish Police” were in evidence.”
Continue reading here.
Rally today for Russell Maroon Shoatz and Walter Wallace Jr.
This is the livestream link for today’s rally for Russell Maroon Shoatz and Walter Wallace Jr., starting to stream around 11am ET.
The stream will be on letmumiaout.com but feel free to share this link as well: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5J3N1D10Fcw
April 24 - Free Mumia Free Them All protest in Berlin
Yesterday, on April 24 appr. 200 people joined a protest for the freedom of Mumia Abu-Jamal in Berlin's borough of Neukölln. Anti-racist organisations like Death in Custody and Migrantifa or prisoner support organisations like Network for political prisoners, Gemeinschaftlicher Widerstand, Criminals For Freddom, Sabot 44, no129 or the Red Aid all expressed their support for Mumia and what his struggle means for their own and that of others as well. VVN/BdA, an anti-fascist organisation founded by survivors of the Nazi death camps explained, why Mumia is an honorary member of their organisation. Neighbourhood organisations like Karstadt-Initiative, Syndikat or Deutsche Wohnen enteignen reported on the various struggles against gentrification and what that means to the livelihood of poor people ´in Berlin. A Prisoner was heard on the unhuman conditions at JVA Moabit via recording. Another recording was played on Lina, who is persecuted in the german region of Saxony for her antifascist activities. Musicians like Turgay, Müllsch, Yok, Mila Morgenstern and Elses Alptraum contributed live music.
Continue reading De.Indymedia.org article here.
Libertad para Mumia Abu-Jamal
Watch video of Mexico City event here.
Un jour je reviendrai à la Place de la Nation pour MUMIA ABU JAMAL
Here is a video that one of the members of the Panaf group in Paris has made to both call for the Place de La Nation gathering for Mumia in Paris April 25 and write in film the UN statement on Mumia's shackles.
Watch it here.
Watch today’s incredible program:
The People for Mumia Virtual Fundraiser & Speakout video
Spirited SF Protest at KQED/NPR for Showing “Philly DA” That Censors Mumia…Again
On April 20, the day after Mumia’s open heart surgery his supporters in San Francisco held a spirited demonstration initiated by the Labor Action Committee to Free Mumia Abu-Jamal (LAC) to protest the Independent Lens TV series “Philly DA”. Some 50 protesters demanded Mumia’s immediate release from prison and for an end to the continued National Public Radio (NPR) censoring of Mumia for 40 years. We demanded the showing of Stephen Vittoria’s documentary “Manufacturing Guilt” and Colin Kaepernick’s video defending Mumia.
Read Indybay.org article here.
Watch video of the event here.
Middle East Eye:
'Shackled to a bed': UN experts condemn US treatment of Black journalist
On Tuesday, progressive movements and proponents of the Black Lives Matter movement breathed a sigh of relief when a 12-member jury in Minneapolis found Derek Chauvin guilty of murdering George Floyd, the unarmed Black man whose death sparked a movement against police brutality in the US and across the world last year.
Commemorations took place at the road intersection in Minneapolis where bystanders had pleaded with Chauvin, 45, to remove his knee from Floyd's neck…
But just as politicians took to social media and network television to discuss how the verdict might reinvigorate America's long walk towards redressing racial injustice, a group of UN human rights experts issued a scathing statement about the conditions under which an an elderly and ailing African American man is being held in a Pennsylvania prison.
Read article here.
69 members of German Parliament call for Mumia’s freedom
April 20, 69 Members of German Parliament, all of the LEFT Party signed a statement, calling for the freedom of #Mumia Abu-Jamal. They also ask #phillyda to not further obstruct Mumia's legal procedures.
They also demanded freedom for #LeonardPeltier and #SundiataAcoli .
Read Fraktion DIE LINKE. im Bundestag article here.
Read English translation here.
Prison Radio:
Mumia's surgery was successful. There were no complications. He is receiving minimal oxygen and has one IV.
Mumia's medical attorney's have received word from the Open Heart ICU doctors. Mumia's surgery was successful. There were no complications. He is receiving minimal oxygen and has one IV.
Mumia's wife Wadiya was waiting all day yesterday, and all night for word and only heard this news this morning at 9:30 am.
Wadiya Jamal says "I won't know he is ok until I hear from him directly."
We are demanding that the hospital officials and the Pennsylvania Department of Corrections do the following immediately:
1) Mumia must not be shackled to his hospital bed during his recovery.
2) Let Mumia speak with his Family.
2) Let Mumia speak directly with his physician Dr. Ricardo Alvarez
3) Let Mumia speak with his spiritual advisor Dr. Mark Taylor
4) Provide the appropriate rehabilitation plan for his recovery
The next days, weeks, and months will be critical in Mumia's recovery.
The conditions of his confinement contributed to his heart disease. He was held in isolation solitary for over a year, never able to exercise. Limited to walking in his very small cell. He was allowed off his block rarely. These were due to the covid restrictions.
As he recovers he MUST have access to his physician, exercise and a heart health diet.
Please continue to call and write to the PADOC and let them know we are watching and that "Freedom is the only treatment":
Head of PA DOC, John Wetzel
717-728-2573 *** EMAIL: J.Wetzel@state.pa.us , ra-crpadocsecretary@pa.gov
twitter: @johnewetzel, @DOCSecretary
PA DOC, Deputy Secretary for Administration of Healthcare, Christopher Oppman
717-728-4122 or 717-728-2573 Ext 5
SCI Mahanoy Superintendent, Bernadette Mason
Governor of PA, Tom Wolf
717-787-2500 ext. 3. *** FAX 717-772-8284 *** EMAIL: Brunelle.Michael@gmail.com
facebook: @governorwolf, @TomWolfPA instagram: @governortomwolf
USA: Shackling of aged inmate, Mumia Abu-Jamal, is deplorable - UN experts
“…"We call on the authorities to take all urgent measures to protect the physical integrity, life and dignity of Mr. Abu-Jamal, in line with international human rights obligations.
"Communication and access for Mr. Abu-Jamal's family and advisors should immediately be restored with Mr. Abu-Jamal and with all relevant personnel involved in his health and conditions of confinement. The state must also immediately cease withholding information and access relevant to monitoring the status of Mr. Abu-Jamal's human rights.
"We also call on the authorities to urgently address allegations of discrimination, including racial discrimination, in the medical treatment of prisoners in Pennsylvania, and to take all necessary measures to protect the physical integrity and life of all detainees, in particular older prisoners and prisoners with disabilities who seem to have been disproportionately affected by COVID-19," the experts added.”
Read the April 20, 2021 Special Rapporteurs statement here.
Brick by brick and wall by wall, we will free Mumia Abu-Jamal
Presentation given by Erica Caines, with Black Alliance for Peace and Hood Communist editor, at an April 15 press conference to demand the immediate release of Mumia Abu-Jamal.
“…"Mumia once said that prison is a second-by-second assault on the soul, a day-to-day degradation of the self, an oppressive steel-and-brick umbrella that transforms seconds into hours and hours into days. In Mumia’s case, the state of Pennsylvania is deeply invested in ensuring that there will be no more days for him.
Instead of adhering to the longtime demands of the people to free Mumia, the state, including Philadelphia’s popular progressive prosecutor [Larry Krasner], has refused to do so."“
Read complete statement in Workers World here.
Call for April 25 rally in Paris, France by: Collectif International Panafricain Mumia Abu Jamal pour la libération des prisonniers politiques des usa (CIPMAJ-PPUS), Collectif Vies Volées, Cercle du Marronnage, Comité d'Organisation du 10 Mai, Comité de Solidarité International à Mumia Abu-Jamal et les prisonniers politiques américains (COSIMAPP), Mouvement International pour les Réparations (MIR France), Collectif Zéro Chlordécone Zéro Poison (ZCZP), Synérgie Francilienne Outre-Mer (SYFOM).
Read english translation of press release here.
Stop the Hypocrisy America! Free Mumia, Free Leonard Peltier, Free Julian Assange!
“…It’s time for the US government to walk the walk, and not just emptily talk the talk.
Mumia, Peltier and Assange should all be freed and the cases against them dropped. Other prisoners in the US whose lengthy prison sentences are clearly the result of political persecution should also be freed. Now!
Otherwise our political leaders are just power-tripping autocrats in glass houses tossing stones at other autocrats.”
Read complete article here.
Pacifica Network:
Mumia Abu-Jamal in peril: Exposing the brutality of US prisons and prison medicine
Political prisoner, author, and radio journalist Mumia Abu-Jamal is facing open heart surgery in Pennsylvania. Pacifica Radio Network spoke to Mumia supporter and City University of New York professor Johanna Fernandez.
Listen here.
Saturday April 17 update: Today Mumia called his wife Wadiya and told her that he is scheduled to have surgery on Monday April 19. Please check back for further updates. We will provide new information as soon as it becomes available.
United States: Demands for Mumia Abu Jamal’s release intensify as his health deteriorates
Mumia Abu Jamal was convicted of trial and sentenced to death in 1982 for the death of a Philadelphia police officer, has spent nearly 40 years in prison and was not given a fair hearing, now Mumia Abu-Jamal will be subjected to a heart surgery. To discuss the campaign for his release, we spoke with Dr. Ricardo Alvarez, medical consultant of Mumia Abu-Jamal. teleSUR
Watch the video here.
Mumia Abu-Jamal is Scheduled for Open-Heart Surgery -- Racism Remains the Greatest Medical Threat to Mumia’s Health
By Dr. Ricardo Alvarez, consulting physician for Mumia Abu-Jamal
“…As this article goes to press today, April 15th, Mumia is now scheduled for open heart surgery tomorrow. We only know that he has severe blockages of his coronary arteries or coronary artery disease (CAD).
…Before this week’s health emergency, Mumia Abu-Jamal was already suffering from COVID-19, congestive heart failure, hypertension, diabetes, liver cirrhosis, and a worsening of a severe and debilitating chronic skin condition. It remains very clear that treatment can only go so far in the setting of a prison. When he does go to a hospital he is painfully shackled in four point restraints, as happened last month when Mumia was hospitalized for four days with congestive heart failure and COVID-19. The shackling severely aggravated his skin condition and caused multiple open wounds. We are demanding that the shackling be stopped.”
Read complete Jamal Journal article here.
Students Bashed In Battle Over Abu-Jamal’s Healthcare
A poignant plea from a group of pupils at a Philadelphia charter school sent recently to Philadelphia’s top prosecutor — that sought release of an inmate widely considered as falsely incarcerated — prompted a barrage of vile threats against those students and one of their teachers from opponents of that inmate…
Read rest of article here.
A Robeson-Influenced Prayer and Birthday Greeting from England (for Mumia Abu-Jamal), by Tayo Aluko
Tayo Aluko, a Nigerian writer, actor and singer living in Liverpool, UK, writes on how he first learned about Mumia.
Read the Jamal Journal article here.
‘We are here to save a life’: Mumia Abu-Jamal to undergo heart surgery; supporters call for his release
“Supporters of Mumia Abu-Jamal hosted an emergency press conference Thursday, after news that the activist and former journalist, incarcerated for the killing of a Philadelphia police officer 40 years ago, will undergo heart surgery in the coming days.
According to Wadiya Jamal, his wife, and MOVE member Pam Africa, who normally speaks with Abu-Jamal daily, they had been unable to reach him for four days. On Wednesday, Abu-Jamal’s lawyer informed his close supporters that he complained of chest pain while on a walk at SCI-Mahanoy in Schuylkill County and was taken to the prison infirmary. From there, Abu-Jamal was taken to an undisclosed hospital, where it was discovered that several of his coronary arteries were blocked, for which he will receive surgery.
Abu-Jamal had previously been diagnosed with congestive heart failure, diabetes, liver cirrhosis and, most recently, COVID-19.”
Continue reading the article here.
Video of April 15 Press Conference:
featuring Angela Davis, Mike Africa, Marc Lamont Hill, Marc Taylor, Pam Africa, Dr Ricardo Alvarez, Dr Johanna Fernandez, Erica Caine and more, with over 700 Mumia supporters from around the world.
Watch and share the video here.
After days of not being heard from by his loved ones, we just learned that imperiled, world-renowned Black Panther journalist and political prisoner Mumia Abu-Jamal had been moved to an unknown hospital, complaining of chest pain. We have since learned that tomorrow, April 15th, Mumia will be undergoing emergency heart surgery at a hospital as yet unknown to his immediate family and supporters.
An emergency press conference will be held Thursday, April 15, 2021, 4pm EDT. Register at linktr.ee/mumia. Speakers will include Angela Davis, Marc Lamont Hill, Pam Africa, Johanna Fenandez, and grandson Jamal Hart, Jr.
Read press release here.
We have learned that Mumia Abu-Jamal, the world renown veteran Black Panther, political prisoner and radio journalist, had heart pain over the weekend. He was rushed to the hospital, and is expected to undergo heart surgery tomorrow, April 15, 2021.
We demand that:
1. Before surgery, Mumia be allowed to call his wife, Wadiya Jamal; his longtime supporter Pam Africa; his chosen doctor, Dr. Ricardo Alvarez; and his Spiritual Advisor, Mark Taylor.
2. Mumia not be shackled to his hospital bed, as is the rule in Pennsylvania and across the United States.
3. Mumia’s immediate release of this innocent man from prison.
We need not look far to see the mortal danger that the shackling of a patient represents: our dear Ancestor, political prisoner Romaine 'Chip' Fitzgerald was chained and shackled to his hospital bed in his last days —while he was hardly conscious— and before making his final transition, just over 2 weeks ago on March 28, after 52 years in prison.
According to Dr. Ricardo Alvarez, Mumia’s chosen doctor, “Any evidence of shackling will be seen as a deliberate harm to Mumia and a perpetuation of the court documented trauma he has already suffered.” Loud and clear are the echoes of slavery, which —as Eric Williams shows in Capitalism and Slavery — for the first time in human history produced the global distribution and mass use of handcuffs, shackles and fetters to bring enslaved Africans to heel.
Dr. Alvarez continues, “There is significant evidence, both legal and medical, that Mumia has suffered severe harm because medical, legal, law enforcement, and judicial professionals have not met proper standards. Mumia has been recently hospitalized for COVID and Congestive Heart Failure and he already suffers from hypertension as well as liver cirrhosis and diabetes, both induced by court documented medical neglect. Freedom is the only treatment.”
Please call the following offices to make these demands: that Mumia be immediately allowed to call his wife, Pam Africa, his doctor and spiritual advisor; that he not be shackled to his hospital bed, and that he be immediately released.
John Wetzel, Head of PA DOC
PA DOC, Christopher Oppman, Deputy Secretary for Administration who oversees healthcare
717-728-4122 or 717-728-2573 Ext 5
SCI Mahanoy Superintendent
Tom Wolf, Governor of PA
717-787-2500 ext. 3
Fourth, fifth and sixth grade students of Jubilee School call for Mumia’s freedom
“If Mumia isn’t set free, he could die. We take this personally because one of our classmates is Mumia’s granddaughter!
Mumia fights for Black people’s freedom and for justice by exposing the truth about the world. He fought for our justice, and now it’s our turn to fight for his.
Read letter in the April 13 Philadelphia Tribune here.
Dissident Voice:
A Knee on the Neck of Long-term Political Prisoners
George Floyd’s death is familiar a thousand times over because it restates the predominant ethic of law enforcement’s historical treatment of a minority population as revealed in the examples of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., Malcolm X, Fred Hampton.
But consider the less well known and large number of former Black Panther and other community activists serving intolerable prison terms which have taken away their normal lives in trials that can’t match objective standards of justice or international law. Guilty verdicts thrived on the targeting mechanisms of the FBI’s COINTELPRO operation, withheld testimony, ‘bought’ witnesses, rights violations, and obvious misidentifications suggesting that U.S. law enforcement has a difficulty telling black people apart. At particular risk of injustice were those who converted to Islam and were targeted for destruction.
Continue reading article here.
Letter to KQED for Mumia: Signed by Angela Davis, Boots Riley, and others
A Letter to KQED for Mumia (signed by Angela Davis, Boots Riley, and others) demands equal time to present another side of Philadelphia District Attorney Larry Krasner’s actions towards the unjustly convicted, after scheduled airing of "Philly D.A."
Read the letter at Indybay article here.
‘Mumia is a fighter’
“Mumia is a fighter. And he’s got a powerful movement behind him that has saved him numerous times — and we’ll continue to do that. But ultimately, we want him home. I [referenced] the vitriol with which the state approaches the figure of Mumia. And the question is, why the vitriol against Mumia? And it’s because of everything Mumia represents: his political analysis, his attention to root causes of social problems, his commitment to solidarity.”
Continue reading the Workers World article here.
PA DOC: Stop persecuting Bryant Arroyo for exercising free speech!
Arroyo is a well-known advocate for environmental justice that Mumia wrote about in 2013. Arroyo has been outspoken against abuse by the PA DOC, especially during the COVID crisis. He is currently in RHU, solitary confinement or the hole, for exercising his 1st amendment rights and exposing deplorable conditions in PA prisons. Call Superintendent Brittain at SCI Frackville: (570) 874-4516, ext. 2102 and John E. Wetzel, Secretary of Corrections: (717) 728-4109
Tell them:
Bryant Arroyo ( CU1126)
Take him out of the Restricted Housing Unit and return him to his cell in the general population
Rescind the 60-day restriction of video conference calls
Stop harassing him for exercising his constitutional right to free speech
Read more here.
The Only Treatment is Freedom: Mumia Abu-Jamal and COVID
“History is not merely something to be read. And it does not refer merely, or even principally, to the past. On the contrary, the great force of history comes from the fact that we carry it within us, are unconsciously controlled by it in many ways, and history is literally in the present in all that we do. –James Baldwin”
Read Johanna Fernandez’ article here.
Talking to co-author, with Mumia Abu-Jamal of ‘Murder, Incorporated’
By Ted Kelly
Stephen Vittoria co-authored “Murder Incorporated — Perfecting Tyranny: Book Three (Empire, Genocide, and Manifest Destiny),” with Mumia Abu-Jamal. He also is the director of the 2012 documentary, “Mumia: Long Distance Revolutionary.” Workers World conducted this interview in November 2020 prior to the book’s release.
Read the interview here.
NYC: Get on the Bus 4.24
Buses, vans, and other transportation are available from New York City to Philadelphia on April 24th meeting at 10 AM at the northeast corner of Union Square (17th Street and Park Avenue) and departing shortly thereafter.
Due to COVID restrictions, seating will be less than half normal capacity and therefore advanced reservations are required. Please call the Free Mumia hotline at 212.330.8029 or email bus@freemumia.com to arrange a reservation.
Since this will be more expensive than usual, we are asking people who can afford it to pay $50 for the roundtrip. However, anyone who wants to go with us will be able to, so we are also asking for donations at:
so we can provide scholarship rides for everyone who needs one in order to participate. Any donation will help!!
Confronting Krasner: A Grandson's Call for the Release of Mumia Abu-Jamal
Jamal Jr. is the grandson of US held political prisoner, journalist and political activist Mumia Abu-Jamal. On March 29, 2021, he confronted Philadelphia's "progressive" District Attorney Larry Krasner about his deliberate failure in handling this 40 year old case riddled with police, judicial and prosecutorial misconduct. Last night, Noelle Hanrahan of Prison Radio and I interviewed him about this confrontation.
Watch the youtube interview here.
Pacifica National Board Resolution Mandates Radio Carts About The Case Of Mumia
A resolution presented to the Pacifica National Board by one of the Covid, Race and Democracy team members was passed unanimously in March.
The Pacifica Affiliate network includes approximately 200 independent radio stations, primarily in the United States. Affiliates are also located in Canada, Europe, and Africa. The network includes community radio stations, internet stations, low-power stations, and college stations.
The resolution calling on Pacifica to “develop radio carts informing listeners about the case of Mumia Abu-Jamal, the need for his immediate release and providing Information to listeners on how to save his life and that these carts be mandated on all Pacifica stations.” can be read here.
Pacifica’s Covid, Race and Democracy team created extensive interviews with Johanna Fernandez, Noelle Hanrahan, Pam Africa, Betsey Piette, Joe Piette and others on Mumia's legal and medical struggle for freedom, which can be heard here.
Japanese Union: “give Mumia Abu-Jamal urgent medical care, transfer him to the appropriate medical facility, and free him immediately”
An April 1, 2021 letter to PA Gov Tom Wolf from the Hoshino Defense Committee—an organization established for defense of the longest held political prisoner in Japan, and Doro-Chiba—a Japanese railroad workers’ union, expresses deep concern “about the health of Mumia Abu-Jamal who is suffering from life-threatening diseases—Covid-19 and congestive heart failure.
…Flagrant racism and flame-up have deprived Mumia Abu-Jamal of human freedom for an extremely long duration. Now, with Mumia and his supporters’ decades of struggle, the Black Lives Matter movements are rapidly growing around the world and more and more people say now, “Mumia’s life matters!” Also, Asian American and Pacific Islanders are fighting back together with them, because of the same racist system, the same hate criminals are attacking and murdering AAPI community members.”
Read complete letter here.
Workers World:
‘It’s now or never’ — We must free Mumia!
“A quarter of a century ago, in the summer of 1995, Mumia was facing an execution date. That date was Aug. 17, [the birthday of Black Nationalist leader, Marcus Garvey]. We had one mission — for the movement to stop the execution. And through mass mobilization, through a lot of unity and a lot of coordination, we helped stop that execution. We did it.
…Now we face a similar situation in my view as one we faced in 1995, when there was an execution date for Mumia on the calendar.”
The Larry Holmes article can be read here.
The Significance of the NUMSA Appeal to the World for Mumia Abu-Jamal
--Analysis written by Julia Wright
“…The South African press release called for proper healthcare for Abu-Jamal and all other prisoners who have tested positive for COVID-19. It stated that Abu-Jamal is a political prisoner whose "only crime is exposing the racist, capitalist justice system in the U.S. which for decades defended and supported the Apartheid government."
Importantly, NUMSA's statement to the world ends with these words: "We urge our comrades locally and around the globe to join us in this just campaign to free Mumia."“
Read complete Jamal Journal article here.
Algeria activists call for Mumia’s freedom
Forty five individuals and organizations from Algeria signed on to a call that “Mumia must be released from prison outright, as his proven innocence and state of health should be sufficient to justify his release… Free Mumia immediately! Free all elderly and vulnerable detainees and political prisoners!”
The statement and list of signers can be seen here.
Mumia's Message to the Celebration of the International Day for the Victims of Slavery in Paris on March 27, 2021
“Today, a global human rights movement was born from the slow motion brutality of police violence against a man, George Floyd, who died in his forties. George Floyd ... He died by a knee on his neck. From a teenager to a man in his forties, the repression is the same, the racial hatred is the same, the deadly result is the same.
What is a human right without the right to life?”
Hear and read transcript of his speech here.
Pacifica Radio’s COVID, Race and Democracy Show:
FREE Mumia Abu-Jamal
Featuring interviews with Mike Africa, Jr., Hip Hop artist and podcast host of On the Move with Mike Africa, Jr.; Pam Africa, Move and International Family and Friends of Mumia; Noelle Hanrahan, investigative journalist and co-director of Prison Radio ; Dr. Johanna Fernandez, Associate Professor of the Department of History at Baruch College of the City University of New York, and author of, “The Young Lords: A Radical History.”; Betsy Piette, managing editor, Workers World Newspaper, check it out at https://www.workers.org/ ; Joe Piette, activist with Mobilization for Mumia and Mumia Abu-Jamal, Award-winning journalist, author of many books, including Death Blossoms, Live from Death Row, All Things Censored, Writing on the Wall, and Jailhouse Lawyers.
The two and one half hours long radio show can be heard here.
The Only Treatment is Freedom: Mumia Abu-Jamal and COVID
Johanna Fernández, author of The Young Lords: A Radical History and a leading member of the movement to bring Mumia Abu-Jamal and other political prisoners home, reports on Mumia's COVID-19 diagnosis.
Read the article here.
San Francisco Bay View:
Mumia update: The new Krasner brief
“…Does DA Krasner oppose lynchings?
Has DA Krasner actually read the trial transcripts? If so, does he realize the implications of him describing Mumia’s arrest in such a despicable way? What actually happened that morning when police arrived on the scene was an attempted lynching of Mumia, with the police acting as the white supremacist lynch mob.”
Read complete article here.
Before her death, Mumia’s sister, Lydia Barashango said that she and her family suspected Kenneth Freeman was the actual shooter of Police Officer Daniel Faulkner --An interview with Johanna Fernandez
A Jamal Journal interview - read it here.
The Power of Truth is Final
“Mumia Abu-Jamal once famously opined, “The state would rather give me an Uzi than a microphone.” More than five decades of intense surveillance, harassment, confinement, repression, and torture levelled against him by Frank Rizzo’s Philadelphia Police Department, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, and the Pennsylvania Department of Corrections, have graphically illustrated the truth of those words.”
The complete article can be read at Jamal Journal here. This essay was first published as an introduction for Mumia Abu-Jamal’s newest book, Murder Incorporated, Book Three: Perfecting Tyranny, just released by Prison Radio.
LA Progressive:
Mumia Abu-Jamal, the Injustice Industrial Complex, and the Human Miasma
Injustice is an industry in the United States of America, just like militarism and prisons. An inorganic perennial landscape irrigated by lies, silence, deception, fossil fuels, white-freedom-weapons and the victimization of black and brown people. A rhizomatous perpetual motion machine whose oozing pus fertilizes itself and keeps going.
This industry is undemocratic and bipartisan. It uses words like freedom and dreams and green to describe the journey.
Read complete article here.
Krasner’s stance on Mumia won’t cost him re-election. But it will stain his reputation as a reformer.
By Linn Washington, Jr. and Dave Lindorff
Philadelphia District Attorney Larry Krasner deserves credit for ending the wrongful incarcerations of nearly 20 people. Krasner did what many of his predecessors did not: fulfill the legal and ethical duty of a district attorney to seek justice. Those wrongful convictions, which resulted largely from misconduct by police and prosecutors, produced decades-long prison sentences, including time on death row.
However, Krasner warrants criticism for his stance to sustain the conviction of Mumia Abu-Jamal, the journalist and activist who was convicted for the Dec. 9, 1981 murder of Philadelphia police officer Daniel Faulkner. It’s a contentious murder case that’s rife with misconduct by police and prosecutors.
Read complete article here.
Mumia and Mass Incarceration
Chris Smalls, the former Amazon worker in NYC who staged a walkout to protest workplace conditions during COVID, invited Mobilization4Mumia member Ted Kelly onto his podcast to talk about the need to free Mumia Abu-Jamal.
Listen to podcast here.
Final Call:
An increased call to action for Mumia
Supporters and advocates for imprisoned journalist, activist and former Black Panther Mumia Abu-Jamal are increasing their efforts to win his freedom and get him the much-needed medical care they say he desperately needs.
…A “STAND UP/SPEAK OUT” Rally is scheduled for April 10, 12:00 noon EDT at City Hall in downtown Philadelphia to push to free Mumia and all elder political prisoners.
Read complete article here.
Workers World:
New court filings for Abu-Jamal’s appeal
Judith Ritter and Samuel Spital, attorneys for Abu-Jamal, entered their response March 17 to legal briefs filed Feb. 3 by Philadelphia District Attorney Larry Krasner regarding Abu-Jamal’s current Post Conviction Relief Act Appeals.
…In his long-delayed response to legal briefs filed on Abu-Jamal’s behalf in September 2019, Krasner is still denying Abu-Jamal’s right to prove his innocence. This supposedly progressive DA is arguing against new PCRA hearings that could expose evidence which previous prosecutors kept from the defense during Abu-Jamal’s 1982 trial and subsequent appeals.
Read complete article here.
Prison Radio:
Mumia thanks movement and calls for prison abolition
“Your support from Philadelphia to France, from points across the nation and literally around the globe has pulled me from a prison cell and placed me in a hospital room to be treated for a condition I didn’t know I had.”
Listen to his complete statement on Prison Radio here.
French activists call for protest in Paris, France on April 7
near the US Embassy on April 7 to demand Mumia's release.
Watch announcement on video here.
ALBA Movimentos - Capítulo Brasil:
Mumia and all elderly and vulnerable political prisoners be released before COVID devastates their already precarious lives
From Brazil, "entities and participants in the trade union, political and popular movements, intellectuals and people committed to democracy and justice" sign letter to PA Gov Tom Wolf for Mumia's release
Read letter and list of signers here.
Mumia’s attorneys file brief replying to DA Krasner
On March 17, Mumia Abu-Jamal attorneys Judith Ritter and Samuel Spital filed a reply brief in Superior Court in support of Mumia’s claims in the re-opened appeals. They focused on four arguments: (a) the Court’s jurisdiction to hear this case notwithstanding the Pennsylvania Supreme Court’s decision in Reid that most petitioners seeking to re-open their cases post Williams v. Pennsylvania cannot do so because their claims are not timely; (b) trial counsel’s ineffectiveness in failing to present evidence that Robert Chobert was on probation at the time of his trial testimony; (c) the admissibility of Yvette Williams’s declaration reporting what Cynthia White said to hear about lying against Mumia; and (d) racial discrimination in jury selection in violation of Batson.
The 69-page document can be read here.
Maureen Faulkner sought permission, again, to intervene in the Superior Court. Essentially her argument is that the DA is not in her view raising—or at least not vigorously raising—a jurisdictional/timeliness argument, which she says reflects ongoing bias and the need for disqualification.
That motion can be read here.
From Jamal Journal:
Albert Woodfox and Robert King of the Angola 3 call to support Mumia Abu-Jamal and sign the Color of Change petition to DA Larry Krasner
Read statement here.
International Workers Committee:
Free Mumia and All Elders, Vulnerable Inmates and Political Prisoners Immediately!
Read about their international campaign here.
The International Federation of Journalists calls for Mumia’s immediate release amid growing fears over his health
Read their statement here.
National Writers Union: Mumia has COVID-19 – Free Him Now!
See their post here.
Mumia’s Case highlighted on The Young Turks
Gabe Bryant and Sunny Singh spoke about Mumia’s medical and legal struggle on The Young Turks today and can be heard here.
Listen to a deconstruction of Philly DA Larry Krasner's "well what about other prisoners" line here.
Philly DA Krasner challenged on Mumia during Shawn King interview
Larry Krasner was interviewed by Shawn King, where he was asked why does hw continue to defend the phony conviction of Mumia Abu-Jamal.
Listen to his answer here
We Demand Mumia Abu-Jamal's Release.
Mumia Abu-Jamal has contracted COVID-19 and desperately needs medical care. He's currently in prison and his physician says the only way to get him the treatment he needs is to let him out of prison.
What we want people to do:
Go to this all-in-one action site.
Jamal Journal:
Mumia Abu-Jamal's Health Emergency --An interview with physician consultant Dr. Ricardo Alvarez
In this interview, Abu-Jamal's physician consultant, Dr. Ricardo Alvarez examines each of the four primary ailments that Abu-Jamal is currently suffering from: COVID-19, congestive heart failure, liver cirrhosis, and a worsening of the severe debilitating chronic skin condition.
Read the important interview here.
Rap Activists Call For Mumia Abu Jamal’s Release Over Serious Health Crisis
“…However, more activists are ringing the bells of criminal abuse, inhumane conditioning, and calling for his release as Abu-Jamal has contracted COVID-19, has congestive heart failure, and a long-term skin condition that leaves “bloodied open wounds” all over the surface of his body that might be linked to hepatitis C.
… Influencer Charlie Mack took to his social media accounts to bring awareness and to ask his followers to “Call the Pennsylvania Governor Tom Wolf and demand/request the release of Mumia based on compassionate release.”
Read more here.
Free Mumia -WORDZ The Poet Emcee
Listen to the beat produced by TCustomz here.
March 12 San Francisco Protest: RELEASE MUMIA NOW
SF Mumia Supporters held an action in front of DA Chesa Boudins office March 12 in solidarity with the action in Philadelphia.
Watch livestream here.
March 12 Philadelphia Protest: RELEASE MUMIA NOW
Watch LIVESTREAM March 12 @ 11am: EMERGENCY Demonstration for Mumia Abu-Jamal (C*VID/Congestive Heart Disease) here.
African Esquire TV:
Mumia Needs All of You NOW
#FreeMumia #COVID19 #FreeAgingPeopleFromPrison
Watch March 10 program here.
WXRW Milwaukee Radio:
Interview with Gabe Bryant - FREE MUMIA
Gabe Bryant, member of Mobilization4Mumia and the Black Philly Radical Collective was interviewed on March 12 on Milwaukee, WI radio show on WXRW, The Grass is Greener - on Mumia Abu Jamal.
Listen here.
Amsterdam News:
It is now freedom or death for Mumia!
Read here.
Frantz Fanon Foundation:
Mumia Abu Jamal, political prisoner, is in danger
Read here.
Workers World:
Mumia has COVID-19 – the only treatment is his freedom!
Read here.
RALLY MARCH 12: Mumia has COVID, Congestive heart disease -- RELEASE HIM NOW!
Rally Friday, March 12 at Philadelphia District Attorney Larry Krasner's office, 3 S. Penn Sq, from 11am to 1pm to demand the release of political prisoner Mumia Abu-Jamal and other ill and elderly incarcerated people in Pennsylvania prisons.
Mumia, who had been hospitalized to remove excessive fluid from his lungs on March 3, was found to have COVID-19 and was also diagnosed with congestive heart disease (CHD). He had already been diagnosed with cirrhosis of the liver five years ago. Dr Ricardo Alvarez, who serves as Mumia's medical consultant, says of people diagnosed with congestive heart disease, 50% don't live past 5 years.
CHD patients who live past five years require proper meds, physical therapy and other life-altering changes. The PA DOC's anti-humane policies make it hard on anyone to change their diet, to exercise more, to get fresh air, to reduce stress or to receive the right medicines.
That is why Mumia and other incarcerated people who suffer from similar life-threatening ailments must be released.
Mumia is also innocent and is in the middle of legal challenges that could finally prove his innocence and win his freedom but Krasner and the F.O.P have purposely contested and delayed the process. Justice delayed is justice denied!
DA Krasner, Gov. Tom Wolf and PA DOC Secretary John Wolf are responsible for the healthcare for Mumia and all those incarcerated. Their refusal to release Mumia and to deny him and other ill and elderly incarcerated people proper healthcare amounts to nothing less a death sentence.
From Prison Radio:
A life and death situation for Mumia - we need to mobilize immediately.
Congestive heart failure. Unrelenting skin eruptions are causing damaged, ruptured, leathery, dry, exposed wounds. Not one spot on his body is free of dry cracked and bloody open wounds. No longer in an outside hospital, Mumia is back in the prison infirmary in excruciating discomfort and pain.
The message from his personal physician, Dr. Ricardo Alvarez, could not be clearer, “Freedom is the only treatment.”
Mumia requires: Treatment - Diagnosis – Liberation
We must not wait one moment, one day, one heartbeat. We must ACT NOW to treat these conditions:
Congestive Heart Failure
Covid-19 breathing difficulties
Organ failure of the skin
Mumia is being denied diagnosis and adequate treatment for his skin condition. He is held in isolation in the prison infirmary without healing salves and ointments that he had in his cell. He is also denied regular access to a phone or access to his tablet which provides the connection to his email. This communication is a vital lifeline.
Make no mistake, phone calls do work - last week your phone calls meant that he was whisked to the hospital for four days. He was diagnosed and treated for congestive heart failure and they removed excess fluid in his body. Those treatments must continue to be carefully monitored.
He is now in the infirmary at SCI Mahanoy: the same infirmary where he suffered medical neglect in 2014 that sent him into renal failure. That year his medical care required careful blood sugar monitoring and when he did not receive that, he went into a diabetic coma. Abu-Jamal vs. Wetzel, a lawsuit over those conditions, is still pending.
The Fraternal Order of Police has stated that it intends for Mumia to die alone, inside this prison. We say no.
CALL TO ACTION: Call, write, tweet, post and fax to demand “freedom, treatment, diagnosis, and access to his lawyers, doctors, and family for Mumia Abu-Jamal at SCI Mahanoy.”
Phone number: 717-728-2573
Contact form: https://expressforms.pa.gov/apps/pa/cor/contact-us
Email address: ra-contactdoc@pa.gov,
Twitter page: @CorrectionsPA
Facebook page: @CorrectionsPA
John Wetzel, Secretary of Corrections - name Mumia Abu-Jamal and SCI Mahanoy in subject line
Phone number: 717-728-4109
Email address: ra-crofficeofrds@pa.gov or ra-crpadocsecretary@pa.gov,
Twitter page: @johnewetzel, @DOCSecretary
Tom Wolf, Governor
Phone number: 717-787-2500, pick option #3 for operator
Fax: 717-772-8284
Online form: https://www.governor.pa.gov/contact/
Office of the Governor, 508 Main Capitol Building, Harrisburg, PA 17120
Twitter page: @GovernorTomWolf, @GovernorsOffice
Facebook page: @governorwolf, @TomWolfPA
Instagram page: @governortomwolf
Larry Krasner, District Attorney
Phone number: 215-686-8000, leave a message
Email: DA_East@phila.gov, DA_Central@phila.gov, DA_Northwest@phila.gov, DA_South@phila.gov, DA_Southwest@phila.gov, DA_Northeast@phila.gov
Main Office, Three South Penn Square, Corner of Juniper and South Penn Square, Philadelphia, PA 19107-3499
Twitter page: @philadao
Facebook page: @philadao
Reach Philadelphia DA Krasner as he speaks at events - demand that he drop the case and free Mumia at once:
April 20 Author event at 6:30 p.m. CDT, free to register: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/larry-krasner-for-the-people-a-story-of-justice-and-power-tickets-142138954439
Vincent Hughes, State Senator
Phone: 215-879-7777 (District Office), 717-787-7112 (Harrisburg Office)
Fax: 215-879-7778 (District Office), 717-772-0579 (Harrisburg Office)
2401 North 54th Street, Philadelphia, PA 19131
(District Office)
545 Capitol Building, Senate Box 203007, Harrisburg, PA 17120-3007
(Harrisburg Office)
Online form: https://www.senatorhughes.com/contact/
Email: hughes@pasenate.com
Twitter page: @SenHughesOffice, @SenatorHughes
Facebook page: @vincent.hughes.7
Instagram page: @senhughesoffice
Cindy Bass, City Council of Philadelphia
Phone number: 215-686-3424
Fax: 215-686-1937
Online form: https://phlcouncil.com/cindybass/, contact field at the bottom
Twitter page: @cindybassphilly
Facebook page: @cindybassphilly
Instagram page: @cindybassphilly
Bernadette Mason, SCI Mahanoy Superintendent
Phone number: 570-773-2158
Office of Criminal Justice
Email: justice@phila.gov, rachel.eisenberg@phila.gov (Director)
#FreeMumia ; #COVID19 ; #FreeAgingPeopleFromPrison ; #FreeTheVulnerable ; #FreeAllPoliticalPrisoners ; #TreatmentisFreedom ; #BlackLivesMatter ; #FreeThemAll
Write our brother:
(Though Mumia is incarcerated at SCI Mahanoy in Pennsylvania, all mail must be sent to the aforementioned physical address for electronic scanning. Keep in mind he only receives copies, no original mail.)
Smart Communications/PADOC
Mumia Abu-Jamal AM 8335
SCI Mahanoy
PO Box 33028
St Petersburg, FL 33733
Follow these and your local Mumia Abu-Jamal organization for updates and calls to action
Prison Radio
International Concerned Friends and Family of Mumia Abu-Jamal
Campaign to Bring Mumia Home
News that imprisoned radio journalist and veteran Black Panther Mumia Abu-Jamal tested positive for COVID came at the very end of a press conference on March 3rd in front of DA Larry Krasner’s offices. Abu-Jamal's attorney Bob Boyle called to deliver the news he’d just received from attorneys at the PA Department of Corrections. Boyle was one of the lawyers who five years ago filed the legal suit that won Hep C treatment for Abu-Jamal and other incarcerated people. Abu-Jamal confirmed via phone a few minutes later that he had been hospitalized for four days in a local medical center where 10lbs of fluid were removed from his body. Further tests determined that he has Congestive Heart Disease and COVID.
Dr. Ricardo Alvarez, an Independent physician with decades of work in prison advocacy, explained that the prison infirmary where Mumia is now being held is no place for those who are ill or elderly. “The only acceptable treatment for Mumia Abu-Jamal is his freedom.” He added, “We have a simple cost-effective public health intervention in the face of COVID in prisons- release our elderly prisoners. Data shows they do not pose a public safety risk.”
Read press release here.
Watch March 6 “Freedom Has Never Been So Close: Global Street Meeting for Mumia Abu-Jamal” here.
Video of March 3rd protest at Philly DA’s office to demand release of Mumia and all ill and elderly
When: Wednesday, March 3, 2021, 11AM
Where: In front of DA Larry Krasner’s Office 3 Penn Square
Mumia Abu Jamal—husband, father, grandfather, imprisoned radio journalist, "voice of the voiceless," award-winning author of more than 13 books, 66 years of age with liver damage and high blood pressure—is experiencing chest pressure, labored breathing, and a marked change in the distinctive tenor of his voice. These symptoms could be COVID or other serious conditions that need immediate medical evaluation.
After 39 years of wrongful imprisonment—28 of those unconstitutionally held in the infernal isolation of death row—and after a near-death experience due to court documented medical neglect in the prison and failure to treat his Hepatitis C, Mumia’s life is once again in the balance. And he requires care at a higher level medical facility.
Read complete press release here.
This online journal is a massive source of information (current and historic) about Mumia Abu-Jamal's struggle for freedom.
A 48-hour fundraising campaign begins now. Please contribute here.
Read the informative quarterly newspaper here.
Larry Krasner, Philadelphia’s so-called progressive District Attorney, filed a legal brief on Feb. 3 denying Mumia Abu-Jamal the right to prove his innocence.
Following in the steps of Lynn Abraham, Ron Castille, Seth Williams and other notoriously corrupt DAs, Krasner’s legal brief argues against any new hearings that might bring to the light of day any new evidence that was kept out of the 1981 trial and subsequent appeals.
In effect, Krasner’s 125 page brief puts his seal of approval on the outrageously racist actions of Judge Sabo, who was heard to say “I’m gonna help them fry the n–--r.”
In addition, Krasner knows there is new evidence. He was the one who found the six hidden boxes of exculpatory evidence that exposes the prosecution’s misconduct.
Instead of considering all the evidence that has been gathered since the 1981 trial, Krasner is basing his line of arguments on the fabrications and lies that helped to unfairly convict Mumia in the first place.
With his legal action, Krasner is attempting to continue the judicial, police and prosecutorial misconduct that convicted an innocent Black journalist almost four decades ago. Krasner’s office is refusing to acknowledge that the similar charges of misconduct his office used in exonerating 18 other innocent men also applies to Abu-Jamal’s case.
“Release Mumia NOW!” will be the cry as community activists protest outside the DAs OFFICE on MONDAY, FEB. 15, 11:00am to 1:00pm.
West Coast longshore union (ILWU) request Gov. Wolf grant compassionate release for Mumia
Gov. Wolf
Incarceration during a global pandemic clearly should not be a death sentence.
Mumia Abu Jamal and more than 2,400 other individuals are currently being exposed to a COVID-19 outbreak at the Mahanoy Correctional Facility in Frackville, PA. At least 20 guards have tested positive for COVID-19 and this is creating a dire situation for every individual at the Mahanoy Correctional Facility, especially those older individuals with compromised immune systems.
As such, I implore you in the interest of justice to relocate all incarcerated individuals with COVID-19 symptoms to off-site medical facilities and to also consider a compassionate release for Mumia Abu Jamal and all other aging, vulnerable, and immune-compromised prisoners in the Pennsylvania Department of Corrections (PADOC).
Edwin R. Ferris, International Secretary-Treasurer, ILWU
See letter here.
National Railway Motive Power Union of Chiba, Japan calls for Mumia's release
“…We National Railway Motive Power Union of Chiba (Doro-Chiba) is the railroad workers’ union that has been fighting against the division and privatization of Japan National Railways—the biggest union busting in Japan’s history and unprecedented unfair labor practices enforcement by the government itself in 1987. Together with many labor unions in the U.S. and around the world, Doro-Chiba has been advocating the struggle to free Mumia Abu-Jamal.
We are pleased to hear the Pennsylvania Supreme Court dismissed the petition of the widow of the police officer and the Fraternal Order of Police to remove the DA Larry Krasner as prosecutor in Mumia Abu-Jamal’s case, because Krasner had not continued suppression of exculpatory evidence. This is one step forward to a retrial.”
Read complete statement here.
From This Can’t Be Happening:
State Supreme Court rejects Faulkner Widow’s ‘Evidence-Free’ Effort to Block Mumia Appeal
Abu-Jamal Attorney Judy Ritter tells ThisCantBeHappening!, “The King’s Bench petition has been dismissed, and that decision cannot be appealed. Now our case involving the four rejected PCRA hearings can go forward.”
So too will the long-delayed evidentiary hearing into the contents of those six boxes of prosecutorial documents relating to the case — documents that prior DAs from Ed Rendell through Ron Castille, Lynn Abraham, Seth Williams to Kelly Hodge had illegally kept undeclared and hidden away from Abu-Jamal and his lawyers for four decades.
What happens next will be a hearing before a superior court panel on Abu-Jamal’s petition for reconsideration of his PCRAs into whether the newly discovered documents pose a Brady violation in his initial trial or later during his PCEA hearings. That panel can make a determination, refer the case to a Superior Court judge, or decide to move everything directly to the Pennsylvania Supreme Court — a court that will no longer have the controversial Justice Castille, now retired, sitting on it.
Read complete article here.
The Washington Informer:
MUHAMMAD: Mumia Abu-Jamal — Closer to Freedom
Mumia Abu-Jamal, the Pennsylvania political prisoner who spent more than 20 years on death row and who remains on lockdown for a crime I do not believe he committed — and which he and thousands of his supporters all around the world insist he did not — recently moved closer to exoneration and freedom…
…“We must demand that corruption be revealed, and that the voices of its victims must be heard. We know that Mumia was imprisoned because he was a Black Panther, and we know that is unjust, and we cannot allow the truth to be buried, or for voices like Mumia’s to be silenced,” Hanrahan said.
Read complete article here.
Oakland Education Association applauds Kaepernick’s statement calling for Mumia’s freedom
The Oakland Education Association (OEA), representing nearly 2,800 educators in the Oakland Unified School District, applauds Colin Kaepernick’s statement calling for freedom for Mumia Abu-Jamal. In a video statement, Kaepernick documented how nearly 40 years ago Abu-Jamal was framed for the murder of a Philadelphia police officer, framed by a police department notorious for its systematic racist brutality and for tampering with evidence to convict the innocent.
Read the rest of the statement here.
Pakistan Trade Union Federation calls for Mumia’s release
The All Pakistan Trade Union Federation, calling the incarceration of Mumia “unlawful and against the International Charter of Human Rights”, sent a letter to Pennsylvania Governor Tom Wolf calling for Mumia’s release.
The full text of the statement can be read here.
Statement from Stephane Peu, Deputy of the City of St. Denis, France
“Dear friends and supporters of Mumia Abu-Jamal in the United States,
I am deeply saddened and aghast to hear the news of the death threats Colin Kaepernick was exposed to after he, an iconic sports figure and anti racist militant, spoke up for the release of Mumia Abu-Jamal during a November 16, 2020, press conference where Angela Davis also intervened.
As an elected representative of the French Communist Party and the France-Refuses-To-Submit Movement, I offer my full support to Mumia as well as to the activists who have been fighting for so many years to release this African American journalist from prison.
Read much more here.
From France:
Pour la libération de Mumia Abu-Jamal
"Vies Volees'' ( "Stolen Lives''), a French organization led by Ramata Dieng that supports, mobilizes and guides the families of assassinated or mutilated victims in resisting police brutality as well as increasingly militarized police equipment, has created a petition for Mumia's release PLUS a video of Colin Kaepernick's statement (dubbed in French). It also includes:
- A call for Mumia's immediate release; - Support for Colin Kaepernick's statement - Support for all historical Political Prisoners in the U.S.
- Support for MOVE - And linking Mumia's whistleblowing about police brutality and corruption in Philly to the French militant movement on the rise against racist police brutality in France today.
Please sign the petition here: http://chng.it/Xt8R7XGwyB
Vies Volees well-organized website can be viewed here.
Prison Radio on Judicial decision dismissing FOP King's Bench Petition:
Mumia Abu-Jamal Urgent Legal Update - FOP Loses for Now: Ominous Split Decision by PA Supreme Court
The Philadelphia Fraternal Order of Police Lodge Five & Maureen Faulkner have lost this fight. But the rematch is going to be brutal.
On December 16th the Pennsylvania Supreme Court dismissed the FOP’s King’s Bench petition to remove Philadelphia District Attorney Larry Krasner as the prosecutor in Mumia Abu-Jamal’s criminal case and replace him with Pennsylvania Attorney General Josh Shapiro.
…Abu-Jamal's current appeal is in front of the Superior Court right now, who have designated it to a “merits panel.” It ultimately should be remanded to the Common Pleas Court.
This Train Is Still Headed Towards Freedom
Mumia’s criminal case is headed to an evidentiary hearing based on the 6 boxes of long-buried evidence uncovered in 2018. Currently, Mumia has a pending appeal in Superior Court (290 EDA 2019 filed on September 3, 2019) which raises claims based on the reinstatement of his Appellate Rights, these claims include Ineffective Assistance of Counsel, prosecutorial use of false testimony, Jury discrimination claims, among others. In addition, the suppressed exculpatory evidence represents additional material that can be litigated during an evidentiary hearing in the Philadelphia Common Pleas Court.
This evidentiary hearing is the first step to a new trial.
Read complete statement here.
Philadelphia CBS News:
Pa. Supreme Court Turns Down Request To Replace Philly DA Larry Krasner From Handling Mumia Abu-Jamal’s Appeals
Watch here.
Philadelphia Tribune:
Justices turn down request to replace Abu-Jamal prosecutors
Read here:
Workers World:
Barrier to Mumia’s appeal dismissed: Case can move forward
Read here
Today, the PA Supreme Court issued an Order dismissing Maureen Faulkner's King's Bench Petition. Here is an excerpt from the Order:
"AND NOW, this 16th day of December, 2020, the King's Bench petition is hereby DISMISSED in accordance with the special master's recommendation. The special master is directed to unseal the record in this matter. This Court's February 24, 2020 order staying all matters related to the underlying criminal case, Commonwealth v . Wesley Cook, a/k/a Mumia Abu-Jamal, No. 290 EDA 2019; CP-51-CR-0113571-1982, is hereby lifted."
There was one dissenting PA Supreme Court Justice: Sally Updyke Mundy.What this means is that now, all pending appeals and motions in the PA Superior Court will move forward from where things were left off in February 2020 when the Supreme Court stayed all proceedings until it decided the King's Bench Petition.
What had already happened, as of February 2020?
1. Mumia's attorneys submitted briefs re-arguing issues that were unconstitutionally dismissed by the PA Supreme Court over the course of almost two decades— on account of a conflict of interest on the part of PA Supreme Court Justice, Ronald Castille.
2. Mumia's attorneys asked the Superior Court to remand the case to the Philadelphia Court of Common Pleas to review the new evidence in the case.
What comes next?
1. The DA's Office will submit its briefs to the Superior Court.
Hasta la Victoria
The PA Supreme Court decision can be read here.
The FOP’s and Maureen Faulkner’s denied petition can be read here.
Teachers Union Urges Bay Area Media to Report Kaepernick Statement Calling for Freedom for Mumia Abu-Jamal
Whereas Colin Kaepernick has been in the forefront of the struggle against systemic racist police violence since he took a knee as a SF 49er,
Whereas Kaepernick has now called for freedom for Mumia Abu-Jamal, documenting his frame-up almost 40 years ago in the killing of a Philadelphia police officer in retaliation for Abu-Jamal's relentless reporting on police violence,
Whereas the mainstream Bay Area media have yet to even report on Kaepernick's courageous statement despite his deep ties to the area both as the 49er quarterback and in his extensive work with Oakland high school youth,
Resolved: we urge local media to carry Kaepernick's statement in full and will issue a Press Release to that effect.
-- Adopted 12/12/2020
View Resolution with Letterhead here.
Mumia on “Voices with Vision”
The December 8 episode of WPFW’s “Voices With Vision”, featured Mumia weighing in on the spread of COVID-19 among Pennsylvania prisoners and the new U.S. red scare.
Listen here.
Street press conference notes new book & positive developments for Mumia's freedom
“Truth above Tyranny” was the theme of a news conference held today in Philadelphia by a coalition of organizations demanding freedom for U. S. political prisoner Mumia Abu-Jamal.
The coalition, which included Mobilization4Mumia, Campaign to Bring Mumia Home, International Concerned Friends & Family of Mumia Abu-Jamal, Free Mumia Coalition (NYC) and MOVE, marked the day Abu-Jamal was shot and wrongly arrested for the murder of a Philadelphia police officer. The gathering also marked the release of his new book Perfecting Tyranny.
Despite snow flurries, dozens of supporters heard Abu-Jamal’s wife of 39 years, Wadiya; publisher Noelle Hanrahan, director of Prison Radio; MOVE members Janet and Janine Africa; Robert Saleem Holbrook, executive director, Abolitionists Law Firm; Ted Kelly, of the Prisoners Solidarity Committee of Workers World Party; Pam Africa of the Uncompromising International Concerned Family and Friends Of Mumia Abu-Jamal and others call for Mumia's release.
Click here for links to
- Dec 9 livestream
- how to buy Mumia's new book
- video of Colin Kaepernick's statement for Mumia
- and much more
Philadelphia Inquirer:
Supporters of Mumia Abu-Jamal demand his freedom on the 39th anniversary of his arrest in the death of a Philadelphia police officer
Supporters of Mumia Abu-Jamal, who was convicted of killing a Philadelphia police officer in 1981, used the 39th anniversary of his arrest to call for his release from prison on Wednesday, saying he was innocent.
They also condemned the 1985 bombing of the MOVE compound in West Philadelphia and rejected a recent apology Philadelphia city councilmembers offered for the city’s actions that day in starting a fire that killed 11 people. Read complete article here.
This can’t be happening!
Supreme corruption in Pennsylvania
Watching Injustice Fester For 341,880 Hours
by Linn Washington
The murder of Philadelphia Police Officer Daniel Faulkner is a crime I’ve reported on, researched and monitored since its occurrence in the pre-dawn hours of Wednesday December 9, 1981.
Thirty-seven years after Faulkner’s murder, in December 2018, Philadelphia prosecutors stumbled across six boxes stashed in a forgotten area in their office complex that contained startling evidence related to the man convicted of Faulkner’s murder.
For me, the discovery of those boxes provided both confirmation and consternation. Read complete article here.
Mumia’s Murder Incorporated: Book 3 - Perfecting Tyranny Available Now
Just released the final book in the trilogy. Written by political prisoner, Mumia Abu-Jamal, and filmmaker, Stephen Vittoria, Murder Incorporated: Empire, Genocide, and Manifest Destiny (a three-book series) is a searing critique of the American Empire, a diagnosis of a corrupt pathology. The myth is that America’s prized possessions and greatest exports are democracy and the dream of freedom. The reality, say Abu-Jamal and Vittoria, is that the American dream is illusory, and America’s greatest export is murder—and that along the way to the kill, it thieves, suppresses, and tyrannizes.
Foreword by Angela Davis
Murder Incorporated strives to set the record straight: to educate, to enlighten and enliven the people against the corruptions of empire—corruptions that stretch from Columbus’s first steps on Hispaniola through yesterday’s murderous drone attack. More than a history book, Murder Incorporated is a lively, irreverent, and spirited alternative to the orthodoxy of American exceptionalism.
From $20, available through Prison Radio here.
To: <justice@phila.gov>, <brunelle.michael@gmail.com>
"Freedom is for the strong"
Richard Wright, Uncle Tom's Children
Dear Mr Krasner,
We, descendants of slaves, carry in our psyche the knowledge of oncoming lynchings be they with tar and feathers or high tech or the mass decimation by COVID due to inhuman negligence by the State.
We have an in burned, in born, in trenched insight into our death-bound, arbitrarily, wantonly defined lives…
Today, as the Courts continue in their uncanny silence about Mumia's case, as justice delayed is justice denied -- you, Mr Krasner add silence to silence by leaving our letters unanswered.
Read complete letter to Philadelphia District Attorney Larry Krasner below the fists graphic on right side of page.
Translations of Nov. 16 Press Conference available in French, Spanish, German
Summary of the press conference in Spanish here.
Dubbed video of Colin Kaepernick in French scrolling down the screen - translation narrated by Sister Rachel - here.
German translation of Colin Kaepernick's speech here.
Transcript of the whole press conference is here.
Democracy Now:
Colin Kaepernick Demands Freedom for Renowned Prisoner Mumia Abu-Jamal
Activist and former professional football player Colin Kaepernick has come out in support of freeing renowned political prisoner and journalist Mumia Abu-Jamal. Kaepernick posted this video online.
Colin Kaepernick: “A political prisoner, who has since the age of 14 dedicated his life to fighting against racism, continues to be caged and lives his life on a slow death row. We’re in the midst of a movement that says Black lives matter. And if that’s truly the case, then it means that Mumia’s life and legacy must matter.”
From Struggle - La Lucha:
Colin Kaepernick: Now is the time to release Mumia Abu-Jamal
“Release Mumia Abu-Jamal and all political prisoners” was the message of the Nov. 16 Mobilization to Free Muma Abu-Jamal Press Conference that featured a video appeal from Colin Kaepernick, calling on the movement against racist policing to join in the work to bring Mumia Abu-Jamal home.
Read complete article here.
Colin Kaepernick, Angela Davis headline new call for Mumia Abu-Jamal’s freedom
Colin Kaepernick called on the current movement against racist policing to join in the work to bring Mumia Abu-Jamal home: “If the Black Lives Matter movement is to mean anything, then Mumia’s life and legacy must also matter. Mumia still fights for our human rights. We must continue to fight for his right to be home.” (Watch Kaepernick’s statement here.)
Long-time activist Angela Davis stated: “Mumia’s case exemplifies the length to which the state will go to silence the critics of police power. It is time to accelerate the campaign to bring Mumia home!”
They were joined in a Nov 17 virtual press conference by Pam Africa, Professor Linn Washington Jr, Kwama Ajamu and others who detailed many of the police, judicial and prosecutorial misconduct practices that resulted in Mumia’s unjust conviction. Johanna Fernandez chaired the event, seen live by hundreds of people around the world.
Watch the complete event here.
The Nation:
Colin Kaepernick Speaks Out for Mumia Abu-Jamal
What we haven’t seen this year, somewhat surprisingly, is a national reckoning over the lifetime imprisonment of Mumia Abu-Jamal. For years the most famous death row prisoner in the United States, the former Black Panther’s innocence in the killing of Philadelphia Police Officer Daniel Faulkner was once an article of faith on the left. Mumia’s conviction was the symbol for everything racist and corrupt about the police, the prison system, and the politics of death row.
While behind bars, he has broadcast more than 3,000 commentaries around the world and is about to release his 12th book, Murder Incorporated—Perfecting Tyranny: Book 3, so he has hardly been invisible. But since Mumia has been taken off of death row, only the lifelong devoted have remained vigilant about his case. That could change, now that exiled NFL quarterback Colin Kaepernick has entered the fray.
Read the complete article here.
Philadelphia Tribune:
Angela Davis, Pam Africa, others call for immediate release of Mumia Abu-Jamal
For nearly 39 years, the acclaimed journalist and political prisoner Mumia Abu-Jamal has maintained his innocence in the 1981 murder of a Philadelphia Police officer…
A virtual press conference was held Monday to demand his immediate release. Advocates Angela Davis, Pam Africa, Kwame Ajamu, Linn Washington Jr., Greg Gonsalves, and Colin Kaepernick spoke on behalf of Abu-Jamal’s release and a desire to end the investigation proceedings ordered by the Pennsylvania Supreme court.
Read more here.
Philadelphia Inquirer:
Colin Kaepernick calls on law enforcement authorities to ‘Free Mumia’
Colin Kaepernick, the former San Francisco 49ers player who famously took a knee during the national anthem as a protest against racial injustice, called Monday for the immediate release of Mumia Abu-Jamal, convicted in the 1981 shooting death of Philadelphia Police Officer Daniel Faulkner.
He contended that Abu-Jamal, 66, was “framed” in the killing of Faulkner by a racist police department.
Read more here.
Colin Kaepernick comes out in support of freeing Mumia Abu-Jamal
Colin Kaepernick has called for the release of Mumia Abu-Jamal, imprisoned since 1982 for the killing of Philadelphia police officer Daniel Faulkner in 1981. Abu-Jamal has maintained his innocence and his supporters have long claimed his trial was flawed.
The former NFL quarterback, who famously took a knee during the performance of the national anthem in 2016 in protest of police brutality, noted that Abu-Jamal has been in prison for longer than Kaepernick has been alive.
Read more here.
Workers World:
Kaepernick joins the call to ‘Free Mumia!’
A virtual press conference on the critical juncture in the fight to free political prisoner Mumia Abu-Jamal was held here Nov. 16. A special highlight was a seven-minute message from Colin Kaepernick, expressing his support. Kaepernick sacrificed his stellar athletic career in 2016 when he began to take a knee in protest against police terror during the playing of the U.S. national anthem at National Football League games…
Long-time activist Angela Davis stated: “Mumia’s case exemplifies the length to which the state will go to silence the critics of police power. It is time to accelerate the campaign to bring Mumia home!”
Read more here.
Freedom and abolition
Join the Movement to Free Mumia on Monday November 16th at 12pm EST for this historical press conference during a critical time in the case of our esteemed elder and revolutionary leader, Mumia Abu-Jamal. Hear from Colin Kaepernick, Angela Davis, Pam Africa, Kwame Ajamu, Linn Washington, Jr and others as they continue the decades long fight calling for the Freedom of Mumia Abu-Jamal , All Political Prisoners, and Prison Abolition. Tune in, learn more, spread the word, show your support and get involved!
You Cannot Decarcerate by Using the Tools of Incarceration, Says Mumia Abu-Jamal
“Donald Trump claims to have instituted prison reforms, because he introduced the First Step Act, a bipartisan federal sentencing and reform bill, and granted clemency to several select, high-profile or celebrity prisoners. What do you make of this?
Mumia Abu-Jamal: Trump is a wolf. He does not understand the meaning, much less the function of the word “empathy.” One cannot seek to help the people who are caged in this carceral state without empathy. Trump really has no substantive prison reform programs at all. But he takes a thimble and makes a bucket out of it. I’ve heard him in debates talking about prison reform, but that’s not really what he supports. It is a political tool meant to pry people away from other candidates in support of his reelection. While it is true that some people have gotten out on the First Step program, Trump has also supported the reinstitution of some of the most repressive institutions in the carceral state — private prisons. This takes us far back to post-Civil War traditions in American life when the state sublet its function to private corporate entities and Black people were forced into slavery by another name.
Read complete TruthOut article here.
Kaepernick’s “Abolition for the People” series to include essay by Mumia
Kaepernick published an essay on Oct. 6 entitled “The Demand for Abolition,” which called for the abolition of police and prison systems. This article launched a new four-week series called “Abolition for the People – the Movement for a Future Without Policing and Prisons.” The project was created in partnership with Kaepernick Publishing and the Medium publication LEVEL, which builds on traditions of organizing for Black freedom.
The “Abolition for the People” website states that the project “will publish 30 stories from organizers, political prisoners, scholars, and advocates — all of which point to the crucial conclusion that policing and prisons do not serve as catch-all solutions for the issues and people the state deems social problems.”
The article continues: “Not only do police and prisons fail to make us safer, but reform has only strengthened their most toxic ingrained practices. The only answer is abolition, a full dismantling of the carceral state and the institutions that support it.” (tinyurl.com/y3vvz4rm)
Mumia Abu-Jamal’s essay is vital
An essay by Mumia Abu-Jamal, U.S. political prisoner and world-renowned journalist, will appear Oct. 26 on that website, which already includes contributions by Dr. Angela Davis, Dr. Ameer Hasan Loggins, political prisoner Russell Maroon Shoatz, and his son, Russell Shoatz, III. Also posted are articles by LGBTQ essayist Kenyon Farrow, immigrant rights activists Cynthia Garcia and Cristina Jiménez Moreta, Indigenous organizer Morning Star Gali, and Kimberlé Crenshaw, who is credited with coining the term “intersectionality.”
The inclusion of Abu-Jamal’s writing in this project comes at a critical time. His current legal appeal, initially filed in 2016, has been bogged down since Feb. 24, when the Pennsylvania Supreme Court accepted a “King’s Bench” petition, initiated by the Fraternal Order of Police, requesting a change of venue in the case.
Issues of police brutality and the power exerted by police organizations like the Philadelphia FOP over the U.S. judicial system are central to Abu-Jamal’s case. The fight to win his release continues after nearly 39 years of unjust incarceration.
Read complete Workers World article here.
A Son’s Fight for His Father’s Freedom
Russell ‘Maroon’ Shoatz and Russell Shoatz III share how they built an unshakable relationship in spite of incarceration and separation
This article is part of Abolition for the People, a series brought to you by a partnership between Kaepernick Publishing and LEVEL, a Medium publication for and about the lives of Black and Brown men. The series, which comprises 30 essays and conversations over four weeks, points to the crucial conclusion that policing and prisons are not solutions for the issues and people the state deems social problems — and calls for a future that puts justice and the needs of the community first.
Russell “Maroon” Shoatz is an activist, writer, founding member of the Black Unity Council, former member of the Black Panther Party, and soldier in the Black Liberation Army. Incarcerated since 1972 and now 77 years old, Maroon is serving multiple life sentences in Pennsylvania as a U.S.-held political prisoner of war. After escaping prison twice, in 1977 and 1980, he earned the name Maroon from fellow incarcerated men, a nod to Africans who fled chattel slavery and created autonomous communities throughout the Americas. His son, Russell Shoatz III, is a longtime activist, educator, and live event producer. For the past three decades, he’s worked tirelessly for his father’s freedom and that of all U.S.-held political prisoners.
In this moving linked article, Maroon and Russell discuss their life together while being kept apart, the traumas they’ve suffered at the hands of the carceral state, and how, in spite of all of this, they still have an unbreakable relationship as educators, as freedom fighters, and as father and son.
Conversations with Trudy: Uncovering the Case of Mumia Abu-Jamal. Does he belong in prison?
Since 2018, 14 Black Philadelphians wrongly convicted of murder have been exonerated—cleared of all charges based on new evidence of innocence (including DNA), uncovering serious prosecutorial or police misconduct and other gross failings.
In December 1981, independent journalist Mumia Abu-Jamal was shot and then beaten into unconsciousness by Philadelphia police. He awoke to find himself shackled to a hospital bed, accused of killing a cop. Convicted and sentenced to death in a trial that Amnesty International denounced as failing to meet the lowest acceptable standards of judicial fairness, Mumia has spent decades in prison defending his innocence and speaking out against injustice, racism, and violence in America.
Watch the zoom panel here
Democracy Now! interview:
Philadelphia DA Larry Krasner on Mumia Abu-Jamal, Police Corruption & Reexamining Old Cases
AMY GOODMAN: “Before we go, I wanted to ask you about Mumia Abu-Jamal, one of the most recognized cases in Philadelphia history. One of the least-known facts of the case is that Mumia was nearly beaten to death at the crime scene. Within weeks of the end of the trial, a third of the police involved in his case were jailed for systematically tampering with evidence to obtain convictions in cases across Philadelphia. At least one police officer in the case, James Forbes, lied on the stand, saying he had properly handled guns. What are the recourses for addressing police corruption, both in Mumia Abu-Jamal’s case and that of so many others in which police were jailed for wrongdoing but the victims remained in jail? Some say Philadelphia has a history of cases like this. I asked you about Mumia Abu-Jamal when you were running for DA. You’re now in for three years. What’s happening in his case?”
Larry Krasner “…As for Mumia Abu-Jamal, that is in about the 40th year of its litigation. We have some things going on very actively in that case. We take that case no more and no less seriously than every other case, because of the notoriety about it. One of the things that I’ve certainly seen in our work around exoneration and conviction integrity is I have seen that often the unfamous people get a whole lot less attention than the famous people. But what I can say in that regard is it is pending. There are certain restrictions on what we should appropriately say at this time. But it does — you know, it is a microcosm of the realities of what progressive prosecutors face now when they’re trying to go back in time and do justice, when they’re trying to do justice moving forward, when they’re trying to comply with their obligations to give exculpatory information, in a culture that used to shred and used to hide and used to destroy, a culture that I experienced for almost 30 years as a criminal defense and civil rights attorney.”
To read or hear the complete part of the interview pertaining to Mumia, go here.
To read or listen to the complete interview which focused on how the Philly DA would respond if Pres. Trump sent federal troops to Philadelphia, go here.
Philly Protest: Take down the Goode Way sign!
About 80 people gathered down the street from former Philly Mayor Wilson Goode's home to demand a street sign honoring him be taken down.
City Council member Curtis Jones manipulated city rules two years ago in getting the street renamed for the Mayor responsible for bombing the MOVE home and the surrounding neighborhood in 1985. Eleven people died in the tragedy but no city official was ever charged or convicted of a crime.
After several speeches by Pam Africa, Mike Wilson, Mike Africa and others explaining the history behind the protest, participants marched to Goode's home where they chanted "NO Goode Way!"
They then marched several blocks to Curtis Jones home, where they chanted "Take it down!"
Philly Action to Cease the Criminalization of Black Resistance
Philadelphia’s Black community has struggled against police violence for decades. On May 30, 2020, community members rose up against the police using various forms of protest. The city issued hundreds of citations and some people were charged with serious misdemeanors and felonies surrounding their protest activities.
This week, the city stated that they were dropping all citations that were issued from May 30th to June 30th . This is not enough. We demand that District Attorney Larry Krasner immediately drop all charges associated with protesting. We will not allow Black Philadelphians to be targeted for fighting against the white supremacist state violence that has plagued this city for so long. Now is the time for our supposedly progressive District Attorney to demonstrate his commitment to freedom for Black Philadelphians by dropping all charges against the people fighting for Black liberation. Community members are facing charges ranging from burglary to property destruction.
We assert that this system only responds to radical action and we stand with Black people who were brave enough to engage in these activities. Bottom line. All protest is legitimate. On Monday July 13th the Black Philly Radical Collective took to the streets to demand Larry Krasner immediately stop the criminalization of Black resistance.
At one point, DA Krasner and his body guards came out to the protest. He was asked to answer "yes or no" to the question: "Will you drop ALL the charges against ALL protesters?" Instead of yes or no, he raised the drug dealers who were arrested in Kensington last month. When people started yelling comments at him, he gave back the mic, turned around and went back in to his office cave.
Commentary by Mumia Abu-Jamal on Prison Radio:
America: Rogue Nation
Several days ago, the European Union announced that Americans were not welcome to visit any of the 28 - member countries of the EU.
Why? Because of the explosive expansion of the coronavirus among American states, which surpasses many foreign nations.At last count, over 3 million people in the US are infected, resulting in at least some 130 - thousand deaths. Americans, long regarded as disputatious, quarrelsome and argumentative, are now regarded as a threat to the public health of European states.
It now joins Brazil, as a nation banned from European soil. Europeans must also regard Americans as foolish and undisciplined, for failure to abide by simple health rules, which threatens to surge throughout European society. In the US meanwhile, southern and southwestern states regarded masking as an assault on American rights, and an affront to freedom.
What is most unnerving, however, is the elevation of politics over science, for the US proves that he who substitutes a politician’s decision over that of a doctor, has a fool for a patient. For politicians serve their egos or their donors, and others suffer the consequences.
The US has emerged as a nation out of control, either unwilling or unable to follow simple medical directions designed to mitigate a pandemic. Here, state governments seem ineffective; the national government seems simply incompetent.
Hear this in Mumia’s voice here.
WHYY news:
Fourth of July protests in Philly bring calls for Mumia’s freedom, support for Black trans people
As the Philly region kicks off a toned-down, socially distanced Fourth of July celebration, for some it’s a chance to take to the streets in a historic American city and protest the systemic racism that’s embedded in the founding of the United States.
At noon, a protest was planned outside of the Municipal Services Building in Center City — the previous location of the controversial Frank Rizzo statue, which was removed one month ago after years of calls for its removal due to the former mayor’s history of bigotry.
The protest — organized by MOVE — is focused on ending “police terror,” and calling for Philly Black activist Mumia Abu-Jamal’s freedom. July 3 marked the 38th anniversary of the first-degree murder conviction of Abu-Jamal, who was found guilty of murdering Philadelphia police officer Daniel Faulkner in July 1982. Activists have fought to overturn his conviction for decades.
More than 500 people gathered outside the MSB, many chanting in a circle and many more using bicycles to form a protective perimeter and block police access. Crowd attendees were diverse — both racially and in age, with older activists standing shoulder to shoulder with younger ones.
Continue reading article here.
Workers World newspaper article:
Protesters say: ‘Free Mumia!’ in Philadelphia on July 4
“Y’all are the ones we’ve been waiting for,” Pam Africa from International Concerned Family and Friends of Mumia Abu-Jamal and the MOVE Organization said to a crowd of hundreds outside Philadelphia City Hall on July 4th. “Y’all are the ones we’ve been waiting for. You’re powerful. And what I like about you? You don’t back the fuck down.”
Neither the hot sun or the nearly 100-degree heat deterred the several hundred protesters who assembled in front of the city’s Municipal Service Building, where a monument to white supremacist Police Commissioner and Mayor Frank Rizzo was recently torn down.
Continue reading article here.
Philadelphia Inquirer:
Abu-Jamal addresses protesters in Philly from prison
The Protest Police Terror rally at the Municipal Services Building got a boost from the very man whom demonstrators were saying should be freed from prison: Mumia Abu-Jamal. Speaking on a call from the State Correctional Institution at Mahanoy that was played over a megaphone, Abu-Jamal said he stands with the protesters, and appreciated their support.
“This is a special time,” he said. “A time like someone my age hasn’t seen in many years. But it’s a time that’s finally here, and that means it’s the right time.”
Abu-Jamal is serving a life sentence in the 1981 murder of Philadelphia Police Officer Daniel Faulkner.
Johanna Fernandez, a history professor at Baruch College, told the protesters that the country is in the “middle of a revolution,” and that the people assembled Saturday have a “moral assignment” to call for the release of Abu-Jamal and other prisoners.
”There’s a new generation of fierce Black people, of fierce indigenous people, of fierce Latino people, of fierce John Brown white people who are picking up the baton from previous generations,” she said.
Fernandez also called for the abolition of police, saying their ranks have been infiltrated by white supremacy. “This struggle, and the struggle to demand to bring Mumia home is a struggle to tell authority that they can’t lock us away for standing up for our rights,” she said.
Rally & march to free Mumia:
Starts at 12 noon at the former site of the Rizzo statue, 1401 JFK Blvd.
Protest police terror.
If the police can’t kill you, they lock you up forever.
Protest the unjust 38 years of imprisonment of Mumia Abu-Jamal.
This protest is on a day that is supposed to mean freedom.
March in solidarity to various locations to demand justice from Governor Tom Wolf.
Remembering Delbert Africa
(4:27) Mumia Abu-Jamal on Prison Radio:
“He was born under the name Delbert Orr, but is known in the world as Delbert Africa, a prominent member of the MOVE Organization.
In the 70s in Philadelphia he was perhaps its best known and most frequently cited member. With more years than most, he was adept at using the media to spread information and promote MOVE purposes.
His country accent around Chicago and his ingenious puns made his remarks interesting and gave them journalistic value.
I regret to inform you that Delbert Africa, who won his freedom in January 2020 after 41 years imprisoned, lost his life a few days ago to the ravages of cancer.
…He continued for 41 years in exhausted soul lockdown and sorry health care. Delbert endured everything and walked free with his revolutionary black soul intact.
As a MOVE member until the end, he continued to follow John Africa’s teachings, and lived embraced in the love of his MOVE family and daughter Yvonne Or-El.
After all, love is the closest thing we've come to freedom.
Delbert Africa, after 72 summers, turned to his ancestors.
From imprisoned nation - I am Mumia Abu-Jamal.
The complete recording can be heard here on Prison Radio.
San Francisco BAYVIEW:
COVID-19 puts Black political prisoners on death row
“American prisons are death traps. They are the places with the highest rate of coronavirus infection in the world. Incarceration in the time of COVID skirts the genocidal cruelty of death by disease of the Nazis,” said Johanna Fernandez, a longtime Mumia supporter and an associate professor in the Department of History at Baruch College, CUNY. “If the state cannot protect the lives of prisoners. It must let them go. That’s the general panorama.”
More and more people are coming to the belief that the federal and state governments are allowing for the COVID-19 virus to ethnically cleanse prison systems nationally. Look at the numbers of Black prisoners who are being infected and dying in an environment where social distancing is impossible.
Black political prisoners at the top of the government’s list for biological execution are not limited to but include Ruchell Magee, Romaine “Chip” Fitzgerald, Imam Jamil Al-Amin, Dr. Mutulu Shakur and Mumia Abu Jamal. I interviewed their supporters to see what a few of our many beloved political prisoners are up against.
Read rest of article here.
From Millennials are killing Capitalism podcast:
Sekou Odinga On Political Prisoners, The Black Panthers And The Black Liberation Army
In this episode we are honored to interview Sekou Odinga. Odinga is a former member of Malcolm X’s Organization of African American Unity, a founding member of New York Chapter of the Black Panther Party and the one of the falsely charged New York Panther 21, and a founding member of the International Black Panther Party chapter which set up an embassy in Algeria. After returning from exile, he joined the Black Liberation Army. In 1984 Odinga was convicted of multiple charges, including the liberation of Assata Shakur. While he contested the charge legally, after serving almost 34 years for the conviction, he has acknowledged that he is honored to be connected with the Assata’s liberation. Sekou Odinga shares reflections, memories and lessons from the struggles of his era. He also joins us specifically to highlight the need to bring home political prisoners, including Mumia Abu-Jamal. The political prisoners from his generation are all elders, many of them with compromised immune systems, who have all served decades in prison for their political activity.
Listen to the podcast here.
Statement in Support of Pennsylvania Political Prisoners: Building Upon the Legacies of Political Prisoners to Bring Them Home
by Abolitionist Law Center and Amistad Law Project
As poor communities and communities of color continue to wade through a gauntlet of crises, it is encouraging to see movements and organizations building and seeking solidarity to wage a concerted rescue. It is for this reason that we must now, at this moment in our people’s historical arch of resistance and struggle, extend a last ditch lifeline to our movement’s political prisoners who are on their last legs and in many cases literally their last breath; and who as seniors constitute the most vulnerable among us. Our movement’s political prisoners, who, despite surviving countless hostile encounters with the state’s security forces, are on the verge of succumbing to old age and infirmities behind the walls and gun towers of the empire’s Prison Industrial Complex.
It is also encouraging to see one of the main issues of these communities — mass incarceration — come front and center in public consciousness. To see it be recognized as the continuation of slavery, and more folks be proud to bear the mantle of abolitionist, is heartening. We are witnessing a rising tidal wave of consciousness that has the potential of lifting society to a higher level of humanity. The need to reform or outright abolish the current legal system has never been as mainstream as it is today. Just as the abolitionist movement, the suffragist movement, the civil rights movement, and the Black Liberation/Black Power movement, were all thrusts to humanize this society, today’s criminal legal reform and prison abolition movements also have the potential to make this society more humane. This “mainstreaming” of criminal justice reform is the result of the tireless efforts of activists, families, and advocates not abandoning their loved ones and communities to the beast of mass incarceration.
However, today’s prison abolitionist and prison reform movement will fall woefully short of fully humanizing American society if it allows the issue of political prisoners to be perceived as a radioactive idea. Because of this reactionary and unfortunate perception among certain sectors of the reform movement, some of these political prisoners themselves have opted to be excluded from any reform or abolition campaign. They perceive themselves as radioactive to the fight. This is a sad resignation on the part of our greatest living champions of justice. This thinking has as much to do with the graciousness and self-sacrifice of our warriors behind bars as it does to the way the movement itself has allowed the idea of radioactivity, futility, and “lost cause,” to influence and infect its direction and sense of justice.
In Pennsylvania, Russell Maroon Shoatz, Fred Muhammad Burton, Joseph JoJo Bowen and Mumia Abu-Jamal have languished in prisons for decades. They are now seniors and in poor health.
Read rest of statement here.
Final Call:
International online press conference gives update on legal, political, struggle of Mumia
PHILADELPHIA—As the COVID 19 virus continued to ravage America over 100 participants making up a global audience joined a unique virtual press conference. They were listening to speakers who passionately spoke on why journalist and political prisoner Mumia Abu-Jamal should be immediately released from prison.
Read rest of article here.
Workers World:
On Mumia’s birthday, global event honors political prisoners
By Mirinda Crissman and Judy Greenspan
From behind prison walls nearly 39 years, Mumia Abu Jamal continues to educate, energize and unite prison abolitionists, former and current political prisoners, and the global activist community. On April 24, his 66th birthday, Abu-Jamal’s story and legacy brought together a virtual gathering “U.S. Empire vs. Political Prisoners,” committed to broadening this movement, not only to free Mumia and all political prisoners but to free us all.
Read rest of article here.
Thanks to Noelle and Prison Radio, here are four! April 24 commentaries by Mumia:
A Message To My Supporters (1:53)
A Message To My Supporters (1:53) Mumia Abu-Jamal
( Prison Radio Audio / Photo Permissions Content on this site is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License. design and development from colab.coopcolab.coop www.prisonradio.org)
On PA Supreme Court (1:26)
On Prison Guards (4:21) Mumia Abu-Jamal
Does The System Work? (1:25)
Teach In - US Empire v. Political Prisoners provides historic advance for all incarcerated people
The entire video can be viewed here.
PRESS RELEASE April 23, 2020
Press Conference features international focus on legal, political
& COVID19 battles for Mumia Abu-Jamal on his 66th birthday
The complete program video can be viewed here.
Philadelphia, April 23 - A global audience heard a number of speakers in the US and from around the world expound on why journalist/political prisoner Mumia Abu-Jamal should be immediately released from prison during a virtual press conference.
Pam Africa of International Concerned Family and Friends of Mumia Abu-Jamal began the 90 minute youtube event (which can be viewed at https://youtu.be/m4WzmXD1RiI ) with an appreciation of the unwavering almost-4-decades-long movement to free Mumia,, imprisoned when he was just 27 years old.
Santiago Alvarez, UC Santa Cruz student speaking from California, described the Pennsylvania Department of Corrections “sick and wicked” false claim on April 15 that Mumia Abu-Jamal was being hospitalized with COVID-19. Within minutes supporters flooded the institution with calls, resulting in a call from Mumia himself that he was fine. “While it was a big scare, it was also a reminder of the urgency of how vulnerable Mumia is and how we need to get Mumia out immediately.”
Temple University Professor and well-respected Philadelphia Journalist Linn Washington provided an overview of the police, prosecutorial and judicial biases that unjustly convicted Mumia and sentenced him to death.
Strong Show of International Solidarity
Michael Schiffman, an investigative writer and author joining in from Germany, described how photos taken by photographer Peter Polakoff at the 1981 crime scene prove that prosecution witnesses lied about significant aspects of the case against Mumia. He added some history of the 30 years of work the German solidarity committees have continued to do.
Mireille Fanon Mendes-France, via video from Paris congratulated Mumia on his 66th birthday. The Fanon Foundation Director condemned capitalism not only for mass incarceration of Black and Brown and poor people but also for the way it’s unable to protect people from so many deaths from the coronavirus. In capitalist countries, those most affected by COVID19 are poor people, migrants, incarcerated people. She ended her talk hoping“Next year we want to celebrate your birthday with you, freed from the colonial yolk of prisons.”
Dr Suzanne Ross spoke on the long history of international support for Mumia, “from Germany, France, Demark, South Africa, Brazil and many other countries.”
Sharon Cabusao-Silva, from the Organization of Families of Political Prisoners in the Philippines and longtime member of Gabriela Women’s Alliance, Philippines called in live to the youtube livestream to say: “We need to prioritize the release of political prisoners, especially the sick, elderly and pregnant women...We have a common struggle – here in the Philippines and with our friends there in the US to have our political prisoners freed at this time of the epidemic.”
Community Activists Demand “Free Mumia”
Janine Africa spoke on the movement that brought her and six other members of the MOVE 9 home after four decades in prison. “Never give up – we were told for over 40 years that we would never get out. But we sit here today as proof of the power of the people.”
Razakhan Shaheed, from Nation Time, spoke about supporting jailhouse lawyers like Mumia inside the prisons, who work to get each other out.
Gregory Muhammad, Nation of Islam student research coordinator, told of how he met Mumia in the solitary confinement unit (B Block) at SCI Huntington in 1982. He also described the work that The Nation of Islam has done inside and outside of prisons to free incarcerated people, including political prisoners like Mumia.
Blak Rapp Madusa, international hip hop artivist out of Pennsylvania, described working to bail out 97 people from jail, including 9 Black mothers and caregivers a couple days ago, trying to free vulnerable populations including mothers and caregivers from the dangers of COVID19. Dignity Act Now – Philly is also providing resources – access to shelter, food, clothing and testing for C-19 - after they’re released.
Charles Barron, New York State Assemblyman gave a first hand account of his battle with COVID-19 and ended the planned program with a fiery call to revolution: “The real problem is not just that we have bad diets and need to eat better, or that we need to exercise more – we have to fight with every breath we have to dismantle and destroy this predatory capitalist system!”
Organizer Sophia Williams, who MC-ed the event, announced a full schedule of activities from April 24 through April 26:
At 6pm, Friday April 24, a Teach-In entitled "U.S. Empire v. Political Prisoners" will feature Angela Davis, Alice Walker, Fred Hampton Jr. and dozens of other celebrities and political activists.
An Instagram Live Dance Party will take place starting at 6pm, Saturday, April 25.
And a 24-hour-long "Poetry In Motion" celebration of Mumia's writings begins at 12 noon on Sunday, April 26.
More details can be found at mobilization4mumia.com or bringmumiahome.com.
Co-sponsors included International Concerned Family and Friends of Mumia Abu-Jamal; Mobilization4Mumia; The Campaign to Bring Mumia Home; Free Mumia Abu-Jamal Coalition (NYC); Free Mumia Abu-Jamal Coalition, Bay Area; Mobilization to Free Mumia (Bay Area); Labor Action Committee to Free Mumia Abu-Jamal
215-724-1618; Mobilization4Mumia.com; mobilization4mumia@gmail.com
PRESS ALERT April 21, 2020
Contact: Pam Africa 267-760-7344, Sophia Williams 917-806-0521 or Joe Piette 610-931-2615
April 23 Press Conference headlining Danny Glover, Mireille Fanon Mendès-France & others to focus on legal, political & COVID19 battles for Mumia Abu-Jamal on his 66th birthday
Philadelphia, April 21 - Actor/Activist Danny Glover, Mireille Fanon Mendès-France (Director, Frantz Fanon Foundation), NY State Assemblyman Charles Barron, Professor Linn Washington and other notables will speak to the press on Thursday, April 23 in support of political prisoner Mumia Abu-Jamal as he turns 66 years old. The virtual press conference begins at 1pm, EDT.
The event will announce a full schedule of activities from Friday, April 24 through Sunday, April 26. At 6pm, Friday April 24, a Teach-In entitled "U.S. Empire v. Political Prisoners" will feature Angela Davis, Alice Walker, Fred Hampton Jr. and dozens of other celebrities and political activists. An Instagram Live Dance Party will take place starting at 6pm, Saturday, April 25; and a 12-hour-long "Poetry In Motion" celebration of Mumia's writings begins at 12 noon on Sunday, April 26.
To participate in the virtual press conference, register at this link:
In the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, Mumia (an innocent man convicted because of police, judicial and prosecutorial misconduct) and countless other aging political prisoners are facing a death sentence from the pandemic, as are thousands of other vulnerable and immune-compromised prisoners in Pennsylvania and across the country. We can’t let them die in their cells by inhumane medical neglect when basic human compassion demands their immediate release.
Co-sponsored by International Concerned Family and Friends of Mumia Abu-Jamal (ICFFMAJ), the Free Mumia Abu-Jamal Coalition (NYC), Mobilization4Mumia, The Campaign to Bring Mumia Home, the Free Mumia Abu-Jamal Coalition - Bay Area, Mobilization to Free Mumia, and Labor Action Committee to Free Mumia Abu-Jamal.
Launch of a weekend of resistance as we celebrate Mumia Abu-Jamal's birthday
About this Event
Join us for a Press Conference organized by the Campaign to Bring Mumia Home, Mobilization4Mumia, Uncompromising International Concerned Family and Friends of Mumia Abu-Jamal.
We will inform the public about the fight for Mumia's legal, political, and urgent health care issues amidst the COVID-19 pandemic.
Pam Africa
Danny Glover
Charles Barron
Janine Africa
Mireille Fanon (daughter of Frantz Fanon)
Linn Washington
Suzanne Ross
Blak Rapp Madusa
Gregory Muhammad
Michael Schiffman
Razakhan Shaheed
Santiago Alvarez
Registrants will receive a link of the live stream.
For more info, email: bringmumiahome@gmail.com
RISE UP AND RESIST: Celebrate Mumia Abu Jamal’s 66th Birthday
Press Conference condemns PA DOC cruel hoax that claimed Mumia Abu-Jamal was ill with COVID19
PRESS RELEASE April 16, 2020
Contact: Sophia Williams 917-806-0521, Pam Africa 267-760-7344 or Joe Piette 610-931-2615
When a PA Department of Corrections official falsely claimed Mumia Abu-Jamal was being hospitalized with COVID-19 at 5pm on April 15, the news was shared worldwide in minutes. Supporters around the world, who have been misled by DOC statements in the past, immediately called the institution and demanded confirmation from Mumia himself. By 8:45pm, the DOC allowed Mumia to call his supporters and he confirmed that the official report was false. “I am fine, I am not hospitalized,” he can be heard on the recorded call saying, part of which was played at the press conference, “...What I need is freedom.”
The whole incident adds to a long list of lies and misinformation by the PA DOC since Mumia was first unjustly incarcerated in 1982. Why did a person at the SCI Mahanoy Superintendent’s Office on an official phone tell a concerned advocate that Mumia was being hospitalized with COVID-19?
How would you react if someone in authority falsely told you your elderly relative was sick with COVID-19? As a concerned person, you would be outraged. So were the participants in the April 16 virtual press conference.
Santiago Alvarez, the UC Santa Cruz student who called the prison, not only described the recorded conversation he had with the DOC official but played a portion of it. The person clearly said “Mumia was taken to the hospital 30 minutes ago … suffering from headaches and breathing problems ... to be tested for COVID-19 as a precaution.”
Johanna Fernandez, Baruch College professor whose uncle died as a result of the pandemic last week, explained US prisons have the highest rates of infection in the world. She demanded that the official’s callous misinformation, which was recorded, should lead to disciplinary procedures and his firing.
Temple Professor and activist Marc Lamont Hill exposed high rates of infection at Rikers Island prison many times worse than in New York City or in Italy. He explained that imprisoning people for small crimes like gambling and prostitution basically sentences them to the possibility of death because of the pandemic. Hill called the prison spokesperson’s actions “shocking -- a stunning level of cruelty and indifference.”
Megan Malachi’s statement from the Philadelphia activist group Philly For REAL Justice said in part: “The false statement issued by the prison in the middle of a global pandemic is yet another example of the inherent violence of mass incarceration. This cowardly attempt to spread fear amongst the family and supporters of Mumia has not stopped our efforts...to demand the release of Mumia Abu Jamal and all prisoners. Free Mumia! Free ‘em all!”
Delbert Africa, recently released MOVE 9 member, recounted how these “racist, sadistic guards and staff did the same thing to me, denying I was sick, denying I was hospitalized”, misleading his friends and family when he was actually very ill in prison. Calling for the release of Mumia, Russell Maroon Shoatz, Mutulu Shakur, Jalil Muntaqim and other political prisoners, he complimented the solidarity movement for forcing the DOC to take Mumia from his cell to make the call confirming his condition - a very unusual step.
Dr. Suzanne Ross described the support for Mumia by solidarity organizations in Japan, Europe and Latin America. Recounting how the movement forced the PA DOC to make hepatitis C medicine available to Mumia and other prisoners, she is in the process of filing a lawsuit forcing the state to release Mumia because they are incapable of preventing the epidemic from infecting Mumia and other prisoners.
As of April 15 there have been a total of 53 tests out of 45,000 Pennsylvania inmates with a 17% positivity rate. Officials are not testing in high enough numbers to understand the full transmission of the virus. The prison reduction mitigation efforts are not at all commensurate with the epidemic. In the last month there has only been a reduction of 474 state prisoners.
Instead of reducing incarceration numbers, the DOC is making a dire situation more tense by imposing system-wide lockdowns. On the call Mumia reported “everyone’s locked down - 23 hours in cell, 45 minutes to clean cell, shower, plug up tablet to kiosk, to the yard every 3 days - all in 45 minutes. It’s insane. The fear is getting sick and dying. Guards are in fear too.”
Abu-Jamal also mentioned Rudolph Sutton, incarcerated at SCI Phoenix, who died April 8 of respiratory distress due to COVID19, “with contributing factors of hypertensive cardiovascular disease and liver cirrhosis.” Mumia also suffers from cirrhosis of the liver, caused because of the refusal of the DOC to treat him years ago for hepatitis C in a timely manner. Like Mumia, Sutton had fought for his freedom for over 30 years. Innocence Project Legal Director Nilam Sanghvi said on April 15: “Mr. Sutton should never have been incarcerated in the first place. ... His tragic death underscores the urgent need for the Governor, the Department of Corrections, the legislature, and the courts to act quickly so that another factually innocent person does not risk death in prison due to COVID-19.“
Mumia was convicted because of police, judicial and prosecutorial misconduct. Like Sutton, COVID-19 threatens to end his life before he can prove his innocence.
The pandemic disproportionately affects people of color because of the effects of low wages, poor nutrition, inadequate housing and inability to pay for healthcare. Black men are hesitant to wear recommended masks to prevent infection for fear they will be falsely seen as a threat by racist whites and cops. And as in society as a whole, disproportionately imprisoned Black and Brown incarcerated prisoners face higher risks of death from the pandemic because of their increased rate of compromised health.
Organizers have planned a series of events marking Mumia’s 66th birthday from April 23 to 26, including a press conference on April 23rd, a Teach-In on 4/24, “Mumia Libre, an Instagram Live Dance Party” on April 25 and “Poetry in Motion, a 24 hour reading of Mumia’s works” on April 26. Go to https://mobilization4mumia.com/new-events or https://www.facebook.com/cbmhome/ for more details.
A recording of the complete press conference can be heard at:
https://zoom.us/rec/share/tdRuBJbPykJJY6PEq0X1U4oFDKa8aaa81SIf-6dbyk-Z9SZuPJNz-7iZ2C7U0PBk; (Access Password: W5*0&6i!)
Link to press release doc.
Rise up and Resist for Mumia
In celebration of Mumia's 66th birthday on April 24, please participate in these exciting virtual events from April 23-26. To sign up please use the links below:
To view the April 23 press conference register at:
To register to view the teach-in: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/teach-in-us-empire-v-political-prisoners-tickets-102522325034Registration information for events on April 25 and 26 to follow.
Free Mumia and All Political Prisoners:
Wednesday, 4/15, International Twitter/Media Storm & Phone Zap
Dear Mumia Supporters, Political Prisoner Supporters, Abolitionists, and Humanitarians,
Mumia Abu-Jamal—the father, husband and grandfather—is an internationally renowned US political prisoner, widely honored for his piercing indictments of the racial inequities and brutal imperialist powers of the US. Abu-Jamal was originally targeted for surveillance and “neutralization” when he was a 15 year-old spokesman for the Black Panther Party in Philadelphia, by the FBI. By the age of 26 Abu-Jamal was an award-winning radio journalist with a wide following, known as the “voice of the voiceless” and outspoken in his defense of the MOVE organization.
On December 9, 1981, Mumia saw a police officer assaulting his brother. When he approached the scene he was critically shot, brutally beaten by the police, framed for the murder of Police Officer Daniel Faulkner and, in a sham of a trial, sentenced to death. Abu-Jamal is innocent!!!
Now, in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, Mumia and countless other aging political prisoners are facing another death sentence, along with all the thousands of other aging, vulnerable and immune-compromised prisoners in Pennsylvania and across the country. We can’t let them be murdered in their cells by this inhumane medical neglect. Join with the International Concerned Family and Friends of Mumia Abu-Jamal (ICFFMAJ), the Free Mumia Abu-Jamal Coalition (NYC), Mobilization 4 Mumia, The Campaign to Bring Mumia Home, the Free Mumia Abu-Jamal Coalition - Bay Area and the many more organizers and activists in this International action to #FreeThemAll4PublicHealth!
Here’s the Plan - 1. NOW: Please share by email immediately to contacts & orgs, but Save Social Media posts and Phone Calls to the Target Contacts until 4/15 for our International Twitter/Media Storm and Phone Zap!
2. On 4/15: Share the four pics on the right side of this page to Twitter and other social media platforms, using the hashtags in the first pic (the one with Mumia’s pic)
3. On 4/15: Keep posting all day, with the hashtags in pic one. You can supplement your posts with the sample tweets below, or create your own, using the demands in pic two.
4. On 4/15: Make the calls to the Target Contacts in pic four, using the Phone Script in pic three. Report the results of your calls on your social media post.
5. On 4/15: Send emails to the Target Contacts, using the phone script and demands for the basis of your email.
Target names & contact info:
PA Governor Tom Wolf - @GovernorTomWolf
PA DOC Secretary John Wetzel - @CorrectionsPA; 717-728-4109 https://expressforms.pa.gov/apps/pa/cor/contact-us
SCI Mahanoy Superintendent Bernadette Mason
Philadelphia DA Larry Krasner; @PhilaDAO; 215-686-8000; justice@phila.gov
Sample Tweets:
1. @GovernorTomWolf 717-787-2500 #FreeMumia #FreeThemAll4PublicHealth Approve immediate reprieves for Mumia & ALL Political Prisoners! Incarceration during a global pandemic SHOULD NOT be a DEATH sentence. ALL #PrisonersLivesMatter !
2. @CorrectionsPA John Wetzel #FreeMumia #FreeAllPoliticalPrisoners We demand the immediate compassionate release for ALL aging, vulnerable and immune-compromised prisoners. Provide all prisoners with PPE and COVID-19 tests on demand. End the solitary confinement lockdown NOW.
3. @philadao Larry Krasner #FreeMumia #FreeOurPeople Demand immediate reprieves for Mumia & ALL political prisoners! Incarceration during a global pandemic SHOULD NOT be a DEATH sentence. Call 4 IMMEDIATE compassionate release 4 ALL aging, vulnerable & immune-compromised prisoners!
4. Bernadette Mason SCI Mahoney #FreeMumia #PrisonersLivesMatter Incarceration in a pandemic SHOULDN'T be DEATH sentence. End solitary confinement lockdown now! Provide ALL prisoners with PPE & COVID19 tests on demand. Place symptomatic prisoners in off-site medical facilities NOW!
Contact mobilization4mumia@gmail.com for further info.
Locked Up and Locked Down
Mumia compares the current COVID19 lockdown in Pennsylvania prisons to his experience on death row, in his latest Prison Radio commentary.
Weapons of Mass Incompetence
Commentary by Mumia Abu-Jamal on government inability to deal with the COVID19 pandemic can be heard at Prison Radio.
Things Fall Apart
Commentary by Mumia Abu-Jamal on the COVID19 pandemic can be heard at Prison Radio.
State makes last-ditch effort to deny Mumia justice
The Pennsylvania Supreme Court has a long and openly biased history when it comes to justice for political prisoner Mumia Abu-Jamal, having denied all his appeals over the 37-year ordeal to win his freedom. True to form, on Feb. 24, four justices on the state’s highest court granted an extremely rare King’s Bench Petition backed by the Fraternal Order of Police to move jurisdiction over Abu-Jamal’s current appeal away from Philadelphia District Attorney Larry Krasner’s office.
… While King’s Bench was not intended for use by an individual or group simply displeased with a government action, it appears that the Pennsylvania Supreme Court continues to make exceptions when it comes to the police. Many justices on this court, including two on the panel that ruled in favor of the petition, receive FOP funding.
This court’s actions delay Abu-Jamal’s pending appeal, which just happens to involve charges of misconduct by a former member of the same court, retired Justice Ronald Castille. His well-established alliance with the FOP and bias against Abu-Jamal is central to this case.
… Now the FOP and Faulkner want to replace DA Krasner with Attorney General Shapiro, who has established a reputation of bias against prisoners seeking justice. When Krasner took office in January 2018, he fired several old guard prosecutors, including some who had been part of prior DA’s prosecution of Abu-Jamal. Many were subsequently hired by Shapiro.
In a 1997 decision, Commonwealth v. Mulholland, the higher court ruled against a King’s Bench petition that sought to replace a prosecutor with one thought to be more favorable. The court called this request “prosecutor shopping.”
Read complete Workers World article here.
Philly March for Mumia's freedom condemns FOP, PA Supreme Court “King’s Bench” order
Speakers at the Feb 28 Rally criticized the PA Supreme Court “King’s Bench” order as an attack on the movement against mass incarceration, Philadelphia voters and the political case of Mumia Abu-Jamal.
Speakers in front of the District Attorney’s office included Pam Africa (International Concerned Family & Friends of Mumia Abu-Jamal), Keith Cook (Mumia’s brother), Johanna Fernandez (Campaign to Bring Mumia Home), Betsey Piette (Mobilization4Mumia) and Suzanne Ross.
The march was led by a 15-foot-wide white “Bird of Freedom for Mumia”, operated by five activists that moved the cloth, cardboard and bamboo creature through the streets around City Hall to the office building of PA Attorney General Josh Shapiro.
Read the press release here that explains the latest developments and our reaction to the latest legal attacks from the Fraternal Order of Police and the PA Supreme Court.
Philadelphia Inquirer article
Philadelphia Tribune article
Come out for Mumia’s freedom
Feb 16 meeting of Mumia organizers decided on activities for next few months:
Friday, Feb 28 - DA’s office, 4-6pm, on day Krasner to announce whether or not he challenges Mumia’s appeals. We call for Mumia’s release.
Sunday, March 8, Free Mumia Organizing meeting (Location to be determined)
Tuesday, Feb. 25 – Protest against PA State Attorney General Josh Shapiro’s promotion of new reactionary probation/parole measure. Demo at 1600 Arch St., Philly at noon.
Tuesday, March 10 – Mumia & Imperialism monthly discussion, based on his 3 book series: Murder Inc - Empire/Genocide/Manifest Destiny, 6:30pm, Calvary Church, 48th & Baltimore
Apr. 24 -26 weekend of Mumia’s 66th birthday (details to be determined) #FreeMumia66
Sixty six sites of resistance on April 24 all over Philly area - organize one yourself!
Friday, April 24 - 66 Free Mumia forum, film showings, house meetings, postering, etc
Saturday, April 25, Free Mumia march
Sunday, April 26, Free Mumia gathering picnic in park
International Concerned Family & Friends of Mumia Abu-Jamal; Mobilization4Mumia; Bring Mumia Home; Free Mumia Coalition NYC; Food Not Bombs - Solidarity
Mobilization4Mumia@gmail.com; facebook/mobilization4Mumia; https://mobilization4mumia.com/resources
Philadelphia/Rally to free Mumia highlights exonerations of unfairly convicted Black men
Mumia Abu-Jamal’s supporters rallied outside Philadelphia District Attorney Larry Krasner’s office on Jan. 31. That day he was expected to file his response to legal briefs filed in September by Abu-Jamal’s attorneys for Post Conviction Relief Act hearings and a request to remand the political prisoner’s case back to the Court of Common Pleas.
Rally participants instead learned that Krasner asked the court for a 30-day postponement. Once again, after 38 years of being wrongfully held behind bars for a crime he did not commit, justice is still denied to Abu-Jamal.
The rally drew attention to recent actions by Krasner’s office that resulted in the release of 10 unjustly convicted individuals. Minister of Confrontation of the MOVE Organization Pam Africa stressed, “Krasner, do for Mumia what you’ve done for these men here. Based on his innocence, he should be released like they were.”
Read complete Workers World article here.
Jan 31 Rally to Free Mumia to focus on same misconducts that freed 10 Philly exonerees
Philadelphia, Jan. 30 - Mumia Abu-Jamal has always insisted on his innocence in the death of police officer Daniel Faulkner, blaming police, judicial and prosecutorial misconduct for his politically-tainted conviction. Philadelphia District Attorney Larry Krasner is expected to announce his response this week to the legal briefs for Post Conviction Relief Act hearings and the request to remand Abu-Jamal's case back to Common Pleas court, filed by his attorneys in early September 2019.
Abu-Jamal’s supporters will rally outside DA Krasner's office at 4:30 on Friday, January 31, whether or not he challenges Mumia's appeals. We call for Mumia’s release.
Recent exonerations of 10 Philadelphia residents unfairly convicted for crimes they did not commit reveal a simple truth - the Philadelphia police, courts and prosecutors convicted innocent Black men based on gross violations of their constitutional rights. The same patterns of constitutional violations plague the case of Abu-Jamal.
Read more from press release here.
Delbert Africa speaks following release from prison
A historic press conference was held at the Kingsessing Library in West Philadelphia on Jan. 21 to officially welcome home MOVE 9 activist Delbert Africa from his over 41-year imprisonment. The room was packed with press, MOVE supporters and several people who had witnessed the police siege and attack on MOVE’s Powelton Village home that led to Delbert’s 1978 arrest.
Pam Africa, Minister of Confrontation for the MOVE organization, stated, “While this was the first press conference we’re having concerning Delbert’s release, there will be more press conferences as we have more people coming home.” Several speakers noted that MOVE 9 member Chuck Africa expects to be released soon. Court appeals for Mumia Abu-Jamal are in progress.
More photos on flickr
Delbert Africa, MOVE 9 member, released at last after 41 years of unjust imprisonment
“Delbert Orr Africa has survived more attempts on his life than arguably any other living revolutionary. For over 50 years, the United States government has tried to kill him, beat him, break him down and silence him. And now at the dawn of a new decade, he has bested the empire once again — Delbert Africa is free.
After being granted parole on Dec. 20, he was finally released from SCI Dallas on Jan. 18. He is the sixth MOVE 9 member to be released in the last year…
Delbert has long been regarded as one of the most important figures in the MOVE Organization, both because he served as the group’s Minister of Confrontation and Security and because of his former membership in the Black Panthers. That is to say, the system has been gunning for Delbert since the 1960s. His release is a victory against this white supremacist, capitalist system.
But the struggle is far from over. Chuck Africa, the last remaining member of the MOVE 9 still behind bars, has had his hearing and is now awaiting a decision from the parole board. Mumia Abu-Jamal, another former Panther and world-renowned author and journalist, is still fighting for exoneration in the courts and against serious health issues after 38 years in notoriously toxic coal-country prisons.
Read complete Workers World article here.
View first photos of Delbert after his release here.
View photos of Welcome home Delbert reception in Philadelphia here.
Bulletin: After receiving hundreds of phone calls, SCI Albion prison officials took Coffey out of solitary confinement late Jan. 13 but claimed he couldn’t be allowed to call his sister because of a prison lock down. Coffey finally called his sister on Jan 14. He reported no physical harm and thanks everyone who supported him, including Workers World, Food Not Bombs Solidarity, Industrial Workers of the World, and the Human Rights Coalition.
Act now: Prison activist-writer placed in solitary
Please call: SCI-Albion/ Superintendent: Michael Clark 814-756-5778 SCI-Albion/ Deputy Superintendent Facilities Management: Bryan Flinchbaugh 814-756-5778 Tell them to take Jerome Coffey (AS-1558) out of solitary confinement.
Workers World writer and prisoner at the Pennsylvania State Correctional Institution at Albion, Jerome Coffey, was removed from his cell and placed in solitary confinement on Jan. 6.
Jerome Coffey
Coffey has been told he’s in the hole while prison officials conduct a phony investigation for a disturbance last week he had nothing to do with. Prisoners have reported guards harassing Coffey ever since he wrote the Dec. 3 article.
A fellow prisoner at SCI Albion told WW that Coffey was put in the hole for mailing an article he wrote for the newspaper on the 30th anniversary of the Camp Hill prison uprising to a SCI Camp Hill administrator.
The PA Department of Corrections has no right to punish a prisoner for exercising his, her or their right to free speech. The First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution forbids denying “freedom of speech, or of the press” to all people, including those behind bars. Prison authorities have no legal basis to punish prison-reporter Coffey for sharing his article — titled “30 years after the Camp Hill Uprising: Repression in Pennsylvania’s prison system” —
even if PA DOC officials disagree with its contents. (Read article at tinyurl.com/tv27tok/.)
His twin sister, Jeanne Coffey, called the prison all day on Jan. 10, but prison officials refused to answer her questions concerning Jerome’s welfare.
Tell them you are calling out of concern for Jerome Coffey (AS-1558). Demand that his family be informed of his condition and that he be allowed a phone call to his family, specifically his twin sister, Jeanne Coffey, at 267-368-2081.
In addition, Jerome should be taken out of solitary and returned to general population. Jeanne Coffey is asking callers to let her know what prison officials tell you.
Complete article can be read here.
Empires of U.S. Idiots
By Mumia Abu-Jamal
Empire of U.S idiots. As these words are written, the U.S Empire takes a dangerous step closer to another war in the Middle East. After it’s assassination of an Iranian military leader, Major General Qasem Soleimani, a man revered in two countries, Iraq and Iran, for his military genius in a career spanning decades. General Soleimani was a young man during the ruinous Iran/Iraq war, in which over a million souls were lost. He was so highly regarded by Shias that he was known as the ‘Living Martyr’, for his long survival from war.
Until, that is, the Americans sent a missile from a drone, ending his life.
The Iraq War, based on lies from leading U.S politicians and intelligence agencies, sent Americans to war in search of Weapons of Mass Destruction. And ended up, in what foreign policy experts have called ‘The biggest foreign policy blunder in modern U.S history’. For while the war cost trillions, in U.S dollars, and lost thousands of American lives, it strengthened immeasurably, Iran, and gave rise to a Shia spread. Iranian power has waxed, while U.S power has waned. Worse, the lessons of the Iraq War have been lost upon American politicians, who wish to impose its hegemony upon the world.
Military power is a destructive force, but it is rarely a creative force. The Viet Nam War proved that a country can be stronger militarily and still lose. The Iraq and Afghanistan wars proved that the objectives of war aren’t always awarded to the strongest, but to who can endure.
Today, Iraq’s Parliament has voted that all foreign troops should leave the country, including the Americans. Imperial powers work, when they ‘appear’ to be working on behalf of the occupied country.
The U.S no longer even pretends to do so.
Iraq is sick and tired of the American presence.
This happens just as the U.S is on the brink of leaving Afghanistan.
What was won? What was lost?
America is more hated today than ever, and perhaps, just perhaps, a new war is on its way.
(C) ’20 maj
Audio by Noelle Hanrahan
Transcription by Fatirah
MOVE 9 heroes welcomed in Southern California
Struggle/La Lucha article by Gloria Verdieu
In mid-December 2019, the Socialist Unity Party/Partido de Socialismo Unido, the San Diego Coalition to Free Mumia Abu-Jamal and the Harriet Tubman Center for Social Justice hosted two very special “Free All Political Prisoners” forums. They welcomed Pam Africa of International Concerned Family and Friends of Mumia Abu-Jamal, Carlos Africa and recently released MOVE 9 women, Janine Africa and Janet Africa to Southern California.
Read complete article on several events there here.
Black Agenda Report:
Lawless Judges and Prosecutors Block Mumia’s Road to Freedom
Linn Washington, the Philadelphia-based legal scholar, told a New York City teach-in in support of Mumia Abu Jamal that the nation’s best known political prisoner would be free already if not for massive prosecutorial and judicial misconduct. “If these judges ever follow the law Mumia will be out immediately – but they don’t follow the law,” said Washington.
Listen to radio report here.
At Dec 7 “YOUTH RISE UP AGAINST US EMPIRE” event in Philadelphia
Mumia Abu-Jamal’s message: ‘It’s not about me, it’s about us’
Over 100 activists and community members from across the country came together in Philadelphia Dec. 7 for an event that linked the struggle to free Black journalist Mumia Abu-Jamal, imprisoned in the U.S. for the last 37 years, with the international struggle against empire and capitalism.
Janine Phillips Africa, MOVE member and political prisoner released in 2019 after nearly 41 years, speaks at the Dec. 7 forum.
The event, hosted by Mobilization for Mumia and the International Concerned Family and Friends of Mumia Abu-Jamal, featured speakers from various progressive and anti-imperialist organizations. They included Ant Smith and Megan Malachi from Philly for REAL Justice, Glen Ford from Black Agenda Report, William Camacaro from the Bolivarian Circle of New York, and Yahne Ndgo from Black Alliance for Peace.
MOVE member Ramona Africa, sole survivor of the 1985 bombing in West Philadelphia by Philadelphia and state police, helped open the event by reading the names of fallen revolutionary soldiers and organizers.
Johanna Fernandez of the Campaign to Bring Mumia Home provided an update on the legal side of Mumia’s case…
Mumia calls in from prison
Mumia Abu-Jamal was able to speak directly to those in attendance, calling in to the event from SCI Mahanoy, the Pennsylvania state prison where he is serving a life sentence for a crime he did not commit. With his trademark wisdom, humor and real talk, Mumia kept the audience at rapt attention.
“It’s an ugly time,” Mumia said. “The air is foul. The water is foul.” Referring to the MOVE founder who was killed when police bombed their house, Mumia said, “John Africa was an environmentalist. He said that water is a potion that gets poisoned when the system gets ahold of it.
“They want it all. Think about this. Never in my life have I seen so many billionaires running for public office. Think about it! Why would they want to do that? They want to be president, they want to be mayors, they want to be senators, they want to be governors. Why? They want it all.
“It’s not about me, it’s about us,” Mumia added. “If we don’t start thinking that way, shit is about to get real.”
Read complete Workers World article here.
Emergency! Comrade Malik calls for our help: ‘Don’t allow the feds to assassinate me!’
“…powerful exposés have earned Malik a much coveted opportunity to be the next editor of the San Francisco Bay View National Black Newspaper, where most of Malik’s articles have been published. Powerful voices like Malik’s are anathema to corrupt, abusive corrections systems. As Malik says: “I will not be silenced!” This makes him a target, as you can see from his latest communication.
Malik’s reputation as an effective change agent followed him when he was transferred to USP Beaumont to serve an old 18-month federal sentence, and was set up for a vicious beating and placed in solitary confinement, where he’s been held incommunicado ever since, his mail beginning to flow in and out only in the last few days. We are worried that federal officials want to extend his sentence and continue to isolate and keep him in harm’s way. Now we fear for his life.”
Read complete San Francisco Bay View article here.
Prison Radio:
A Hail Mary Pass by Philly’s Fraternal Order of Police: A King’s Bench Petition to the PA Supreme Court
“It is all about credibility. That is why the PA and the U.S. Constitutions both call for new and previoulsy undisclosed evidence to be heard in open court. This King's Bench petition actually declares that the new DA Krasner should have colluded with McGill to bury the evidence.
Don’t forget: soon McGill will have to explain that he did not not suppress African American participation in Mumia Abu-Jamal’s trial during jury selection.”
Read complete Prison Radio statement here.
Mumia Abu-Jamal and his supporters are closer than ever to winning his release after 38 years in prison for a crime he didn’t commit. The Fraternal Order of Police, former district attorneys, and other political higher ups who participated in the frame up are now shaking in their boots because an innocent man may be given a new trial in which judicial, police and prosecutorial misconduct will be exposed.
Formerly hidden evidence disclosed by current District Attorney Larry Krasner justifies a new trial and Abu-Jamal’s immediate release. That decision is currently in the hands of State Superior Court judges.
Pam Africa, of the International Concerned Family and Friends of Mumia Abu-Jamal and a MOVE member, said “Abu-Jamal should have been released by Krasner on the basis of judicial and prosecutorial misconduct--as many others have been recently. By doing this, Krasner would be following the color of the law.”
While Maureen Faulkner/Palkovic, widow of Daniel Faulkner, is being put forward as the face of the opposition in recent court proceedings, the real players behind the scenes are the FOP and their cronies. And they are dangerously worried. It is in the interest of the 6500-member FOP Lodge 5 to bring down Larry Krasner, the popular new DA with an anti-corruption agenda. The FOPs’ campaign is nothing less than an effort to terrorize any court official who values justice more than letting an unfair conviction stand.
At a Nov. 12 press conference at the FOPs’ lodge, Faulkner claimed “I’m here for justice.” In 38 years, Faulkner and the FOP have never fought for justice. In fact, the FOP has a decades-long violent and racist history of defending every cop accused of police brutality and terror against Black and Brown and poor people.
Previous district attorneys were more concerned with getting high rates of convictions against African American and Latinx residents than actual justice. Their policies resulted in the unfair jailing of innocent people like Mumia Abu-Jamal and mass incarceration. “The police at the scene, supported by the FOP, also the prosecution under Edward Rendell knew that Mumia was innocent. The FOP and Faulkners’ recent attempt to remove DA Krasner from Mumia's new appeals is just another cover-up ” said Rachel Wolkenstein, longtime Mumia supporter.
The FOP wants Abu-Jamal’s case to be taken from Krasner’s office and handled instead by conservative PA Attorney General Joshua Shapiro, who has staffed his office with several former assistant DAs fired from the Philadelphia DAs office - some of whom were complicit in Mumia’s unfair conviction.
DA Krasner says he found potentially damaging evidence about the prosecution's trial witnesses in newly discovered files. He believes that evidence should be aired in court - but hasn't said if Abu-Jamal deserves a new trial.
Abu-Jamal’s attorney Judith Ritter contends that the new evidence shows Abu-Jamal’s trial was “fundamentally unfair and tainted by serious constitutional violations.”
Abu-Jamal was a well-known political activist when he was severely beaten by police and charged with murder in 1981. Questions that have been suppressed and buried for decades could now could be made public for the first time during a new trial:
• DA Joe McGill paid off witnesses with favors and cash.
• McGill allowed a cab-driver witness with a suspended license to keep driving. (Photos of the crime scene by the Philadelphia Bulletin prove the cabbies’ car was literally not at the scene.)
• Joe McGill illegally removed Black jurors.
• Joe McGill tracked and fixed the outstanding cases of other key witnesses.
• The DA’s office for 37 yrs withheld and suppressed critical information from Mumia’s criminal defense team.
• Judge Albert Sabo stated “I am going to help them fry the n*****” in front of Judge Richard Klein and court clerk Terry Maurer Carter.
•Alfonso Giordano--Philadelphia Police Commander -- the highest ranking officer on the scene of officer Faulkner’s murder on Dec. 9th 1981 falsely stated that Mumia confessed while he was beating him in the police van.
On Dec. 2, Krasner is expected to submit a response to arguments from Abu-Jamal’s lawyers for a new trial-- taking a stand for justice against FOP intimidation.
The current FOP attack on DA Krasner is part of the 38 year effort to silence Abu-Jamal once and for all. We who believe in justice will not allow that to happen.
Police widow wants Philly DA off Mumia Abu-Jamal appeal
Michael D'Onofrio Tribune Staff Writer
Nov 12, 2019
The widow of slain police officer Daniel Faulkner has filed a petition with the state’s highest court to boot District Attorney Larry Krasner from Mumia Abu-Jamal’s ongoing appeals case.
On Tuesday, attorneys for Maureen Faulkner alleged in a King's Bench Petition filed with the state Supreme Court that Krasner was tainted with conflicts of interest in the Abu-Jamal case and filled his office with Abu-Jamal sympathizers.
… Krasner’s office did not immediately return an email seeking comment.
Suzanne Ross, a longtime supporter of Abu-Jamal, said in a phone interview that Faulkner's petition was a desperate attempt to reverse a judge’s decision last year that breathed new life into Abu-Jamal’s attempts to get a new trial in the decades-old case.
“Even the door being slightly opened to a modicum — a bit — of justice, Maureen Faulkner is fighting that,” she said.
Pam Africa, a social justice advocate and long-time Abu-Jamal supporter, said during a phone interview that Abu-Jamal’s case had been tainted with judicial and prosecutorial misconduct until Krasner, a Democrat, was elected in 2015.
Complete article can be read here.
“Mumia Abu-Jamal just one step from freedom,” notes Maureen Faulkner
From the minute Mumia picked up a microphone and a pen at the age of 14, Philadelphia’s notoriously racist police department has been seeking to silence him. Just look at the FBI files- documenting that the Philadelphia PD Civil Disobedience Unit Red Squad trailed him -- and the Police Chief Frank Rizzo targeted him -- feeding his name to the FBI to put him on the “security index." Mumia was literally covering community events and rallies, and writing for the Black Panther Party Paper, all this while he was still in his teens!
During the 1995 PCRA hearings, 13 yrs after Mumia's questionable murder conviction, a Philadelphia police officer was heard by a NY Times reporter outside the courtroom saying “we should have executed him that night.”
Remember: it was Philly cops who shot Mumia. The Philly cops who brutally beat him at the scene, in the police wagon, and on the floor of the Jefferson Hospital emergency room entrance.
Joe McGill, the prosecutor on Mumia’s case, and Ed Rendell, the District Attorney at the time, worked closely with the police to frame and convict Mumia for the Dec. 9th 1981 murder of Philadelphia police officer Daniel Faulkner.
In 2020, a new hearing in Philadelphia Common Pleas could be, and should be, free from bias. Everyone knows that Mumia's trial judge in 1981-1982 was s stone cold racist. A current sitting homicide judge on the Common Pleas Court bench has commented that Albert Sabo was "the most racist and sexist judge I have ever met.”
Here is information that has been suppressed and buried for decades and now could be available for the first time during a new trial.
Did DA Joe McGill pay off witnesses with favors and cash?
Did McGill allow the cabbie with a suspended license to keep driving? Photos of the crime scene by the Philadelphia Bulletin prove the cab driver's car was literally not at the scene.
Did Joe McGill illegally remove Black jurors because of their race?
Did Joe McGill track and fix the outstanding cases of other key witnesses?
Did the DA’s office for 37 yrs withhold and suppress critical information from Mumia’s criminal defense team?
Did judge Albert Sabo state “I am going to help them fry the n*****” in front of Judge Richard Klein and court clerk Terry Maurer Carter?
Did Alfonso Giordano Philadelphia Police Commander-- the highest ranking officer on the scene of officer Faulkner’s murder on Dec. 9th 1981 falsely state that Mumia confessed while he was beating him in the police van? At the time Giordano was under federal scrutiny for running gambling, extortion and payoffs and thus not used as a trial witness. He testified at pretrial hearings but was not "available" at trial. He retired the day after Mumia was found guilty, with full pay. Soon thereafter he pleaded guilty to tax evasion for the bribes taken from illegal gambling in East Division, 29 officers were convicted in just that scandal alone.
A few months ago, I got a chance to speak with Maureen Faulkner. I asked her: "What did she think was going to happen next in Mumia's case?
She replied: "You have to go to Prison Radio's website and listen. Judith Ritter, Mumia's lawyer really thinks they have a chance."
Maureen, paused, and continued. She had to admit:
“We are in a really hard spot. There is not much we can do, the way it is going...We have to fight to keep Mumia in prison as long as possible.”
Finally the tides are turning. Justice is palpable.
While Maureen Faulkner, widow of Daniel Faulkner, is being put forward as the face of the opposition in recent court proceedings, the real players behind the scenes are the Fraternal Order of Police. And they are worried. There is a lot of self-interest on the part of the 6500-member Philadelphia Police Union in toppling Larry Krasner, the popular new DA with an anti-corruption agenda.
Early this fall, in a groundbreaking development, Krasner filed a brief in Superior Court (see sidebar) agreeing that a new evidentiary hearing should be held in Mumia's case by the Philadelphia Common Pleas court. "The Commonwealth does not oppose defendant's motion for a remand to the PCRA court for defedant to present newly-discovered evidence."
This PCRA hearing would evaluate the evidence found in the six previously undisclosed banker boxes from Storage Room 17, that Larry Krasner found after taking office and turned over to the defense. Maureen Faulkner tried to file an objection to the seeking removal of Krasner's office. But just last week, her pro se application to intervention in the Superior Court Appeal was denied. (see sidebar)
10-4-19 FOP breakfast Rally for Maureen, John "Jack" O'Neil, Esq. Staff attorney for the IBEW Electrical Workers Union. He is volunteering to assist Maureen. He also ran against Krassner and placed a distant sixth. Note that the "trades unions" in Philadelphia share with the FOP a notoriously racist history. The motto of both the IBEW and Lodge 5 - could easily be "protect upper middle class white jobs, at the expense of people of color." Note Krasner has identified and gone after a key lynch pin to the problem of mass incarceration: "police overtime" which is fed by the churning of false arrests in poor communities. (see the 39th District scandal, and others).
Fast forward to October of 2019,“Mumia Abu-Jamal is just one step away from Freedom”, Maureen announced at her press conference at the DA's office at 3 Penn Square in Philadelphia.
Things are changing. Grassroots organizing popularly elected a progressive District Attorney Larry Krassner who is willing to hold the police and former district attorneys accountable. It has been 37 years, and we are closer to justice than we have been since the 1995 PCRA hearing. The courts may be slow to follow, but there is no way to go back. We are on the path to freedom.
You have been there, making it happen, each and every single step. Thank you.
We all must remember that the Philadelphia police have been violent and racist and corrupt for decades. They have a lot to lose if Mumia wins -- because when Mumia wins, the forces that support Black dignity and freedom are winning.
Let us not misunderstand the depth of racism - throughout the police department in Philadelphia. Here is a picture of the brand new (this month) acting Police Chief Christine Coulter. Here she is wearing an LAPD t-shirt mocking the beating of Rodney King. "LAPD "We treat you like a King". She did not resign when this photo surfaced.
John McNesby, the FOP Lodge 5 President, is deeply invested in continuing the brutal power that the Philly police department enjoyed in the past. At the FOP Lodge Five Event in April he tells his brother officers: “Krasner is going after cops instead of keeping this city safe…We have so many officers on the do-not-call list, we could invade Cuba”. This was a riff on the line by former Mayor and Police Chief Frank Rizzo that "We could invade Cuba and win". The “do not call list” includes officers designated by the DA's office as not available to testify at trial because they have been caught by the courts “test-a-lying” or they have been indicted.
The scandals regarding police corruption are splashed across the Philadelphia Inquirer's front page each and every single week. This week another African-American man was exonerated after proving police falsification of evidence. Willie Veasy’s return to his family after 27 years of bondage was the 10th so far this year.
Mumia Abu-Jamal will follow Willie Veasey out of imprisonment. But only because thousands of you have stood by him and committed to this fight for justice. We still have work to do, we still need every one of you to make sure that justice is done and Mumia comes home.
Join all of us. It is time to move this forward towards justice and freedom and bring Mumia home.
Cuando luchamos ganamos!
When we fight, we win!
Noelle Hanrahan, P.I.
Prison Radio
Mumia Speaks at Philly Trans March 2019
Hundreds of people applauded after listening to Mumia Abu-Jamal’s audio recording at the 9th annual Philly Trans March on October 12. Over 700 people, led by Black and Brown transgender women, then marched on West Philadelphia’s Black 52nd Street commercial district, drawing applause from many bystanders.
Mumia’s statement follows:
“When Trans Women Die
In recent weeks, we have seen naked violence unleashed against transwomen directed against them by the state in the form of police beatings and by rightist forces in this emerging fascist movement in America.
What does this mean? Why now?
I believe it comes now for specific strategic purposes, for transwomen stand on the periphery of the gay rights movement, not its nucleus. This means they are isolated and as such they are targeted by rightist forces to isolate them further. We must not forget that they are after all Black folks in a land and at an era where and when Black life remains cheap. Now as Black, gay and transgender - see where the analysis goes?
And if its Black transwomen today, it’ll be Black straight women tomorrow. And Black children soon thereafter.
That’s the nature of the fascist beast. Attack those who seem weak, isolate them, destroy them. Since Charlottesville, we’ve seen the emergence of rightist racist forces that are committed to destroying Black life and to proving that Black lives don’t matter.
The lives of Black people are of the literal foundation not just of America but of all of us. We need to build a radical movement that protects all of us, for all of us, that consigns such racist violence to the trash heap of history.”
Thanks to Prison Radio.
Philly Rally for Justice for Mumia and all political prisoners
Over fifty activists rallied and marched on Oct 4 in a protest called “This Shit Ain’t New”, referring to a long history of police misconduct in Philadelphia. Speakers condemned Philly cops and the Fraternal Order of Police Lodge #5 for decades of crimes against this city’s residents, especially from Black and Brown communities. Among those crimes are the unjust imprisonment of Mumia Abu-Jamal and the MOVE 9.
The protest took place hours after the FOP held their own protest outside District Attorney Larry Krasner’s office. Maureen Faulkner called for Krasner to recuse himself from the Abu-Jamal case. Krasner, after months of pressure from civil rights and decarceration activists, dropped his opposition to Mumia’s legal case, allowing his appeals to be re-heard. Krasner also said he is not apposed to having his case returned to Common Pleas court because of the new evidence found in boxes inside the DA’s offices last December.
Faulkner, wife of the cop Abu-Jamal is accused of killing in 1981, refuses to believe that Mumia could be innocent, no matter what the evidence proves.
The FOP is campaigning hard against Krasner, who has exposed decades of police misconduct and corruption. The FOP especially hate his reforms, which have freed hundreds of improperly-convicted prisoners. The FOP is using Abu-Jamal’s case to undermine Krasner’s progressive agenda.
Mumia supporters marched in the streets through Center City to 13th & Locust, the site where cops arrested and beat Abu-Jamal on Dec 9 over 37 years ago, where the demonstrators ended the march with Assata’s chant: “It is our duty to fight for our freedom…”
In response to latest Mumia appeal, Philly cops lash out at district attorney
Maureen Faulkner has been featured on the regular cop-friendly local media outlets calling for Krasner to recuse himself from Abu-Jamal’s appeal. The police lawyers who speak in Faulkner’s name filed a petition with the Pennsylvania Superior Court to have Krasner removed from the case and replaced by conservative Pennsylvania Attorney General Josh Shapiro. The complaint alleges that Krasner has not been vigorous enough in his attempts to keep Abu-Jamal behind bars.
The FOP is angry with Krasner for giving in to massive pressure to withdraw his initial opposition, earlier in 2019, to Abu-Jamal’s appeal moving forward in Pennsylvania’s higher courts. His latest acquiescence to the request by Abu-Jamal’s attorneys that newly uncovered evidence is grounds for the case to be sent back to Philadelphia Common Pleas Court may be the final straw as far as the FOP is concerned. (Go to tinyurl.com/y3uybtvs for more information.)
Read more of Workers World article here.
From attorney Judith Ritter by way of Johanna Fernandez:
Just writing to let you know that today, Maureen filed a Motion
to Intervene in the pending appeal claiming that Krasner has
a conflict of interest and that the AG should be designated to
represent the Commonwealth. Objecting to Krasner's failure
to oppose our motion to remand.
The fight to free Mumia enters historic new phase
“The brief describes how prosecutor Joseph McGill kept meticulous notes on the race and gender of possible jurors, raising serious questions about racial discrimination in jury selection. This remains a common tactic and was described in a now infamous talk given by one of McGill’s colleagues in the Philly DA’s office. “Blacks from low-income areas are less likely to convict,” senior prosecutor Jack McMahon explains in the 1986 training video. “You don’t want those people on your jury.”
The district attorney who argued for Mumia’s guilt also withheld evidence from the defense team, a violation of the Brady doctrine which requires prosecutors to turn over all possible exculpatory evidence to a defendant’s lawyers. In this case, Mumia and his lawyers were not made aware of apparent agreements made between the DA and the state’s key witness, Robert Chobert, that in return for his testimony the city would look into reinstating Chobert’s driver’s license.
A blatant frame-up
This is only one example of improper contact between the District Attorney and two key witnesses who Mumia’s supporters claim were induced to give false testimony. The brief states, “Abu-Jamal’s capital trial was fundamentally unfair and tainted by serious constitutional violations. Mr. Abu-Jamal respectfully requests that this Court remand the case to the Court of Common Pleas so that Mr. Abu-Jamal may litigate the claims arising from this new evidence.”
Read complete Workers World article here.
“September 9, Philadelphia - The struggle to free unfairly-convicted Mumia Abu-Jamal took a significant step forward on Sep. 3 when his attorneys submitted two documents to PA Superior Court .
Judith L Ritter, Widener University-Delaware Law School, and Samuel Spital, NAACP Legal Defense & Educational Fund, Inc. released this statement: “This week, Mumia Abu-Jamal filed a brief in PA Superior Court to support his claim that his 1982 trial was fundamentally unfair in violation of the Constitution. For example, he argues that the prosecution failed to disclose evidence as required and discriminated against African Americans when selecting the jury. And, his lawyer did not adequately challenge the State’s witnesses.
Mr. Abu-Jamal also filed a motion containing new evidence of constitutional violations such as promises by the prosecutor to pay or give leniency to two witnesses. There is also new evidence of racial discrimination in jury selection.”
Abu-Jamal has always said he is innocent and the new documents go a long way in supporting his case, undermining police and prosecution claims of how Philadelphia police officer Danny Faulkner was killed.”
Read rest of Press Release here.
Read in Spanish here.
Cataract Surgery on left eye for Mumia won
After a months-long campaign, and thousands of signed petitions, a protest at the DOC HQ, and many phone calls from around the world, Mumia Abu-Jamal was finally given cataract surgery on his left eye, yesterday morning (Thursday Aug 29) at his outside-prison eye-care physician's office. At the day-after checkup, his eye doctor said everything turned out well. Mumia marvels at the clarity that is evident already.
He should be getting a second cataract surgery, on his right eye, in about a month.
The power of the people is as clearly evident as Mumia's eyesight is now. Keep up the pressure! Free Mumia!!
Philadelphia Tribune article:
MOVE expresses growing concerns over imprisoned Delbert Africa's health
“We just wanted to put eyes on him and speak with him,” Carlos Africa said. “He’s weak. He’s got a lot of tubes hooked up to him and his legs are swollen because he’s having kidney issues. He’s got a long way to go. But for some reason, the prison had been keeping us in the dark about his health.”
Read complete article here.
MOVE member Delbert Africa released from hospital, returned to SCI Dallas infirmary
Delbert Africa was released from Geisinger Hospital back to SCI Dallas infirmary and he was allowed to make a phone call on Aug 8, the 41st anniversary of the 1981 police attack which resulted in the false charges and conviction of the MOVE 9.
Two MOVE members were finally allowed to visit Delbert on Aug 9. Supporters at the same time visited Geisinger Hospital and everyone met together outside SCI Dallas. Once again Food Not Bombs provided lunch for the group.
More details soon. At this point Delbert wants to focus on his parole hearing for September and getting out of prison .Delbert and family are waiting to obtain copies of the medical report and will take it from there .
Delbert thanks everyone for the many phone calls which made a difference. The power of the people forced the PA DOC to give in!
More photos can be viewed here.
At Aug 7 Press Conference:
Stop a Modern Day Lynching – Don’t let PA DOC Murder MOVE Member Delbert Africa
The MOVE ORGANIZATION is calling for people to join us this Friday August 9th at 9:00am at Geisinger Hospital 1000 East Mountain Blvd. Wilkes-Barre, Pa 18711. If traveling from Philadelphia meet at 6AM at JFK Blvd and 30th St. for rides.
We will be holding a demonstration exposing this out right PLANNED MURDER of DELBERT AFRICA by the Pennsylvania Department of Corrections.
Meanwhile call PA DOC Commissioner John Wetzel – 717-728-2573; SCI Dallas Superintendent Kevin Ranson – 570-675-1101 x 351; and Geisinger Hospital – 578-808-7300 to Demand that Delbert Orr Africa, #AM4985, be allowed to call his MOVE family and let them know what is going on.
The MOVE ORGANIZATION would like to update people on what is going on right now as it relates to Delbert Africa. We received word from an anonymous source that Delbert is in fact urinating blood, his bladder is impacted and compromised and colon is starting to show wear and tear from the pressure/over worked kidneys. Fluid is still being drained but not rapidly enough. He is awake, conscious, and talking but weak.
A week ago MOVE political prisoner Delbert Orr Africa was taken out of SCI Dallas and transported to an outside hospital where he has since been held incommunicado. Delbert has not been allowed to call his MOVE Family or blood daughter. Prison and Hospital officials will not release any information to any of us on Delbert or his condition.
When Delbert was taken from SCI Dallas he had swelling from a fluid buildup. We are now hearing from two different sources that Delbert has no more than 72 hours before he dies. Delbert’s daughter, MOVE family members and even his lawyers are being denied access for communication, visitation, contact, and access to documents from prison and hospital officials.
Delbert is scheduled to go before the PA Parole Board this September. MOVE members believe that the government wants to kill Delbert before he can be paroled, and there is evidence that clearly shows this. This government does not want to give ground and parole another innocent MOVE Member, that's why they are working in conjunction with Prison and hospital officials to murder Delbert.
It would be a feather in the cap for officials to see Delbert DIE. What's more of a slap in the face is that they are trying to kill him to celebrate on August 8, 1978 - 41 years to the day that Delbert and other MOVE people were kidnapped by this government being innocent and railroaded to prison .
We are highly suspicious of what's going on here. In 2015 our MOVE 9 Brother Phil Africa was taken to an outside hospital from SCI Dallas with a minor stomach virus. He was held incommunicado for a period of 5 days and upon returning to SCI Dallas he was placed in hospice care only to die a day later.
In March of 1998 after recovering from a stomach virus at SCI Cambridge Springs, MOVE 9 Sister Merle Africa was told by prison officials she was dying only to die a couple of hours later.
The same pattern is repeating itself here.
On Aug. 8, 1978 Delbert was arrested during the Philadelphia police assault on the MOVE house in Powelton Village. Police officer James Ramp died during the 1978 police assault, likely struck by one of the tens of thousands of rounds fired by his fellow officers that day. He was brutally beaten and assaulted by police following this attack.
Nine MOVE members were all found guilty of firing the same bullet and were convicted of murder, assault and conspiracy by the late Judge Edwin S. Malmed. The MOVE 9 were subsequently sentenced to 30 to 100 years in prison.” (onamove.com) Despite serving over 40 years of a 30-to-100-year sentence, Delbert Africa remains unjustly imprisoned.
The MOVE ORGANIZATION is calling for people to join us this Friday August 9th 2019 at 9:00am At Hospital 1000 East Mountain Blvd. Wilkes-Barre, Pa 18711.
If you are traveling from Philadelphia meet at JFK Blvd and 30th St. at 6AM for rides.
FOR more info call
Carlos Africa 215 385 2772
Sue Africa 215 387 4107
Janine Africa 610 724 4504
Watch press conference video here.
Prison Radio: Broadcasting uncensored, incarcerated voices
“The walls of Prison Radio’s small Mission District office are lined with flyers, posters and images of Mumia Abu-Jamal, a political activist and journalist who is serving a life sentence. The art was sent from around the world by artists in solidarity with Abu-Jamal. Shelves and floors overflow with books, including Abu-Jamal’s latest, “Murder Incorporated: Empire, Genocide, Manifest Destiny.” Prison Radio’s first publishing venture, the book was co-written by Abu-Jamal and Stephen Vittoria, director of the film, “MUMIA: Long Distance Revolutionary,” from which a collaboration was born.”
Re4ad more of San Francisco Examiner article here.
Pennsylvania prison headquarters padlock doors to keep Mumia supporters out
“On July 23, supporters of Mumia Abu-Jamal from up and down the East Coast gathered at Pennsylvania’s Department of Corrections headquarters in Mechanicsville, Pa., to deliver petitions to the department head requesting that they give Mumia the medical treatment he needs.”
Continue Struggle/La Lucha article here.
Brother Delbert Africa ill and incommunicado - tell PA DOC to let him call his family
"For several days now Delbert has been kept incommunicado from calling his MOVE Family , His Blood Daughter, and even his lawyer . Prison officials and also hospital officials will not give any one information pertaining to where Delbert is at . Something very suspicious is happening here and it appears the same pattern that occurred with Phil Africa in 2015 where a simple stomach virus turned to A weeklong trip to the outside hospital held incommunicado from family and friends to return back to the prison and be placed in hospice care and to only die a day later. In 1998 Merle Africa who had a stomach virus was forced in her cell and told she was dying only to die a couple of hours later>”
Read complete message here.
Prison officials turn away thousands of petitions for Mumia
“Outside the main doors of the state facility, the first of two non-uniformed men to speak to the activists was a Mr. Barnacle. When Pam Africa, representing the International Concerned Family and Friends of Mumia Abu-Jamal, asked who he was, he pulled out a badge marked “staff,” dated 2018. When told someone with real authority and current identification was needed, Barnacle eventually agreed to allow three participants to enter the building to deliver the petitions to a DOC official…
When three designated activists — Dr. Suzanne Ross, Rev. Keith Collins and a videographer — later tried to enter the DOC state headquarters, they were met by another DOC staff member, Ken Smith, who claimed he was a Major in “Special Operations,” but would not show any valid identification to that effect.
Smith then reneged on the earlier agreement and said he would take the petitions, but would not allow the representatives to enter the building and meet with a DOC official.
The activists were unbending in their demand that a valid DOC person of authority formally accept, “on the record,” the inch-think bundle at a location inside the building.”
Continue reading Workers World article here.
Video: Welcoming and Honoring Eddie, Janet and Janine Africa
Part of the Move 9, wrongfully accused of the death of a Philadelphia cop during a confrontation in the 1970's, Eddie, Janet and Janine were recently released on parole. A group of activists gathered at the House of the Lord Church in Brooklyn on 7/27/2019 to welcome and honor those who resisted state oppression in their quest for sovereignty and self determination. On a Move! Watch video here.
To win a murder conviction, police and prosecutors made up evidence and secretly paid a witness, St. Louis DA finds
“The state’s theory stretched the physical limits of the human body. Somehow on the night of Oct. 30, 1994, Lamar Johnson left his friend’s apartment, traveled three miles to Marcus Boyd’s front porch with one other man, killed Boyd, fled on foot and arrived back at the apartment to continue socializing with friends — all in “no more than five minutes."
Now, the St. Louis Circuit Attorney’s Office says it knows how prosecutors managed to convince a jury it was true: Police and prosecutors made up the evidence, according to a 67-page motionseeking to vacate Johnson’s first-degree murder conviction and grant him a new trial after 24 years behind bars.”
Continue reading Washington Post article here.
MOVE supporters rally in New York City to free all political prisoners
“The city of Philadelphia and its murderous, white-supremacist police department arrested Janet, Janine and seven other revolutionary Black environmentalists, who became known as the MOVE 9, for the murder of a cop in August of 1978. But everyone involved, including the police, prison authorities and the press, knew that this was a frame-up meant to get the Black radicals off the street, just as the cops had done to the Black Panthers in Philadelphia less than a decade earlier.”
Continue reading Workers World article here.
PA DOC refuses to officially receive 3,000 petitions demanding healthcare for Mumia Abu-Jamal
Thursday, July 25 - The Pennsylvania Department of Corrections turned away community activists from three states who tried to deliver 3,000 signed petitions on July 24. No one in a position of legitimate authority from the PA DOC would meet with the petition bearers, even though they travelled hundreds of miles from Philadelphia, Baltimore and NYC to Mechanicsburg, PA with the requests “To Save Mumia Abu-Jamal’s Eyesight and to Demand his Release”.
Continue reading Mobilization4Mumia press release here
Ruling keeps alive Abu-Jamal’s lawsuit over hepatitis drugs
Carloads of Mumia supporters traveled from NYC, Baltimore and Philadelphia to PA DOC headquarters in Mechanicsburg, PA to deliver petitions on July 25. The DOC refused to provide anyone with high credentials to officially accept the 3,000 petitions. Rather than give them to DOC staff who might just shred the papers, the 25 or so activists marched away chanting from the front doors, and kept the petitions. Next steps on what to do with the petitions will be determined soon. Photos can be seen at: https://www.flickr.com/photos/109799466@N06/albums/72157709868988197
Over 2,800 signed petitions “To Save Mumia’s Eyesight and to Demand his Release” will be delivered to the PA DOC in Mechanicsburg, PA on Wednesday, July 24.
If you can participate in a caravan from Philadelphia, which leaves from 31st & JFK at 8:00am, send an email to mobilization4mumia@gmail.com. Include how many seats you need and whether you have a vehicle.
Associated Press:
Ruling keeps alive Abu-Jamal's lawsuit over hepatitis drugs
A federal appeals court on Friday kept alive a lawsuit brought by Mumia Abu-Jamal, who was convicted in the killing a Philadelphia police officer in 1981, that alleges his rights were violated when he was denied hepatitis C drugs.
The 3rd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals upheld a lower-court decision that Corrections Department employees were not immune to being sued over their decisions regarding Abu-Jamal.
MARK SCOLFORO Associated Press article can be read here.
Mumia describes his vision crisis
in Prison Radio audio. Liston to it here.
Free Delbert Orr Africa!
Delbert Orr Africa #AM4985 was 32 years old when he was wrongfully imprisoned along with 8 other men & women. His “crime” was being a part of an organization against corrupt government, racism and the degradation of our people. He is now 73 years old, having served nearly 42 years for a crime none of them committed. He has been eligible for parole since 2008 but has continually been denied because of his political views.
Del has 8 codefendants. Two died in prison (Phil Africa and his wife, Merle), and five have been released from prison onto parole just between Fall 2018 and Spring 2019. It’s past the time that Delbert should be coming home from prison. Just like others from the MOVE 9 are thriving, so should Delbert Orr Africa have the same opportunity.
Our community has supported those who came home to excel and we are committed to do the same for Del so that he can excel as well. From having one of his daughters murdered during the bombing of MOVE Headquarters by the government to having his eldest daughter battling breast cancer, it’s overdue for him to be with his family.
Please sign here.
Press Conference with Eddie Africa
MOVE members held a press conference June25 from Philadelphia Student Union on the occasion of Eddie Africa's release from prison after nearly 41 years! Watch video here.
From the Darkness to the Light - Bring Delbert Home!
In 2017 MOVE Political Prisoner Delbert Africa was denied parole yet again by The Pennsylvania Parole Board . This Has been one of many denials for Delbert since he became eligible in 2008, But the severity of this denial is the fact that Delbert was given a 5 year hit . This means that Delbert would not be eligible to see the parole board again until 2022 . In Pennsylvania when an inmate is denied parole they have to wait a total of 1 year before they can appeal their parole denial. In June of 2018 after a year Delbert in Fact appealed his parole denial requesting A parole hearing, Here it is one year later June 2019 and Delbert still has not had his hearing .
We see this as very troublesome and we know exactly what's going on here . Delbert has always been seen as the leader of MOVE , He is articulate , outspoken,and militant and this system fears this .On August 8th 1978 Delbert was beaten dam near to death on national television by police and this makes him a survivor of police terror who has lived to tell . This system is being forced now to give ground because MOVE Members has been proven innocent of killing James Ramp and now they have to let MOVE Members out prison , but they are not willing to let Delbert Go . This is no different now than the beating of Delbert on August 8th 1978 or when Delbert was transferred to Federal Prison in 1989 for a riot in a prison he was not even in . This ain't nothing but them trying to isolate Del for the kill and we not accepting it .
We are informing people of what's going on thru our campaign and the next course of action will soon follow as we will not let The Pa Parole Board carry out this Systems vendetta against MOVE and Delbert Africa .
2019 Fight Toxic Prisons Convergence: Mumia Abu-Jamal & Bryant Arroyo
The 2019 Fight Toxic Prisons Convergence is took place June 14 - 17 in Gainesville, FL and included speakers, panels, workshops, protests and cultural activities exploring the intersections of anti-prison and environmental struggles. Maintaining a commitment to creating a space in which those most directly impacted are at the forefront of this conversation, both Mumia Abu-Jamal (SCI Mahanoy) and Bryant Arroyo (SCI Frackville) presented audio speeches. Thanks to Prison Radio, links to their presentations are available here:
Mumia Abu-Jamal - Toxic Prisons - Prison Radio Essays
Bryant Arroyo Speech (10:33) for 4th Annual Toxic Prison Conference
MOVE 9 member Eddie Africa was released on parole June 21
MOVE 9 Eddie Africa was released on parole June 21, first day of summer, after 41 years in prison following a notoriously unjust conviction.
Photo includes from far left: Fred Riley, Carlos Africa, Eddie in the middle, his son Little Eddie, daughter in law Sukona, and Raymond Africa jr
Photo courtesy of MOVE
Puerto Rican Political Prisoner Nina Droz Franco is being denied
proper medical care!
According to Aurea Franco Diaz, Nina's mother, for the past two years Nina has not received any medical attention for her various conditions. A few months ago, Aurea sent a letter to the Federal Bureau of Prisons pleading with the Bureau to help her daughter. This plea has fallen on deaf ears.
The ProLibertad Freedom Campaign is interceding and demanding that Nina receive the medical care she deserves. We stand in solidarity with Aurea and her family
We need everyone to go the this webpage and download a PDF copy of the letter, sign it, and send it to:
Acting Director Hugh J. Hurwitz
Federal Bureau of Prisons, 320 First Street N.W., Washington D.C., 20534
The PRCF (POLE OF COMMUNIST RENAISSANCE IN FRANCE ) handed this note to the U.S. Ambassador in Paris. They would like us to find a way to let Mumia know about the action and the solidarity.
"TOTAL SOLIDARITY WITH MUMIA ABU-JAMAL and with all anti-imperialist and anti-racist activists in the United States of America
Known as the "Voice of the voiceless" in Philadelphia, a tireless advocate for the poor, workers and discriminated minorities, US journalist MUMIA ABU-JAMAL has been imprisoned for decades by Pennsylvania's racist "justice" system.
Unable to have him executed, the authorities sentenced Mumia to die in prison slowly without even providing him with the urgent medical care required by his state of health.
The PRCF national conference held in Paris on June 1 and 2, 2019, unanimously reaffirmed its humanitarian and political solidarity with Mumia and expressed its admiration for the steadfast example of firmness, internationalist solidarity, indomitable courage and unwavering love of life that it gives to everyone in the depths of their penitentiary.
UNCONDITIONAL FREEDOM FOR MUMIA, SHAME ON the American rulers who dare to use "human rights" to interfere in the affairs of other countries (Venezuela, Cuba, Iraq, Iran, Nicaragua, Syria, Afghanistan, Korean peninsula, etc.) while treating US militants involved in the fight against imperialism in an inhuman way.
For the unanimous agreement at the national conference on June 2, 2019, Pierre Pranchère, Chairman of the International Commission, Aymeric Monville, Secretary, Daniel Antonini, Assistant Secretary,
joined by Georges Gastaud, National Secretary of the PRCF, and Fadi Kassem, Deputy National Secretary.
In French:
et avec tous les militants anti-impérialistes et antiracistes des Etats-Unis d’Amérique
« Voix des sans-voix » à Philadelphie, défenseur infatigable des pauvres, des travailleurs et des minorités discriminées, le journaliste étatsunien MUMIA ABU-JAMAL est embastillé depuis des décennies par la « justice » raciste de Pennsylvanie.
Faute d’avoir pu le faire exécuter, les autorités ont condamné Mumia à mourir en prison à petit feu sans même lui dispenser les soins médicaux urgents qu’exige son état.
La conférence nationale du PRCF réunie à Paris les 1er et 2 juin 2019 unanime réaffirme sa solidarité humaine et politique plénière avec Mumia ; elle lui dit toute son admiration pour l’exemple permanent de fermeté, de solidarité internationaliste, de courage indomptable et d’inébranlable amour de la vie qu’il donne à chacun du fond de sa geôle.
LIBERTE INCONDITIONNELLE POUR MUMIA, HONTE aux gouvernants étatsuniens qui osent se prévaloir des « droits de l’homme » pour s’ingérer dans les affaires d’autres pays (Venezuela, Cuba, Irak , Iran, Nicaragua, Syrie, Afghanistan, péninsule coréenne, etc.) alors qu’ils traitent de la manière inhumaine les militants étatsuniens engagés dans la lutte anti-impérialiste.
Pour la conférence nationale unanime, le 2 juin 2019
Pierre Pranchère, président de la commission internationale, Aymeric Monville, secrétaire, Daniel Antonini, secrétaire adjoint,
auxquels se joignent Georges Gastaud, secrétaire national du PRCF, et Fadi Kassem, secrétaire national adjoint.
New petition:
Petition excerpt:
“An outside eye doctor is recommending surgical procedures to remove the cataracts on both eyes, but SCI-Mahanoy Doctor Courtney Rodgers is delaying scheduling the needed examinations and surgeries with Mumia's outside ophthalmologist. Rodgers works for Correct Care Solutions, a notorious for-profit prison and immigration detention medical company that, according to the Project on Government Oversight, has been sued at least 1,395 times with complaints alleging a range of charges, including wrongful death, malpractice and inadequate healthcare.
Meanwhile Mumia faces increasing nerve damage to his eyes. He is unable to read or do other things requiring normal vision. This delay echoes the years of delays Mumia experienced getting treatment for hepatitis C. By the time the DOC was finally forced by Federal Court to treat Mumia with the Hep C cure, it was too late to prevent cirrhosis of the liver.
African Americans are 1.5 times more likely to develop cataracts than the general population and five times more likely to develop related blindness.”
Please sign and share widely.
ShadowProof article excerpt:
“The lawsuit warned against cancer rates around mountaintop removal sites, which are five percentage points higher than elsewhere. These regions have a 42 percent higher rate of birth defects, and public health costs are around $75 billion per year.
The site would have housed approximately 1,216 prisoners, as well as prison employees and other workers. They would have been exposed to soil contaminated with diesel from mountaintop removal operations…
Neither did the BOP conduct an environmental justice review as required by federal regulations.
This was a critical omission considering the project would have disproportionately impacted people of color and low-income communities, who make up the majority of the federal prison population.”
Support Chuck Africa for Parole
Charles Sims Africa #AM 4975 has been in prison since age 18. He is now 59 years old and a recovering cancer patient. He has been eligible for parole since 2008 but continually denied because of his political views.
Charles has 8 codefendants. Two has died in prison, four has been released from prison onto parole. Chuck’s sister Debbie Sims Africa is one of the four codefendants released onto parole.
Since coming home from prison, Debbie is thriving. Our community of support has supported Debbie to excel and we are committed to do the same for Chuck so that he can excel as well.
Please sign the Petition: shorturl.at/bisZ0
Zimbabwe Economic Sanctions Protest Reaches White House
Black Press USA article excerpt:
“The concept of using government resources to harm Black people struck a chord with Pam Africa, who has long advocated for the release of journalist Mumia Abu-Jamal and imprisoned members of MOVE, who survived the 1985 bombing on their Philadelphia compound by the local police department.
On Saturday, days after the release of Janine and Janet Africa and nearly a year after the release of Pam and Michael Africa Sr., she continued to express her solidarity with the Zimbabwean people.
“We have the same oppression as the people in Zimbabwe,” Pam Africa said.
“We are pulling together against one monster and Washington, D.C. is the hub. We are here to rock the boat and wake up people. [Some people] don’t want to show support because of the fear. I only fear that [the monster] will continue to exist unless we fight.””
Ramona Africa honored
Workers World article:
Friends, family and political activists held a “Birthday Celebration of Life” for Ramona Africa in Philadelphia on June 8. Africa is the only adult survivor of the horrendous May 13, 1985, bombing of the communal MOVE home by city officials. The bomb killed six adults and five children and caused the destruction by fire of 62 homes in the neighborhood. No city officials were ever punished for the criminal assault, but Africa was imprisoned for seven years for the crime of surviving. Although still recovering from a recent illness, she continues to fight for justice for the MOVE 9, Mumia Abu-Jamal, Jamil Abdullah Al-Amin and all political prisoners. Pictured here, Africa (left) with her mother, Eleanor Johnson.
150 protest at Roundhouse as police Facebook scandal fallout continues
Philadelphia Inquirer article
Young Philly lawyer found vast trove of violent, racist, misogynist police postings
Philadelphia Tribune article
Janet and Janine Africa say: ‘We won’t celebrate until our MOVE 9 brothers are released’
Workers World article excerpt:
“The press conference marked the first time in over 40 years that several of the MOVE members involved in the 1978 confrontation with Philadelphia police appeared together in public. MOVE 9 members Debbie Sims Africa and Michael Davis Africa Sr., released in 2018, were unable to attend because of arbitrary parole restrictions that prevent them from being with other MOVE members. “
MOVE 9 members Janine and Janet released at last
Struggle - La Lucha article excerpt:
“For years, the Pennsylvania Parole Board denied the MOVE 9 parole, but refused to admit that the actual condition of parole was that these committed members denounce and leave the MOVE Organization. “
Brief Medical Update on Mumia Abu Jamal
“Like a Cheesecloth over both my eyes”
Mumia’s visual impairment has rapidly progressed.
I reviewed Mumia’s chart and saw the patient for a regular monthly f/u on Memorial Day 5/27/19
Mumia’s suffers from multiple medical conditions including Glaucoma, (Open Angle) as well as Vitreous Detachment and Cataracts.
This in addition to Cirrhosis, Hypertension, NIDDM, (Type 2 diabetes), Hepatitis C.
The patient reports being unable to read or write anything for over 5 weeks in March and April and although reporting improvement over the last 3-4 weeks given the over all clinical context:
1. Several Severe risk factors-positive family history, NIDDM, poorly controlled hypertension, Hx of Cirrhosis, as well as the demands of his profession as a journalist (incessant reading under conditons of poor lighting) and the increased stress typical of the correctional envirionment, it is nearly certain that Mumia Abu-Jamal will progressto near- total if not total Blindness within 2-4 years.
2. Immediate release on a Medical and Compassionate basis to his community and family would be the standard of care in this situation. The has indicated an extensive social network that would assist him in th of his release.
3. If a question of Public Safety is posed home confinement would be an acceptable alternative.
Full report to follow.
The patient Mumia Abu-Jamal gave permission to discuss his medical case publicly.
I will seek to personally visit District Attorney this week to discuss this medical need.
Joseph Harris MD
May 30 Press Conference for MOVE 9 members just released from 40 years in prison
Video of the Philly Student Union event for recently freed political prisoners Janet and Janine Africa of the MOVE 9.
Newly released MOVE 9 members remain committed to John Africa
Philadelphia Tribune article excerpt:
“During a news conference with other long-time MOVE members on Thursday, the women maintained their innocence and described the hardships they experienced in prison, including beatings, solitary confinement, and hunger strikes.
Holloway Africa and Phillips Africa said they remained committed to their family and the teachings of John Africa, the founder of MOVE, a Black liberation and back-to-nature group.
“We want to do what we’ve been doing: Working for what’s right, for life,” Phillips Africa said. “We’re not out here fighting cops. We don’t hate cops. We’re out here fighting for everybody.”
MOVE members Ramona Africa (the sole woman to escape the 1985 police bombing of MOVE’s rowhouse), Sue Levino Africa, Consuewella Dotson Africa, and Pam Africa were among those at the news conference held inside the office of the Philadelphia Student Union across from Malcolm X Memorial Park.”
Sentenced to death 3 times in 1989, Philly exoneree Harold Wilson dies at 61
Philadelphia Inquirer article excerpt:
“Later, Mr. Wilson became the first person to challenge his conviction based on the now-infamous training tape featuring Jack McMahon, who was the prosecutor on his case, advising how race should play into jury selection. At an evidentiary hearing, Dunham said, lawyers presented an analysis of jury selection in that case, as well as decades of Philadelphia trials, that found stark racial disparities in jury composition and in outcomes for defendants: In eligible cases, the odds of imposing the death sentence increased 3.1 times if the defendant was black, and among cases that went to trial, black defendants were 9.3 times more likely than white counterparts to be sentenced to death. “
NOTE: When Mumia’s attorney’s raised the same jury selection issues, courts denied his appeals. This is one of the issues to be re-heard before upcoming PA Superior Court appearances.
Janet and Janine Africa of MOVE 9 Released From Prison
Excerpt from May 25 statement from People’s Law Office and the Abolitionist Law Center on release of two more MOVE members:
“The release of Janet and Janine is a victory not only for them and their loved ones, but also for the MOVE Organization and the movement to free all political prisoners,” said attorney Brad Thomson of People’s Law Office. “Janet and Janine were excellent candidates for parole. They have been described by DOC staff as model prisoners and neither of them has had a single disciplinary incident in over twenty years. While in prison, they have participated in community fundraisers, and social programs, including training service dogs. They are remarkable women to deserve to be free.”
MOVE 9 women freed after 40 years
Workers World article excerpt:
“When the family still refused to leave their home, on Aug. 8, 1978, police launched an early morning raid, using thousands of rounds of munitions, water cannons and tear gas to destroy the compound and drive the family out.
During the raid, Police Officer James P. Ramp was killed by a shot to the back of the head. While MOVE members maintain they did not fire any shots, nine were convicted of third-degree murder and conspiracy, even though no evidence linked any of them to the shooting. In fact, by immediately razing the entire property, police destroyed any potential evidence that would have helped the MOVE 9 prove their innocence. Police made no efforts to preserve the crime scene or measure for ballistic angles.”
MOVE Women: Janet and Janine Africa Free at Last (2:21)
Mumia Abu-Jamal 5/26/19 audio recording on Prison Radio
A quick thank you from: Janine and Janet Africa:
The lawyers were sent to do a job and they did it! It is duly noted! but, we cannot minimize the will of The people, which JOHN AFRICA have said is “A POWERFUL FORCE”. ALL POWER TO THE PEOPLE who pushed aside their personal concerns and safety to fight for Move’s Freedom.
THE FRENCH PEOPLE’S MOVEMENT IN PARIS FRANCE AND TOUR INCLUDE CLAUDE, JACKY, JULIA WRIGHT, MS.FERNONAND, DIARAFAGA, THE ALGERIAN COMMUNITY who are sorely Oppressed themselves by the French government, but despite it have still supported MOVE.
We been away for 40 plus years, please tag yourself in this post all of our family and friends we love you all!!
Move 9 women freed after 40 years in jail over Philadelphia police siege
The Guardian article
Two members of the MOVE 9 are released on parole Saturday after 40 years in prison
Philadelphia Inquirer article
MOVE 9 members Janet and Janine have finally been freed after 40 years in prison for a crime they were not guilty of - the death of police officer James Ramp, actually killed by “friendly” fire from one of the thousands of rounds of police fire directed against the MOVE residence in the Powelton Village section of Philadelphia in 1978.
DA Larry Krasner gives up fight in more death-row appeals, stirring concern from courts, families
Philadelphia Inquirer article excerpt:
“"Among those who the DA’s Office agreed should be removed from death row is Ronald Gibson, who fatally shot off-duty Philadelphia Police Officer Frederick Dukes and another bar patron during a botched robbery on Christmas Eve 1990. Gibson’s arguments include that he was a victim of racial discrimination during jury selection and that then-Supreme Court Justice Ronald Castille should have been precluded from considering his appeal because Castille was the city’s district attorney when prosecutors decided to seek the death penalty." “
Philly judge stuns wrongly convicted juvenile lifer by setting him free after 21 years in prison
Philadelphia Inquirer article excerpt:
"But has his faith in the system been restored?
“I have mixed emotions about the system. At one point in time, I thought the system was broken. I no longer think it was broken. I think it was designed that way. They had the opportunity to release me and they didn’t.”"
TMZ article excerpt:
"Meek Mill's been getting a raw deal from Judge Genece Brinkley and deserves a new trial without her on the bench ... and that's according to the District Attorney in Philly.
The D.A.'s Office just filed new docs in Pennsylvania Superior Court stating Judge Brinkley's appearance of bias has been evident throughout the case ... and therefore, Meek should be retried in his probation violation case."
Hey, DA Larry Krasner. Judge Albert Sabo was extremely biased against Mumia Abu-Jamal!
'48 years is enough': activists and celebrities call for release of ex-Black Panther
The Guardian article excerpt:
“Leading civil rights activists, academics, actors and writers are calling on Andrew Cuomo to release Jalil Muntaqim, a former Black Panther who has been in prison for 48 years for one of the most high-profile killings of the 1970s black liberation struggle…
The authors write: “We believe in the principles of restorative justice. While we understand the serious nature of the crimes for which Jalil has been convicted, a life sentence should not be a death sentence. Forty-eight years is long enough. After all this time, Jalil Muntaqim belongs with his family and his community.” …
Another former Black Panther profiled by the Guardian for the series, Mumia Abu Jamal, is among the signers of the new letter calling for Muntaqim’s release. Abu-Jamal remains behind bars in Pennsylvania as one of the 17 incarcerated black radicals, where he is serving a life sentence having been taken off death row in 2012. “
In prison for 37 years, Mumia Abu Jamal finally has the right to defend himself. When will he finally be released?
Introduction to Investig’Action article, which can be read in French, Italian, English, Arabic and Castilian Spanish on their website:
Mumia Abu Jamal just turned 65. Known as “The Voice of the Voiceless”, he has spent most of his life in prison – 37 years now – after his death sentence in 1982. “A vindictive trial” as denounced by his supporters around the world. The evolution of this court case seems to show that, despite everything, they are right. After the commutation of the death penalty to life imprisonment in 2011, a landmark decision has just been made: the Pennsylvania court finally accepted for the first time that Mumia’s defense can appeal the sentence. Interview with Jacky Hortaut, animator of the French collective “LIBERONS MUMIA”.
The Mumia Clause of SB/HB135
By Shakaboona
Sen. Sharif Street and Rep. Jason Dawkins introduced identical new parole eligibility for DBI/LIFE sentenced persons bills in the State's Senate and House, SB135 and HB135, respectively, is very disturbing. Sen. Street and Rep. Dawkins have shamelessly introduced a Mumia Abu-Jamal Clause within the bills on behalf of the Fraternal Order of Police (F.O.P.).
And what is the Mumia Clause of the bills one may ask? It is the last paragraph, of the final page within the bill, that stipulates the Parole Board cannot consider or grant parole to any person convicted of murdering a police officer.
Hold up. Is this bill saying what I think it's saying? That police officer's lives matter more than every other citizen's lives in society, in particular Black and Brown lives in America? Of course, it is!
Wait a minute. Let's put this into its proper perspective. So, are these unsavory bills really trying to say that the same police officers who have been hatefully killing Black and Brown men, women and children unmercifully in the streets of America, lives don't matter as much as theirs? Are these same police officers, like the recent criminally indicted Philly Police Detective Phillip Nordo and the Philly crime syndicate of over a 100 known criminal Police Officers like him on the D.A.'s "No Call List" who've framed innocent Black and Brown people for murder and other serious crimes for over half a century, are they REALLY trying to seek a Parole eligibility exception for the conviction of killing a police officer?? The nerve! What make police officers lives so special than every other human being on the planet?
Besides, the Philly Police Dept. FRAMED Mumia Abu-Jamal for murder of a police officer! Just like they framed many other INNOCENT PEOPLE for murder of police officers languishing in Pa. prisons with DBI sentences. All persons in prison convicted of murder should have the equal OPPORTUNITY for parole review. They mustn't be excluded for the FOP. Solidarity!
Coard: City bombed Black neighborhood, killing children and adults 34 years ago
Philadelphia Tribune article excerpt:
“More than 500 cops fired over 10,000 rounds of ammunition in less than 90 minutes in a racist assault on a Black community. Yes, it was definitely racist! Powell, the bomb-dropping cop, was white. And Klein, the bomb-making cop, was white. As insightfully stated by Bowser, “I know none of that would have happened in a white neighborhood and so do you.” Even the entire MOVE Commission confirmed this by pointing out in one of its final official comments that this would not have occurred “had the MOVE house and its occupants been situated in a comparable white neighborhood.” “
Free Imam Jamil Al-Amin!
Workers World article excerpt":
“The many supporters in the courtroom reflected his decades of struggle. There were former members of SNCC, Muslims from multiple cities, West End neighbors, Pam Africa of International Concerned Friends and Family of Mumia ABu-Jamal, and members of the Malcolm X Grassroots Movement, Workers World Party and Georgia student organizations.
For additional information, imamjamilactionnetwork.org”
The Line Between U.S. Prisons and Death Camps
Scoop Independent News article excerpts:
“One of the most famous of all U.S. prisoners, Mumia Abu Jamal, finally received life-saving treatment after a major public campaigndenouncing a prison for medical execution. But, according to the testimony of numerous prisoners and witnesses to prison behavior, Mumia’s medical execution was simply standard practice…
“Prisoners in Singh’s accounts are denied treatment over and over again, while gradually being told that they have received treatment, being denied access to their own information on a sort of free-floating basis of “national security” without any war or other danger actually being alleged at all, and being locked into solitary confinement as punishment for requesting medical treatment that they are told that they do not need, although its denial may — of course — kill them (a minor concern, they are given to understand)…
“People ask why someone in a prison should be allowed to vote, and what they would vote for. Well, I can think of a million things, but one of them is this. They might vote for a god damned doctor. Obviously people outside of prisons aren’t going to do it for them.”
Mumia’s Physician Dr Joseph Harris MD Speaks on Mumia Abu-Jamal's need for medical release
Conversation with the O.G.M.D Series on Facebook
Author credits Mumia’s book WE WANT FREEDOM as inspiration to write his own book
Rolling Out article excerpt:
“What books have most impacted your life?
One of the books that I read when I was locked up, it’s called We Want Freedom by Mumia Abu-Jamal, and it’s pretty much talking about the struggles of the Black Panthers when they was coming up through the ranks and the things that they had to deal with as far as the discrimination. They going to jail because they trying to make sure that the future is better. Here I am tearing down everything that they built. And then like I said, combine that with the birth of my daughter. It’s kind of like, (snaps fingers), like a light switch that went off.”
Who Runs Philly Part 12: The FOP Conundrum
Who Runs Philly? is an ongoing project from Philly Power Research focused on highlighting the powerful people, organizations, businesses, and interest groups that shape Philadelphia. This week, we take a look at the Fraternal Order of Police, a political powerhouse that lobbies on behalf of the city’s bloated and corrupt police force. From private bars to six figure salaries, Lodge 5 of the Fraternal Order of Police has been working to preserve Philadelphia’s history of state violence and white supremacy through its related organizations since its founding in 1939. Contributions to all local candidates can be found on our campaign finance dashboard.
The Fraternal Order of Police (FOP), commonly referred to as the “police union,” was founded in 1915 in Pittsburgh. Nationally it reports a membership of over 346,000 members organized in 2,100 local chapters (lodges), state lodges, and the national Grand Lodge. Here in Philadelphia, FOP Lodge 5 represents 14,000 active and retired members of the police force. Like a union, the FOP negotiates with the Mayor’s Office of Labor Relations to ensure the benefits of its members.
The city’s budget is currently up for negotiation in early and late May of 2019. Philadelphia’s police force represents some $741 million dollars of a total city budget of $5 billion, nearly 14% of the entire budget. By comparison, the city’s Human Services will receive only $116m.
However, despite its reputation as the union for Philadelphia’s rank and file police officers, one thing should be made clear: The FOP is not a labor union. Labor unions are classified as 501(c)5 tax exempt organizations. 501(c)5s must meet strict reporting and disclosure requirements per the IRS. The FOP is not classified this way and does not have to make these disclosures.”
The rest of the document can be read here.
Why the Vaughn 17 Case Matters to Us All
Shandre Delaney is a prison abolitionist. Her son, Carrington Keys, was released from prison on May 15, 2018, after serving 20 years. He spent 10 of those years in solitary confinement. Since then, Delaney has become a vocal advocate for her son and all prisoners. Read her complete piece on the Law At The Margins site.
“From my observation, there are two major reasons the Vaughn 17 prisoners were brought to Pennsylvania. One, to retaliate against prisoners who dare fight the system. Two, because incarceration is another capitalistic branch of the economy. Although the costs of incarceration are high, there is a billion-dollar industry in prison profiteering, which provides kickbacks, is a billion-dollar industry.
The Pennsylvania prison population is decreasing, and instead of moving toward a positive transformation, what do we do but replace that population with prisoners from another state? That says a lot, and none of it is good. The fact that solitary confinement has been weaponized should really cause concern. It does harm to people and should be abolished.
As prisons are a microcosm of our greater society, we must understand that every aspect of life inside of prisons mirror an aspect of society. The prison system is filled with racism, disparities and oppression.
Change can happen if we listen to the voices of those on the inside. Prisoners are merely are asking to be treated as human beings. They cannot continue to be muted and suppressed. That would be waiting for the powder keg to explode.
Starting in Delaware, Pennsylvania or another state, systemic changes need to occur simultaneously in our entire country. Now and immediately.”
Potential Retrial in Sight for Imam Jamil Al-Amin (H. Rap Brown)
Muslim Matters article gives background behind his case.
“With new evidence not included in the trial such as the confession of Otis Jackson, and Agent Campbell’s lying about being alone and previous planting of fingerprint-less guns, Al-Amin has the potential to clear himself of such charges and establish his innocence. America too has changed drastically since Al-Amin was put on trial in 2002. Organizations such as Black Lives Matter have brought to light the injustice of programs such as COINTELPRO which targeted Al-Amin and other civil rights activists. The Trump era has also highlighted the irrationality of the brazen Islamophobia that aided Al-Amin’s guilty verdict. “
Black Women Political Prisoners of the Police State
CounterPunch article excerpts:
“Scottish political analyst Jon Wight, citing the treatment of American political prisoners Leonard Peltier and Mumia Abu Jamal, calls the US “justice” system the “most cruel and callous in the world.” That system does not tolerate the exposure of its war crimes and abuses of its police state quietly—it retaliates against those who expose its injustice by treating them to cruel and callous punishment…“
“"Black women liberation women political prisoners, included the Black Panther’s Assata Shakur and MOVE women Janine Phillips Africa, Debbie Sims Africa, Merle Austin Africa and Janet Holloway Africa. Janine and Janet Africa are still in prison. In March 2019 Jet Blue was forced to take down a black history month poster which included a tribute to a “convicted murderer,” Assata Shakur. President Trump railed against the “cop killer” and demanded Cuba return her…”
“Black women “politicals,” political prisoners who have stood up against white America’s racist injustice—Lucy Parsons, Claudia Jones, Ruby Doris Smith Robinson, Diane Nash, Assata Shakur, Sandra Bland, Jasmine Richards, the still jailed Janine and Janet Africa, and the woman still in solitary confinement, Rev. Joy Powell—are defiant female rebels against a state which will go to any lengths to punish women exposing its crimes. “
DA Krasner Drops Challenge: Most Significant Ruling in Mumia’s Case in Years
The REAL News Network: Eddie Conway interview with Michael Shiffman
“I’m Eddie Conway, coming to you from Baltimore. Welcome to The Real News. A few weeks ago, Philadelphia District Attorney Larry Krasner agreed to drop his challenge to the appeal in Mumia Abu-Jamal’s case. Mumia is now open to argue his appeal case before Pennsylvania’s Supreme Court. We have Michael Schiffman here today who has followed Mumia’s case for years, had written a book about Mumia and many articles, and he’s going to discuss this new decision and what it bodes for the future.
Russell “Maroon” Shoatz hospitalized
NYC Jericho received a call from Theresa Shoatz, Maroon's daughter, on Friday, May 3, 2019 with the following report:
Russell “Maroon” Shoatz was seen today in the prison infirmary. He was lucid and able to speak, but complained of nausea and abdominal pain. Maroon was unable to keep any liquids or food down.
He was seen by the doctor and the decision was made to send him to a hospital for diagnostic testing. The head nurse at SCI Dallas has been very cooperative, and has kept the family informed regarding his condition.
Maroon is unable to make calls, receive emails or have any visits. The family is also working with Maroon’s legal counsel.
The family is asking that you keep his spirits up once he returns to SCI Dallas by sending get well letters to the address listed below.
Smart Communications/PADOC
SCI Dallas
Russell Shoats
PO Box 33028
St. Petersburg FL. 33733
Pathway cleared for Mumia Abu-Jamal to appeal
The Final Call article:
““At the end of the day Judge Tucker had more pressure on him than Krasner,” Pam Africa told The Final Call. “People need to know Krasner did not have a hallelujah moment. The people stood, and they pushed, and we stood together no matter where you were at or your affiliations. We made him change his position.”
“DA faces unfair criticism on Mumia”- revelations mean Mumia supporters must pressure Krasner harder
Philadelphia Tribune article:
This article is a response to the F.O.P. mob meeting last week that heavily criticized DA Larry Krasner for dropping his appeal of Judge Tucker’s Dec 27, 2018 ruling allowing Mumia to re-open his appeals before the PA Supreme Court.
The article reports: “Maureen Faulkner, Faulkner’s widow, said that Krasner lied to her regarding his decision.
“What he did last week to me was deceitful. He lied to me, and it was like a stake through my heart,” Faulkner said. “He told me, ’Maureen, I will do anything for you. Mumia Abu-Jamal murdered your husband. There is no question about it. I will do everything in my power to keep him behind bars.’ That is what he told me.”
Later in the article, it reports: “Krasner says he personally spoke with Faulkner the day before the appeal was withdrawn, as did two of the senior lawyers handling the case, and that she was notified the next day in writing that the appeal was formally dropped.”
“Our decision to withdraw the appeal does not mean Mr. Abu-Jamal will be freed or get a new trial. It means that he will have the appeals that Justice Castille participated in deciding reconsidered by a new group of appellate court judges, untainted by former Chief Justice Castille participating in their decision,” Krasner said in a statement. “
All of these statements back up the contention by Mumia supporters that “progressive” DA Krasner will not allow justice to occur for Mumia unless the people pressure him to do so.
Mumia was convicted and sentenced because of gross police, judicial and prosecutorial misconduct. That’s why a truly progressive district attorney would RELEASE MUMIA NOW.
Mumia’s call-in at April 27 gathering in Philly
Prison Radio audio recording
“What is behind such a movement as this. The answer is as simple as it is profound - love. I am your brother and you, all of you, are my family.”
As the US and its puppets are staging another attempted overthrow of the democratically-elected government of Venezuela, hear what Mumia had to say a month ago:
Mumia: Venezuela, Again
Prison Radio 3.27.19 recording
Hundreds march in Philly to ‘Free Mumia Now!’
Wrokers World article:
“Rally participants came from Pennsylvania, New York, New Jersey and Maryland. The action, celebrating both Abu-Jamal’s birthday on April 24 and his recent court win, was one of several in the U.S. and London, Berlin and Mexico. Abu-Jamal called activists in Mexico to thank them for their international solidarity. “
ShadowProof article:
“A late December ruling by the Philadelphia County Court of Common Pleas Judge Leon Tucker re-opened pathways for long-time political prisoner Mumia Abu-Jamal to litigate his freedom.
“Progressive prosecutor” Larry Krasner’s appeal of the ruling stood in the way until Wednesday, April 17. “
JARED WARE & MILES QUARLES article relates how the movement to free Mumia NOW persuaded Philly DA Larry Krasner to drop his appeal and allow Abu-Jamal to re-open his appeals.
Recognizing the struggle is still far from over, the article ends with:
“Outside support for Mumia’s freedom will continue to be necessary as organizers work to overcome the decades-long Pennsylvania establishment and police union position against Mumia, which has always been that Mumia will never live outside of a jail cell again. “
Death can be a slow traveler: Peltier, Mumia and Rap Brown
Counterpunch article:
“When the history of our times is recorded, any volume on domestic political prisoners must, per force, begin with the legendary ones of conscience. To these icons of principle, determination and courage we owe much. It is, after all, not by mere default that they risked, and often paid, all to demand the gale of change sweep away generations of ignorance, hatred and greed that have long fed on communities of color and poverty, from coast to coast, in the United States. For them, it was never about personal risk for they knew all too well the price that can be exacted for such integrity. For them, the alternative of silence was simply an option without a choice. “
The article describes the lives of American Indian Movement activist Leonard Peltier, Philadelphia activist, journalist and MOVE supporter Mumia Abu-Jamal and Rap Brown (now Jamil Abdullah al-Amin), a legendary figure synonymous with revolutionary movements that drove generations of activists in the 60’s, 70’s and 80’s to confront Jim Crow, the war in Vietnam and systemic class, race and gender based discrimination through militant action.
The author ends with:
“Who among us today remembers the names let alone the history of RuchellMagee or Álvaro Luna Hernández or Kamau Sadiki or Kojo Bomani Sababu or Bill Dunne or Joy Powell or Jalil Muntaqimor Russell Maroon Shoatsor Edward Poindexter or Romaine Chip Fitzgerald or Joseph Bowen or Fred Burton or Janet Holloway or the other MOVE Nine who remain imprisoned years after evidence showed that the officer they were convicted of killing likely died of friendly fire. Each of these men and women has been imprisoned for decades; victims of a rush to judgment… of politics and prosecutions and passion all but blinded by the hate and fear of the day.
While movements such as the Black Panther Party, the BLA, AIM and MOVE still resonate among some in a new generation of activists, many of their former members, nowriddled with poor health and buried in prison, have been all but lost to the passage of time as death can be a slow traveler.”
April 27 Philly March
Community, activists demand ‘Free Mumia!’
Struggle/La Lucha article
April 27
Hundreds march in Philly to Free Mumia Now
On the heels of favorable court decisions that will allow Mumia Abu-Jamal to re-open his appeals, people marched in the streets in the historically Black Germantown Section of Philadelphia on April 27. The gathering took place days after the 65th birthday for the award-winning journalist, radio commentator and supporter of the MOVE organization.
The event started “in the hood” at Vernon Park, where speakers included:
Ralph Pointer, longtime NYC activist against mass incarceration and partner of Lynn Stewart;
Susie Abulhawa (Palestinian author and activist) who spoke on solidarity between Palestinian prisoners and US prisoners, including with Mumia;
Rachel Wolkenstein , activist lawyer and longtime supporter of Mumia;
Marcos Rezende, of Black Entities and the Workers Party of Brazil, on solidarity between the struggles to free Mumia and imprisoned Brazilian Workers Party leader Lula;
Megan Malachi, Philly REAL Justice, on abolishing the police;
Gabe Bryant, Philly activist and radio host, chaired the opening rally.
The march took to the streets, with chants, signs and banners calling for freedom for Mumia and all political prisoners. Volunteers passed out “Release Mumia Now” fliers to bystanders as the crowd of 200 or more (including several carloads of supporters following the march) eventually halted in front of Marc Lamont Hill’s Uncle Bobbie’s bookstore.
The People’s Sanctuary next door was the venue for the day’s Peoples Forum, where Mumia’s new book, “Murder Inc, Volume 2” was being released.
Mumia supporters were brought up on stage to read parts of the ground breaking anti-imperialist history lesson for the people, including:
Wayne Cook, Mumia’s nephew;
Basym Hasan, Pennsylvania Prison Society;
Mike Africa Jr, son of MOVE 9 members Debbie Africa and Mike Africa Sr, both recently released from prison after 40 years;
Barbara Easley-Cox, former Black Panther Party activist;
Johanna Fernandez, Baruch College History Professor and Coordinator, Educators for Mumia Abu-Jamal;
Fatirah Aziz, longtime Philly activist and organizer;
and Dr. Suzanne Ross, longtime Mumia activist who has organized much of the international support for Mumia.
Noelle Hanrahan of Prison Radio organized the book launch, with the support of Uncle Bobbies Bookstore.
April 27 in Germany:
Berlin in front of the US Embassy - FREE MUMIA - Free Them ALL!
Photo posted on right side of page.
April 20 Detroit meeting:
Pam Africa Visits Detroit to Headline Public Meeting on Mumia Abu-Jamal and the Unjustly Convicted
News Ghana article
Asians for Mumia Committee statement
Asians for Mumia: Statement of Support for a Fair and Just Trial - 4/24/19
The Asians for Mumia Committee strongly endorses Judge Leon Tucker’s order that Mr. Abu-Jamal proceed in presenting to the court, evidence of his innocence for murder. We applaud District Attorney Larry Krasner’s rescinding of his appeal of this order. Mr. Abu-Jamal has always maintained his innocence and has been denied a fair trial in the 1981 shooting of Daniel Faulkner. His arrest, trial, and conviction rested on the intimidation and coercion of witnesses, conflicts of interest, suppression of evidence, political surveillance, and racial hatred. His political writings and statements were used as justification for his sentencing, and on this illegitimate foundation, he has spent over 36 years in prison, most of them on death row and in solitary confinement.
We support the re-opening of Mr. Abu-Jamal’s appeals, examination of the boxes of new material which were recently found, and a thorough investigation of constitutional violations which led to his conviction, including all issues of Habeas Corpus.
Judge Tucker stated, “True justice requires patience, integrity, independence, impartiality, and propriety,” and quoted the U.S. Supreme Court: “Courts employ an objective standard that requires recusal when the likelihood of bias on the part of the judge is too high to be constitutionally tolerable” Massey Coal (2009). This is in reference to the racism which has plagued Mr. Abu-Jamal’s case. An early example of this is his trial judge, Albert Sabo, stating, “Yeah, I am going to help them fry the n****r,” in the presence of Court Clerk Terri Maurer-Carter and PCRA Judge Richard Klein. A PCRA Philadelphia Judge stated, “Albert Sabo was the most racist jurist I have ever met, outrageously biased." Yet the courts continued to permit Judge Sabo to rule on Mr. Abu-Jamal’s case for the next 13 years, where he predictably denied every defense motion.
Today marks Mr. Abu-Jamal’s 65th birthday. He has served nearly 37 years in prison for a murder that he did not commit, including solitary confinement: a practice widely considered to be an act of torture. He has also been separated from his family, denied appropriate medical care despite critical health crises and chronic conditions caused by his incarceration, and subjected to inhumane treatment, such as substandard food and other denials of basic needs. Through these atrocious actions imposed on him, Mr. Abu-Jamal has continued to provide the public with his award-winning journalism and advocacy for a just world for all.
The Asians for Mumia Committee calls on DA Krasner and the State of Pennsylvania to uphold Mr. Abu-Jamal’s civil rights, which he has been denied for far too long, and honor his right to present all evidence of his innocence and the gross miscarriage of justice enacted upon him, which has led to his suffering of endless human rights violations.
It is beyond time for justice, and the world is watching. We stand in full support of freedom for Mumia Abu-Jamal, and the immediate provision of medical care and treatment he needs, as determined by his physicians.
In Solidarity,
Asians for Mumia Committee
Asians for Mumia was founded in New York City in 1995, and joined with local, national and international efforts to mobilize broad support for a fair and just trial for Mumia Abu-Jamal.
New hand out:
Article from The Root:
#FreeMumia: Former Journalist and Black Panther Mumia Abu-Jamal Gets Another Chance to Appeal in Cop Murder
Detroit Conference:
Freedom for the Unjustly Incarcerated
A "Freedom for the Unjustly Incarcerated" conference was held on Sat. April 20, 2019 at the Cass Commons in the Midtown District of Detroit. The program featured MOVE member and leader of the International Family and Friends of Mumia Abu-Jamal, Pam Africa from Philadelphia. Rev. Edward Pinkney, former political prisoner of Benton Harbor, also spoke on the situation in southwest Michigan and the plight of the unjustly imprisoned throughout the state. Other speakers included Debra Simmons of Moratorium NOW! Coalition; Jeanetta Lewis of the Detroit People's Task Force; Charles and Sandra Simmons of the Hush House; Elena Herrada of 910 AM talk radio; Siwato-Salema Ra, an environmental justice organizer who is out on appeal for an unjust conviction; Kimberly A. Woodson of Redeeming Kimberly, a former juvenile lifer in Michigan; among others. Pam Africa reported on the history and current situation of longtime political prisoner and former Black Panther Party member Muma Abu-Jamal of Philadelphia. A recent legal decision has granted Mumia the right to appeal his initial conviction from 1982. The gathering was sponsored by the Moratorium NOW! Coalition and Cass Commons.
Press conference celebrates new legal opportunities for Mumia
Workers World Article:
“While applauding Krasner for bowing to public demands to drop his appeal, speaker after speaker raised that Abu-Jamal, unjustly imprisoned since 1981 because of police, judicial and prosecutorial misconduct, should be released now!
… We didn’t vote for Krasner to make things better — that’s our job. We put him in office to do the right thing. Either Krasner lets Mumia out or he should get out of office. “
Why Philly’s Reformist Prosecutor Finally Supports Letting Mumia Abu-Jamal’s Appeal Go Forward
Intercept article
Excellent well-researched article by Natasha Lennard includes:
“The specifics aside, the mere fact that Abu-Jamal will be able to argue his appeal again in the Pennsylvania Supreme Court is, at the very least, a tacit recognition that his treatment by the criminal justice system was colored by bias and an ideology of deference to the police…
Krasner’s office noted in its statement that, in withdrawing its opposition and allowing Abu-Jamal new appeal hearings, it is “effectively setting the clock back to where it was in the past,” before the appeals heard by Castille. But, for Abu-Jamal, those two decades — half spent on death row — cannot be taken back. Like so many long-term victims of the carceral system, the chance for eventual freedom does not add up to the deliverance of justice…
DA Krasner can and should take the lead on ensuring justice applies to Abu Jamal, reopen his case, decide that the prosecution was racially and politically motivated and support his release from prison.”
Mumia supporter responds to Christine Flowers April 20 hit piece on Mumia
Christine Flowers,
It is clear to me, from this article, that you and others with the same mindset (Kill Mumia Abu Jamal), care little or nothing about "justice". It's clear you care nothing about the coerced witness testimonies involved in Mumia's case, the "indicted" corrupt police involvement, 15 of which were tried and CONVICTED of falsifying and tampering with evidence to obtain convictions, the racist judge Sabo who presided over Mumia's case, and promised to "help them FRY the Nigger", judicial and prosecutorial misconduct, recently "discovered" boxes of hidden evidence.....etc, etc, etc.
I could go on and on, educating you, on the many gross violations and injustices that brought about Mumia's conviction.
District Attorney Larry Krasner, finally, did the right thing by withdrawing his appeal...and not standing in the way of justice.
Thank God for Judge Tucker, who reviewed Mumia's case, reviewed the evidence...APPLIED THE LAW and made his ruling. A just ruling.
Mumia is INNOCENT...Mumia is NOT a "cop killer".
What Mumia Abu Jamal is...is a well known Philadelphia radio journalist, an author of 10 books, the winner of the coveted Columbia University, Edward Howard Armstrong award, former President of the Philadelphia chapter of the Association of Black Journalists and in 1981, was regaled by Philadelphia Magazine as "a person to watch" for his talents as a radio journalist.
To quote Dr. Johanna Fernandez (Professor of History, Baruch College),
"Abu-Jamal's demand for freedom is supported by heads of state from France to South Africa, by the European Parliament, by distinguished human rights organizations, like Amnesty International, city governments from Detroit to San Francisco to Paris, and by Nobel Laureates Nelson Mandela, Toni Morrison, and Desmond Tutu. Two streets are named after Mumia Abu-Jamal in France.
It's people like you, Ms. Flowers, who refuse to accept the gross injustices of Mumia's case that resulted in his conviction. You and others like you, remind me of the phrase..."My mind is made up, don't confuse me with the FACTS".
Linda Ragin
Krasner ends appeal of Tucker ruling
Fighting Words article
Three documents to read and use to understand Mumia’s case:
Mumia’s life story:
Mumia Timeline:
Habeas Corpus Violations in Mumia’s case
Twenty Issues of Habeas Corpus in Mumia’s case
Community activists welcome Tucker, Krasner decisions but Mumia Abu-Jamal needs to be freed now!
Philadelphia, April 18, 2019 -- Community activists and leaders from the Philadelphia region held a news conference today at the Octavius V. Catto Statue at Philadelphia City Hall in response to District Attorney Larry Krasner’s decision to finally relent to Pennsylvania Common Pleas Court Judge Leon Tucker’s ground-breaking December 27 decision awarding political prisoner/journalist Mumia Abu-Jamal the right to reopen his appeals. Abu-Jamal, who turns 65 this month, has been imprisoned since 1981.
Speakers repeatedly said Krasner and Tucker may have done the right thing in their recent decisions, but Abu-Jamal is imprisoned because of police, judicial and prosecutorial misconduct and he must be released now!
Local and national community, political and religious leaders who spoke included Pam Africa, International Concerned Family and Friends of Mumia Abu-Jamal; Rachel Wolkenstein, former attorney for Abu-Jamal; Imam Al-Hajj Talib, Muslim Alliance of North America/ National Jericho Movement; Brother Gregory Muhammad, NOI Mosque #12; Matt Myers, War Resistors League; Bill Bachman American Postal Workers Union; Johanna Fernandez, Campaign to Bring Mumia Home; Mike Africa Jr., MOVE Organization; Megan Malachi and Ant Smith, REAL Justice.
Supporters have been reinvigorated in demanding charges against Abu-Jamal be dropped and that he be freed because he’s factually innocent. “We have been demonstrating against Krasner because he wasn’t telling the truth about Tucker’s ruling,” said Pam Africa. “Now the judge’s latest document has made his ruling perfectly clear. In fact, we call for Mumia’s release after 37 years because police, judicial and prosecutorial misconduct imprisoned him. Such practices permeate the whole injustice system. They are the major causes of mass incarceration of Black, Brown and poor people in the U. S.”
When Krasner filed notice April 17 that he was rescinding the appeal against Tucker’s decision granting Abu-Jamal new appellate rights, a major hurdle was cleared for the political prisoner to win a new trial and freedom. Krasner previously contested Tucker’s ruling, claiming it was too broad, would over-burden the court system if thousands of defendants used the decision as precedent, and that it was too much justice!
Immediately after Tucker’s Dec. 27 ruling Krasner suddenly announced that his staff had “discovered” more file boxes pertaining to Abu-Jamal’s case hidden away in a remote storage room. Because of public pressure and scrutiny of the case at that time, Abu-Jamal’s attorneys were given access to review these files.
Krasner’s latest announcement follows Tucker’s momentous ruling that former Pennsylvania Supreme Court
Justice Ron Castille should have recused himself when the defendant’s appeals were being heard before the state Supreme Court. Tucker shattered Krasner’s argument in his March 26 filing, explaining Castille gave the appearance of bias not only because of his prior role as district attorney. In Castille’s case, his pro-death penalty statements, ties to the Fraternal Order of Police and his lobbying for speedy death penalties in capital cases involving the murder of police officers, all combined to reveal his bias. Hence, Tucker ruled [Mumia’s] “appeal has established by a preponderance of the evidence that there was an unconstitutional potential for bias. [His] claims should be reviewed in the interest of justice.”
Tucker’s decision, further clarified and reinforced in his Form 1925 document of March 26, confirms what Abu-Jamal’s attorneys have argued for over 20 years – that the innocent journalist didn’t get a fair hearing before the state Supreme Court, and at least deserves a new hearing.
Krasner’s decision opens the door for Abu-Jamal’s attorneys Judith Ritter and Sam Spital, of the NAACP Legal Defense Fund, to proceed with filing to have previously denied Post Conviction Relief Act (PCRA) appeals re-heard before a new panel of the commonwealth’s Supreme Court justices. Now that Tucker’s decision has been accepted by the
DA’s office, the next step is re-opening the appeals filed between 1995 and 2012.
The constitutional violations that Abu-Jamal’s attorneys will argue against, and Krasner as DA will have to defend, includes racial bias in jury selection to such an extent it produced an inherently-biased jury and an unfair trial; ineffective assistance of counsel; witness intimidation; and more.
One significant appeal will be the unacceptable overt bias in the conduct of Common Pleas Court Judge Albert Sabo, who presided over both the 1982 trial and the post-conviction review hearings in 1995-1996. Terri Maurer-Carter, a court stenographer, testified that she heard Sabo say in a court anteroom, “Yeah, and I’m going to help them fry the n _ _ _ _r,” regarding his role in the case.
Once Abu-Jamal wins just one of these arguments, he gains the right to a new trial where he can present evidence of his innocence and expose the police and prosecution’s manufacture of guilt -- false hospital confession, phony ballistics evidence, lying witnesses and suppression of evidence.
Abu-Jamal’s supporters put pressure on Krasner to do the right thing and rescind the appeal. The movement gained momentum in early February when Yale Law School students publicly withdrew their invitation to Krasner to deliver a keynote address at their annual Rebellious Lawyering (Reb/Law) conference. Hundreds of letters against his appeal were sent to Krasner from political and community activists worldwide. In Philadelphia, activists confronted Krasner whenever he spoke in public with signs calling on him to drop his appeal. On Jan 13, thousands of “Drop the Appeal” petitions were delivered to Krasner’s office. On Feb 6, activists delivered a letter signed by over a dozen organizations whose members supported or voted for Krasner’s election expressing dismay at his appeal of Tucker’s ruling.
Noelle Hanrahan, who broadcasts Abu-Jamal’s editorials worldwide through Prison Radio (prisonradio.org), recently wrote, “While Philadelphia DA Larry Krasner might not feel a sense of urgency, we need to. Mumia Abu-Jamal will be 65 years old in a few weeks. His eyesight has been severely compromised, making it hard for him to read, because he is suffering from as-yet untreated cataracts and serious glaucoma. He is recovering from life-threatening complications of Hepatitis C and diabetic shock caused by a reaction to treatment for debilitating skin rash conditions.”
An innocent man, in poor health, Abu-Jamal’s supporters feel he should be released immediately. The worldwide movement to free the political prisoner/journalist will continue full steam ahead until he is released.
Video of April 18 Mumia Press Conference:
Pt 1 Livestream ,
Pt 2 livestream
Johanna Fernandez on Krasner’s decision to drop the Tucker Appeal
Hear the April 18 WURD radio interview here
Breaking news: Philly DA withdraws appeal in Mumia Abu-Jamal case
Workers World article here.
Mumia Abu-Jamal: Supporters, FOP react to Krasner dropping appeal
Philadelphia Tribune article here.
Mumia Abu-Jamal wins rehearing, as D.A. Krasner drops appeal
San Francisco BayView article here.
Abu-Jamal supporters applaud DA's decision not to move forward with appeal
KYW News Radio article here.
Ex-Black Panther gets new hearing in 1981 death of police officer
PA Penn Live article here.
Krasner ends appeal of Tucker ruling: Mumia Abu-Jamal wins right to re-open appeals
CONTACT: Marilyn Kai Jewett 215-379-1163 or Joe Piette 610-931-2615
PHILADELPHIA, April 17, 2019 -- Community activists and leaders from the Philadelphia region will hold a news conference 12 noon, Thursday, April 18 at the Octavius V. Catto Statue on the south side of Philadelphia City Hall to discuss today’s decision by District Attorney Larry Krasner to finally relent to Pennsylvania Common Pleas Court Judge Leon Tucker’s ground-breaking decision which gives political prisoner Mumia Abu-Jamal the right to reopen his appeals.
By rescinding his appeal, Krasner has removed a major hurdle for Abu-Jamal to eventually be released after 37 years in prison. This is a significant development in Abu-Jamal’s quest for freedom.
Public pressure on Krasner’s office to do the right thing and rescind the appeal gained momentum in early February when Yale Law School students publicly withdrew their invitation to Krasner to deliver a keynote address to their Rebellious Lawyering (Reb/Law) conference. In Philadelphia, activists often confronted Krasner whenever he spoke in public with signs calling on him to “Drop the Appeal.”
The next step is re-opening Abu-Jamal’s appeals filed between 1995 and 2012 before the Pennsylvania Supreme Court. Abu-Jamal’s attorneys will argue against the constitutional violations that unfairly convicted the imprisoned journalist who is suffering from the ravages of Hepatitis C and glaucoma. As Philadelphia’s DA, Krasner will be in the position of defending police, judicial and prosecutorial misconduct.
Your coverage is encouraged.
Audio of Pam Africa's Speech (18:22) at Mumia Freedom Rally 4-6-19
Pam Africa, famed for her fearlessness, inspires the crowd to deepen and broaden support for Mumia, as Jeff Mackler listens. – Photo: Wanda Sabir , SF BayView
San Francisco Bay View:
Mumia Abu-Jamal: An Evening for Justice and Freedom unites movement leaders
Alice Walker, Angela Davis, Pam Africa and others headlined a packed event in Oakland on April 6 to support Mumia Abu-Jamal’s struggle for freedom after 37 years of being unjustly imprisoned for a crime he did not commit. Read the full article here.
Workers World:
Philly judge challenges “liberal” DA over Mumia’s appeal rights
Judge Tucker, in reply to DA Krasner’s appeal, wrote in a March 26 document: “Justice is being conformable, human, divine, fair, impartial, honest … no matter what. Not sometimes or most of the time, but at all times, be it at trial or on appeal. [Mumia’s] appeal has established by a preponderance of the evidence that … there was an unconstitutional potential for bias. [His] claims should be reviewed in the interest of justice.”
Read the full article here.
Judge Tucker answers DA Krasner opposing filing on Mumia Decision
The appeals process involves numerous filings including
1. a letter from the DA's office to the judge explaining the rationale of its challenge
2. the right of the judge to respond to the arguments filed against his/her decision.
This is known as the 1925 statement/s.
Here are
1. the 1925 statement below from the DA's office to Judge Tuckers
2. Judge Tucker's response and supplement to his original opinion. (Full document is on right side of this page)
In it, Judge Tucker upholds and clarifies his ruling-- the one which granted Mumia relief on judicial bias and ordered his appeals to the PA Supreme Court reopened.
WHYY reported on these developments in an April 1 article: Judge in Mumia Abu-Jamal’s case blasts Krasner for trying to block latest appeal
DA Krasner files statement against Judge Tucker’s ruling
February 15, 2019 Via Electronic Filing Honorable Leon W. Tucker Philadelphia Court of Common Pleas 1301 Filbert Street, Suite 1201 Philadelphia, PA 19107 Re: Commonwealth v. Wesley Cook, a/k/a Mumia Abu-Jamal No. CP-51-CR-0113571-1982
Dear Judge Tucker:
The Commonwealth’s appeal from this Court's December 27, 2018 Order and Opinion is founded on its concern with the breadth of some aspects of the Opinion, and therefore its potential ramifications for an untold number of other cases. In particular, language to the effect that an appellate judge’s merely having been a chief prosecutor at a time when a case passed through the office requires recusal is problematic. The Commonwealth files the attached Rule 1925(b) Statement both in accordance with the Court’s January 28, 2019 Order and also to advise the Court of its specific concerns regarding the scope and potential impact of the Court’s Opinion (see attached 1925(b) Statement, at paragraphs 1, 2, 3).
In the event the Court were to modify its opinion, the Commonwealth would re-evaluate its appellate options at that time.
Pursuant to this Court’s January 28, 2019 order and Rule 1925(b) of the Pennsylvania Rules of Appellate Procedure, the Commonwealth identifies the following appellate issues:
1. Whether the PCRA court erred to the extent it reached an overly broad conclusion that recusal was necessary based on the simple fact alone that a member of the Pennsylvania Supreme Court was District Attorney when defendant’s case was on appeal, thereby potentially requiring any lead prosecutor who becomes a judge to recuse in every case that was pending in that person’s office when the now-judge was the lead prosecutor (see Op. at 33);
2. Whether the PCRA court erred to the extent it reached an overly broad conclusion that a judge must recuse himself merely because—as inevitably will happen to many or even all judges at some point—he is presented with a case that is similar to other cases on which he expressed views during his prior time as an attorney (see Op. at 31-32);
3. Whether, to the extent the PCRA court based its decision on a perceived violation of the Canons of Judicial Ethics, it erred because the Canons cannot themselves establish a cause of action or provide a basis for a PCRA court to grant relief;
4. Whether the lower court erred in finding a due-process violation where defendant’s evidence failed to establish, as an objective matter, that there was an unconstitutional potential for bias; and 5. Whether the PCRA court acted without jurisdiction where defendant’s most recent petition was untimely filed.
Respectfully submitted,
/s/ Nancy Winkelman /s/ Peter Carr Nancy Winkelman Peter Carr Attorney I.D. No. 48928 Attorney I.D. No. 88481 Supervisor,
Law Division Assistant District Attorney
Three South Penn Square Philadelphia, PA 19107
(215) 686-5700 (215) 686-5734
Venezuela - Again
Mumia Abu-Jamal 3/27/19
Several years ago, during the early days of Hugo Chavez’ presidency, US forces supported a coup attempt against him, and the barrios of Caracas exploded in support of the former military officer. The people of the capital came forward demanding his immediate release - and Chavez was released.
The Americans of course denied involvement but everyone knew otherwise. Latin America has seen the bloody paws of the American Empire, and they’ve seen it for the better part of a century and it has never been pretty.
More recently. The New York Times has reported that the Trump administration has been in contact with Venezuelan generals and tried to get them to betray their country’s government. The White House denies it, but everyone knows otherwise.
Madura, Venezuela’s elected president, is at heart a Chavesta, for he admired his old boss, Hugo Chavez and he cherishes his memory. Don’t believe for a moment claims that the US government cares about the Venezuelan people. For we need look no further than America’s colony, Puerto Rico,
After hurricanes and storms ravaged the island, the administration called them ingrates, after they demanded help from their ‘brother’ Americans. Trump threw paper towels at them. This is true and he denied them any kind of real support. They were left to swim or drown in the face of a natural catastrophe. May I remind you that Puerto Ricans are Americans and American citizens, no less. No matter.
For when they needed help the most, they found that they were on their own. You think they care about Venezuelans when they don’t give a damn about Puerto Ricans? Does that make sense?
A leopard they say, cannot change it’s spots.
And Empire cannot change it’s ways.
Thank you all,
From Prison Nation
This is Mumia Abu-Jamal
Video: Pam Africa confronting FOP Spokesman on Fox News
Pam Africa (Minister of Confrontation for the MOVE Organization) confronts Rich Costello from the Fraternal Order of Police about Mumia Abu-Jamal on FOX News. Video edited by Leon Entity to fit the dialogues with accompanied footage of Mumia and people from Mumia's case, including Veronica Jones, William Singletary and others.
Berkeley Event for Mumia April 6:
An Evening for Justice and Freedom
Community activists on the West Coast can help the struggle to free Mumia Abu-Jamal by encouraging friends and family to participate in an important event on April 6 in Berkeley, California.
Among the impressive list of speakers are Angela Davis, Pam Africa, and Alice Walker. Judith Ritter, lead attorney for Mumia, and Jess Mackler of Mobilization to Free Mumia Abu-Jamal will also speak. Mumia himself will be calling in.
The gathering will take place in the Bancroft Hotel Main Ballroom, 2680 Bancroft Way, Berkeley.
Mumia’s speech at Rebel Lawyers Conference
Mumia Abu-Jamal was invited to speak at the Rebel Lawyers Conference at Yale University on Feb 15, after Philadelphia DA Larry Krasner was disinvited. The following is his transcribed speech:
“Dear Friends at Yale Law School, dear Rebel Lawyers,
On the Move!
I greet you all as I endeavor to address the issue of rebel lawyers. When I think of the term, the first thing that comes to mind are jailhouse lawyers. They are by definition rebels who oppose the prison-industrial complex, especially in the courts. Jailhouse lawyers fight for freedom for themselves and others and sometimes they prevail. Some jailhouse lawyers, like John and Mo Africa of the MOVE Organization, defended themselves at trial and won acquittals.
Because such men and women aren’t trained in the law and do their work using logic and sheer will, they fall under the description of rebel lawyers, I think, but I’ve got a feeling that this isn’t what students at Yale Law think of when they use the term. If you’re really interested in that subject, I urge you to see my book Jailhouse Lawyers.
Let us return to rebel lawyers but with a peculiar twist. That’s because I’m speaking here of two revolutionary leaders who went to law school but found that the law and the systems that they lived under were so corrupt, so biased, so dominated by unjust political elites, that they learned that their very society had to be radically transformed before the law could be functional. I speak of two men who are rarely thought of as lawyers even though both studied law and one even briefly practiced it. I speak of Fidel Castro and Nelson Mandela. Castro went to law school under the Cuban dictatorship of Fulgencio Batista, a tool of US imperialism and a supporter of the American mafia. Mandela earned his law degree under the racist National Party, which ruled South Africa with brutality and what they called apartheid, Afrikaans for “separateness,” a system of domestic colonialism that deprived all Africans of their most fundamental human rights. Both Castro and Mandela rebelled against such unjust systems and joined revolutionary movements to transform those societies. They are therefore the very epitome of rebel lawyers. But again, unless I’m dead wrong, I don’t think there is a Fidel or a Nelson in this audience, but I’d be glad to be wrong.
The next rebel lawyer is a little closer to the mark. He’s Clarence Darrow, who lived during the late 19th and early 20th centuries. He was a brilliant lawyer, a socialist back when millions of Americans voted for socialists and atheists. In 1902, Darrow went to the Cook County jail in Chicago and spoke to the prisoners there about law. Here’s a little something of what he said. “See what the law is when these men – the rich – get control of things, they make the law. They do not make the laws to protect anybody. Courts are not instruments of justice. When your case gets into court, it’ll make little difference whether you are guilty or innocent but it’s better if you have a smart lawyer and you cannot have a smart lawyer unless you have money. First and last, it’s a question of money. Those people who own the earth make the laws to protect what they have. They fix up a sort of fence or pen around what they have and they fix the law so the fellow on the outside cannot get in. The laws are really organized for the protection of the men who rule the world. They
were never organized or enforced for justice. We have no system for doing justice. Not the slightest in the world.” Those are the words of Clarence Darrow, one of the original rebel lawyers.
In September 1925, Dr. Ossian Sweet of Detroit was charged and convicted of murder after shooting at a mob of whites assembled to attack his home for being a black man who dared to move into a white area. When he was granted a retrial, Clarence Darrow took the defense case and won an acquittal. You, law students, should read the closing arguments, for you will read some of the finest arguments ever made in an American courtroom. I leave that to you if you’re interested.
I use Darrow as a model for rebel lawyers. For reasons you as law students have a wealth of doors open before you. Indeed, some of you will go into prosecutors’ offices and work to help build and strengthen the bulwark of mass incarceration. Why? Because the lure of power is powerful. How do you think mass incarceration came to be? Was it a mistake? No.
Back during the early 1980s, neoliberals took power in major American cities and waged war on black communities, led more often than not by Democrats like Philadelphia’s first black mayor, Wilson Goode, who brought the infamous MOVE bombing into being. Shortly before him, DA Edward Rendell would join with former mayor Frank Rizzo to give his blessing to the August 8, 1978, attack on MOVE. Several years later, Rendell would announce an end to the prevailing prison system by saying that prisons would no longer do rehabilitation. Their job, he said, was incapacitation.
Thus we saw the so-called blood war achieve hyper-status with neoliberals joining conservatives to enact mass incarceration on a scale the nation and world had never seen before. It should not therefore surprise us when we see that Pennsylvania has the highest number of juvenile lifers on earth. Bipartisanship between neoliberals and conservatives built the monster we now call mass incarceration. No so-called progressive prosecutor can or will unbuild it. That’s because it took the entire system – DAs, judges, cops, defense lawyers, and prison administrators, not to mention the media – to collaborate on a monstrous project like mass incarceration. Only mass resistance can abolish mass incarceration. In other words, only a mass movements, movements like Black Lives Matter or, for that matter, RebLaw, movements of law students who stay engaged after they become lawyers and say no to monsters like mass incarceration and its architects.
That’s why it’s important to make note of Darrow’s early days. He began his career as a corporate lawyer and made a pretty penny representing the people he would later call the men who rule the world. But his 1894 meeting with socialist, activist, and leader Eugene Victor Debs was transformative. Darrow resigned from his corporate clients and, at serious financial sacrifice, began representing those who opposed the economic elites. He represented Debs at a federal espionage trial four years later and lost. But Darrow, socialist antiracist, atheist, had begun his long walk as a rebel lawyer. He opposed the death penalty and represented 100 clients facing death and never had a single one go to death row. And speaking of the death penalty, I want you to know that this isn’t my first trip to Yale, for in 1991 the Yale Law Journal published my essay called “Teetering on the Brink Between Life and Death.” It’s in volume 100. One of my lawyers was exalted, saying I made Law
Review. I calmly replied, “Hmph. You’re right, and I didn’t take a class.” I thank you for inviting me back and welcome the work to come to abolish mass incarceration.
From a Prison Nation, this is Mumia Abu-Jamal.”
Eddie Conway Radio Show, Rattling the Bars, features Mumia case
Rachel Wolkenstein, Mumia's former lawyer, talks about DA Larry Krasner, known as a progressive D.A., challenging Mumia's right to appeal, which she deems as a further attempt for a cover-up and more evidence that Mumia's case needs to be dismissed.
The B/E Note:
Where Meek Overshadowed Mumia
In Philly, the local DA engages in selective criminal justice reform.
“In an exploratory comparison, the DA reveals a tightrope attempt to have it both ways when he, probably, understands that he can’t. There’s safety in selecting Mill as a high profile way to burnish his reformist bona fides as part of a pony show for protesters. Safe since the political ramifications in the Mill case are much less threatening than those in the Mumia case. There is no substance to the Mill case in the way that there is substance and real political depth to Mumia’s current imprisonment. But, in terms of PR value, the narrative that White DA saved incarcerated Black pop-star is what’s trending. The contours of the Mumia case, however, are much murkier and ugly: Saving the one who could have been victimized by a politically-motivated abdication of justice is a lot more complicated. The other might inspire momentary feelings of euphoria as if justice has been served. But it might show that it has not. And if that former case were ever resolved, there will be demands for a level of structural change that no one – including Krasner himself – can really swallow. “
Complete article: https://bit.ly/2BMLsgM
Mumia's recorded essay for Yale students at the Rebel Lawyers event Feb 15:
Current Affairs article
“We can’t blindly trust people in power when they refuse to explain themselves… “
Oren Nimni writes in an important Feb 10 article :
“Krasner, then, offers two primary defenses for his decision. First, he asks critics to give him time—they don’t yet know what he will write in the final brief his office files and it could potentially be something good for criminal defendants. He can’t tell us what it is, though, and says that he is limited in what he can say right now regarding ongoing litigation. For his second defense, he says that the case is “complex and nuanced” (a phrase he repeats) and could have wide-ranging implications.
So the arguments here boil down to: “Trust me” and “It’s complicated.”
There is a certain part of me that likes Krasner and wants to give him the benefit of the doubt. In some sense we have very similar legal backgrounds, both having done criminal defense work (particularly for activists) and having sued police departments. His career has earned him a degree of trust, and indicates that he has a commitment to actual justice in the criminal punishment system.
But despite this background, and despite his record so far as Philly DA, Krasner’s defense is unconvincing, and he shouldn’t be granted the kind of deference he’s seeking.”
His article ends with:
“No one should have expected perfection from Krasner, or from any prosecutor. He still remains better than most, but this case is an example of something important. There is a wearingly familiar pattern when exciting reformers are elected to public office: They go in with zeal, then sooner or later they’re doing precisely the thing they said they wouldn’t do, and giving the public patronizing lectures about how we simply don’t understand “complexity and nuance.” It’s true, of course, that wielding power well is tricky and making policy is more difficult than making campaign slogans. But it’s also true that being in office doesn’t just open your eyes to unforeseen constraints—it also cramps your imagination and distances you from those who you promised to serve. The cure for this is a demand for explanations: If it’s complicated and nuanced, explain how. “I operate under limitations you activists are unaware of” is plausible, but we need to know what the limitations actually are. Power does not deserve deference, and real reformers offer explanations, not excuses. “
The full article can be read here: https://tinyurl.com/y64ywz9
Tell Krasner - Drop the Appeal! Release Mumia Abu-Jamal Now!
Sign and share the petition:
“Krasner - Drop the Appeal”
On Feb 11, Mumia supporters handed out fliers to people entering an event at Philly's Main Library where Krasner was speaking on a "Criminal Justice Reform Panel." They also sat in the audience and held up the poster side of the leaflets which said “Krasner - Drop the Appeal” as he spoke. His answers were unusually short and he looked unhappy. As the moderator began announcing the end of the first half of the agenda. Pam Africa stood up trying to raise a question to Krasner, but he timidly slinked out the back of the stage followed by his cop protector.
The second half of the program featured three former prisoners, Kempis Ghani Songster of the Redemption Project, a juvenile lifer released less than a year ago; Cameron Holmes of Youth Sentencing & Reentry Project and Rueben Jones, Frontline Dads. Their comments on mass incarceration and the injustice system threw water on the "Reform" part of the event's title, as all of them expressed doubt that it could be really reformed, even saying it would take a new system such as socialism to do away with this system's brutal institutions.
Video of Feb 2 Press Conference on
Law group rescinding of keynote invitation to Philly DA Krasner
On Feb 1st, the Rebellious Lawyering Conference (RebLaw) rescinded its invitation to Philadelphia District Attorney Larry Krasner to serve as keynote speaker at their 25th annual conference because of his decision to appeal Pennsylvania Common Pleas Court Judge Leon Tuckers’ December 2018 decision that would give imprisoned journalist/activist Mumia Abu-Jamal the right to re-open his appeal.
A press conference was held on the morning of Feb 2 to explain its significance: https://youtu.be/Cz5zlA8XlYk
The Intercept Article
The Intercept has published articles favorable to Larry Krasner in the past, such as https://tinyurl.com/kejcosa . On Feb 9, the Intercept published an article revealing Krasner’s response to criticism focused on his decision to appeal Judge Leon Tucker’s ruling which allows Mumia Abu-Jamal to re-open his appeal.
“The appeal, argued Krasner, is based on a judge’s decision that has implications that stretch far beyond Abu-Jamal’s case. Once his motion is filed, he said, opponents may view it differently.
“This is a narrow, technical decision in one sense, but incredibly complex and nuanced and affects many other cases,” Krasner said, adding that his previous discovery of six boxes of evidence in the case, which he turned over to the defense, should be evidence of his commitment to a just outcome…
Krasner told The Intercept, the process must play out.
“I hope that the people who are critical take a deep breath and wait and see what it is we actually say in the brief that we file in this matter,” said Krasner…
“The opinion that was written by the court contained language that, potentially, could result in having to rehear possibly thousands of cases,” Krasner said. “Thousands.”
The article also quotes from Mumia supporters:
“Sam Spital, an attorney with the NAACP Legal Defense Fund who works on the Abu-Jamal case, said that Tucker’s ruling underscored the importance of a lack of bias in a case like Abu-Jamal’s. “This is an incredibly important principle,” said Spital. “The decision-maker, the judge, has to not have actual bias or the appearance of bias.” “
“Rebecca Kavanagh, a New York City based public defender, found Krasner’s decision to have his office fight Abu-Jamal’s appeal baffling…“It is difficult to read this as anything other than District Attorney Krasner bowing to pressure from the police unions, which was something we have not seen him do before,” wrote Kavanagh. “To do it now in this seminal case, to speak the usual spin we hear from district attorneys, but not normally from him, is profoundly disheartening.”
The whole article can be read at:
Mike Africa Interview on Limits of being a “Progressive Prosecutor”
Philly’s DA shows the limits of being a “progressive prosecutor” by appealing Mumia Abu Jamal’s latest challenge of his conviction. The move saw Krasner disinvited from an activist conference at Yale Law School. To discuss this news, District Sentinel Radio had a conversation with Mike Africa Jr., a Philadelphia organizer, a member of the Move Organization, and the President of the Seed of Wisdom Foundation. Africa is also the son of two political prisoners, also from MOVE. He was born in prison, and Krasner actually helped both his parents get released from jail. District Sentinel Radio discussed all of this Feb 7, when Africa was interviewed.
Audio can be heard here: http://tinyurl.com/y7wjsucy
Fundraising effort initiated to pay for advertising in Philadelphia area newspapers and radio.
The ads would educate readers and listeners on who Mumia Abu-Jamal is - a former Black Panther, the author of many books, a member of the National Writers Union, a father and a grandfather. Ads would also highlight a fact sheet on the unjust conviction, revealing many of the legal points that argue for his innocence.
Go to http://tinyurl.com/y95yh46n to donate.
Community letter delivered to Philadelphia DA Larry Krasner expressing “a sense of betrayal” following his appeal of court decision benefiting Mumia Abu-Jamal and thousands of other prisoners
Mobilization4Mumia, 215-724-1618, Mobilization4Mumia.com, mobilization4mumia@gmail.com
Philadelphia, February 6 - A letter expressing a sense of betrayal signed by over a dozen community groups and individuals who campaigned or voted for Philadelphia District Attorney Larry Krasner was delivered today to his office.
The letter begins: “We, the signatories of this letter, want to communicate to you our strong disapproval, anger and sense of betrayal regarding your decision to contest the ruling of Judge Tucker which reinstated Mumia Abu-Jamal’s rights of appeal. We demand that the district attorney’s office immediately drop its appeal of the ruling.”
The signers “applaud the positive changes” Krasner has made. It goes on to say however: “You told us that investigating and righting past legal wrongs was your priority. You strongly disavowed racism. Many of us canvassed and knocked on doors for you, held fund raisers, and built grassroots support for your campaign. Now, many of us feel betrayed.”
After describing some of the unjust practices during Abu-Jamal’s 1982 trial, the document argues: “By pursuing this appeal — even though you were not the originator of this past injustice — you are legitimizing it, saying it is acceptable. We think it is not.”
Krasner is appealing the Dec. 27, 2018 Judge Leon Tucker ruling that according to the Pennsylvania Rules of Judicial Conduct, former PA Supreme Court Judge Ron Castille was biased and should have recused himself from hearing Abu-Jamal’s appeals. Tucker granted relief to Mumia by giving him the right to re-open his appeals.
On Jan 25, Krasner filed an appeal of Judge Tucker’s ruling, in effect defending decades of prosecutorial misconduct by previous DAs. Why? He said “That opinion has sweeping and, in our view, problematic implications for a large volume of cases, in addition to its effect on the case of Mumia Abu-Jamal” (https://bit.ly/2HGjyJ1)
The politician who claims to be against mass incarceration and who promotes reviewing past convictions and freeing the wrongfully convicted now opposes a court decision because too many imprisoned men and women might benefit, that it’s too much justice!
The Feb. 6 document was delivered to his office by Cindy Miller (Food Not Bombs-Solidarity), Wayne Cook (Mumia Abu-Jamal's nephew), Linda Ragin (Community and Labor Outreach Committee of Mobilization4Mumia), Pam Africa (International Concerned Family and Friends of Mumia Abu-Jamal) and Joe Piette (International Action Center).
The letter was delivered just days after the Rebellious Lawyering (RebLaw) conference at Yale Law School rescinded a speaking invitation to Krasner on Feb. 1. The celebrated “progressive” DA was scheduled be one of the keynote speakers at the 25 year-old conference on the weekend of Feb. 15-16, 2019.
In announcing their decision to rescind the invitation, the conference organizers said: “The so-called progressive Larry Krasner is hell-bent on keeping [Mumia’s case] out of the appellate process. Larry Krasner was voted into office by the Black, working-class people of Philadelphia, but in the hour of truth he has upheld the rulings of racist judges [in this case] and is doing the bidding of one of the country's most corrupt and homicidal police forces.”
Among the Philadelphia organizations and individuals who signed the Letter to Krasner were Decarcerate PA, Human Rights Coalition, Coalition to Abolish Death By Incarceration (CADBI), Books Through Bars, Dr George Ciccariello-Maher (Hemispheric Institute of Performance and Politics), and Dr Sandra Joy, Professor of Sociology, Rowan University, Ph.D, LCSW.
Philadelphia Inquirer:
Philly DA Larry Krasner disinvited to speak at Yale Law conference after Mumia Abu-Jamal appeal
Law group rescinds keynote invitation to Philly DA Krasner!
In a letter issued earlier today, the directors of the Rebellious Lawyering Conference (RebLaw) rescinded its invitation to Philadelphia District Attorney Larry Krasner to serve as keynote speaker at their 25th annual conference because of his decision to appeal Pennsylvania Common Pleas Court Judge Leon Tuckers’ December 2018 decision that would give imprisoned journalist/activist Mumia Abu-Jamal the right to re-open his appeal.
See the attached for details >>>>>>>>>
Interviews from RebLaw lawyers are available at 10:00 am, Saturday, Feb 2, at 501 S. 52nd Street, Philadelphia, PA.
CONTACT: Marilyn Kai Jewett 215-379-1163 or Joe Piette 610-931-2615
Instead Invites Political Prisoner Mumia Abu-Jamal
PHILADELPHIA, February 1, 2019 -- In a letter issued earlier today, the directors of the Rebellious Lawyering Conference (RebLaw) rescinded its invitation to Philadelphia District Attorney Larry Krasner to serve as keynote speaker at their 25th annual conference because of his decision to appeal Philadelphia Common Pleas Court Judge Leon Tuckers’ December 2018 decision that would give convicted journalist/activist Mumia Abu-Jamal the right to re-open his appeal.
The Rebellious Lawyering Conference (https://www.facebook.com/RebLawCon/) is the largest student-run public interest law conference in the nation. Each year the conference brings together practitioners, law students, and community activists from around the nation to discuss innovative, progressive approaches to law and social change. The 2019 conference will be held February 15-16 at Yale Law School.
Krasner, who ran on a platform that included standing “for justice, not just for convictions,” announced last week that he will appeal Tucker’s decision. RebLaw was supportive of Krasner as a candidate and his “new approach” as district attorney in an office that has been marked by scandal and corruption for decades.
However, in the letter to Krasner, the group said they are “disturbed to hear that DA Krasner will challenge the court decision giving Mumia Abu-Jamal the right to re-appeal his conviction in the 1981 death of a white Philadelphia police officer...Mumia’s case has been marred by injustices, including clear evidence of systemic racial bias, political targeting, conflicts of interest, and police corruption. In short, Mumia’s case illustrates many of the pervasive injustices that Krasner campaigned against.”
In addition to rescinding the invitation, the directors of RebLaw 25 urged Krasner to “drop the appeal” and join them in conversation about “the promise and perils of progressive prosecution” and his decision to appeal Tucker’s ruling. Krasner declined to join them in conversation.
The letter concluded by saying RebLaw will “work with activists to craft programming that examines both Mumia’s case and the successes and limitations of DA Krasner’s regime.”
Interviews are available at 10:00 am, Saturday, Feb 2, at 501 S. 52nd Street, Philadelphia, PA
Philadelphia NAACP Takes Issue With DA’s Ruling Against Appeal For Convicted Cop Killer Mumia Abu-Jamal
Philly District Attorney Statement on decision to appeal ruling in Commonwealth v. Mumia Abu-Jamal
Krasner caves in to FOP, appeals Tucker ruling
John McNesby, president of the FOP and a frequent Krasner critic, said Friday that the district attorney’s decision to appeal was “the right thing to do.”
The struggle continues:
Philly area supporters of Mumia’s struggle for freedom should come to a public meeting Tuesday, Jan 29 to watch the documentary “Manufacturing Guilt” and hear about next steps.
CONTACT: Pam Africa 267-760-7344 or Joe Piette 610-931-2615 or
Hundreds of boxes of prisoners’ files recently found in Philly DA’s Office
Files from Mumia Abu-Jamal’s case included
PHILADELPHIA, January 25 – Just weeks after it was revealed that six previously undisclosed boxes of files labeled “Mumia,” were allegedly “discovered” in an abandoned furniture closet in Philadelphia District Attorney Larry Krasner’s office, hundreds of boxes of prisoner’s files have also been found. A January 18 “supplementary verification” from the DA’s Post-Conviction Relief Act Unit (PCRA) revealed that files from imprisoned journalist/activist Mumia Abu-Jamal’s case were among hundreds of other boxes hidden in a storage room. Supporters of Abu-Jamal say the contents could prove malfeasance and lead to dismissal of charges and the release of Abu-Jamal and other defendants.
Two years after Pennsylvania Common Pleas Court Judge Leon Tucker ordered Krasner to release all files in the Abu-Jamal case, a treasure trove of hidden boxes have surfaced amidst dozens of recent protests nationwide asserting the innocence of the imprisoned radio journalist.
On January 22, Krasner’s office released a misleading statement, asserting that a search of the newly discovered Abu-Jamal boxes proves Pennsylvania State Supreme Court Judge Ron Castille had no personal involvement in the prosecution of Mumia as Philly District Attorney. However:
● The statement failed to acknowledge that Judge Leon Tucker's December 27, 2018 ruling granted relief to Mumia. It showed that according to the Pennsylvania Rules of Judicial Conduct Judge Castille was biased and should have recused himself from the Abu-Jamal case.
● The statement failed to say whether or not Krasner will appeal Tucker’s decision.
● The statement failed to mention that given the long history of corruption in the
Philadelphia District Attorney’s Office, the contents in the hundreds of other hidden boxes could prove the innocence of many prisoners.
According to Krasner, the contents of the six boxes found on Dec 28 include “police paperwork, discovery materials, cassette tapes, trial preparation and jury selection notes, Internal Affairs files, PCRA preparation notes and materials, newspaper clippings, etc.,” which could reveal exculpatory evidence and the extent of the police, judicial and prosecutorial frame-up of Abu-Jamal.
News of this possibility even reached prime-time television on January 22, when a character in the popular sitcom Black-ish asked, “Oh, did they just free Mumia?” The current legal battle in Abu-Jamal’s case has now opened the pursuit of justice in his case and that of many others.
Published investigations of the Abu-Jamal case (by journalist David Lindorff and former TV Guide journalist, Patrick J. O’Connor, respectively) revealed that one-third of the police officers involved in collecting evidence in the 1981 Abu-Jamal case were convicted and jailed for corruption and tampering with evidence to obtain convictions. Countless cases, including that of Hip Hop artist Meek Mill show that these practices continue to this day.
“We know that upon taking office Krasner was subpoenaed to release a “Do Not Call” list of 29 cops too tainted to testify in court trials,” said Professor/filmmaker Johanna Fernandez in a previous interview. “Former DA Seth Williams had a list of 77 dirty cops. The list of police scandals that disproportionately impact Black and brown communities goes back decades. In 1979, the Department of Justice investigation concluded that the level of tampering with evidence and homicidal violence against Black and brown detainees by Philly Police, ‘shocks the conscience.’ Additionally, Prosecutor Joe McGill hid evidence in the original Abu-Jamal trial: the presence of a 4th person at the crime scene. Why?”
Abu-Jamal, former president of the Philadelphia Association of Black Journalists and a Peabody Award-winning producer/reporter for WUHY FM (now WHYY), the Philadelphia affiliate of National Public Radio, has always maintained his innocence in the fatal shooting of Officer Daniel Faulkner. He has argued in past appeals that the police tampered with and lost key pieces of evidence, that the prosecution manufactured evidence of guilt, suppressed proof of innocence, and selected a Jim Crow jury, among other due-process violations.
“Mumia has been inside 37 years for a crime he didn’t commit, 28 of those were spent caged on Death Row -- a sentence obtained unconstitutionally, which is why he’s in general population today. We are demanding that the charges be dismissed and he be set free. What is happening to
Mumia is happening to thousands of people in Pennsylvania’s prisons,” said Pam Africa, spokesperson for International Concerned Family and Friends of Mumia Abu-Jamal.
Supporters of Abu-Jamal say justice demands that the contents of all the hidden boxes be fully disclosed to its respective defendants. These discoveries also cry out for an independent people’s investigation into decades of improper practices by the Philadelphia District Attorney’s office.
Krasner ran on a platform that included standing “for justice, not just for convictions.” Now he has to decide whether or not to appeal Judge Tucker’s decision. A coalition of activists, many of whom supported his election, are now asking Krasner to keep his promise and do the right thing, not only for Abu-Jamal, but also for every prisoner whose files are in those boxes.
Mumia Abu-Jamal commentary: Venezuela and presidential legitimacy
By Mumia Abu-Jamal posted on January 24, 2019
The following slightly edited commentary was written by political prisoner Mumia Abu-Jamal and is posted on Prison Radio.
Jan. 24 — Now the U.S. President (Donald Trump) has decided that he will determine who is, and who isn’t, the legitimate leader of a foreign country.
He has said that Nicolás Maduro of Venezuela was illegitimate, and he supported Maduro’s opponent for national leadership of the country.
What if Maduro declared that Trump, who received some 3 million lessvotes than his opponent, Hillary Clinton, was illegitimate?
Who would listen?
For, in truth, Trump sits in the White House only because of the slavery-era artifact known as the Electoral College — an institution designed to deny democracy to millions of Africans, and to assure Southern hegemony.
Isn’t the so-called Electoral College fundamentally illegitimate? The Electoral College should be immediately abolished!
In a Sept. 9, 2018, edition of the New York Times, Trump officials touched base with Venezuelan military officials to support a coup against President Maduro.
For much of the 19th and 20th centuries, the U.S. decided who should rule in Latin America, based upon such nonsense as the Monroe Doctrine, a pretext for U.S. imperialism.
Lest we miss the play, Monroe is back.
What a shame!
Blackish: “Did they just free Mumia?”
@BringMumiaHome, Mobilization4Mumia and all Mumia supporters send solidarity & many thanks to @blackishabc for featuring @MumiaAbuJamal in 1/22 episode, where it was asked “Did They Just Free Mumia?”
Mumia Abu-Jamal:
Remembering Martin King
Thanks to the Labor Action Committee to Free Mumia Abu-Jamal and Prison Radio for making this audiotape available:
Asians for Mumia Committee Letter to DA Krasner
The Asians for Mumia Committee has sent a letter to Philadelphia DA Larry Krasner “to support Judge Tucker’s proclamation that ‘true justice requires patience, integrity, independence, impartiality and propriety.’”
The organization was founded in 1995 at a time when Abu-Jamal was about to be executed. The turnout of thousands of people on the streets of Philadelphia, particularly from Black and Brown communities, to oppose the death penalty forced Pennsylvania’s governor to back down and cancel the execution order.
The Jan 18, 2019 letter calls on the DA and the state of Pennsylvania to uphold “Mr Abu-Jamal’s civil rights, which he has been denied for far too long…”
The complete letter is posted on right side of page >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Articles about actions for Mumia Abu-Jamal and many of his writings archived
The International Action Center has organized all posts, in reverse chronological order, since around 2015 about and by Mumia Abu-Jamal. Some are posts about events, etc. that include Mumia's case among others: https://iacenter.org/category/Mumia
A previous iteration of the site lists everything written by Mumia (including radio broadcasts) since at least 1998 - 2006: https://iacenter.org/polprisoners/majessay.htm
Coalition asks Philly DA to not block justice for Mumia: Questions persist about newly-discovered files
PHILADELPHIA, Jan. 15 -- The fight for justice and freedom for Mumia Abu-Jamal continues. A coalition of community activists and leaders from the Philadelphia region held a news conference Tuesday, to demand Philadelphia District Attorney Larry Krasner not stand in the way of justice for convicted journalist/activist Mumia Abu-Jamal, by not appealing the ground-breaking decision by Pennsylvania Common Pleas Court Judge Leon Tucker. The decision would give Abu-Jamal the right to reopen his appeal. The Tucker decision is an important ruling that could impact other prisoners whose appeals were similarly denied.
On January 5, over 200 people demonstrated in the rain in front of Krasner’s office with signs and banners demanding justice for Abu-Jamal. On January 7, over 4,000 petitions were delivered to Krasner’s office demanding he not appeal Tucker’s ruling. Krasner has a January 27 court deadline to decide whether or not he will appeal Tucker's order. If he appeals there could be years of delay before Abu-Jamal, who will be 65 in April, can challenge his criminal conviction.
Speakers included Pam Africa, spokesperson for International Family and Friends of Mumia Abu-Jamal; Rachel Wolkenstein, co-counsel during Abu-Jamal's post-conviction appeal proceedings from 1995-1999; Paula Pebbles, National Action Network Philadelphia Chapter; Michael Africa, Jr., son of MOVE 9 members Debbie and Michael Africa, Sr. recently released from decades in prison; and Sister Empress Phile Chionesu, originator of the Million Woman March.
“After almost four decades in prison suffering from cirrhosis of the liver, Hepatitis C and related ailments, years of court delays will be nothing less than a death sentence and a denial of justice for Mumia,” said Pam Africa. “The evidence is there! Our job is to stop the conspiracy to torture and murder Mumia. After 37 years in prison for a crime he didn’t commit, we are demanding that the charges be dismissed and he should be freed. What is happening to Mumia is happening to thousands of people in Pennsylvania’s prisons.”
The group also raised questions about the recent “discovery” of six boxes of files on Abu-Jamal’s case in the DA’s Office. The previously undisclosed boxes of files labeled “Mumia,” were allegedly “discovered” in an -MORE- abandoned furniture closet in the District Attorney’s Office on Dec. 28, 2018, after Tucker had already announced his decision. On January 3, Assistant DA Nancy Kavanaugh, notified the court and Abu-Jamal’s attorneys. The discovery was revealed to the public on January 7. All but one of the boxes had Abu-Jamal’s name on them and were labeled in such a way (18/29, 24/29, 29/29 etc.) to suggest that they are part of a larger set.
This surprise “discovery” comes after Tucker demanded full disclosure from the DA. Frustrated by the lack of compliance with his orders, Tucker required that he personally review all of the Abu-Jamal files previously disclosed. It was only after his intervention that relevant material on which the new appeal was won was revealed.
Tucker, today ordered the boxes be submitted for his review. It’s unclear if this will affect the January 27 deadline for Krasner to decide whether to appeal Tucker’s decision.
After decades of scandal, corruption and mismanagement in the Philadelphia District Attorney’s Office, that routinely denied justice to Abu-Jamal and many other Philadelphia residents, the coalition of activists are questioning and are rightfully suspicious about this new “discovery.”
Abu-Jamal has always maintained his innocence in the fatal shooting of Officer Daniel Faulkner. He has argued in past appeals that he was framed by police, that the prosecution manufactured evidence of guilt and suppressed proof of his innocence, in addition to other violations of his right to due process.
Krasner ran on a platform of reform and transparency. He promoted reviewing past convictions and freeing the wrongfully convicted. Tucker ruled that former Pennsylvania Supreme Court Justice Ronald Castille (also a former Philadelphia District Attorney) denied Abu-Jamal fair and impartial hearings by not recusing himself from the defendant’s appeals between 1998 and 2012. Yet, after his election, Krasner appointed Castille to his Transition Team.
The group, from a wide range of backgrounds, is questioning why the boxes were discovered after Tucker’s decision and want to know what’s in them. Abu-Jamal’s supporters and many others believe that the culture of altering and destroying evidence, hiding witnesses and suspects, and fabricating police paperwork continues to this day.
“There could be nothing of importance in the boxes or there could be evidence that could free Mumia,” said Africa. “Mumia was framed by withheld, suppressed and manufactured evidence, and supposedly lost ballistics tests. The DA’s Office is guilty of suppressing police corruption, prosecutorial misconduct and evidence of Mumia's innocence like witness recantations, exposure of false confessions, and photographic proof of crime scene tampering. The missing smoking gun evidence could be in those boxes. We want to know what’s in those files.”
Krasner ran on a platform that included standing “for justice, not just for convictions.” Now he has to decide whether or not to appeal Tucker’s decision and deny justice in this notorious case of injustice. The alleged “discovery” of these files provides a moral, if not a legal reason, for Krasner to not oppose the reinstatement of all of Abu-Jamal’s state appeal rights.
The coalition of activists, many whom supported his election, are now asking Krasner to keep his promise and do the right thing. Africa said people can support Abu-Jamal by signing a petition: https://actionnetwork.org/petitions/krasner-do-right-by-mumia, or contacting Krasner by email: DA_Central@phila.gov, phone: 215-686-8000 or Twitter: @philaDAO, asking him to not stand in the way of justice for Abu-Jamal and to not appeal Tucker’s decision.
Videostream of Jan 15 press conference:
KYW News radio: Judge who opened door for partial appeal in Mumia Abu-Jamal case retaining jurisdiction
METRO: Mumia supporters optimistic over discovery of new boxes
The Washington Informer: MUHAMMAD: Free Mumia Abu-Jamal and Jamil Al-Amin
Workers World: Global pressure mounts on Philly DA Krasner to do right by Mumia
Struggle - La Lucha: Hundreds march in Philadelphia to support Mumia Abu-Jamal
RT Interview video
Mumia Abu-Jamal's Road to Freedom w Rachel Wolkenstein
For Immediate Release Jan 7, 2019
PRESS CONTACTS: Mike Africa, Jr, 267-456-2880; Joe Piette, 610-931-2615
Thousands of Mumia Abu-Jamal Petitions delivered to DA Krasner
A community delegation delivered thousands of petitions to Philadelphia District Attorney Larry Krasner on Jan 7, asking him to not stand in the way of justice for Mumia Abu-Jamal and to not appeal a Dec. 27, 2018 court decision by Common Pleas Judge Leon Tucker.
Wayne Alexander Cook (nephew of Mumia Abu-Jamal) handed the 4,227 signed petitions to Krasner’s assistant as they entered the DA’s lobby. The thick manila envelope also contained letters from Tadashi Seto (Doro-Chiba, Japanese rail workers' union), Edwin R Ferris (International Secretary-Treasurer of International Longshore & Warehouse Union) and other labor statements in support of Abu-Jamal’s quest for freedom after 37 years in prison for a crime he didn’t commit.
The DA refused to talk with the group that also included Michael Africa, Jr (son of MOVE 9 members Debbie and Michael Africa Sr just released from prison), Sandy Joy (Rowen University professor) and other members of the umbrella group Mobilization4Mumia. The DA’s Director of Communications Ben Waxman did meet soon after, but revealed no new information when asked whether or not Krasner will appeal. “That’s above my paygrade,” he said.
The online petitions were gathered in ten days from thousands of people in the US and from around the world by Roots Action and Mobilization4Mumia.
The petitions are part of an effort to persuade Philadelphia DA Krasner to refuse an appeal of Tucker’s ruling. Such an appeal would lead to years of court proceedings and further postpone Abu-Jamal’s chance to prove his innocence. After almost four decades in prison and suffering from cirrhosis of the liver and related ailments, years of court delays will be nothing less than a death sentence and a denial of justice.
On Jan 5, almost 200 people marched in the rain with signs and banners in front of the DA’s office chanting: “Justice!”, “Krasner: Don’t Appeal!” and “Free Mumia! ”
Mumia Abu-Jamal won the significant victory before Judge Leon Tucker in a decision granting Abu-Jamal new rights to re-open appeals. The ruling could impact other prisoners whose appeals were similarly denied by biased judges.
Tucker ruled that former PA Supreme Court Justice Ronald Castille denied Abu-Jamal fair and impartial hearings by not recusing himself from the defendant’s appeals between 1998 and 2012. The ruling referenced Castille’s public statements of being a “law and order” prosecutor, responsible for 45 men on death row, the support of the Fraternal Order of Police, and new evidence supporting the claim that Castille singled out men convicted as “police killers.” Tucker cited all the above because they created the appearance of bias and impropriety in the appeal process.
Krasner ran for Philadelphia District Attorney on a platform that included standing “for justice, not just for convictions.” He promoted reviewing past convictions and freeing the wrongfully convicted. In Philadelphia, Abu-Jamal’s frame-up stands out as the city’s most notorious wrongful conviction. Yet, after his election victory, Krasner appointed Ron Castille to his Transition Team.
Abu-Jamal has always maintained his innocence in the fatal shooting of police officer Daniel Faulkner. Judge Tucker’s ruling means that Abu-Jamal’s appeals of his 1982 convictions are restored. Abu-Jamal has argued through his past appeals that he was framed by police and that the prosecution manufactured evidence of guilt and suppressed the proof of his innocence, in addition to other violations of his due process rights.
Long time International Concerned Family and Friends of Mumia Abu-Jamal organizer Pam Africa said “After decades in prison for a crime he didn’t commit, the charges should be dismissed and he should be freed.”
International Labor Solidarity Committee of Doro-Chiba
Writing on behalf of Doro-Chiba, Japanese rail workers' union, and Hoshino Defense Committee, which has been fighting for freedom of Fumiaki Hoshino, the longest held political prisoner in Japan, Tadashi Seto wrote in a letter to DA Larry Krasner: “Mr. Mumia Abu-Jamal has been behind bars for nearly four decades; his health conditions are serious. He must be released immediately. At least the retrial is necessary.”
Jordi Aragunde, the General Co-ordinator of the 100,000 member
International Dockworkers Council based in Spain,
came out in support of Mumia Abu-Jamal in a twitter post Jan 5, urging #KrasnerDoRightByMumia
Unedited Workers World article covering the Jan 5 “Peoples Constitutional Protest Party for Mumia’s Freedom” in Philadelphia:
Global pressure mounts on Philly DA Krasner to do right by Mumia
by Betsey Piette
Nearly two hundred people demonstrated outside the office of Philadelphia District Attorney Larry Krasner on Jan. 5, for the second time in just over a week since Common Pleas Court Judge Leon Tucker issued a ruling that gives political prisoner and journalist Mumia Abu-Jamal the chance to overturn his unjust 1982 conviction.
Billed as a “Peoples Constitutional Protest Party for Mumia’s Freedom, the activists, braving steady rain, held a brief rally celebrating Dec. 27 Tucker’s decision before taking to the streets with the message “Tell DA Krasner – don’t stand in the way of justice for Mumia!”
The event was sponsored by the Mobilization4Mumia and endorsed by International Concerned Family and Friends of Mumia Abu-Jamal, International Action Center, Free Mumia Abu-Jamal (NYC), Campaign to Bring Mumia Home, Educators for Mumia, MOVE, Food Not Bombs Solidarity, Workers World/Mundo Obrero, Labor Action Committee to Free Mumia and others. People attending the event came from New York, Baltimore, Delaware, New Jersey and Philadelphia.
Historic ruling opens way for broader appeals
Judge Tucker’s historic Dec. 27 ruling granted Abu-Jamal new rights to appeals earlier convictions stemming from 1995 to 2012 and gave him 30 days to file his appeals. DA Krasner also has 30 days to appeal Tucker’s ruling. Speakers at the rally called on Krasner to cease defending former Philadelphia DA and later PA Supreme Court Judge Ron Castille’s now discredited claim of impartiality.
Tucker whose decision chastised Castille for his obvious bias and lack of impartiality ruled that allowing Abu-Jamal to go forward with re-arguing his appeals “would best serve the appearance of justice.” Tucker’s ground breaking decision not only restored Abu-Jamal’s appeal rights but could impact many other prisoners whose appeals were also denied by clearly biased and often openly pro-cop judges.
A march following the rally stopped at busy intersections, blocking traffic with brief speak outs before ending at the William Way LGBT Community Center for an indoor speak out and organizing meeting. Attendees included a broad spectrum of activists from many who knew Mumia and fought for his freedom for decades to newer and younger people, many of whom were born since Mumia was initially imprisoned.
Long time activists Pam Africa and Ralph Pointer kicked off the indoor event. James Chisolm, Jr. recounted being a high school organizer with Mumia at Benjamin Franklin High School, fighting racism within the school system in the 1970’s. Wayne Alexander Cook, Mumia’s nephew, marched and later spoke about the ways his Uncle Mumia, his aunt and other members
family helped guide him to become more politically aware. The rally was chaired by Johanna Fernandez from the Campaign to Bring Mumia Home.
Megan Malachi, with Philadelphia REAL Justice, described Mumia’s struggle as a key part of the on-going fight against racism and police brutality. REAL Justice has led a two-year long campaign to take down a statue of former Philadelphia Mayor Frank Rizzo from its prominent location near City Hall. Malachi noted that the removal of this tribute to one of Philadelphia’s most notorious racist politicians would not just be a symbolic victory.
Palestinian activist Susan Abulhawa brought messages of solidarity from Palestinians struggling against state repression and some of the highest rates of incarceration globally. She recounted attempts by Israeli supporters to label Black activists like Marc Lamont Hill, and more recently Alice Walker as “anti-Semitic” because of their support for Palestine, while she and other Palestinian activists have been attacked for supporting Mumia.
Monica Moorehead, a leader of Millions for Mumia which brought over 25,000 people to Philadelphia in support of Abu-Jamal in the late 1990s urged younger activists to learn the lessons of this struggle to free Mumia and to make it their own.
The final hour of the indoor event was devoted to addressing necessary organizational tasks including media work, social media networking, education, community and labor outreach and fund-raising as the movement to bring Mumia home shifts into higher gear. Plans for a rally in Philadelphia on April 20 were also discussed. There was clearly a buzz of excitement in the hall as nearly everyone in attendance participated in an organizational break-out group.
Still time to sign petition to Krasner
As DA Krasner is clearly under pressure from the Fraternal Order of Police to oppose Tucker’s decision and block efforts to free Mumia, Abu-Jamal supporters have bombarded his office with daily phone calls and emails, plus a twitter storm on Dec. 4, the day before the rally, calling on him to do right by Mumia.
Letters to Krasner in support of Abu-Jamal have come from labor unions including the International Longshore and Warehouse Union in San Francisco, the Oakland Education Association, Philadelphia IWW, Doro-Chiba, Japanese rail workers' union, and the 100,000 member International Dockworkers Council based in Spain.
A petition to Krasner to “do the right thing” continues to gather signatures. Over 500 signed petitions were delivered to Krasner on Jan. 2. Since then RootsAction has picked up on the petition initiated by Mobilization4Mumia via Actionnetwork.org. Collectively over 4,000 more people have signed the on-line challenge and these names will be delivered to Krasner this week. To sign the petition: https://actionnetwork.org/petitions/krasner-do-right-by-mumia?source=email&
Videos of Jan 5 demonstration,
as it stopped at a busy Broad Street intersection allowing people to hear our message. The first video was produced by Krissy Mahan: https://youtu.be/h-u6xSY815E
This video by Sue Harris: https://youtu.be/AiDZxGNBDi4
International Secretary-Treasurer of International Longshore & Warehouse Union, to DA Larry Krasner:
Letter from Edwin R Ferris, “…I implore you to afford Mumia Abu-Jaml the ability to move forward with re-arguing his appeals before the Pennsylvania Supreme Court.”
For Immediate Release - Friday, January 4, 2019
After a Court ruling that Finally Gives Mumia Abu-Jamal a Chance to Overturn his Unjust Conviction: Petitions, Calls, Letters, a Public Celebration and Protest too!
WHAT: Constitutional Rally / March / Protest Party Celebrating Recent Legal Victory and to tell DA Larry Krasner - Don’t stand in the way of justice for Mumia Abu Jamal!
WHEN: Saturday, January 5, 12:00 - 4:00pm
WHERE: Start — Philadelphia DA’s Office, 3 S. Penn Sq - across from City Hall; End — William Way LGBT Community Center, 1315 Spruce Street
PRESS CONTACTS: Pam Africa, 267-760-7344 ; Joe Piette, 610-931-2615
Community activists will rally, march and then host a public celebration to draw attention to a recent court decision by Judge Leon Tucker that could lead to Mumia Abu-Jamal’s freedom after more than 30 years in prison.
They are also trying to persuade Philadelphia District Attorney Larry Krasner to refuse an appeal of that ruling. An appeal would lead to years of court proceedings that will further postpone Abu-Jamal’s chance to prove his innocence. After 37 years in prison and suffering from cirrhosis of the liver and related ailments, years of court delays will be nothing less than a death sentence and a denial of justice.
Over 1200 people have signed a petition to Krasner: “Don't Stand in the Way of Justice for Mumia Abu-Jamal! Don't Appeal Judge Tucker's Decision!”
Keith Brown, president of the Oakland Education Association, sent a letter to Krasner which said, “As a progressive attorney you ran for Philadelphia District Attorney on a platform that included standing for justice, not just for convictions. You promoted reviewing past convictions and freeing the wrongfully convicted. In Philadelphia, Abu-Jamal’s frame-up stands out as the city’s most notorious wrongful conviction. I urge you to allow Mumia Abu-Jamal to go forward with re-arguing his appeals, which Judge Tucker states would best serve the appearance of justice.”
Mumia Abu-Jamal won the significant victory before Judge Leon Tucker in a decision announced on Dec. 27, granting Abu-Jamal new rights of appeal. The ruling could impact other prisoners whose appeals were also denied.
Judge Tucker’s ruled that former Pa Supreme Court Justice Ronald Castille denied Abu-Jamal fair and impartial appeals by not recusing himself from the defendant’s appeals between 1998 and 2012. The ruling referenced Castille’s public statements of being a “law and order” prosecutor, responsible for 45 men on death row, the support of the Fraternal Order of Police, and the new evidence supporting the claim that Castille singled out men convicted as “police killers.” Tucker’s ruling problematizes all the above because they led to the appearance of bias and impropriety in the appeal process.
Abu-Jamal has always maintained his innocence in the fatal shooting of police officer Daniel Faulkner. Judge Tucker’s ruling means that Abu-Jamal’s appeals of his 1982 convictions are restored and will be allowed to be reheard in the PA appeals court. Abu-Jamal has argued through his past appeals that he was framed by police and that the prosecution manufactured evidence of guilt and suppressed the proof of his innocence, in addition to other violations of his due process rights.
After 37 years in prison for a crime he didn’t commit, Mumia Abu-Jamal’s supporters are demanding that the charges should be dismissed and he should be freed.
Workers World article: Court ruling lets Mumia Abu-Jamal renew his appeals
San Francisco Bay View: Mumia Abu-Jamal granted new rights to appeal
Amsterdam News: Judge allow Mumia to re-appeal conviction
Due to expected rain, Mumia supporters should gather at the DAs office starting at 12 noon on Sat, Jan 5. Participants (bring umbrellas) will then march to the William Way LGBTQ Center at 1315 Spruce for an indoor rally.
The Philadelphia Metro newspaper featured a front page photo of Mumia Abu-Jamal plus a two-page article inside on Jan 3, 2019.
Counterpunch also featured a Jan 3 article on Mumia’s legal victory.
Pam Africa and other activists fighting for Mumia’s freedom delivered 518 petitions to Philadelphia District Attorney Larry Krasner’s office on Wed,. Jan 2, 2019. Ben Waxman, Director of Communications for District Attorney Larry Krasner and the Philadelphia District Attorney's Office, accepted the signatures gathered in just the last 5 days, commenting the office is getting a lot of phone calls about this from around the world.
You can watch the whole event here:
Please continue sharing the petition. We will deliver more signed petitions again in a few days.
Here are sharable links which you can copy and paste into emails you are sending to your lists. Anyone with a twitter account just has to click on these links and it will take them to their own Twitter account with the wording already there, all they have to do is click Tweet. Both of these linked Tweets have a picture linked to them as well. The first has a pic of Mumia, the 2nd has a pic of the Philly flyer for the rally on the 5th.
Please when you send the email to your list, ask them to do this on Friday, January 4th. We need the numbers all on the same day to create the Twitter storm. These links can also be posted on your Facebook pages, web sites, etc. Just headline it "Twitter Storm for Mumia on Friday, January 4 - Click To Tweet"
Click to Tweet link #2:
Statement from President of Oakland Education Association
Dear District Attorney Krasner,
Teachers and educators call on you to do the right thing. Do not stand in the way of justice for Mumia Abu-Jamal. Do not appeal Judge Tucker™s decision. As a progressive attorney you ran for Philadelphia District Attorney on a platform that included standing for justice, not just for convictions. You promoted reviewing past convictions and freeing the wrongfully convicted. In Philadelphia, Abu-Jamal’s frame-up stands out as the city’s most notorious wrongful conviction. I urge you to allow Mumia Abu-Jamal to go forward with re-arguing his appeals, which Judge Tucker states would best serve the appearance of justice.
Keith D. Brown
President, Oakland Education Association
Mumia Abu-Jamal has always maintained his innocence in the 1981 fatal shooting of Philadelphia police officer Daniel Faulkner. His prosecution was politically-motivated because of his Black Panther Party membership, his support of the MOVE organization and as a radical journalist. His 1982 trial and subsequent 1995 PCRA appeals were racially biased: the prosecution excluded African Americans from the jury; and PCRA trial Judge Albert Sabo, the same judge in Abu-Jamal's initial trial, declared, “I’m gonna help them fry the n----r.” Abu-Jamal’s frame-up stands out as the city’s most notorious wrongful conviction.
On Dec. 27, Mumia Abu-Jamal won a significant case before Judge Leon Tucker in a decision granting him new rights of appeal.
Philadelphia District Attorney Larry Krasner: The Philadelphia Chapter of the IWW calls on you to do the right thing. Do not stand in the way of justice. Do not appeal Judge Tucker’s decision.
Cease defending former Philadelphia DA and later PA Supreme Court Judge Ron Castille’s now-discredited claim of impartiality. Justice must extend to controversial cases your predecessors held untouchable. Allow Abu-Jamal to go forward with re-arguing his appeals, which Judge Tucker states “would best serve the appearance of justice."
(This International letter has been circulating for the past few days. Please share widely, particularly with international organizations and individuals)
December 31, 2018
Dear Comrades and Friends Across the Globe:
On December 27, 2018, in a historic action, Court of Common Pleas Judge Leon Tucker granted Mumia’s petition for new appeal rights, over the opposition of “progressive DA” Larry Krasner.
This is the first Pennsylvania state court decision in Mumia’s favor since he was arrested on December 9, 1981. The new appeals ordered by Judge Tucker open the door to Mumia Abu-Jamal’s freedom. The legal claims and supporting evidence, previously denied in the PA Supreme Court with Justice Ronald Castille’s participation, warrant a dismissal of the frame-up charges that have kept Mumia imprisoned for 37 years, or, at the very least warrant a new trial.
It is critical that Mumia can go forward immediately with these appeals. However, DA Larry Krasner has the authority to appeal Judge Tucker’s decision. Krasner’s position, to the surprise of many who had described him as the “new kind” of district attorney, more bent toward justice than mere conviction, with a history of defending dissident activists, has been adamant in his opposition to Mumia’ petition. His legal filings, court arguments, and his statements on public radio have all argued that there is no evidence of Justice Castille’s bias or the appearance of impropriety when he refused to recuse himself in Mumia’s PA Supreme Court appeals from 1998-2012 (!).
If the prosecution appeals, there will follow years of legal proceedings on the validity of Judge Tucker’s order before Mumia can begin the new appeal process challenging his conviction. .Mumia is now 64 years old. He has cirrhosis of the liver from the years of untreated hepatitis C. He still suffers from continuing itching from the skin ailment which is a secondary symptom of the hep-C. Mumia now has glaucoma and is receiving treatment. He has been imprisoned for almost four decades. An extended appeals process coming at the age of 64 to a person whose health had already been seriously compromised is the equivalent of a death sentence by continued incarceration.
We are asking you to join us in demanding that Larry Krasner stop acting in league with the Fraternal Order of Police. Mumia should be freed from prison, now! We are asking you to call, email or tweet DA Larry Krasner TODAY and tell him: DO NOT Appeal Judge Tucker’s Decision Granting New Rights of Appeal to Mumia Abu-Jamal.
In his decision, Judge Tucker ruled that former PA Supreme Court Justice Ronald Castille, who was the District Attorney during Mumia’s first appeal of his frame-up conviction and death sentence, had “created the appearance of bias and impropriety” in the appeal process when he didn’t recuse himself from participating in Mumia’s appeals. Judge Tucker relied heavily on Ronald Castille’s public statements bragging that he would be a “law and order” judge, that he was responsible for putting 45 men on death row, that he had the political and financial support of the Fraternal Order of Police, and in recently discovered new evidence that Castille had particularly campaigned for immediate death warrants of convicted “police killers”. Judge Tucker states unequivocally that the appearance of bias and lack of “judicial neutrality” exhibited by Castille warranted his recusal.
Judge Tucker’s order throws out the PA Supreme Court decisions from 1998-2012 that rubber-stamped Mumia’s racially-biased, politically-motivated murder conviction on frame-up charges of the shooting death of police officer Daniel Faulkner.
Judge Tucker’s decision means that Mumia Abu-Jamal’s post-conviction appeals of his 1982 conviction must be reheard in the PA appeals court. In those appeals Mumia’s lawyers proved that Mumia was framed by police and prosecution who manufactured evidence of guilt and suppressed the proof of his innocence. And, he was tried by a racist, pro-prosecution trial judge, Albert Sabo, who declared to another judge, “I’m gonna help them fry the n----r” and denied Mumia his due process trial rights.
We can win Mumia’s freedom! We have a legal opening. It is our opportunity to push forward to see Mumia walk out of prison! The international campaign for Mumia Abu-Jamal’s freedom has launched a new offensive. At the top of its actions is this call for letters and phone calls to DA Larry Krasner demanding he not appeal Judge Tucker’s order granting new appeal rights to Mumia Abu-Jamal. Please take this action TODAY! Krasner can launch his appeal at any moment. Please send us back your name so we can compile a list of international signers but, most important, contact Krasner immediately. Also, no matter how many letters for Mumia you have signed in the past year or two, please sign this one as well. This moment is different, and the demand of Krasner is different. We want all possible supporters included.
CONTACT: Philadelphia District Attorney Larry Krasner.
Phone: (215) 686-8000; Email: DA_Central@phila.gov; Tweet: @philaDAO
Mail: Phila. DA Larry Krasner, Three South Penn Square, Phila, PA 19107
Tell DA Krasner: Do Not Appeal Judge Tucker’s Decision Reinstating Appeal Rights
for Mumia Abu-Jamal!
In solidarity and toward Mumia’s freedom,
(Initiated by all the US based Mumia support organizations)
International Concerned Family and Friends of Mumia Abu-Jamal; The MOVE Organization; Educators for Mumia; International Action Center; Mobilization for Mumia; Free Mumia Abu-Jamal Coalition (NYC); Campaign to Bring Mumia Home; Committee to Save Mumia; Prison Radio, Labor Action Committee to Free Mumia Abu-Jamal, Oakland; Oakland Teachers for Mumia; Workers World/Mundo Obrero
PRESS ALERT - Dec. 30, 2018
Contact: Pam Africa 267-760-7344 ; Joe Piette 610-931-2615
Mumia Abu-Jamal’s appeal rights restored. Emergency Rally Friday to demand DA Krasner Not CHALLENGE Judge’s Ruling
Mumia Abu-Jamal won a significant case before Judge Leon Tucker in a decision announced on Dec. 27.
Current DA Larry Krasner should cease defending former Philadelphia DA and later PA Supreme Court Judge Ron Castille’s now-discredited claim of impartiality. Krasner should not challenge Judge Tucker’s decision and allow Abu-Jamal to go forward with re-arguing his appeals, which Judge Tucker argues “would best serve the appearance of justice.”
Abu-Jamal’s supporters will rally to demand Krasner not challenge this decision, in front of the DA’s office, 3 S. Penn Sq. across from City Hall, on Saturday, Jan. 5, 12 noon - 2:00pm.
Pam Africa of the International Concerned Family and Friends of Mumia Abu-Jamal announced, “The people’s movement is responsible for this victory.”
A new appeal opens the door to Mumia’s freedom – a new trial or dismissal of the charges. If allowed to stand, Tucker’s ruling could also impact many other prisoners whose cases involved state supreme court refusals to recuse themselves.
The decision by Court of Common Pleas Judge Leon Tucker grants Mumia Abu-Jamal new rights of appeal. Tucker ruled former Pa Supreme Court Justice Ronald Castille denied Abu-Jamal fair and impartial appeals by not recusing himself from the defendant’s appeals from 1998-2012. The ruling referenced Castille’s public statements of being a “law and order” prosecutor, responsible for 45 men on death row, the support of the Fraternal Order of Police and the new evidence of Castille’s having singled out men convicted as “police killers”. It all created the appearance of bias and impropriety in the appeal process.
Judge Tucker’s ruling means that Mumia Abu-Jamal’s appeals of his 1982 conviction, that he was framed by police and prosecution manufacturing evidence of guilt and suppressing the proof of his innocence as well as other due process trial rights, are re-stored and must be re-heard in the PA appeals court.
Abu-Jamal has always maintained his innocence in the fatal shooting of police officer Daniel Faulkner. His prosecution was politically-motivated because of his Black Panther Party membership, his support of the MOVE organization and as a radical journalist. His trial was racially biased: trial judge Albert Sabo declared, “I’m gonna help them fry the n----r.” and the prosecution excluded African Americans from the jury.
After 37 years in prison for a crime he didn’t commit, the charges should be dismissed and he should be freed.
Dec 28 rally outside DAs office
Truth Out:
Mumia Abu-Jamal Wins Chance to Re-argue Appeal in 1981 Police Killing
Ch 6 ABC news:
Philadelphia Tribune:
Ch 10 NBC news
Sign the pledge today for Emergency Response to Free Mumia
On December 3, Judge Leon Tucker heard final arguments in Mumia Abu-Jamal’s two-year-long appeal case and announced that he would issue a decision at a future date.
The decision could come down at any time so we are asking everyone to be prepared to respond.
Pledge to take action as soon as a decision is announced!
Day After A Decision Action:
If Tucker rules in Mumia’s favor, we will rally at DA Krasner’s office to say #FreeMumia! and to tell Krasner: DO NOT APPEAL! If Tucker rules against Mumia, rally at the DA’s office to let them know we will continue the fight in the courts and on the streets.
Either way the initial protest will take place the day after Tucker’s ruling from 4-6pm at the Philly DA’s office, 3 S. Penn Sq. across from City Hall
Following Saturday Action:
A larger protest will take place on the next Saturday at noon same location.
Sign the pledge today to receive urgent action alerts as soon as a decision is announced! You will receive notification by email as soon as any new information becomes available.
Call for Emergency Response Network to free Mumia:
On Dec. 3rd, Judge Leon Tucker heard final arguments in Mumia Abu-Jamal’s two-year-long appeal case and announced that he would issue a decision at a future time. The decision could come down at any time so we are asking everyone to be prepared to respond. If Tucker rules in Mumia’s favor, we will rally at DA Krasner’s office to say #FreeMumia! and to tell Krasner: DO NOT APPEAL! If Tucker rules against Mumia, rally at the DA’s office to let them know we will continue the fight in the courts and on the streets.
Either way the initial protest will take place the day after Tucker’s ruling from 4-6pm at the Philly DA’s office, 3 S. Penn Sq. across from City Hall)
A larger protest will take place on the next Saturday at noon same location.
This Week for Mumia:
On Fri, Dec. 7th join in a HONK for MUMIA from 4-6pm at 13th & Locust Sts.
On Sat., Dec. 8th – take part in a Community Forum: You can lock up prisoners but you can’t silence them! Free Mumia Abu-Jamal!”
12-4pm, People’s Education Center, 5443 Germantown Ave. Food will be served.
From the River to the Sea: Philly Stands with Marc Lamont Hill – Rally Dec. 6,
4-6pm Gather at 1801 N. Broad St., Temple Campus
In addition to the events for Mumia we are urging people to participate in an important solidarity rally in Philadelphia on Thurs., Dec. 6th for Temple Professor and Philadelphia activist/author Marc Lamont Hill who has come under attack for his righteous solidarity with the people of Palestine.
CNN fired Hill for speaking out about the apartheid-like conditions for Palestinians in Israel and the occupied territories. Now forces at Temple are calling for his dismissal. In the wake of increasingly frequent attacks on radical professors and activists, especially those who speak on Palestine, Temple Students for Justice in Palestine and allied organizations are mobilizing in support of Dr. Marc Lamont Hill and calling on the Temple University Board of Trustees to rescind and cease their libelous statements.
New evidence of Castille’s bias in Mumia Abu-Jamal case
By Betsey Piette posted on October 30, 2018
As supporters demonstrated in the streets outside Philadelphia’s Criminal Justice Center on Oct. 29, inside the courthouse attorneys for political prisoner Mumia Abu-Jamal presented new arguments of substantive bias by former District Attorney Ronald Castille as grounds for granting Abu-Jamal’s petition.
Abu-Jamal’s initial petition, filed in August 2016, is based on the 2016 U.S. Supreme Court ruling in Williams v. Pennsylvania that found due process was violated when Castille participated in the Pennsylvania Supreme Court’s consideration of William’s appeal in a capital postconviction case. Castille, in his previous position as district attorney of Philadelphia, had approved decisions to seek the death penalty. The SCOTUS ruling established that a petitioner is entitled to relief when a reasonable observer could conclude that a judge harbored disqualifying bias against the petitioner.
Representing Abu-Jamal, Judith Ritter and Samuel Spital, asked Common Court of Appeals Judge Leon Tucker to vacate Pennsylvania Supreme Court’s decisions that denied Abu-Jamal’s right to appeal his 1983 capital conviction, stemming from the death of Philadelphia police officer Daniel Faulkner. The appeal is asking for Abu-Jamal’s right to a new evidentiary hearing.
The petition was first heard on April 24, 2017. Since January 2018, when Philadelphia’s current district attorney, Larry Krasner, took office, six additional hearings have been held. At each the Commonwealth has sought to deny Abu-Jamal’s petition, claiming “no evidence exists” of Castille’s direct involvement in Abu-Jamal’s case while he served as district attorney.
New evidence surfaces
The lawyers’ new amendment is based on two pieces of evidence that came to light during searches of hundreds of boxes of files looking for a letter written by DA Castille in June 1990 to then Gov. Robert P. Casey. An initial search of files in September 2017 uncovered a draft for a letter written on Castille’s behalf by former Deputy DA Gaele Barthold. Her June 1, 1990, memo to Castille states, “As discussed, I have drafted a letter to Governor Casey for your signature, Ron, requesting that death warrants be issued in appropriate Philadelphia County death cases.”
In his June 15, 1990, letter to Casey, Castille used Barthold’s draft but inserted a paragraph urging Casey to sign death warrants to send a message to “all police killers.” At her recent deposition, Barthold confirmed that the paragraph concerning “cop killers” was not in her draft and was not in language she would have used. While the Commonwealth uncovered Barthold’s draft, which refers to a copy of Castille’s letter being attached, they maintain that Castille’s final signed letter to Casey cannot be found.
Castille’s letter referred to a list of capital cases then before Casey. Because he had not exhausted his appeals before the DA’s office, Abu-Jamal’s case was not on the list. However, his attorneys hold that Castille had to have examined the status of Abu-Jamal’s case as of June 15, 1990, to determine that it was not ready for a death warrant. They charge that this reflects substantial, personal involvement in a critical decision in Abu-Jamal’s case.
Support for pro-death penalty legislation
A few days before the Aug. 30 hearing regarding the status of their search for the missing letter, the Commonwealth notified the court that they had also uncovered evidence of communications between DA Castille and former Pennslyvania State Senator Michael Fisher regarding passage of legislation to further restrict state appeals of death penalty convictions.
The evidence was a letter, on letterhead identifying Ron Castille as district attorney, from then Philadelphia Assistant District Attorney Kathleen McDonnell sent “pursuant to Sen. Fisher’s request, in order to provide him with, the current status of certain death row inmates.” Abu-Jamal’s name was the first of nine capital defendants.
As with the Barthold memo, the “request” that gave rise to McDonnell’s letter was not provided, and the Commonwealth could not verify to whom Fisher addressed his request. Abu-Jamal’s attorneys charge that if Fisher’s letter was addressed to Castille, it would be additional evidence of his personal significant involvement. The Commonwealth claims that, even after searching more boxes of files, it cannot locate the request letter.
The attorneys further argued that there can be little doubt of Castille’s ardent support for capital punishment and his frustration that it wasn’t being implemented during his term as DA. According to their new amendment, “Fisher had introduced a new death penalty statute designed to bring capital punishment back to Pennsylvania after an earlier statute had been declared unconstitutional.”
The amendment also notes that “on Sept. 23, 1988, DA Castille wrote directly to Fisher urging passage of an amendment to the death penalty law and conveying his fears about the impact of Mills v. Maryland.” Castille feared that “Mills may lead to the vacating of scores of death penalties.” Abu-Jamal’s case not only contained a Mills claim — it became the basis for his eventual sentencing relief.
Failure to secure evidence is grounds for appeal
Abu-Jamal’s attorneys have argued that despite the Commonwealth’s failure to find missing records, “The newly discovered evidence in these proceedings establishes that a reasonable observer could conclude that Justice Castille harbored disqualifying bias against Mr. Abu-Jamal as a person convicted of killing a police officer.”
Speaking in court today, Samuel Spital again raised that the Commonwealth’s proven inability to secure evidence favorable to the defendant constitutes adverse interference that arises under the state court’s spoliation doctrine. The Pennsylvania Supreme Court holds that “spoliation of evidence is the non-preservation or significant alteration of evidence for pending future litigation.”
Noting that Abu-Jamal and the DA’s office have been involved in postconviction litigation for most of the last 30 years, Spital stated that the Commonwealth had the duty to preserve these documents, yet failed to do so. The amendment also notes that, after having obtained a two-month continuance and assigned a paralegal to work full-time to search for it, the Commonwealth has recognized that the missing memo is central to this case. To date the Commonwealth admits that many boxes of files remain unaccounted for.
Abu-Jamal’s case was the most important capital case in Philadelphia’s history. It involved the killing of a police officer, allegedly by a former member of the Black Panther Party. The case remains important, not just to Philadelphia, but to an international liberation movement.
To argue that DA Castille was wholly uninvolved in the decisions around the response to Abu-Jamal’s first appeals lacks credibility. During Castille’s term as DA, his office aggressively fought Abu-Jamal’s initial appeals. As DA in 1988, Castille received a “Man of the Year award” from the Fraternal Order of Police, which has arduously sought Abu-Jamal’s death.
Spital noted that as DA, Castille’s focus on sending a message to “police killers” could be seen as either bias against a particular defendant or a class of cases. Under the Constitution, claims of judicial bias do not require proof of actual bias. The question for the court is whether the judge is likely to be neutral or whether there is unconstitutional potential for bias. The PA Supreme Court has held that recusal is required wherever there is substantial doubt as to the judge’s ability to preside impartially. Castille had denied repeated requests from Abu-Jamal to recuse himself.
FOP intimidation
For the third time in as many hearings, the Faulkner family and dozens of FOP members were given priority seating in the small courtroom, leaving little space for Abu-Jamal’s family and supporters. Former Assistant District Attorney Joseph McGill, who produced a training video for prosecutors to keep Black people off juries, and former police officer Gary Bell, who lied about hearing Abu-Jamal’s confession, were part of today’s FOP contingent — a clear effort to intimidate the court.
Abu-Jamal’s lawyers requested a one-month extension to await the results of their right-to-know request to the Pennsylvania State Senate Judiciary Committee for documents. Tucker granted the request and was determining that the court would reconvene on Dec. 3 when Maureen Faulkner, Daniel Fauklner’s spouse, stood up to denounce the extension. When she refused to stop her outburst, Tucker had her ejected from the court.
Tucker ended the session noting, “The court is not going to rush to judgment in this matter. Just to be clear, no matter how long it takes, this court is going to do the right thing.”
For Immediate Release: October 24, 2018
Contact: Pam Africa, 267-760-7344, Dr. Suzanne Ross, 917-584-2135, Joe Piette, 610-931-2615
WHAT: Press conference
DATE AND TIME: Thursday, October 25th, 11 AM
WHERE: DA Krasner’s office, THREE PENN PLAZA
SPEAKERS: Journalist, Linn Washington; Rev. Renee McKenzie, Church of the Advocate; Attorney Leon Williams; Basym Hasan, Prison activist, PA Prison Society; Pam Africa, MOVE Organization and the Uncompromising International Concerned Family and Friends of MAJ, Dr. Anthony Monteiro, Dr. Suzanne Ross
WHY: A letter about the legal proceedings in the Court of Common Pleas on the case of Mumia Abu-Jamal will be delivered to Krasner during the Press Conference. Listed among the signers are the NATIONAL LAWYERS GUILD, NOAM CHOMSKY, CORNEL WEST, NOTED HUMAN RIGHTS ATTORNEYS KATHLEEN CLEAVER and SOFFIYAH ELIJAH, THE NATIONAL CONFERENCE OF BLACK LAWYERS (Michigan Chapter), the INTERNATIONAL DOCKWORKERS COUNCIL, and many others. (Complete list of Signers listed below)
The letter asserts that Abu-Jamal should be granted a new appeals process. Abu-Jamal, an internationally renowned Black political prisoner, former writer and activist in the Black Panther Party, award winning journalist and writer who has published 10 books while in prison, and a MOVE supporter who has spent almost 37 years in prison, the majority of them in isolation on death row is being denied that opportunity by DA Larry Krasner. The signers are demanding that Krasner stop insisting, preposterously, that Ronald Castille was not significantly involved in Abu-Jamal’s case. Furthermore, the signers demand that Krasner drop his battle to close off the possibility for Abu-Jamal to win a new appeals process in the Court of Common Pleas (CCP).
LEGAL ARGUMENTS: The current court battle is based on a new legal action Abu-Jamal filed in the CCP on August 7, 2016 to reopen the appeal of his conviction. A new appeal could lead to Abu-Jamal’s freedom. Abu-Jamal’s argument is that Castille should have recused himself when Abu-Jamal’s case came before him in the PA Supreme Court since he had also been involved in the same case as a DA. Abu-Jamal’s attorneys twice asked for Castille to recuse himself, in 1996 and in 2002, but Castille refused both times claiming he could be fair, had no conflict of interest and, again, absurdly that he had no direct knowledge of Abu-Jama’s case. Now, however, the recent US Supreme Court ruling in Williams v. Pennsylvania, where like in Mumia’s case, Justice Castille had been both a DA in the case and later a Supreme Court Justice, and did not recuse himself, there has been a US Supreme precedent-setting US Supreme Court ruling that Castille should have recused himself in the Williams’ case. This obviously provides a strong basis for reopening Abu-Jamal’s case as well since there are many similarities between the cases on this issue.
For almost a year, since Larry Krasner became the District Attorney of Philadelphia in January 2018, we have witnessed an unending charade of actions and statements on the part of the DA’s office aimed at creating an image of his office as making an earnest attempt to conduct an assessment of Ronald Castille’s involvement in Abu-Jamal’s case. With a pretense of regret, the DA’s office keeps claiming they have found nothing that would indicate Castille’s involvement
It is hard to assess the presence or absence of such documentation as these documents are not open for examination by Abu-Jamal supporters. It is possible that the potentially incriminating documents are not there, that they may have ‘disappeared’ or been destroyed through the work of Abu-Jamal enemies in the court system. But regardless of those documents, some documents that are open to everyone have emerged which are clear evidence of Castille’s involvement. Still, Krasner’s office is doing everything possible to minimize their importance and, therefore, invalidate the argument that they, in addition to all the other logical indications of Castille’s engagement in the conviction and sentence of Abu-Jamal, should call for a new appeals process.
In October 2017, months before Krasner became the DA, a letter from DA Castille written on June 15, 1990 to Governor Casey urged the governor to issue death warrants in Philadelphia capital cases where the appeals process was complete. “I urge you to send a clear and dramatic message to all police killers that the death penalty actually means something.” There were three “police killers” on PA’s death row at the time, with Abu-Jamal being one of them. This letter clearly points to targeting of Abu-Jamal along with two other “police killers”.
Recently, there has been more evidence pointing to Castille’s active involvement in Abu-Jamal’s case. It has been established that Castille personally added the “police killers” phrase to a draft of the letter written by his assistant. Also, there is evidence of Castille communicating with a virulently pro-death penalty state legislator pushing for the death warrant. All this in addition to Castille’s public and virulent advocacy for execution of those convicted of homicide, especially “police killers”, of his support from and to the FOP, and of his frequent bragging of these ‘accomplishments’.
Yet, shamelessly, on August 30th Krasner’s office argued as vehemently as his predecessors had, all FOP allies, in the 90’s, against any iota of justice for Abu-Jamal. The DA office’s position is that Abu-Jamal’s petition to reopen the appeal process “should be denied without further discovery and without evidentiary hearing”
The letter signers’ position is that the documentary proof, described above, meets the Williams (v. PA) standard that Abu-Jamal’s state court appeal denials should be vacated because of Judge Castille’s extreme bias, conflict of interest, and lack of any semblance of judicial neutrality.
Pam Africa, Keith Cook (Mumia’s brother), Alice Walker, Noam Chomsky, Cornel West, Mark Lamont Hill, Kathleen Cleaver, Basym Hasan (Phila), Razakhan Shaheed (Phila), Glen Ford (Exec. Dir. Black Agenda Report), Eli Domota (Guadeloupe), Mireille Fanon (France), Ed Asner, Selma James (Great Britain), Anthony Monteiro (Phila)
NATIONAL LAWYERS GUILD, NATIONAL CONFERENCE OF BLACK LAWYERS (Michigan Chapter), Kathleen Cleaver (Emory Law School), Soffiyah Elijah, December 12 Movement International Secretariat
DECARCERATE PA, Incarcerated Workers Organizing Committee, The New Abolitionist Movement, NATION TIME JUDICIAL RESEARCH, NY State Prisoner Justice Network, National Jericho Movement, NYC Jericho Movement, Northeast Political Prisoner Coalition, Lynne Stewart Organization
International Dockworkers Council, Communication Workers Alliance (Australia), Union Generale des Travailleurs de la Guadeloupe, Swedish Dockworkers Union, Maritime Union of Australia (Queensland Branch), International Labor Solidarity Committee of Doro-Chiba/Railway Workers Union in Chiba (Japan), The Hoshino Defense Committee (Japan), NJ State Industrial Unions Council
The Uncompromising International Concerned Family and Friends of Mumia Abu-Jamal, The Frantz Fanon Foundation, The MOVE Organization, Free Mumia Abu-Jamal Coalition (NYC), International Action Center, Mobilization 4 Mumia, Food Not Bombs Solidarity, Amig@s de Mumia de Mexico, Campaign to Bring Mumia Home, Colectif James Baldwin, Liberons Mumia, Comite Mumia de Saint-Denis, German FREE MUMIA Network, FREE MUMIA Berlin, LIBERONS MUMIA (French Collective), Prison Radio, Mobilization to Free Mumia Abu-Jamal, The Labor Action Committee to Free Mumia Abu-Jamal, Oakland Teachers for Mumia, Educators for Mumia, Writers for Mumia
People’s Organization for Progress, War Resisters League, San Francisco Bay View National Black Newspaper, Committee to Eliminate Media Offensive to African People (CEMOTAP), KOMOKODA (Haitian), Black is Back Coalition, Workers World Party, Social Workers Against Solitary Confinement, Urhuru Solidarity Movement, Universal Zulu Nation, Socialist Azanian Youth Revolutionary Organization (SAYRO), Guillermo Morales – Assata Shakur Community and Student Center, Alliance for Global Justice (Afgj), SOS Racismo (Portugal), Freedom Archives, Communities United Against Police Brutality (Minneapolis), Bruxelles Pantheres (Belgium), Just Justice BKO (Mali), End Solitary Santa Cruz County (CA), The Japan Association for Social Justice and Human Rights, Project Solidarity, Communist Workers League, NY Metro Raging Grannies, Granny Peace Brigade, Resistance in Brooklyn, Oakland Education Association, Popular Resistance, Uptown Progressive Action (NYC), Global Women’s Strike, Women of Color in the Global Women’s Strike, and Payday Men’s Network.
Why my brother, Mumia Abu-Jamal, should be set free | Opinion
Updated: APRIL 30, 2018 — 3:15 PM EDT
by Keith Cook, For the Inquirer
I was stationed in Europe 37 years ago when I received the call that all black families dread. My little brother, Mumia Abu-Jamal, had been shot by the police and was fighting for his life.
Mumia was the kindest and gentlest of my five siblings. At the time, he had been working two jobs to support his wife and children and honing his distinctive voice as a radio journalist. He was a rising star, and the pride of our family.
Dedicated to truth, Mumia used his radio show to expose police brutality, housing discrimination, and City Hall corruption. Philadelphia magazine had just heralded him as one of “81 People to Watch” and Columbia University had given him the prestigious Major Armstrong Award for his radio editorial on the pope’s visit to Philadelphia.
Contemplating the painful reality of black life in America, I flew home immediately.
I arrived to a bad situation. My brother lay unconscious, handcuffed to a hospital bed, and accused of killing Daniel Faulkner.
Faulkner was a white police officer; my brother a black man on the scene. It seemed that nothing else mattered.
The police labeled him a cop killer. Journalists and politicians buried his humanity. And Judge Albert F. Salbo — who, according to a 1992 Inquirer report, presided over 31 cases that resulted in the imposition of the death penalty — convicted and sentenced him to death in the absence of material evidence.
The conflicting and recanted testimonies and absence of a motive didn’t matter.
It didn’t matter that four witnesses told police that the shooter fled the scene.
Nor did it matter that a Justice Department investigation had just concluded that the level of police corruption “shocks the conscience.”
Still, Mumia maintained his innocence.
In 1995, an international movement stopped his state execution. In 2011, his death sentence was declared unconstitutional; and now a pending court order demanding that the DA release all the files in his case could open the path to his freedom.
In opposition, the officer’s widow, Maureen Faulkner, has asserted that the police are victims of the legal system and that the appellate process is a gravy train for criminals.
Yet, the incestuous nature of the District Attorney’s Office and appellate judges tells a different story. In Philly, prosecutors who convict defendants often become the judges who deny their appeals.
This miscarriage of justice brings Mumia to court Monday. He seeks relief on the basis of Williams v. Pennsylvania, where the Supreme Court ruled that one person, Ron Castille, should not be both prosecutor and judge in the same case.
I believe Castille double-dipped in Mumia’s case. Before he became a Pennsylvania Supreme Court justice, he was Philly’s district attorney. As such, Castille helped prosecute Mumia in the city’s most famous case. Later, as a judge, he denied Mumia’s appeal. In the 1990s, Mumia’s lawyers asked for Castille’s recusal. The judge had been funded and named Man of the Year by the Fraternal Order of Police (FOP), an organization invested in Mumia’s conviction and execution. He refused to recuse himself.
Despite these violations, Mrs. Faulkner is calling on elected officials to turn their backs on the constitution and block Mumia’s due process.
Our family empathizes with Mrs. Faulkner’s pain. But we regret that the police have manipulated her thirst for vengeance all these years in order to conceal the truth about who killed Officer Faulkner.
Photos taken by a freelance photographer, Pedro Polakoff, appear to show police cooking up the crime scene in Mumia’s case. In the photos, Officer James Forbes, who testified in court that he properly handled the two guns allegedly retrieved at the scene, is seen holding the weapons with bare hands.
In 1995, amidst another scandal of police corruption, then-District Attorney Lynne Abraham told the Legal Intelligencer that her office would “discard any cases where evidence surfaces that even one of the officers involved in an investigation lied in court or in written reports.”
We call on District Attorney Larry Krasner to honor his predecessors’ promise and stay true to his own pledge to right the wrongs of his office: Do your part to help free my brother, Mumia.
Keith Cook served 26 years in the Army and retired as a command sergeant major.
l Who is Mumia Abu-Jamal?
l Why are so many people around the world fighting to win his release from Pennsylvania’s notorious prison system?
l Why is this case important to young people who were not yet born when Mumia was first incarcerated?
Attend this film festival to answer these and other questions you may have about this innocent Black man.
Mumia Abu-Jamal is a former Black Panther and now renowned author of 10 books plus writings in venues as diverse as the Yale Law Review, Forbes, Nation, Prison Radio and street-papers for the homeless.
Despite maintaining his innocence, Abu-Jamal was tried and convicted in 1982 for the murder of Police Officer Daniel Faulkner. He was on death row until 2011, and currently incarcerated for life at SCI Mahanoy. In 2017 Abu-Jamal won the right to life-saving hepatitis C meds for all PA prisoners yet his health remains in jeopardy.
Abu-Jamal legally challenged his incarceration based on a 2016 US Supreme Court ruling that it was unconstitutional for a Judge to rule on a case he played a significant role in as a prosecutor. Appeal hearings began in April 2017 and continue on April 30 (see details under films & special events)
For more information visit www.mobilization4Mumia.com; email mobilization4mumia@gmail.com
Schedule of films and Special Events:
Tues. April 17
> 6:30-9PM – Kick off reception for Mumia Film Festival; Stay Woke & Release the Files at Calvary Church, 801 S. 48th St.
Thurs. April 19
> 6:30-9pm – Long Distance Revolutionary; 2226 N. Front St.
Fri. April 20 6-8pm: Nation Time Judicial Research will host screening of short documentaries on prison health and environmental issues; 30 S. 15th St., Grand Bldg., featuring Kempis Songester (Ghani), Redemption Project and Ubuntu Philly. Attendees MUST call 215-316-5891 to RSVP.
Sat., April 21
> 11am-1pm– Framing an Execution & Release the Files; Kingsessing Library, 1201 S. 51st St.
> 6pm - Long Distance Revolutionary at La Unique Books, 111 N. 6th St., Camden, NJ,
Mon., April 23
> 6:30pm - Framing an Execution- 2026 N. Broad St., Burrows Hall,Temple University
>7pm – A Tribute to Veronica Jones,5011 Wayne Ave
Tues., April 24.6pm: Celebrate Mumia’s birthday with a Honk for Mumia and an evening of food and films at the Church of the Advocate, 1801 S. Diamond St.
Wed., April 25
> 5pm– Release the Files & Manufacturing Guilt; El Centro HS, 126 W. Dauphin St.,
> 5:30-8:30: Dinner & a film at Atiya Ola’s Spirit First Food, 310 S. 48th St, Philadelphia; cost $25, films areJustice on Trial and Release the Files.
Thur. April 26
> 7-9pm– Angola 3: Black Panthers and the Last Slave Plantation, Wooden Shoe Books, 704 South St.
> 6-9pm - In Prison My Whole Life; 501 S. 52nd St.
Fri., April 27
> 12:30-2pm - Release the Files & Stay Woke; Multi-purpose Room, Social Justice office in Hawthorn Hall,Rowan University, NJ
> 7pm: Special event hosted by Marc Lamont Hill and featuring Jasiri X at Impacting Your World Church, 5507 Germantown Ave.
Sat., April 28
> 4pm - Stay Woke, Manufacturing Guilt & Release the File; 50 N. Broad St. (Arch St UMC)
> 4-6pm A Tribute to Veronica Jones; Culture Works, 1315 Walnut St Suite 320
Monday, April 30. Gather at 8AM: Fill the streets and pack the courtroom for Mumia at his next scheduled hearing In room 1108, Criminal Justice Building, 1301 Filbert St.; Court starts at 9AM.
Mobilization4Mumia wishes to thank the following organizations for hosting films and events:
Atiya Ola’s Spirit First Food; Black Lives Matter Philadelphia; Campaign to Bring Mumia Home; Food Not Bombs Solidarity; Global Women’s Strike; International Action Center; International Concerned Family & Friends of Mumia Abu-Jamal; La Unique Book Store/African American Culture Center; MOVE; Nation Time Judicial Research; Party for Socialism and Liberation; Philly REAL Justice; Philadelphia Student Union; Rowan University Maroon Book Club; Temple Asian Students Association; Tuff Girls; Womanist Working Collective; Wooden Shoe Books; Workers World Party
The films:
Mumia: Long Distance Revolutionary: Before he was convicted of murdering a policeman in 1981 and sentenced to die, Mumia Abu-Jamal was a gifted journalist and brilliant writer. This film is an inspiring portrait of a man whose existence tests our beliefs about freedom of expression. Through prison interviews, archival footage, and dramatic readings, and aided by a potent chorus of voices including Cornel West, Alice Walker, Angela Davis and others, this riveting film explores Mumia's life before, during and after Death Row - revealing, in the words of Angela Davis, "the most eloquent and most powerful opponent of the death penalty in the world...the 21st Century Frederick Douglass." Produced by Stephen Vittoria, 120 min., 2012
&Manufacturing Guilt: This short film takes on the colossus of Abu-Jamal's contentious case, distilling a mountain of evidence and years of oft-repeated falsehoods to the most fundamental elements of police and prosecutorial misconduct that illustrate a clear and conscious effort to frame Mumia Abu-Jamal for the murder of patrol man Daniel Faulkner. Based on the actual record of investigations and court filings from 1995 to 2003 this film cuts through the years of absurdities and overt racism to produce a clear picture of how Abu-Jamal's guilt was manufactured and his innocence suppressed beginning only moments after he and Faulkner were found shot in the early morning hours of December 9th, 1981. 30 min,. 2013
Justice on Trial - The Case of Mumia Abu-Jamal: navigates the tempest of the Abu-Jamal trial by reviewing the known facts of his case. It demonstrates that the major violations in the Abu-Jamal case - judicial bias, prosecutorial misconduct, racial discrimination in jury selection, police corruption and tampering with evidence to obtain a conviction - are not special to this case. Instead, they are commonly practised within the criminal justice system and account for the disproportionate incarceration of African Americans and Latinos in the United States. The case of Mumia Abu-Jamal is a microcosm of greater problems in the criminal justice system in the United States today. The attention that its many violations have received makes the Abu-Jamal case one of the most important civil rights cases of our time. By Big Noise films, 68 min., 2010
Framing an Execution: The Media & Mumia Abu-Jamal: The case of Mumia Abu-Jamal had become by the late 1990s a global symbol of inequities in the U.S. judicial system. The mainstream media could no longer ignore it, but how would they cover such a hotly disputed case and the questions of judicial bias that it raises?
ABC, on its news magazine show "20/20," while characterizing the defence as "passionate" and uninformed, ABC star reporter Sam Donaldson claimed to provide the "facts" based on ABC's "four-month investigation of the case."
Framing an Execution examines how Donaldson's framing of the case stands up to basic journalistic standards of fairness, balance, and accuracy. This video offers some answers, but also raises disturbing questions about media and judicial ethics.
Narrated by actor Danny Glover, the program also features actor Mike Farrell, Professor Angela Davis, FAIR Program Director Janine Jackson, veteran journalist Tom Gardner, Attorney Leonard Weinglass, and Professor John Bracey. (Sam Donaldson did not respond to MEF's invitation to appear). 50 min., Media Education Foundation, 1997
Mumia: Release the Files: Short documentary that gives background on the case with up-to-date (March 2018) coverage of Abu-Jamal’s current Post Conviction Relief Act hearings before Common Pleas Court Judge Leon Tucker. Highlights feature campaign demanding the Philadelphia District Attorney’s office “release the files.” YouTube, 11 min., 2018:
Let the Fire Burn: is composed entirely with archival footage yet unfurls with the tension of a thriller. Jason Osder's documentary recounts the steps that led to a horrific tragedy on May 13, 1985, when a long time feud between the city of Philadelphia and the controversial radical urban group MOVE came to a deadly climax., 1hr, 35 min, 2013,
Angola 3: Black Panthers and the Last Slave Plantation: tells the story of three former members of the Black Panther Party incarcerated at Angola Louisiana State Prison in solitary confinement longer than anyone in modern US history and collectively known as the Angola 3. 2008, Stars: Mumia Abu-Jamal, Rod Coronado, Geronimo Ji Jaga. Director Jimmy O’Halligan, 1hr, 49 min, 2008
Stay Woke: The Black Lives Matter Movement: is an original documentary film that chronicles the evolution of the Black Lives Matter movement through the first person accounts of local activists, protesters, scholars, journalists and others. Dubbed the new “civil rights movement”, #BlackLivesMatter launched a transformative grassroots movement that moved from social media to the streets across America. Now these activists face the daunting challenge of turning protest - into lasting change. Directed by Peabody and three time Emmy Award-winning filmmaker Laurens Grant, “Stay Woke: The Black Lives Matter Movement,” chronicles the evolution of the Black Lives Matter movement through the first person accounts of local activists, protesters, scholars, journalists and celebrities including Jesse Williams, Nelly, Deray McKesson, Michaela Angela Davis, Wesley Lowery, Alicia Garza, Patrisse Cullors, Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor, Johnetta Elzie, Brittany Packnett and others. 40 min., 2016
A Tribute to Veronica Jones in which Veronica Jones, one of the main witnesses for the defence in Mumia's trial, speaks out on what she really saw on Locust Street and how the Philadelphia cops humiliated and threatened her to change her testimony. 30 minutes
In Prison my Whole Life: Will Francome was born on Dec. 9, 1981 in the UK. The same night, in Philadelphia a former member of the Black Panther party was arrested for the murder of a police officer. While William grew up in a white middle-class suburb, Mumia Abu Jamal became a leader from death row, the voice of the voiceless. When he turned 25 , William decided to investigate Mumia Abu-Jamal’s story. The award winning film witnesses Francome learning about the initial events that led to Abu-Jamal's arrest and conviction, the allegations that the trial itself was unfair, and the city where it all happened. Participants include writer Alice Walker, social activist Noam Chomsky and rapper Snoop Dogg. 2011, 99 min.
NY Protest March 25 part of International Offensive Demanding Freedom for Mumia Abu-Jamal
A protest demanding the release of former Black Panther Party spokesman, journalist, author and human rights activist Mumia Abu-Jamal will start at the US Mission (799 UN Plaza) at 12 noon on Sunday, March 25. Part of world-wide actions March 24-27, the NY march will end in Times Square at 2pm for a final rally.
Shot and then brutally beaten by police and framed for the death of a Philadelphia cop 36 years ago, Abu-Jamal has always maintained his innocence. The evidence proves he is factually innocent. His conviction was the result of police and presecutorial misconduct and judicial prejudice. The trial and post-conviction “hanging judge” Albert Sabo, stated at the time of Abu-Jamal’s trial, “I’m going to help them fry the n----r.” Now, there is a new legal action that could lead to overturning his conviction.
The March 25 demonstration begins at the United Nations to point out Abu-Jamal’s support around the world, as evidenced by the number of signers to an open letter to DA Krasner and Pennsylvania Gov. Tom Wolf entitled: “International Call to Release the District Attorney and Police Files Relevant to Mumia Abu-Jamal’s Case and to Free Him Now,” initiated by the Fanon Foundation. Supporters collected hundreds of signers, including Angela Davis, Danny Glover, Dr. Cornel West, Archbishop Desmond Tutu from South Africa, Puerto Rican Nationalist hero Oscar López Rivera and Len McCluskey, general secretary of UNITE, the largest union in Great Britain. Numerous elected officials and political activists from France, Germany, Great Britain, Zimbabwe, Tanzania, South Africa, Australia, Haiti, Mexico, Canada, the U.S. and other countries also added their names and positions. (www.freemumia.com)
A coalition of Mumia support organizations have created a petition calling for the District Attorney to release all DA & police files on Mumia to the public and to release Mumia because he’s factually innocent. https://mobilization4mumia.com/actions/
A call for solidarity actions March 24-27 to demand freedom for Mumia Abu-Jamal and all political prisoners is picking up steam. The March 25th demonstration is the culmination of three days of actions in New York City.
On Friday, March 23, there will be an indoor program, "Break Down Walls Prison Plantations: Mumia, Migrants and Movements for Liberation", at Holyrood Episcopal Church, 715 West 179th at 7:30PM. Guest speakers for the evening include Pam Africa, co-founder and Minister of Confrontation of the International Concerned Family & Fiends of Mumia Abu-Jamal. Also speaking will be Samuel Spital, NAACP Legal Defense Fund and part of Mumia's legal team; Mariame Kaba, Educator, Prison Abolitionist and organizer; Father Barrios, Minister of Holyrood Church and more. There will be a community dinner beforehand starting at 6:00PM.
On March 24, the call for Abu-Jamal’s freedom will be a significant part of the Jericho Amnesty Movement’s 20th Anniversary event, 5 - 9pm, at Holyrood Episcopal Church, 715 W. 179th St, New York.
In Detroit Michigan during a conference to organize resistance to the bank and corporate war on the working class, otherwise known as austerity, audio commentaries from Mumia will be played focusing on prisons and labor rights. The important conference will specifically express solidarity with the movement to free him.
The Texas Death Penalty Abolitionist Movement will do a banner drop for Mumia over Houston's busiest freeway on Monday, March 26.
Solidarity actions are also being organized in Oakland, Toronto, Paris, London, Mexico City, Johannesburg and other cities around the world. For further details about solidarity events focusing on Mumia and other U.S. political prisoners, visit www.freemumia.com and click on March 24- 27 Events.
Mumia is in ill health due to cirrhosis of the liver, causing unrelenting itching on most of his body, loss of weight, swollen ankles and other symptoms, which make it more urgent that he finally be freed after 36 years in prison.
Ronald Castille is a former PA Supreme Court judge who refused to disqualify himself when Mumia's case came before the court despite having been the Philadelphia District Attorney during Mumia's prior appeals. Judge Leon Tucker has a standing order to the District Attorney’s office to produce evidence in reference to Castille’s role. Despite the evidence already produced proving DA Castille’s personal involvement in insuring Abu-Jamal’s execution, the continuing position of the Philadelphia DA’s office is that that no evidence is yet there to grant Abu-Jamal’s new action. New Philadelphia DA Larry Krasner has asked for continuances to determine what position and policy his office will have to this case.
On Tuesday, March 27, 9:00 AM at the Philadelphia Court of Commons Pleas (Criminal Justice Center), 1301 Filbert Street, Room 1108, Judge Leon Tucker has ordered a status hearing to determine the status of DA Krasner’s position and the continuing search for documents that point to retired Judge Ronald Castille’s prior involvement in the Abu-Jamal case.
On April 30, there will be an evidentiary hearing for the Mumia Abu-Jamal. The testimony Judge Leon Tucker hears will determine whether Castille violated Abu-Jamal’s constitutional rights and whether to reinstate Mr. Abu-Jamal’s rights to appeal his conviction to the PA Supreme Court.
Petition To Free Mumia gains signers
RELEVANT TO MUMIA ABU-JAMAL’S CASE AND TO FREE ABU-JAMAL NOW which gathered over 500 names and organizations, supporters of political prisoner Mumia Abu-Jamal have started a petition campaign with the intention of gathering thousands of signatures.
You can help free Mumia by signing the petition to Philly District Attorney Larry Krasner and Pennsylvania Governor Tom Wolf calling on them to:
- release all DA & police files on Mumia to the public.
- release Mumia because he’s factually innocent.
The petition can be accessed at https://mobilization4mumia.com/actions/
‘Keep up the pressure to free Mumia’
Supporters gather after court hearing for Mumia in Philadelphia, Feb 26.
Philadelphia — Dozens of activists once again filled the courtroom and demonstrated outside the Criminal Justice Center during a Feb. 26 status hearing in the ongoing appeals case for political prisoner Mumia Abu-Jamal.
The hearing before Judge Leon Tucker was supposed to be a report on progress made by the Philadelphia district attorney’s office in locating a March 27, 1990, memo from former Deputy DA Gayle McLaughlin Barthold to former DA Ronald Castille regarding the status of Philadelphia death penalty cases.
However, Tracey Cavanaugh from the DA’s office requested yet another extension, this time for 90 days.
Cavanaugh claimed the DA’s office had been unable to locate Barthold’s memo among hundreds of boxes of records from the 16 death penalty cases similar to Abu-Jamal’s up for appeals based on Williams v. Pennsylvania, a case in which the U.S. Supreme Court held that a judge was constitutionally required to recuse himself where he was previously involved in the case as prosecutor. The extension, she said, would provide time to search through the files of all 70 capital cases when Castille was district attorney.
Judge Tucker questioned the request for an extension, noting that he was the one to point out the existence of Barthold’s memo from his in-camera review of boxes of files in Abu-Jamal’s case last September. Tucker scheduled another status report for March 27, with a hearing on April 30.
Attorneys for Abu-Jamal, Judith Ritter and Sam Spital of the NAACP Legal Defense Fund, agreed to the extension on the ground that the district attorney’s office, now under new DA Larry Krasner, has indicated that it will be reconsidering its position on all the Williams-based appeals.
Gathered outside the court after the hearing, Abu-Jamal’s supporters promised to be back in court in March and April, vowing to keep up the pressure on Krasner to do the right thing — free Mumia Abu-Jamal! https://www.workers.org/2018/02/26/keep-up-the-pressure-to-free-mumia/
Analysis: Mumia Abu-Jamal’s New Appeal for Freedom
By Raul Fernando Perez, Feb 27, 2018
Mumia Abu-Jamal was convicted in 1982 of the murder of police officer Daniel Faulker in Philadelphia. A former member of the Black Panthers party, Mumia was already a prominent journalist and activist at the time of the incident. He claims he's innocent and people around the world have stood in solidarity with him since then, organizing events, spreading information and petitioning authorities.
Last year, Philadelphia Common Pleas Judge Leon W. Tucker demanded the District Attorney's office release every document and memo regarding the involvement of former DA Ronald Castille in Mumia's case.
Judge Tucker is requesting the documents because a new Supreme Court's decision found his participation in the case as unconstitutional and potentially biased.
Following the Williams v. Pennsylvania case in 2016, it was ruled that all judges should remove themselves from any case in which they had been previously involved as prosecutors. The legal precedent says “it is a violation of the due process right to an impartial tribunal free of judicial bias if a judge participating in a criminal appeal had ´a significant personal involvement as a prosecutor in a critical decision´ in a defendant’s case.”
Failing to do so would be framed as unconstitutional and allow Mumia’s post-conviction petitions.
Castille was Assistant DA at the time of Abu Jamal's original trial in 1982 and Philadelphia's District Attorney during his endless appeals in the 1990s. He was personally and politically involved in the case until he retired in 2014.
Mumia demanded Castille remove himself from his post-conviction appeals from 1996 to 1998 and again in 2002, but he refused, and the Supreme Court ignored his petition. The new precedent would allow Mumia to appeal again.
After Tucker's request in 2017, the DA office handed in only documents that were already public, failing to deliver all the requested memos, notes and reports regarding Castille's role in the case.
Now, the scenario seems to be a little different, as democrat lawyer Larry Krasner was sworn in as Philadelphia's DA on January 1st, 2018.
Krasner is known mostly for his progressive opinions and acts. In 2011, he represented 52 protesters arrested by the police during the Occupy Philadelphia movement pro bono, suing the city and the police. The case settled when the city agreed to pay US$200,000. He also represented activists from the Black Lives Matter movement and other social issues.
During his campaign, he said he wouldn't prosecute cases of marihuana possession and that he opposes any death penalty case.
It seems like Krasner, who has accused the justice system of being discriminatory, is a very different figure from other attorneys and judges involved in Mumia's original sentence, raising new hopes for him and his supporters.
Judge Albert F. Sabo, who presided over Abu-Jamal's 1982 murder trial, holds the record for most death sentences handed down by a Pennsylvania judge, with 31 convicted murderers sentenced to death, including Mumia himself. In 2000, the stenographer for Abu-Jamal's case signed an affidavit stating she overheard Sabo saying “yeah and I'm gonna help 'em fry the nigger” during the original trial.
Supporters of Mumia think that Krasner's appointment could mean a new, more positive phase in the case after trials they claim have been “racially biased.”
On Wednesday, January 17, 2018, Judge Tucker held a hearing session about a memo written by Ronald Castille to Assistant DA Gayle McLaughlin Barthold, in which he talks about 18 murder cases including Mumia's. In the hearing, Judge Tucker said he would review all cases to find out what was Castille's role in them.
He then ordered the District Attorney's office again to present documents regarding Castille's involvement in Mumia's case in a status report hearing scheduled for Feb. 26. Supporters of Mumia called to “pack the courtroom” in solidarity, and hope Krasner's policy to be favorable.
The status report hearings were programmed to confirm the DA is doing its job and going through the 31 boxes containing Abu Jamal's records.
Judith Ritter, one of Abu-Jamal's attorneys who filed the petition to Judge Tucker, has expressed a more favorable view of Krasner's team. “We’re glad that they’re going to take a look at their position,” said Ritter on January during Mumia's first hearing in the year, “and possibly take a position on the ultimate result this time around.”
But Krasner's more progressive views don't mean he will support Mumia's case or release.
When Amy Goodman asked Krasner about Mumia's case during his campaign, the soon-to-be district attorney refused to make comments “because it could become a basis for an argument that [he] should not be involved in that case.”
Soon after taking office, Krasner disappointed many of his supporters when he slightly softened his formerly anti-death penalty hard stance. He has declared he keeps his personal view and promise on the death penalty but also said that the District Attorney's office homicide sentencing committee holds the right to recommend the death penalty in some instances. As elected District Attorney, the decision to follow or not the recommendation ultimately falls on him.
Mumia's case and writings have made people question the whole judicial and prison system.
But what worries Mumia's supporters the most are Krasner's choices for his transition team, which includes Ronald Castille himself.
That means Castille, a Republican, is part of the team helping Krasner to handle things at the beginning of his administration, despite having virtually opposite views on the death penalty.
But Krasner says this is precisely why he chose Castille. “What I need is people with experience who are going to tell me honestly where they stand, and he’s reflective of that,” Krasner said.
Krasner may trust the former DA for that, but where will he stand while the DA office is reviewing Castille’s own unconstitutional involvement in Mumia Abu-Jamal’s case?
If Mumia’s defense appeal wins, he could at least get a new trial, which would likely be favorable for him. His defense team claims the prosecution has no more evidence to show at court, as the previous eyewitnesses, confessions and ballistic tests have been fiercely questioned and some of them even proven to have been manufactured by the police.
But the case of Mumia Abu-Jamal is too important for the United States’ political establishment. Regardless of whether he’s guilty or innocent, his release would mean and acceptance of the judicial and prisons systems’ racial bias, something that Mumia has claimed since the beginning of his case and imprisonment.
Mumia’s supporters are calling for a wave of actions in his support during a new crucial phase of his incarceration. Several groups across the United States and other countries are organizing protests and information events ahead of the next hearing, which will take place on March 27, 2018.
Who is Mumia Abu-Jamal?
Born as Wesley Crook in 1954, Mumia became a fierce activist involved in black nationalist groups at a very young age. He joined the Black Panther movement briefly and was a supporter of numerous black social causes before pursuing a career in radio broadcasting and journalism.
While he was working at a radio station, Mumia was also driving a taxi to earn extra income and used to carry a legally registered gun for self-defense.
The prosecutors claim that Mumia saw Faulkner stopping and questioning his brother William Cook while driving his taxi. He then ran towards him shooting, himself getting a bullet in the stomach. Then, he stepped over Faulkner, who was lying on the ground and shot him several times in the face.
Police came to the crime scene and found them bleeding. They took Mumia to the hospital and was detained immediately afterward.
Several people have testified against him, claiming he’s the man they saw shooting Faulker. Some have said they saw a third man shooting and running. Others have even confessed they were the shooters themselves acting as hit men for the police, who commissioned them to get rid of Faulker as he was interfering with their corrupt businesses.
Mumia was sentenced to death and sat on death row for three decades before his punishment was changed to life in prison without the possibility of parole in 2011.
His emblematic case represents a whole racially biased judicial system that had its peak in 1980s Philadelphia. Police targeted African Americans on the streets, and black jurors were systematically barred from trials. Castille himself endorsed the production of a training videotape on how to keep African Americans from juries during his time as District Attorney.
Little –if any– has changed, and that’s why Mumia Abu-Jamal’s case remains so relevant.
Since the time he was first imprisoned, Mumia has become an outspoken voice against the United State’s judicial and prison system, which he claims has always been racially biased. He consistently publishes books and articles about some topics, including his own life as a political prisoner, the works of authors of African descent and contemporary national and international politics.
He is also regularly interviewed by media and hosts a radio show at the Prison Radio internet broadcasting station.
Now, Mumia is 63 years old and is suffering from cirrhosis due to his mistreated hepatitis C.
International March 24-27 Offensive to Free Mumia Abu-Jamal
February 12, 2018 Movement
Dear Comrades, Friends, and Mumia Supporters:
As of today we are happy to announce that the organizations below have agreed to initiate the March 27th Offensive to Free Mumia Abu-Jamal expecting, of course, the many other organizations that signed onto the International Call to join us. Though the court hearing will be on the 27th, it may be more realistic for people in some places to organize an activity on the weekend prior to the 27th. We have set up an event page for the Offensive to Free Mumia which people around the world can now access. We also have a form, below, on which you can submit your activities/ events/ demonstrations so that we can post them.
To date, the French Collective has announced a very important contribution to this campaign initiated by The French syndicate of Journalists of the CGT (the largest and most widely recognized French labor union). The International Federation of Journalists, which has 600,000 members in 140 different countries, is publicly announcing its support for Mumia. Attached is the union’s letter to Governor Wolf..
And, of course, the court hearing will take place on Tuesday March 27 so that all eyes will be on Philadelphia that day. Bus arrangements from New York City are being planned, and people from other cities and countries have begun to let us know that they are planning to come to Philadelphia on that day as well. We have received several commitments regarding people coming from France. Also, we got word that there is some planning for an activity afoot in Senegal.
Please let us know as soon as you can about any plans you may have for events or for coming to Philadelphia on March 27th.
A luta continua, and onto a successful international offensive leading up to and on Tuesday, March 27th!
International Concerned Family and Friends of Mumia Abu-Jamal (ICFFMAJ)
The MOVE Organization
Educators for Mumia
International Action Center
Free Mumia Abu-Jamal Coalition (NYC)
Campaign to Bring Mumia Home
Mobilization to Free Mumia (California)
Oakland Teachers for Mumia
Committee to Save Mumia
Prison Radio
Labor Action Committee to Free Mumia Abu-Jamal, Oakland, CA
Free Mumia Network, GERMANY (Free Mumia Berlin, Free Mumia Frankfurt, Free Mumia Heidelberg, and Free Mumia Nurnberg)
French Collective Libérons Mumia, FRANCE
Saint-Denis Mumia Committee, FRANCE
Amig@s de Mumia de México, MEXICO
Frantz Fanon Foundation
International Workers Committee Against War and Exploitation
United Steelworkers, Local 8751, School Bus Drivers Union
Mumia hearing postponed - next court dates: February 26 & March 27
On Jan. 17, Philadelphia’s Criminal Justice Center was packed with scores of activists and friends of Mumia Abu-Jamal. Both outside and inside the courthouse, people from as far away as France gathered to back up the world-renowned political prisoner’s current legal challenge, which could ultimately win his freedom.
Common Pleas Court Judge Leon Tucker had ordered the district attorney’s office to produce testimony regarding a missing memorandum written by former Philadelphia DA Ron Castille. The document could help prove that Castille unconstitutionally played a decisive role when he denied Abu-Jamal’s appeals, both as DA and later as a judge on the Pennsylvania Supreme Court.
At the hearing, Abu-Jamal was represented by Sam Spital and Judith Ritter of the NAACP Legal Defense Fund. Tracey Cavanaugh, interim supervisor of the PCRA [Post-Conviction Relief Act] Unit, and Nancy Winkelman, interim supervisor of the Law Department, representing the DA’s office, asked Judge Tucker for a postponement to allow the new DA, Larry Krasner, and his staff to develop a consistent approach to all Williams v. Pennsylvania-related cases.
In 2016, the U.S. Supreme Court, in the Williams v. Pennsylvania case, found it unconstitutional that Castille was both the DA and the judge hearing Williams’ appeals. Abu-Jamal’s appeal is one of 16 related cases.
Judge Tucker scheduled a status conference for Feb. 26 and postponed Abu-Jamal’s court hearing to March 27, the next major organizing date for his supporters. The jury is out on whether or not Krasner will stand firm with the people in his approach to Abu-Jamal’s internationally condemned incarceration.
After Ritter explained what had happened in court to the waiting crowd outside, participants regathered at the Arch Street Memorial Church around the corner for hot food provided by Food Not Bombs Solidarity. The meeting highlights included impromptu speeches by Estela Vazquez, executive vice president of 1199SEIU, and French activists Claude Guillaumaud-Pujol and Jacky Hortaut, of the Collectif Francais “Liberons Mumia,” and Mireille Fanon-Mendès-France from the Frantz Fanon Foundation.
The Fanon Foundation revealed how extensive Abu-Jamal’s support is around the world by collecting hundreds of signers to an open letter to DA Krasner and Pennsylvania Gov. Tom Wolf entitled: “International Call to Release the District Attorney and Police Files Relevant to Mumia Abu-Jamal’s Case and to Free Him Now.” Among the signers are Alice Walker, Angela Davis, Danny Glover, Dr. Cornel West, Puerto Rican Nationalist hero Oscar López Rivera, Archbishop Desmond Tutu from South Africa and Len McCluskey, general secretary of UNITE, the largest union in Great Britain.
Numerous elected officials and political activists from Denmark, France, Germany, Great Britain, Zimbabwe, Tanzania, South Africa, Australia, Haiti, Mexico, Canada, the U.S. and other countries also added their names and positions.
From jailed Palestinian teenager Ahed Tamimi to imprisoned rapper Meek Mill to Abu-Jamal, the racist, capitalist, imperialist police and military apparatus exposes itself for what it really is: not an institution of the people, but a reactionary battalion that resorts to attacking and murdering children, artists and heroic activists just to cover the deep contradictions of mainstream society. The local and international solidarity around the hearing and Abu-Jamal’s case shows that the fight for Abu-Jamal’s and all political prisoners’ freedom is as strong and resonant as ever.
01.15.18 MAKE CALLS TO SAVE MUMIA! Pledge to make three calls to get Mumia Abu-Jamal the medical help he needs. In addition to Hep C and cirrhosis of the liver, he has been suffering for two years from a painful full body skin condition, which is only getting worse.
Please call:
SCI Mahanoy Superintendent Theresa DelBalso: 570.773.2158
PA Secretary of Corrections John E. Wetzel: 717.728.4109
PA Dept. of Health Acting Secretary Dr. Rachel Levine: 717.787.9857
Download the call to action HERE.
01.14.18 Members from the international community, represented by the Frantz Fanon Foundation in France, sent a letter to PA Governor Tom Wolf and New Philadelphia District Attorney Larry Krasner calling on them to release the files that the previous DA's office refused to release in direct opposition to Judge Leon Tucker. Download the letter HERE.
01.13.18 Attorney Rachel Wolkenstein breaks down the current legal struggle in Mumia's case centered around a Supreme Court Decision in the Williams case. Download the article HERE.
01.12.18 Members of Mobilization for Mumia, Pam Africa and Joe Piette, hand delivered a letter to new Philadelphia District Attorney Larry Krasner asking him for a meeting ahead of Mumia's impending court date. Download the letter HERE.
For Immediate Release: October 24, 2018
Contact: Pam Africa, 267-760-7344, Dr. Suzanne Ross, 917-584-2135, Joe Piette, 610-931-2615
WHAT: Press conference
DATE AND TIME: Thursday, October 25th, 11 AM
WHERE: DA Krasner’s office, THREE PENN PLAZA
SPEAKERS: Journalist, Linn Washington; Rev. Renee McKenzie, Church of the Advocate; Attorney Leon Williams; Basym Hasan, Prison activist, PA Prison Society; Pam Africa, MOVE Organization and the Uncompromising International Concerned Family and Friends of MAJ, Dr. Anthony Monteiro, Dr. Suzanne Ross
WHY: A letter about the legal proceedings in the Court of Common Pleas on the case of Mumia Abu-Jamal will be delivered to Krasner during the Press Conference. Listed among the signers are the NATIONAL LAWYERS GUILD, NOAM CHOMSKY, CORNEL WEST, NOTED HUMAN RIGHTS ATTORNEYS KATHLEEN CLEAVER and SOFFIYAH ELIJAH, THE NATIONAL CONFERENCE OF BLACK LAWYERS (Michigan Chapter), the INTERNATIONAL DOCKWORKERS COUNCIL, and many others. (Complete list of Signers listed in separate document.)
The letter asserts that Abu-Jamal should be granted a new appeals process. Abu-Jamal, an internationally renowned Black political prisoner, former writer and activist in the Black Panther Party, award winning journalist and writer who has published 10 books while in prison, and a MOVE supporter who has spent almost 37 years in prison, the majority of them in isolation on death row is being denied that opportunity by DA Larry Krasner. The signers are demanding that Krasner stop insisting, preposterously, that Ronald Castille was not significantly involved in Abu-Jamal’s case. Furthermore, the signers demand that Krasner drop his battle to close off the possibility for Abu-Jamal to win a new appeals process in the Court of Common Pleas (CCP).
LEGAL ARGUMENTS: The current court battle is based on a new legal action Abu-Jamal filed in the CCP on August 7, 2016 to reopen the appeal of his conviction. A new appeal could lead to Abu-Jamal’s freedom. Abu-Jamal’s argument is that Castille should have recused himself when Abu-Jamal’s case came before him in the PA Supreme Court since he had also been involved in the same case as a DA. Abu-Jamal’s attorneys twice asked for Castille to recuse himself, in 1996 and in 2002, but Castille refused both times claiming he could be fair, had no conflict of interest and, again, absurdly that he had no direct knowledge of Abu-Jama’s case. Now, however, the recent US Supreme Court ruling in Williams v. Pennsylvania, where like in Mumia’s case, Justice Castille had been both a DA in the case and later a Supreme Court Justice, and did not recuse himself, there has been a US Supreme precedent-setting US Supreme Court ruling that Castille should have recused himself in the Williams’ case. This obviously provides a strong basis for reopening Abu-Jamal’s case as well since there are many similarities between the cases on this issue.
For almost a year, since Larry Krasner became the District Attorney of Philadelphia in January 2018, we have witnessed an unending charade of actions and statements on the part of the DA’s office aimed at creating an image of his office as making an earnest attempt to conduct an assessment of Ronald Castille’s involvement in Abu-Jamal’s case. With a pretense of regret, the DA’s office keeps claiming they have found nothing that would indicate Castille’s involvement
It is hard to assess the presence or absence of such documentation as these documents are not open for examination by Abu-Jamal supporters. It is possible that the potentially incriminating documents are not there, that they may have ‘disappeared’ or been destroyed through the work of Abu-Jamal enemies in the court system. But regardless of those documents, some documents that are open to everyone have emerged which are clear evidence of Castille’s involvement. Still, Krasner’s office is doing everything possible to minimize their importance and, therefore, invalidate the argument that they, in addition to all the other logical indications of Castille’s engagement in the conviction and sentence of Abu-Jamal, should call for a new appeals process.
In October 2017, months before Krasner became the DA, a letter from DA Castille written on June 15, 1990 to Governor Casey urged the governor to issue death warrants in Philadelphia capital cases where the appeals process was complete. “I urge you to send a clear and dramatic message to all police killers that the death penalty actually means something.” There were three “police killers” on PA’s death row at the time, with Abu-Jamal being one of them. This letter clearly points to targeting of Abu-Jamal along with two other “police killers”.
Recently, there has been more evidence pointing to Castille’s active involvement in Abu-Jamal’s case. It has been established that Castille personally added the “police killers” phrase to a draft of the letter written by his assistant. Also, there is evidence of Castille communicating with a virulently pro-death penalty state legislator pushing for the death warrant. All this in addition to Castille’s public and virulent advocacy for execution of those convicted of homicide, especially “police killers”, of his support from and to the FOP, and of his frequent bragging of these ‘accomplishments’.
Yet, shamelessly, on August 30th Krasner’s office argued as vehemently as his predecessors had, all FOP allies, in the 90’s, against any iota of justice for Abu-Jamal. The DA office’s position is that Abu-Jamal’s petition to reopen the appeal process “should be denied without further discovery and without evidentiary hearing”
The letter signers’ position is that the documentary proof, described above, meets the Williams (v. PA) standard that Abu-Jamal’s state court appeal denials should be vacated because of Judge Castille’s extreme bias, conflict of interest, and lack of any semblance of judicial neutrality.
March 17, 2025 - Phiiladelphia — Philly rally: Free Mahmoud!
A thousand people rallied at Philadelphia City Hall to demand freedom for Mahmoud Khalil, immigrant rights and for the reinstitution of free speech in the U.S.
The ninety-minute event featured a wide range of speakers reflecting the over 20 organizational endorsements. Among the signs were Mobilization4Mumia placards calling for freedom for Mahmoud Khalil, Mumia and all political prisoners. More photos at: https://flic.kr/s/aHBqjC5STe
Feb 22, 2025 - Students and community activists at Political Prisoners and Solidarity Forum at Temple University. More photos: https://flic.kr/s/aHBqjC3mpS.
Join Mobilization4Mumia, in partnership with the Temple University Black Student Union (BSU) and Temple Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) for a political education forum on building solidarity with political prisoners!
There will be conversations about what it means to be a modern day political prisoner; the recent release of political prisoner Leonard Peltier; an exciting panel discussion with resources; and a session on building the campaign to free Mumia Abu Jamal!
Temple University, Student Center, 2nd Floor, Rm. 223 (enter at 13th and Montgomery).
1:00PM-3:00PM (doors open at 12:30PM)
Food will be served!
For more info, go to linktr.ee/mumia
March to Free Mumia
Despite rain and cold, around 50 protesters gathered by the Octavius Catto statue by Philadelphia City Hall on Dec. 9, for a rally and march marking the 43rd anniversary of the state’s unjust and illegal incarceration of Pennsylvania political prisoner Mumia Abu-Jamal.
Several speakers addressed that the struggle to free Mumia and other political prisoners coincides with the upcoming battle of progressive activists against the reactionary administration of Donald Trump, which threatens more state terrorism.
The demonstration marched a short distance to the offices of Philadelphia District Attorney Larry Krasner where speakers called on the DA to do the right thing for Mumia by granting him long-denied freedom. They addressed the racist police, judicial and prosecutorial misconduct that resulted in Mumia’s incarceration, despite ample evidence of his innocence, and the unjust ruling in May 2023 by Common Pleas Court Judge Lucretia Clemons who refused to consider new evidence found in the case.
Protesters then took to the streets to march to 13th and Locust streets where Mumia was arrested and brutalized on Dec. 9, 1981, and unjustly accused of the murder of Philadelphia police officer Daniel Faulkner.
More photos: https://flic.kr/s/aHBqjBUzsh
Justice for Delisha Africa!
Mike Africa of the MOVE organization held a press conference to make demands of University of Pennsylvania and city officials concerning the remains of MOVE children and adults killed in 1985 by Philadelphia police.
Mike Africa and city councilmember Jamie Gauthier (3rd District) are calling on the University of Pennsylvania's museum to return the remains of Delisha Africa, a 12-year-old girl who was killed in the 1985 city bombing of a MOVE home in Philadelphia's Cobbs Creek neighborhood.
Mike Africa said at Monday’s press conference in Gauthier’s office that he will ask for the return of Delisha Africa’s remains to her mother or her sister, Yvonne Orr-El, who also spoke.
“We want full transparency and accountability of the actions of Penn Museum, Princeton and Smithsonian in their involvement in receiving, examining and using our family’s remains as teaching tools and fundraising materials,” he said.
Africa demanded the arrest of Penn anthropologists Alan Mann and Janet Monge for “using the remains of young Black girls who died such tragic and public deaths, to make YouTube videos and allowing students to write dissertations about their body parts, without the consent of their family members.”
Africa also called for the release of Mumia Abu-Jamal.
More photos: https://flic.kr/s/aHBqjBUuaT
Panelists stand together following a panel on Political Prisoners on Dec. 7 at Community College of Philadelphia. More photos at https://flic.kr/s/aHBqjBUmP2
Houston rally to free Mumia! Dec 7, 2024.
In Berlin, In Berlin, there will be a screening of the anti-prison reader "Beneath The Mountain" by Mumia and Jennifer Black on December 6 at the Schwarze Risse bookstore. On the anniversary of the detention itself (Mon. 9.12.) we will demonstrate from 6 - 7:00 p.m. in front of the US Embassy at the Brandenburg Gate. Come on – an hour for Mumia!
Free Mumia Abu-Jamal - Free Leonard Peltier - Free Them All!
Houston will open our demonstration with a message from Dr. Abdul Haleem Muhammad Minister of Mosque 45 in Houston.
Action will be outside of the Fraternal Order of Police Metro Union Hall to demand NO DEATH by INCARCERATION! FREEDOM for MUMIA NOW
Political cultural action outside the U. S. Embassy in Mexico City on Monday afternoon, December 9th, 2024 . Thanks to Betún Valerio for the design.
More details: https://www.workers.org/2024/01/76247/ and https://www.workers.org/2024/02/76705/
Jan 15, 2023 ""From West Africa to West Philly to the West Bank, we shall set us free" march in Philadelphia. More photos at https://flic.kr/s/aHBqjBawNT .
Sep. 17, Philadelphia — Participants gather together after the Running Down the Walls event. More photos at: https://flic.kr/s/aHBqjAV58o
(Illustrator: Anastasya Eliseeva)
April 23, 2023 Philadelphia - March from 52nd & Market to One Art cultural center for celebration of Mumia’s birthday and to demand his freedom. More photos: https://flic.kr/s/aHBqjAB27X
At end of march, participants gathered in front of Mumia mural. More photos: https://flic.kr/s/aHBqjAB27X
Labor leader Clarence Thomas speaking on stage at Mumia event. More photos: https://flic.kr/s/aHBqjAB27X
Rally participants at end of birthday celebration: More photos: https://flic.kr/s/aHBqjAB27X
Mumia supporters held a honk for Mumia on Friday, April 14 in front of Philadelphia's City Hall. Held at dusk as it got increasingly dark, a bright light illuminated the two banners as stop and go traffic passed by, drawing some honks. As four participants held up the banners, a couple other people handed out fliers explaining why the unfairly convicted and innocent Black man, now almost 69 years old, should be released.
Protesters mass in front of DA Krasner’s office on April 1st, the day after Judge Clemons denied justice in Mumia’s appeal. More photos: https://flic.kr/s/aHBqjAycES .
Report for NY comrades:
In New York City on April 1st, Mumia supporters met in Union Square which was filled with people. We stood as an Intergenerational group of comrades coming together in solidarity for our beloved brother Mumia, including a few members from YCL young communist League NY. We chanted "Brick by Brick wall by wall we're gonna Free Mumia Abu Jamal" and other chants that captured the attention of onlookers. People stopped to take photos, talk to us and take the fliers Judith was handing out in order to learn more. The sun even came out to bless us so the energy was quite amazing!
Some of the major highlights for NY included.
-Mumia in the Classroom: We met an educator who is currently teaching her students about wrongful convictions via documentary and film and asked us for an interview to learn more about Mumia's case. She interviewed both Anita and is following up with Suzanne and myself to speak to her students about Mumia at the EVC (Educational Video Center in NY)
-We had a beautiful surprise appearance by Long Time Mumia Freedom Fighters Larry Holmes and Brenda Stokley who were fired up and ready to go for our rally!
-Solidifying a press spot with Democracy Now for the movement that will discuss Lucretia's Decision
London rally held following Judge Clemons ruling denying Mumia’s right to an evidentiary hearing.
The Labor Action Committee to Free Mumia Abu-Jamal (LAC) was able to get a copy this letter from ITF to Judge Clemons calling for justice and a new trial for Mumia. NUMSA General Secretary Irvin Jim was instrumental in getting this key trade union of 20,000,000 transport workers worldwide to join the campaign to win Mumia’s freedom! It was ILWU Local 10’s delegation that went to South Africa and met with the NUMSA leadership that made this possible. International labor solidarity is alive and mobilizing. Freedom for Mumia is coming!
Dec 16, 2022, Philadelphia — After Mumia’s court hearing, many participants in the courthouse rally marched in the streets to a church gathering to discuss strategy on next steps in preparation for the next court hearing in 60 to 90 days. More photos: https://flic.kr/s/aHBqjAjqxM
Following a meeting organised by the French Collective with the human rights department at City Hall in Paris the deputy mayor has written a new letter to judge Clemons.
With great sadness from Mumia and all his supporters and friends, his wife Wadiya Jamal passed away in late December. The PA DOC once again refused to allow Mumia the human right to attend the funeral of a close loved relative. During Mumia’s 41 years of incarceration, he has not been able to attend the funeral of his mother, his daughter, and now his wife, as well as other relatives — another example of the inhumanity of the carceral state.
A clear copy of this graphic created by Sheila Pinkel, inspired by Marjorie Cohn's article “After 41 Years in Prison, Mumia Abu-Jamal May Finally Get a Chance for New Trial”, can be viewed here.
...from our comrade Indiosindios Lopez, one of the best graphic artists in Mexico.
Some pics and statement from our December 11 action for Mumia here in Mexico City
A brief report in Spanish of the results of your December 16 action in Philly
And a brief interview by Radio Kurruf of Chile, who also promised to send our solidarity with the Mapuche political prisoners.
On Thursday December 15 (Japan time), the HDC and ODC held an action for justice for Hoshino, Mumia, Osaka and other political prisoners in front of the Tokyo District Court / Tokyo High Court Building adjacent to the Justice, Foreign, Interior ministries and the Japan Federation of Bar Associations.
On Dec. 15 the Labor Action Committee to Free Mumia Abu-Jamal initiated a rally at the Federal Building in San Francisco to demand freedom for Mumia. About 100 people turned out for the protest. Participating organizations included ANSWER, PSL, United Front Committee for a Labor Party, CODE PINK, Freedom Socialist Party, Mothers on the March and Party of Communists, USA. Speakers included Gerald Sanders, Cristina Gutierrez, Irom Thockchom, Archbishop Franzo King of the St. John Coltrane African Orthodox Church, Sarah Gold, Michael Shane of the Oakland Education Association and Bob Mandel concluded the rally speaking on the bipartisan nature of Mumia's frameup, emphasizing the role of Democrats in upholding Judge Sabo's "yeah, and I'm going to fry the n…” He recalled Mumia's class consciousness refusing to be interviewed during the strike of ABC-TV workers and how relevant it is with the beginnings of working class upsurge, particularly with the blocking of the railway strike by Biden and the ouster of one of the capitulationist union leaders.There were reports on the demonstrations for Mumia around the world in Mexico, Japan, France and Philadelphia. Solidarity letters from UNITE, the 1.2 million member British union, and the Vermont AFL-CIO were read to the fired up rally.
In addition to the labor support/letters/resolutions the Labor Action Comm. was able to mobilize,
there were two successful demonstrations in the Bay Area. Thursday night in SF at the Federal Bldg, initiated by the Labor Action Committee and
endorsed by the many groups and then some that had endorsed and participated in the Oct. 26 demo, and then Friday at Oscar Grant Plaza in front
of the Oakland City Hall, initiated by the Black and Brown Social Club. The two demos were carefully coordinated to complement each other and were
mutually endorsed. About 100 people attended each, spanning the generations.
Mumia mural near N. 52 St & Media, in West Philly. Screenshot taken from Sunny Singh’s Hate5Six video: https://youtu.be/byWSY7Mkr-c
Support for Mumia from 1.2 million member British union UNITE!
From the Free Mumia Abu Jamal Campaign UK, a zine on Mumia’s struggle for freedom. Read it at: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1mONAQ8UnpsPmCTQSL8nz8A036hJTfM89/view
Free Mumia Now!
Graphic by Brice Patterson
Gabe Bryant leads “Free Mumia” chants after court hearing Oct 26. More photos: https://flic.kr/s/aHBqjAcKNb
Back of flier for Oct. 19 court hearing for Mumia.
If you want PDF copies (full page or half page), send email to: mobilization4mumia@gmail.com.
July 3rd, 2022 represents 40 years since Mumia Abu Jamal's initial conviction. We know that he is a victim of racism, he is a victim of a corrupt (in)justice system and he is a victim of elder neglect and abuse in the prisons. Still, his freedom-fighting and revolutionary spirit is alive.
We rally, mobilize and organize toward his release! In Philadelphia, PA speakers and artists spoke truth to power and our collective voice is what is needed at this very moment. This is a part of an international protest, with actions, events and programs happening across the country and the world! The next court hearing in Philadelphia will be on October 19 - a very important one where the Judge said she would issue a ruling on the petition to remand the case back to the Philadelphia Court of Common Pleas.
It is critical that we pack the court on Oct. 19, which is the 3rd Wednesday in October.
#FreeMumia #FreeEmAll #LoveNotPhear
More photos of July 3rd Philadelphia rally and march: https://flic.kr/s/aHBqjzWN37
From Detroit, MI: “We had a good rally and march in Detroit and got information to many passersby - got their attention! FREE MUMIA! FREE OUR ELDERS! FREE ALL POLITICAL PRISONERS! Photo credit: Marc Klockow. More photos: https://photos.app.goo.gl/hbo21S8CNZoLzHMs6
At Houston TX banner drop for Mumia July 1, 2022.
Bradford Gamble, one of just 33 incarcerated people suffering from a terminal illness to be given a medical release from prison since 2013 in Pennsylvania, is fighting to get PA SB835 passed. This new compassionate release bill would extend parole eligibility to ill and/or aging incarcerated people in Pa. state prisons. (https://famm.org/.../PA-SB-835-Medical-Parole-Bill...) Proceeds from the dinner will benefit groups organizing to get SB835 passed.
Philadelphia, May 1 — The struggle to Free Mumia was raised at the Philadelphia May Day march. Mike Africa and Gabe Bryant spoke for Love Not Phear and Mobilization4Mumia. Jasmine Peake also spoke on the struggle to Free Ant Smith. More photos can be viewed at https://tinyurl.com/2w5b9f4w .
April 24, Philadelphia - Give back to the community day organized by Love Not Phear.
The Liberons Mumia Collective letter that will be sent by thousands of French supporters to the Pennsylvania's Gov. Tom Wolf and Philadelphia DA Larry Krasner on Apr/ 24, Mumia's 68th B'day. Hundreds of postcards from all over the France will be sent to say #FreeMumia.
April 4 Newark NJ - At MILLION PEOPLE’S MARCH FOR VOTING RIGHTS, EQUALITY, AND DEMOCRACY, Mumia supporters hold up banner. More photos: https://www.flickr.com/photos/109799466@N06/albums/72177720297872348
Berlin, Sa. 23. April - Zillon Gora:
Reading, eating, videos, info, live music and Dj*s at Mumia Abu-Jamals 68 Birthday
#Mumia Abu-Jamal #Philadelphia #Pennsylvania #USA
In Chiapas, Mexico April 24
Mumia supporters gather around the Harriet Tubman statue following Mumia’s brief court hearing on March 2, 2022. More photos: https://www.flickr.com/photos/109799466@N06/albums/72177720297073101
Mumia 1982 - 2020
Screen shots of Unicorn Riot's livefeed from the Dec 11 March for Mumia in Philadelphia.
Screen shots of Unicorn Riot's livefeed from the Dec 11 March for Mumia in Philadelphia, with Pam Africa speaking.
Activists held a Free Mumia protest in the Basque city of Bilbo on Dec 9.
Screen shot of Amigos de Mumia Mexico rally outside the U.S. Embassy in Mexico City on Dec. 11, Watch video at: https://www.facebook.com/mumialibertad/videos/1043998809784660
Mexico City, Dec 11, Amigos de Mumia Mexico
In HOUSTON , Texas, the Texas Death Penalty Aboition Movement, Workers World Party, the Self-Help for African People through Education Center and the Party for Socialism and Liberation held a rally despite cold, windy weather and a heavy police presence outside the office of progressive District Attorney Kim Ogg.
Samidoun contingent in Dec 11 March for Mumia, Philadelphia.
Some of the placards being prepared for the Dec. 11 March for Mumia in Philadelphia.
The Program, with Journalist and Temple University Professor Linn Washington, Pam Africa, Mumia's nephew Jamal Hart, Black Panther Party veteran Jalil Muntaqim and others, will reflect on the 40 year struggle to free Mumia Abu-Jamal. Register: https://bit.ly/3rsz7Jl
Nov. 2, 2021, Malcom X Park, Philadelphia — Gathering for Maroon. Friends, family and other political activists gathered to welcome Maroon Shoatz home after decades in prison, with prayers for his health, spiritual expressions and reflections, cultural performances and some food provided by Food Not Bombs - Solidarity and Brother Shep. More photos: https://www.flickr.com/photos/109799466@N06/albums/72157720098904193
Oct. 21, 2021, Philadelphia -- Abuse at Philly County Jails must STOP now! Over the last year, the abuse and cruel treatment of incarcerated people in Philly County Jails has increased to intolerable levels. Prisoners are being denied basic human needs, and are physically and mentally abused. These incarcerated people are our family, friends and neighbors and deserve to be treated like human beings. We can no longer stand by and allow this abuse to continue. More photos: https://www.flickr.com/photos/109799466@N06/albums/72157720055856641
Oct 3, 2021 memorial for Chuck Africa, held in FDR Park in Philadelphia, featured touching comments from family, friends and political comrades from his many years of struggle against this oppressive racist system. One of the MOVE 9, he was instrumental in gaining freedom for his incarcerated comrades after 4 decades of unjust imprisonment. He was the last MOVE 9 member to finally be released on Feb. 7, 2020. He passed away on Sep. 20, 2021, at the age of 61. When asked how he wants to be remembered, he replied, "One who tried loving with all his might." More photos: https://www.flickr.com/photos/109799466@N06/albums/72157719952354024
Philadelphia, Sep. 19 - A rally took place Sep. 19 calling for the closure of SCI Fayette, a Western PA prison that was built on a toxic coal ash dump. For decades the toxic water and environment at SCI Fayette has been poisoning and killing people incarcerated inside.
Activists rallied outside of Eastern State Penitentiary in North Philadelphia, the birthplace of the modern American prison system. Outside Eastern State, people heard testimonies from people on the inside and speeches from people formerly incarcerated at SCI Fayette. They also talked about health impacts of toxic coal ash and fracking waste and the links between Environmental Justice and Prison Abolition!
Organized by Human Rights Coalition PA. More photos: https://www.flickr.com/photos/109799466@N06/albums/72157719925934450
Philadelphia, Sep 19 - “Free The Bul: A Jawn For Ant” - a rally to raise awareness for Ant Smith's upcoming trial! Ant is a well-known community activist, educator and youth advocate in Philly, who was given unjust charges in the aftermath of the uprisings of summer 2020.
The event took place at Malcolm X Park (between 51st & 52nd and Pine St.) on Sunday, 9/19, in an afternoon of: Live Music! Food! Guest Speakers! Vendors! And Community Building!
For more info on Ant's case, follow us on Twitter and IG (@freeantphl) or email us at freeantphl@protonmail.com. More photos: https://www.flickr.com/photos/109799466@N06/albums/72157719883529387
Philadelphia Sep 18 - DJs played music and talked about freeing political prisoners and other supporters handed out information on dozens of prisoners at 6 different locations near Tubman Park in the Germantown section of Philadelphia during the 1st annual Curbfest. More photos: https://www.flickr.com/photos/109799466@N06/albums/72157719920790660
Some of the participants and the giant Mumia puppet gather together after the Running Down the Walls event on Sep. 12 in Philadelphia, a benefit for Mumia and other political prisoners. More photos: https://bit.ly/3z7JJxt
“Gentle Giant Mumia”, as written about in Julia Wright’s poem.
Philadelphia, Aug. 7 — Smart Communications, J-Pay, Securus, Keefe Group, Polycom, GTL, Wellpath and Aramark - all aspects of an incarcerated persons existence - are now privatized by the PA-Department of Corrections.
Activists from the Human Rights Coalition PA, Jericho-Philadelphia, Food Not Bombs Solidarity, Mobilization4Mumia, Workers World Party, and the Black Alliance for Peace spoke about who these leeches are and voiced their opposition to any more contracts with companies that profit from mass incarceration!
This action was designed behind the walls - those of us on the outside are doing the set-up & logistics. More photos: https://bit.ly/37qwdtl
July 3rd, 2021 - More photos at: https://www.flickr.com/photos/109799466@N06/albums/72157719491214618
(Consuewella Africa (right) with MOVE sisters Janet and Janine Africa, May 30, 2019.)
“‘A fighter from beginning to the end’
Consuewella Africa, 67, a beloved sister in the MOVE Organization, passed away June 16 following hospitalization for breathing problems due to stress. Her family cites the probable cause as revelations surfaced in April that the University of Pennsylvania and the City of Philadelphia still held the remains of her daughter Katricia “Tree” Africa, 14, who was murdered by the government May 13, 1985. Read more at: https://www.workers.org/2021/06/57130/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=a-fighter-from-beginning-to-the-end
May 22, Philadelphia - A couple thousand people, including Mumia supporters, marched through Center City streets waving flags, banners and signs and chanting Free Free Palestine following the recent massive and deadly Israeli bombing of Gaza. More photos: https://www.flickr.com/photos/109799466@N06/albums/72157719247528976
This motion on MOVE and Mumia was adopted by both the Oakland Education Association OEA) and the Adult School Teachers United (ASTU), Richmond, CA
May 15, 2021 - MOVE members and supporters met in Cobbs Creek Park on May 15, 2021 to remember and honor the 6 adults and 5 children who perished in the 1985 inferno caused by the dropping of a bomb and the decision by city officials to let the fire burn. More photos: https://www.flickr.com/photos/109799466@N06/albums/72157719198933491
May 15, 2021 - Thousands marched in Philadelphia to Free Palestine on May 15. Mumia activists (some wearing Mumia t-shirts, some holding Mumia signs) participated in the march from ritzy Rittenhouse Square to the Art Museum steps, where Mumia activists Krystal Strong and YahNé Ndgo spoke to express solidarity.
Sunny Singh’s video of the march can be viewed here: https://youtu.be/yzhHSmaERCY . Krystal and YahNe's speeches are near the end!
More Palestine march photos: https://www.flickr.com/photos/109799466@N06/albums/72157719243932500
May 13, 2021 MOVE Day of Remembrance to Honor the Lives Lost drew hundreds of participants. More photos: https://www.flickr.com/photos/109799466@N06/albums/72157719227692165
Mural on the East Side of the Municipal Services Building in plaza where Rizzo statue used to be, at 1401 JFK Blvd featuring Pam Africa, Ramona Africa, YahNé Ndgo, Krystal Strong and other Philly Black leaders against police brutality, dedicated May 11, 2021. Pam Africa spoke and called for #MumiaAbuJamal's freedom at the dedication. Photo credit: Pam Africa.
More information: https://www.muralarts.org/artworks/crown/
Handwritten note on legal pad, written 5/7/21 2pm, in the visiting room of SCI Mahanoy.
Following Heart Surgery, Mumia Looks Great! Noelle Hanrahan Reports on Her Contact Visit Today
Pam Africa told me the other day that we need “to put our eyes” on Mumia. When I walked into the visiting booth, Mumia said: “Well, well, well! Way to scale these walls, sister!” He chuckled. “How the hell did you get in here?”
I shrugged and asked: “Since when have walls stopped us?” A hand-to-glass exchange of a high five. Then I said: “I just asked the guard to check for the contact visit that was approved by the Superintendent’s office yesterday, since you have cleared quarantine.” Mumia said: “Okay, let’s start talking and when he comes back, we can move.”
Ten minutes later, the visit continues without the plexiglass barrier when they let Mumia have a contact visit. After an elbow bump and a hug we sit down at a table in the entirely empty visiting area of SCI Mahanoy.
First let me say that Mumia looks great. He has energy. He was smiling broadly under his face mask. He was laughing and explaining how he has another chance to live. He sounded just like Tony the Tiger when he roars: “I feel great!” I could imagine that having a working heart after months of congestive heart failure would contribute to his feeling ready to tackle his rehabilitation. Heart disease can be reversed, though getting the proper diet and exercise will be a huge challenge in a prison known for lockdowns and a covid lockdown that lasted a year.
A long thin scar cuts all the way down his breastbone: The result of a double bypass open heart surgery just days ago. He is a trim 207 lbs. in a 6’1 frame and is now on path to recovery. He expects to be moved to general population very soon.
Mumia wanted everyone to know that he was aware that the movement made it possible for his condition to be taken seriously and finally accurately diagnosed. Mumia knows that if it were not for the world shining a bright hot spotlight on prison conditions and access to medical care, he fears that he would not have survived.
I always begin the process of leaving the visit, with this question for Mumia: “What do you want?” Mumia’s answer: “I want to find a way to win and find a way to get the hell out of here.”
MayDay march in San Francisco, May 1, 2021 @sfchronicle
May 2, Mt Wolf, PA — At PA Gov Wolf's home: Release Russell Maroon Shoatz Now!
Over 2 dozen activists converged on PA Gov. Tom Wolf's home in Mt. Wolf, PA on May 2, 2021 to demand the medical release of political prisoner Russell Maroon Shoatz and all ill and elderly prisoners. It began with a "caravan of love" from York, PA to Mt Wolf, where the sign-bearing vehicles encircled the block three times before participants held an in-person rally on the sidewalk in front of his home. In addition to the colorful banners and placards, a scroll bearing the names of 145 organizations (including Mobilization4Mumia, who have signed a letter demanding Shoatz' immediate release was unfurled and laid out on the sidewalk. Participants came from Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, New York City, New Jersey, Los Angeles and New Orleans. More photos at https://www.flickr.com/photos/109799466@N06/albums/72157719082030054
MOVE Children Deserve to Rest in Peace!
For decades, Penn Museum at University of Pennsylvania unethically held hostage the remains of Delisha Africa and Tree Africa, two children killed in the May 13, 1985 bombing of MOVE by the city of Philadelphia. They did so without the knowledge and consent of their living family members, who believed they were buried in 1985.
This means that not only were MOVE children abused and mistreated, bombed and burned by the police, now we find out that they have not been allowed to rest in peace.
On April 28, hundreds of outraged students and community activists demanded answers, the return of the remains of Delisha and Tree Africa, and justice for MOVE. More photos at https://www.flickr.com/photos/109799466@N06/albums/72157719104596165
Philadelphia, April 26 - MOVE Press Conference 4/26: Addressing UPenn & Princeton's Desecration of remains of Murdered MOVE Children
For decades, Penn Museum at University of Pennsylvania unethically held hostage the remains of Delisha Africa and Tree Africa, two children killed in the May 13, 1985 bombing of MOVE by the city of Philadelphia, when city officials took the lives of FIVE OF CHILDREN: Tree Africa (14), Netta Africa (12), Delisha Africa (13), Little Phil Africa (12), and Tomasa Africa (9); and SIX ADULTS: Rhonda Africa, Teresa Africa, Frank Africa, Raymond Africa, Conrad Africa, and John Africa.
MOVE members, including the mothers of the children killed by city terror, spoke on the current revelation of the University's horrific use of the remains for research and in classes.
Sign on and share demands at bit.ly/justiceforMOVE.
Participate in a protest Wed., Apr 28 at 5:30pm, Penn Museum: <a href="https://fb.me/e/3KuwsrdbZ" rel="noreferrer nofollow">fb.me/e/3KuwsrdbZ</a>
See more photos at: https://www.flickr.com/photos/109799466@N06/albums/72157719031252708
San Diego solidarity with Mumia Abu-Jamal - San Diego joined the national call to action from the International Concerned Family & Friends of Mumia Abu-Jamal on April 24 — the imprisoned freedom fighter’s 67th birthday. Supporters gathered in front of the Malcolm X Library and Performing Arts Center and at the World Beat Cultural Center in Balboa Park.
At both gatherings, supporters held up “Free Mumia” banners, chanted revolutionary birthday greetings to Mumia, and took photos to post and share on social media showing support for the demand to release Abu-Jamal and all political prisoners immediately. More at: https://www.struggle-la-lucha.org/2021/05/05/san-diego-solidarity-with-mumia-abu-jamal/
Houston activists honor Mumia on his birthday on April 24. Read more at: https://www.workers.org/2021/04/56082/
April 24, 2021, around 200 people took part in a protest for the freedom of Mumia-Abu-Jamal in the Berlin district of Neukölln. Read more at: https://www.das-mumia-hoerbuch.de/demonstration.htm#kundgebung67gebberichtd
April 24, 2021 , Philadelphia — Hundreds march and rally to free Mumia Abu-Jamal on his 67th birthday. More photos: https://www.flickr.com/photos/109799466@N06/albums/72157719072114775
Philadelphia, April 25 - Starting at 58th and Spruce at 8am, local community members as well as supporters from NYC and beyond honored Russell Maroon Shoatz (imprisoned since 1972 and in ill health) with a community clean up, prayer and celebration of Maroon Garden.
At 1pm, participants marched over to Malcolm X Park at Pine and 52nd St, to remember Walter Wallace Jr (murdered by cops last October) and honor the fight of all freedom fighters. Shoatz and Wallace family members gave moving testimony and were joined by speeches by community activists and several performers. Food and clothing was made available for community residents to take home.
The livestream link can be found at letmumiaout.com
The day was part of a three-day weekend of "All Out for Mumia! actions.
More Photos: https://www.flickr.com/photos/109799466@N06/albums/72157719026676269
Washington DC rally for Mumia, April 24, 2021.
(c) Menira Gilden Seth Tobocman
Buttons to be available at the April 24 Mumia march in Philadelphia. A supply of new Mumia T-Shirts will also be for sale.
The Labor Action Committee initiated a protest April 20 in San Francisco at KQED, public TV and radio like WHYY. There were 50 spirited protesters. In responding to our letter demanding KQED give Mumia the opportunity to prove that he is innocent and was framed by showing “Manufacturing Guilt” by Stephen Vittoria and Colin Kaepernick’s video defending Mumia.
The KQED film series “Philly DA” unabashedly praises DA Krasner. It barely mentions the 1985 state terror bombing of the MOVE house in which 11 MOVE members were killed, including 5 children and won’t critically exam why Mumia’s right to appeal was opposed by ALL Philly DA’s including Krasner and "Hanging Judge" Sabo who made the racist remark about “frying Mumia”. Mumia has been censored consistently by KQED, first fired as a star reporter in 1981, then in 1985 his contract was ripped up while on death row for exposing the police terror utilized against MOVE and now the showing of “Philly DA” which erases his fight for freedom to pave the way for Krasner’s re-election.
photo credit: Jack Heyman
Video of April 15 Press Conference: https://youtu.be/kqmN3o8lZ6U
Philadelphia, March 12 - At a protest outside DA Larry Krasner’s office, Pam Africa compares photos of Mumia a few years ago with a week ago. Suffering from COVID-19, with cirrhosis of the liver due to the Pennsylvania Department of Corrections denial of hepatitis C drugs and now suffering from congestive heart disease, he also has a serious skin ailment, obvious in the lower left photo. The protest, called on 24 hours notice, drew about 50 people and blocked busy S. Broad Street for about 20 minutes. More photos: https://www.flickr.com/photos/109799466@N06/albums/72157718624727232
THE MOVEMENT, the Official News Magazine of the Human Rights Coalition for the union of Prisoners’ Families and co-founded by Kerry “Shakaboona” Marshall and Patricia “Mama Patt” Vickers, features 7 pages (33-38) on the struggles of Russell Maroon Shoatz and Mumia Abu-Jamal. In addition to the front page graphic, the articles begin on Page 33. On page 36, the article "Mumia Abu-Jamal Newspaper Admonishes DA to Stop Defending the Indefensible" by Pam Africa takes up several pages. The magazine can be read at https://hrcoalition.org/the-movement/43
March 2021 photo of Mumia, after diagnosis of COVID-19 and congestive heart disease.
(March 2021 photo of Mumia's leg: full of sores and bloody wounds.)
Former black panther and journalist Mumia Abu-Jamal, most emblematic white supremacist political prisoner in the U.S. is in a serious health situation and his life is at risk because of Covid-19 and his prison condition .... Victim of a racist American legal-police montage, Wesley Cook (Mumia's baptismal name) is a political prisoner black since 1981, and had his death penalty converted into life after mobilizations worldwide.
Mumia was diagnosed with Covid-19 at the end of February of that year and is in quarantine and breathing difficulties. Former black panther and member of the revolutionary family MOVE, who became known for his radio show ′′ The Voice of the Voiceless ′′ in Philadelphia (USA), faces a precarious health condition in prison, with heart, kidney and kidney problems vision for having his treatment denied, and could develop a serious case of the coronavirus due to the precarious precarious incarceration.
Mumia's liberation movement calls for active solidarity and mobilization of internationalist and anti-Racist organizations and militants in defense of the life, health and freedom of Mumia Abu-Jamal, who will turn 67 in April. According to her longtime lawyer Johanna Fernandez, the movement for her release demands Pennsylvania governor to apply the law of pardon to prisoners with 65 more years to release Mumia from the state prison she is in, as well as other elderly prisoners , to prevent more Covid-19 deaths in racist US prisons.
One way to support Mumia is by sending messages demanding her freedom to Philadelphia's emails, justice, and prison system: justice@phila.gov, jowetzel@pa.gov, brunelle.michael@gmail.com (Governor Tom Wolf).
#FreeMumiaAbuJamal #FreeMumia #LiberationMumia #MumiaLibre #LibertadMumiaAbuJamal
Philadelphia, March 3 - Participants in a press conference for Mumia’s release due to his health crisis huddle around a cell phone to listen to Mumia Abu-Jamal describe his medical condition. A couple dozen supporters turned out to the third in-person event in ten days in front of this city’s District Attorney’s office. At the end of the event, we got a call from Mumia’s attorney, reporting that a late test had confirmed he does have Covid-19. The only appropriate treatment is his release after 39 years in prison. More photos: https://www.flickr.com/photos/109799466@N06/albums/72157718510907843/with/51000134858/
On Friday, Feb 26, it was learned that political prisoner and Black journalist Mumia Abu-Jamal was suffering from Covid symptoms. Supporters responded by asking people to::
1. Call officials. (See post below for names and numbers)
2. About 70 people came out on Saturday, Feb 27 for a protest at the DA's office. In photo, Pam Africa addresses the crowd.
3. Participate in March 6 Mumia Street Meeting
Their demands included:
a. Immediate Hospitalization, not solitary confinement
b. Release Mumia now!
More photos: https://www.flickr.com/photos/109799466@N06/albums/72157718458944853
Feb. 15, Philadelphia:On less than 24 hours notice, over 40 people came out on Feb 15 to show their opposition to so-called progressive DA Larry Krasner's Feb 3 legal brief denying Mumia Abu-Jamal the right to prove his innocence in court. A carload of supporters from NYC joined Philadelphia supporters in holding signs and banners and listening to speakers for two hours despite frigid weather. More photos at: https://www.flickr.com/photos/109799466@N06/albums/72157718301844361
Poster being used for Jan 6, 2021 rally in Paris, France to free Mumia
Longtime Free Mumia activist Linda Ragin raises her fist at the Dec 9 press conference in Philadelphia marking the 39th anniversary of the day Abu-Jamal was shot and wrongly arrested for the murder of a Philadelphia police officer. The gathering also marked the release of his new book Perfecting Tyranny. More photos at https://www.flickr.com/photos/109799466@N06/albums/72157717232352188
Prisons are concentration camps for the poor-- during COVID, they are death camps for the poor. On Saturday, November 28 at 2pm at the Federal Detention Center at 7th and Arch streets demonstrators showed solidarity with Russell Maroon Shoatz, Mumia Abu-Jamal and all those on the inside and to demand their release, no matter if they're incarcerated in city jails, state prisons or federal detention centers.
In less than a month there have been at least 200 new COVID cases in the Philly FDC.
Attorneys of three people incarcerated at the FDC have filed a lawsuit against the facility claiming they have failed to implement COVID protections. Additionally, corrections officers at the FDC have filed OSHA complaints alleging the same failings. Without adequate sanitation, social distancing or PPE, inmates at the FDC are not able to protect themselves from this virus even if they tried. A public health crisis turns genocidal in these conditions.
On top of these conditions, the lockdown measures introduced in response to the outbreak have compounded the already crushing isolation of prison. Inmates are only being allowed out of their cells three times a week for 30 minutes and all family, friend and attorney visits are suspended. Families and friends of inmates in the FDC have in some cases gone weeks without any contact at all.
Community activists let those on the inside know they are not alone in their fight. Throughout the protest, we could hear the clicking sounds from prisoners hitting the narrow windows with objects to let us know they heard us.
Prisons across Pennsylvania and the U.S. are facing a deadly full-blown resurgence of COVID-19 among those incarcerated as well as staff. The result has been outbreaks of COVID-19 in 21 of the 23 PA prisons.
Russell Maroon Shoatz, who is 77 years old and has been incarcerated since 1972, and other elderly prisoners with Covid are being held in inhumane and unsanitary conditions. He poses no threat to the community. He has stage 4 colon cancer and on November 11th, tested positive for COVID-19. Maroon was then held for 10 days in a gymnasium with 30 other COVID-19 positive inmates who all shared one bathroom toilet, until he was finally moved to the infirmary after advocacy from family and supporters. He is being denied an urgent surgery to aid his colon cancer and needs immediate medical care.
As of Nov. 12, there have been 17 reported deaths of incarcerated people in the PA DOC. At least 442 prisoners and 244 staff have tested positive. According to the Department of Corrections, when staff have requested testing, more than half are positive for the coronavirus. Testing of staff is not mandatory.
Rather than release more people or make staff testing mandatory, PADOC officials have responded by moving prisoners who test positive to other prisons or isolation units within a prison. The lockdown policies have been kept in place for over seven months now, amounting to mass torture for the over 46,000 incarcerated workers.
Free them all!
More photos here.
Monday, November 23rd in Harrisburg at the State Capital family members of CADBI and HRC joined the Pennsylvania Poor People’s Campaign’s Caravan to mourn the quarter of a million Americans who have died from Covid-19, including those who have died in prisons and jails in Pennsylvania. The groups released their COVID prison demands for the Governor, DOC, and legislature and asked the Governor to remember those who have passed in prisons from this pandemic--and no longer sit on the sidelines as more people senselessly lose their lives.
Participants first drove around the PA State Capitol Complex (501 N 3rd St, Harrisburg, PA 17120) while speakers raised their demands via Zoom. The 25 car caravan then moved to the Governor’s Mansion where CADBI spoke again about their demands for the state prisons and rememberd those who have needlessly died inside the walls
Co-sponsored by PA Poor People’s Campaign, Abolitionist Law Center, Human Rights Coalition, ACLU-PA, Amistad Law Project, Decarcerate PA, Free The Ballet, Healing Communities, Put People First
More photos: https://www.flickr.com/photos/109799466@N06/albums/72157717020509932
To: <justice@phila.gov>, <brunelle.michael@gmail.com>
"Freedom is for the strong"
Richard Wright, Uncle Tom's Children
Dear Mr Krasner,
We, descendants of slaves, carry in our psyche the knowledge of oncoming lynchings be they with tar and feathers or high tech or the mass decimation by COVID due to inhuman negligence by the State.
We have an in burned, in born, in trenched insight into our death-bound, arbitrarily, wantonly defined lives.
We have to live by the pricking of our black thumbs.
It is both a gift and a curse to us but we have learned to live and die with that prescience.
Today, as the Courts continue in their uncanny silence about Mumia's case, as justice delayed is justice denied -- you, Mr Krasner add silence to silence by leaving our letters unanswered.
It is my hope that my open letters to you will be only the beginning of a stream of open addresses with the world reading over your shoulders.
We recognize inhumanity before we stumble across it around the corner. We have to: our lives are at stake.
The scars of torture were built into our bones. We left them there in order never to forget.
We are walking memorials.
We knew the Black Code before we learned the alphabet.
Mr Krasner, you cannot escape the Judgement of the history we have shaped with our blood, sweat and broken bones. We have earned the honored right to write that History.
Will the History we write with our blood condemn or reprieve you? You will have your day in Court.
But what about Mumia, what about those you are leaving caged and unheard, those you are depriving of a voice in your "Truth and Justice" Committee ? What about those prisoners you are leaving on the wayside and could be contaminated with the virus from one second to the next ? Your window of opportunity is closing fast : you will be seeking second chances after the die are cast.
And then I would shudder to be in your shoes, on the wrong side of our History, haunted by the spirits of those you left voiceless.
Elderly, revered leaders like Mumia, Russell Maroon Shoatz, Major Tillery, and so many others need compassionate release and a right to speak truth to justice now.
Tomorrow is today.
These are hallowed times.
Sincerely yours,
Julia Wright
Colin Kaepernick speaking for Mumia’s freedom on Nov 17, 2020.
Angela Davis spoke powerfully for Mumia’s release on Nov 17, 2020.
June 13 Philly Protest against Police Terrorism
The ultimate act of police terror in Philadelphia was the bombing of MOVE on Osage Ave on May 13th, 1985. Philly Black Organizations organized a rally and march that started at the site of the MOVE bombing, remembering the MOVE victims and protesting the brutally racist and militarized Philadelphia police force, They also marched in solidarity with George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery and the countless other Black people murdered by the state in recent years and in centuries prior. On May 13, 1985, Philadelphia police dropped a military grade bomb on members of the MOVE organization living at 6221 Osage Ave. Eleven Black men, women and children were murdered after police ordered fire fighters to "let the fire burn" & shot MOVE members back into the home as they tried to escape. The violent attack came after over a decade of police violence & repression of MOVE activists, including the MOVE 9 who were political prisoners for 40 years. A Black neighborhood was destroyed in the process. This action started at the site of this horrific act of Philadelphia police terrorism at Osage Avenue and Cobbs Creek Parkway and ended with another rally at Malcolm X Park. Co-organizers: The MOVE Organization, BLM Philly, Philly for REAL Justice, Human Rights Coalition Philadelphia, Abolitionists Law Center Philadelphia, Malcolm X Grassroots Movement, Ubuntu Philadelphia and Mobilization4Mumia. More photos at https://www.flickr.com/photos/109799466@N06/albums/72157714694717901/with/50003577722/
July 19 march demanding removal of street sign honoring mayor responsible for bombing of MOVE in 1985. More photos can be viewed at https://www.flickr.com/photos/109799466@N06/albums/72157715161916218
July 13 - Philly DA Larry Krasner avoids the question “Will you drop all charges against all protesters?”
July 13 - The crowd demanding Krasner answer the question. More photos at: https://www.flickr.com/photos/109799466@N06/albums/72157715089796108/with/50110133581/
After spending 41 years in prison, MOVE 9 member Delbert Africa spoke to the public and assembled press on Jan. 21 in front of a packed room in the Kingsessing Library in West Philadelphia. He was released from SCI Dallas on Jan 18.
Philadelphia, May 18 - As states across the U.S. took steps to stop the spread of COVID-19 — closing schools and workplaces, canceling events and shifting to supporting children in their homes and communities — one group of young people is being left behind: the nearly 50,000 youth locked up across the country. Releasing young people held in detention centers was the focus of a “Free Our Youth” car caravan in front of the Philadelphia Juvenile Justice Services Center (PJJSC) on May 18. At least two children have tested positive for COVID-19 while in juvenile jail, but the number of incarcerated youth has actually increased from 105 on May 7 to 125 on May 18. Speaking outside the center’s front doors, formerly incarcerated young adults, families members of incarcerated young people, community leaders, City Council members and allies took turns describing the deep pain, fear, uncertainty and isolation that children have experienced while locked behind bars, separated from their families during the worst public health pandemic in a century. Photo shows one of the caravan vehicles with a FREE MUMIA sign. More details at https://www.workers.org/2020/05/48851/ .
Philadelphia, May 1 - Mumia, Imam Jamil Al-Amin and other political prisoners are represented in the May Day Workers Resistance Caravan which involved over 50 vehicles. Organizations in Philadelphia put together the Caravan in order to fight for people's needs in the time of the covid19 crisis. May 1, known as International Workers' Day, began in response to workers fighting for an 8 hour day who were killed by Chicago police in 1886. Now, in 2020, as many workers are facing state and workplace violence amid the COVID-19 pandemic, we believe that May 1 will be a critical time of resistance for the working class around the world. The caravan took over four hours to drive the ten mile route, reaching from Temple Hospital in North Philly through Center City all the way to South Philly, with stops at: - Temple Hospital - Richard Allen Homes - Tucker House Nursing Home - School District HQ - Hahnemann Hospital - City Hall - CJC; Trader Joe’s; Landlord-Tenant Court; SEPTA; City Workers - 8th St - I.C.E.; Police HQ; Federal Prison; Post Office - Whole Foods - Italian Market - Hoa Binh Plaza
Mumia supporter Kamau Becktemba participating in an April 10 car caravan protest in Philadelphia. Traffic around Philadelphia City Hall came to a standstill for over an hour April 9 as hundreds of protesters from the safety of their cars demanded Mayor Jim Kenney and First Judicial District Judges Patrick Dugan, Leon Tucker, and Idee Fox decrease the numbers of incarcerated people in the city's jails.
Just days after being bailed out by the Philadelphia Community Bail Fund, Luz Acevedo said over a sound system: “I don’t think we should die in jail like animals die in cages,” referring to the high risk of death prisoners face from the COVID19 pandemic.
Over 75 drivers then continued the protest by moving to the city's jail complex several miles away where a delegation of religious leaders held signs outside the stone and rusty bars barriers, giving speeches and saying prayers. Protesters applauded by sounding their horns, hoping the over 4,200 prisoners on the other side of the walls could hear them.
The #No215Jail Coalition is demanding the city release the vast majority of people by granting parole, lifting detainers, ending cash bail, reviewing everyone in detention for possible release, and prioritizing release for youth, elderly people, and people who are medically vulnerable.
More photos at https://www.flickr.com/photos/109799466@N06/albums/72157713838662682
Feb 28, Philadelphia - Pam Africa condemns PA Supreme Court decision, at the instigation of the Fraternal Order of Police, to consider removal of Philadelphia DA from Mumia Abu-Jamal case, moving it to ultra-conservative PA Attorney General Josh Shapiro office, staffed by former ‘good ole boys’ fired from Krasner’s office in 2018.
Feb 29 - Philadelphia activists say “We will keep marching in the streets until Mumia is as free as a bird!” More photos at:https://www.flickr.com/photos/109799466@N06/albums/72157713296641871
Striking graduate students at UC Santa Cruz express their solidarity with Mumia Abu-Jamal, who is also taking courses there from his prison cell at SCI Mahanoy in Pennsylvania. On Feb 28, UCSC officials fired 54 of them!
Activists Megan Malachi and Kamau Becktemba outside District Attorney Larry Krasner’s office on Jan 31, 2020. More photos at: https://www.flickr.com/photos/109799466@N06/albums/72157712922408203
Delbert Africa speaking at Jan 21 press conference at Kingsessing Library, West Philadelphia.
Delbert Africa, hours after being released from SCI Albion Jan 18, 2020.
MOVE members Janine, Janet, Carlos and Pam with California activists
Dev 7 Mumia event in Philadelphia. More photos can be viewed at https://www.flickr.com/photos/109799466@N06/albums/72157712109218333.
Some of the Mumia supporters who participated in a Dec 9 luncheon for the French delegation who traveled to Philadelphia for the Dec 7 “YOUTH RISE UP AGAINST US EMPIRE” event
Joe McGill, the original trial prosecutor, with Maureen Faulkner, widow of Daniel Faulkner, at the FOP Lodge 5 breakfast event on October 4th 2019. McGill, at a new trial will have to address the longstanding DA policy of illegally striking Black jurors. (see the McMahan Tapes).
Acting Philadelphia Police Chief Christine Coulter
Oct 12, 2019 Philly Trans March
Oct 12, 2019 Philly Trans March
Oct 12, 2019 Philly Trans March
Philadelphia: Protesters at Oct 4 rally for Mumia. Photo credit: Joe Piette
Supporters for Delbert Africa outside SCI Dallas on Aug 9, 2019. Photo: Joe Piette
Supporters for MOVE member Delbert Africa on Aug 9, 2019. Photo: Joe Piette
Supporters of MOVE member Delbert Africa outside SCI Dallas on Aug 9, 2019. Photo: Joe Piette
Food Not Bombs - Solidarity provided food. Aug 9, 2019. Photo: Joe Piette
Philadelphia Press Conference Aug 7 warns crowd PA DOC is attempting to kill MOVE 9 unfairly convicted prisoner Delbert Africa. Photo credit: Joe Piette
Philadelphia Press Conference Aug 7 warns crowd PA DOC is attempting to kill MOVE 9 unfairly convicted prisoner Delbert Africa. Photo credit: Joe Piette
Eddie Africa speaking at Aug 7 press conference for Dilbert Africa. photo: Joe Piette
Ramona Africa speaking at Aug 7 press conference for Dilbert Africa. photo: Joe Piette
Mumia supporters gather together on July 24, outside PA Department of Corrections HQ in Mechanicsburg, PA. Photo credit: Joe Piette
Part of group of Mumia supporters who traveled to Mechanicsburg, PA to deliver 3,000 petitions to the PA DOC on July 24, 2019.
Photo credit: Joe Piette
Gainesville, FL — A demonstration began at 7:30 a.m. at the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) offices, located at 5007 NE 39th Ave, disrupting the activity of Department of Corrections (FDOC) which has a $19 million contract to lease out prisoners as unpaid slaves to do road work for the State. More details here.
Photo by Fight Toxic Prisons
Photo includes from far left: Fred Riley, Carlos Africa, Eddie in the middle, his son Little Eddie, daughter in law Sukona, and Raymond Africa jr
Photo courtesy of MOVE
Ramona Africa, June 8, 2019
photo: Joe Piette
L to R: Ramona Africa and her mother Eleanor Johnson on June 8,2019.
photo: Joe Piette
At the June 7 protest against the 328 Philly cops who posted vile racist, homophobic, sexist and Islamophobic comments on social media, 150 people heard speeches and chanted. When a speaker led the chant “Off the streets” calling for cops to be given desk duty, some people chanted “Off the payroll.” At one point during the hour-long rally, some participants chanted “Free the MOVE 9” and “Free Mumia.” Photo above reveals diverse views present - the majority of the crowd was above forty years old and were moderate in their demands. Some participants however called for the firing of the guilty cops and even abolishing the police.
Photo: Joe Piette
June 7 protest at Philadelphia Police HQ
photo: Joe Piette
Mumia Abu-Jamal with Dr Joseph Harris
Photo taken by prisoner-photographer
Newly released MOVE 9 members Janet and Janine Africa (in yellow shirts, L to R) with other MOVE members after May 30 press conference in Philadelphia. Photo; Joe Piette
Janet Africa
photo: Joe Piette
(L to R): Janet Africa, Pam Africa, Janine Africa
photo: Joe Piette
Ramona Africa
photo: Joe Piette
Janine Africa
photo: Joe Piette
May 30 press conference at Philly Student Union office
photo: Joe Piette
(L to R) Janine Africa, Janet Africa
Members of Move in front of their house in the Powelton Village section of Philadelphia in 1977. The group have always said James Ramp was killed by fellow officers. Photograph: Leif Skoogfors/Corbis via Getty Images
Janet Africa (L) and Janine Africa (R) after being released from prison.
EXPOSING THE COVER-UP; JUSTICE FOR MUMIA meeting on May 18 at Joseph E Coleman Northwest Regional Library in Germanyown section of Philadelphia. Photo: Cindy Lou
Film showing on Mumia, in Mexico on May 20.
Young bikers express their solidarity as May 1st International Workers Day marchers stop at Comcast to protest against their anti-Immigrant policies. Photo credit: Joe Piette
Free Mumia signs at Philly May 1st International Workers Day march. Photo Credit: Joe Piette
Free Mumia signs at Philly May 1st International Workers Day march. Photo Credit: Joe Piette
Free Mumia signs at Philly May 1st International Workers Day march. Photo Credit: Joe Piette
Free Mumia signs at Philly May 1st International Workers Day march. Photo Credit: Joe Piette
Part of the crowd at the beginning rally in Vernon Park on April 27.
Photo credit - Joe Piette
Gabe Bryant, April 27
Photo credit - Joe Piette
Rachel Wolkenstein, April 27
Photo credit - Joe Piette
Ralph Pointer, April 27
Photo credit - Joe Piette
Marcos Rezende, April 27
Photo credit - Joe Piette
Megan Malachi, April 27
Photo credit - Joe Piette
Susie Abulhawa, April 27
Photo credit - Joe Piette
Marchers at corner of Germantown Ave and W. Chelton Ave on April 27.
Photo credit - Joe Piette
“Brick by Brick, wall by wall, we’re going to free Mumia Abu-Jamal” the chant on Germantown Ave April 27.
Photo credit - Joe Piette
The panelists who read parts of Mumia's new book, Murder Inc, Vol 2, at People's Sanctuary April 27.
(L to R) Wayne Cook, Basym Hasan, Mike Africa Jr, Barbara Easley-Cox, Johanna Fernandez
Photo credit - Joe Piette
Pam Africa, pril 27
Photo credit - Joe Piette
Suzanne Ross, pril 27
Photo credit - Joe Piette
Noelle Hanrahan, pril 27
Photo credit - Joe Piette
Fatirah Aziz reading from Mumia's new book at People's Sanctuary on April 27. (Mic is being held by Ralph Poynter.)
Photo credit - Joe Piette
April 27 in Berlin in front of the US Embassy - FREE MUMIA - Free Them ALL!
Detroit, April 20 - Pam Africa (Photograph taken by Abayomi Azikiwe, Pan-African News Wire)
Detroit, April 20 - Rev. Edward Pinkney (Photograph taken by Abayomi Azikiwe, Pan-African News Wire)
Detroit, April 20 - "Freedom for the Unjustly Incarcerated" conference. (Photograph taken by Abayomi Azikiwe, Pan-African News Wire)
Posters at N. Broad and Cecil B Moore advertising April 27 March for Justice for Mumia
Philadelphia, Apr 18, 2019 - Press Conference for Mumia Abu-Jamal. REAL Justice member Ant Smith leading march from Octavius Catto statue at City Hall to District Attorneys office. (photo credit: Joe Piette)
Philadelphia, Apr 18, 2019 - Press Conference for Mumia Abu-Jamal. (photo credit: Joe Piette)
Philadelphia, Apr 18, 2019 - Press Conference for Mumia Abu-Jamal. (photo credit: Joe Piette)
Philadelphia, Apr 18, 2019 - Press Conference for Mumia Abu-Jamal. Pam Africa (photo credit: Joe Piette)
Philadelphia, Apr 18, 2019 - Press Conference for Mumia Abu-Jamal. Bill Bachmann, APWU (photo credit: Joe Piette)
Philadelphia, Apr 18, 2019 - Press Conference for Mumia Abu-Jamal. (photo credit: Joe Piette)
Philadelphia, Apr 18, 2019 - Press Conference for Mumia Abu-Jamal. Nana Njinga with banner. (photo credit: Joe Piette)
Philadelphia, Apr 18, 2019 - Press Conference for Mumia Abu-Jamal. Megan Malachi, REAL Justice (photo credit: Joe Piette)
Poster at Chelten and Germantown for April 27 March for Justice
Poster at 52nd and Market for April 27 March for Justice
Feb 23, Darby, PA - (L to R) Robert Saleem Holbrook, Keith Cook, Wayne Cook, Wali Akbar El pose after speaking on a panel at Mumia Day (Darby Community Black History Month Program)
(Front) Pam Africa; Back: Keith Cook, his brother Mumia Abu-Jamal, Mike Africa Jr at SCI Mahanoy Feb 22, 2019
From Left - Mumia Abu-Jamal, his brother Keith Cook
Yale University, Feb 15 - Pam Africa (left) alongside REBLAW activists and supporters who dis-invited Philadelphia DA Larry Krasner because of his appeal of Judge Tuckers decision favorable to Mumia Abu-Jamal and thousands of other Pennsylvania prisoners. Photo: Basym Hasan
Feb 15 - Yale University - Full house at REBLAW conference listens to speech over phone by Mumia Abu-Jamal. Photo: Linda Randolph-Ragin
Feb 15 - Yale University - Full house at REBLAW conference listens to speech over phone by Mumia Abu-Jamal. Photo: Linda Randolph-Ragin
Feb 15 - Yale University - Full house at REBLAW conference listens to speech over phone by Mumia Abu-Jamal. Photo: Linda Randolph-Ragin
These buttons can be ordered (minimum order of 25) by emailing mobilization4mumia@gmail.com. Button graphic credit: Cindy Miller
2.11.19 Philadelphia - Mumia supporters hold up “Krasner, Drop the Appeal” posters as the phila. DA Larry Krasner speaks at a Criminal Justice Reform Panel at the Philadelphia Main Library.
Philadelphia, Feb 6 - A letter to Philly DA Larry Krasner was delivered to his office on Feb 6 by L to R) Cindy Miller, Wayne Cook (Mumia Abu-Jamal's nephew), Linda Ragin, Pam Africa and Joe Piette (behind camera)
2.2.19 Philadelphia - Press Conference describes the significance of the Feb 1 dis-invitation of Philadelphia District Attorney Larry Krasner by the Rebellious Lawyering (RebLaw) conference at Yale University. Video to be posted soon.
L to R: Mike Africa Jr (MOVE Organization), Pam Africa (International Concerned Family and Friends of Mumia Abu-Jamal), Betsey Piette (Mobilization4Mumia)
Stills from 1.22.19 episode of Blackish. Watch here.
Jan 15, 2019 Press Conference
L to R: Mike Africa JR; Rachel Wolkenstein
Jan 15, 2019 Press Conference
R: Pam Africa
Jan 15, 2019 Press Conference
L to R: Mike Africa JR; Rachel Wolkenstein
Jan 15, 2019 Press Conference
L to R: Mike Africa Jr, Paula Pebbles, Deacon Matthew Snith
Jan 15, 2019 Press Conference
L to R: Mike Africa JR; Sandra Joy
Jan 15, 2019 Press Conference
L to R: Mike Africa JR; Sister Empress Phile Chionesu
Jan 7, 2019 Thousands of Mumia Abu-Jamal Petitions delivered to DA Krasner
L to R: Linda Ragin, Scott Williams, John Kirkland, Ted Kelly, Wayne Cook
Jan 7, 2019 Thousands of Mumia Abu-Jamal Petitions delivered to DA Krasner
L to R: Sandy Joy, Mike Africa JR, Wayne Cook, John Kirkland, Linda Ragin, Ted Kelly
Jan 7, 2019 Thousands of Mumia Abu-Jamal Petitions delivered to DA Krasner
DA Larry Krasner walked by delegation, refusing to stop and talk, but has his assistant take the petitions.
Jan 7, 2019 Thousands of Mumia Abu-Jamal Petitions delivered to DA Krasner
L to R: Ben Waxman, Mike Africa Jr, Linda Ragin, Wayne Cook, Sandy Joy
Jan 5 Peoples Constitutional Protest Party for Mumia’s Freedom
Wayne Cook with mic
Jan 5 Peoples Constitutional Protest Party for Mumia’s Freedom
Jan 5 Peoples Constitutional Protest Party for Mumia’s Freedom
Jan 5 Peoples Constitutional Protest Party for Mumia’s Freedom
Kamau Becktemba on mic
Jan 5 Peoples Constitutional Protest Party for Mumia’s Freedom
Jan 5 Peoples Constitutional Protest Party for Mumia’s Freedom
James Chisolm, Jr. recounted being a high school organizer with Mumia at Benjamin Franklin High School, fighting racism within the school system in the 1970’s.
Jan 5 Peoples Constitutional Protest Party for Mumia’s Freedom
Susie Abulhawa expressed solidarity with Mumia from the movement to free Palestine.
Jan 5 Peoples Constitutional Protest Party for Mumia’s Freedom
Food Not Bombs Solidarity provided food.