Fliers, Films & Factsheets
Download a PDF petition to Release Mumia here.
Films to Free Mumia Abu-Jamal are listed here
FIlms on the case of Mumia Abu-Jamal
Mumia: Long Distance Revolutionary: Before he was convicted of murdering a policeman in 1981 and sentenced to die, Mumia Abu-Jamal was a gifted journalist and brilliant writer. This film is an inspiring portrait of a man whose existence tests our beliefs about freedom of expression. Through prison interviews, archival footage, and dramatic readings, and aided by a potent chorus of voices including Cornel West, Alice Walker, Angela Davis and others, this riveting film explores Mumia's life before, during and after Death Row - revealing, in the words of Angela Davis, "the most eloquent and most powerful opponent of the death penalty in the world...the 21st Century Frederick Douglass." Produced by Stephen Vittoria, 120 min., 2012
&Manufacturing Guilt: This short film takes on the colossus of Abu-Jamal's contentious case, distilling a mountain of evidence and years of oft-repeated falsehoods to the most fundamental elements of police and prosecutorial misconduct that illustrate a clear and conscious effort to frame Mumia Abu-Jamal for the murder of patrol man Daniel Faulkner. Based on the actual record of investigations and court filings from 1995 to 2003 this film cuts through the years of absurdities and overt racism to produce a clear picture of how Abu-Jamal's guilt was manufactured and his innocence suppressed beginning only moments after he and Faulkner were found shot in the early morning hours of December 9th, 1981. 30 min,. 2013
Justice on Trial - The Case of Mumia Abu-Jamal: navigates the tempest of the Abu-Jamal trial by reviewing the known facts of his case. It demonstrates that the major violations in the Abu-Jamal case - judicial bias, prosecutorial misconduct, racial discrimination in jury selection, police corruption and tampering with evidence to obtain a conviction - are not special to this case. Instead, they are commonly practised within the criminal justice system and account for the disproportionate incarceration of African Americans and Latinos in the United States. The case of Mumia Abu-Jamal is a microcosm of greater problems in the criminal justice system in the United States today. The attention that its many violations have received makes the Abu-Jamal case one of the most important civil rights cases of our time. By Big Noise films, 68 min., 2010
Framing an Execution: The Media & Mumia Abu-Jamal: The case of Mumia Abu-Jamal had become by the late 1990s a global symbol of inequities in the U.S. judicial system. The mainstream media could no longer ignore it, but how would they cover such a hotly disputed case and the questions of judicial bias that it raises?
ABC, on its news magazine show "20/20," while characterizing the defence as "passionate" and uninformed, ABC star reporter Sam Donaldson claimed to provide the "facts" based on ABC's "four-month investigation of the case."
Framing an Execution examines how Donaldson's framing of the case stands up to basic journalistic standards of fairness, balance, and accuracy. This video offers some answers, but also raises disturbing questions about media and judicial ethics.
Narrated by actor Danny Glover, the program also features actor Mike Farrell, Professor Angela Davis, FAIR Program Director Janine Jackson, veteran journalist Tom Gardner, Attorney Leonard Weinglass, and Professor John Bracey. (Sam Donaldson did not respond to MEF's invitation to appear). 50 min., Media Education Foundation, 1997
Mumia: Release the Files: Short documentary that gives background on the case with up-to-date (March 2018) coverage of Abu-Jamal’s current Post Conviction Relief Act hearings before Common Pleas Court Judge Leon Tucker. Highlights feature campaign demanding the Philadelphia District Attorney’s office “release the files.” YouTube, 11 min., 2018:
Let the Fire Burn: is composed entirely with archival footage yet unfurls with the tension of a thriller. Jason Osder's documentary recounts the steps that led to a horrific tragedy on May 13, 1985, when a long time feud between the city of Philadelphia and the controversial radical urban group MOVE came to a deadly climax., 1hr, 35 min, 2013,
Angola 3: Black Panthers and the Last Slave Plantation: tells the story of three former members of the Black Panther Party incarcerated at Angola Louisiana State Prison in solitary confinement longer than anyone in modern US history and collectively known as the Angola 3. 2008, Stars: Mumia Abu-Jamal, Rod Coronado, Geronimo Ji Jaga. Director Jimmy O’Halligan, 1hr, 49 min, 2008
Stay Woke: The Black Lives Matter Movement: is an original documentary film that chronicles the evolution of the Black Lives Matter movement through the first person accounts of local activists, protesters, scholars, journalists and others. Dubbed the new “civil rights movement”, #BlackLivesMatter launched a transformative grassroots movement that moved from social media to the streets across America. Now these activists face the daunting challenge of turning protest - into lasting change. Directed by Peabody and three time Emmy Award-winning filmmaker Laurens Grant, “Stay Woke: The Black Lives Matter Movement,” chronicles the evolution of the Black Lives Matter movement through the first person accounts of local activists, protesters, scholars, journalists and celebrities including Jesse Williams, Nelly, Deray McKesson, Michaela Angela Davis, Wesley Lowery, Alicia Garza, Patrisse Cullors, Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor, Johnetta Elzie, Brittany Packnett and others. 40 min., 2016
A Tribute to Veronica Jones in which Veronica Jones, one of the main witnesses for the defence in Mumia's trial, speaks out on what she really saw on Locust Street and how the Philadelphia cops humiliated and threatened her to change her testimony. 30 minutes
In Prison my Whole Life: Will Francome was born on Dec. 9, 1981 in the UK. The same night, in Philadelphia a former member of the Black Panther party was arrested for the murder of a police officer. While William grew up in a white middle-class suburb, Mumia Abu Jamal became a leader from death row, the voice of the voiceless. When he turned 25 , William decided to investigate Mumia Abu-Jamal’s story. The award winning film witnesses Francome learning about the initial events that led to Abu-Jamal's arrest and conviction, the allegations that the trial itself was unfair, and the city where it all happened. Participants include writer Alice Walker, social activist Noam Chomsky and rapper Snoop Dogg. 2011, 99 min.
July 3rd has traditionally been a day of action calling for the release of political prisoner Mumia Abu-Jamal. On the anniversary of the day he was originally sentenced to death row, we have filled the streets of Philadelphia with rallies and marches.
This July 3rd, on the 37th anniversary of his incarceration we are asking your participation in a different type of mass action. In recent weeks the focus of Mobilization4Mumia.com has been to raise awareness of the medical crisis Mumia currently faces as the PA Department of Corrections (DOC) has delayed his access to cataract surgery. The petition below calls not only for this medically necessary procedure to be performed without delay, but also for the release of Mumia, a factually innocent man.
On July 3, 2019 please take time to make calls to the numbers below. Please sign the petition (on-line) if you haven’t and share it with your social media networks. Please download the petition and collect signatures that we will later deliver to Krasner and others. Take action in your community as part of a nationwide demonstration of support for Mumia.
· Sign the petition: https://actionnetwork.org/…/emergency-appeal-for-mumias-hea…
Dr Courtney P Rodgers - 570-773- 7851 and
SCI Mahanoy Superintendent Theresa A. Delbalso - (570) 773-2158
Tell them to approve Mumia’s cataract surgery immediately.
PA Gov. Tom Wolf - 717-787-2500
PA DOC Secretary John Wetzel - 717.728.2573
Philadelphia DA Larry Krasner - 215-686-8000
Tell them to release NOW because he can receive better healthcare outside of prison and also because he is an innocent man!
And last, but not least, please consider making a donation today to further the work to free Mumia.
Sign petition on line, and share widely.
You can also copy and paste the jpg version of the petition on the right side of this page to gather signatures person to person from your family, your neighbors, co-workers, students and friends.
Manufacturing Guilt
This short film takes on the colossus of Abu-Jamal's contentious case, distilling a mountain of evidence and years of oft-repeated falsehoods to the most fundamental elements of police and prosecutorial misconduct that illustrate a clear and conscious effort to frame Mumia Abu-Jamal for the murder of patrol man Daniel Faulkner. Based on the actual record of investigations and court filings from 1995 to 2003 this film cuts through the years of absurdities and overt racism to produce a clear picture of how Abu-Jamal's guilt was manufactured and his innocence suppressed beginning only moments after he and Faulkner were found shot in the early morning hours of December 9th, 1981. 30 min,. 2013
Two sides, half page flier for printing or use jpg images on right for online use.
For a PDF copy, contact mobilization4mumia@gmail.com.
Valentines for Mumia
As a Valentine for Mumia
use this graphic for your profile image on facebook, twitter and instagram >>>>>>>>
or make your own valentine for Mumia for your profile image.
(Remember to make it square or circular to fit the profile space)
Tag @Mobilization4Mumia so others can share it too.
Tell Krasner - Drop the Appeal! Release Mumia Abu-Jamal Now!
Sign and share the petition:
Follow Mobilization4Mumia on twitter
There is now a Mobilization4Mumia twitter page!
Please follow @Mobilize4Mumia
(Choose the one you prefer)
"Many people who worked tirelessly for your election feel betrayed. We knocked on doors, held fundraisers and gave our own money to support a “Just DA” We disagree strongly with your decision to appeal the Mumia ruling, in fact we condemn it. Retract the appeal! Release Mumia now!"
“Your appeal of Black Judge Leon Tucker’s ruling in favor of Mumia defends racist Judge Albert Sabo, who said: ‘I’m going to help them fry the N-word’. He also put more Black and Brown men on death row than anyone else in the US. Retract the appeal! Release Mumia now!”
“Mumia Abu-Jamal was convicted because the police tampered with and ‘lost’ key pieces of evidence; the prosecution manufactured evidence of guilt, suppressed proof of innocence and selected a Jim Crow jury, among other due-process violations. Krasner, your appeal of Judge Tucker’s ruling defends those unjust practices. That’s not what you were elected to do. Retract the appeal! Release Mumia now!”
“Krasner, Black Lives Matter! Stop siding with the FOP and racist corrupt judges like Sabo & Castille and against a Black Judge, Leon Tucker. When you appealed Tucker’s decision, you betrayed us and your own rhetoric about ending mass incarceration and wrongful incarceration. Retract the appeal! Release Mumia now!”
You can also flood the DAs office with these messages by Email: justice@phila.gov
and Tweets: @philaDAO
Here are sharable links which you can copy and paste into emails you are sending to your lists. Anyone with a twitter account just has to click on these links and it will take them to their own Twitter account with the wording already there, all they have to do is click Tweet. Both of these linked Tweets have a picture linked to them as well. The first has a pic of Mumia, the 2nd has a pic of the Philly flyer for the rally on the 5th.
Please when you send the email to your list, ask them to do this on Friday, January 4th. We need the numbers all on the same day to create the Twitter storm. These links can also be posted on your Facebook pages, web sites, etc. Just headline it "Twitter Storm for Mumia on Friday, January 4 - Click To Tweet"
Click to Tweet link #2:
Don't Stand in the Way of Justice for Mumia Abu-Jamal! Don't Appeal Judge Tucker's Decision!
Mumia Abu-Jamal has always maintained his innocence in the 1981 fatal shooting of Philadelphia police officer Daniel Faulkner. His prosecution was politically-motivated because of his Black Panther Party membership, his support of the MOVE organization and as a radical journalist. His 1982 trial and subsequent 1995 PCRA appeals were racially biased: the prosecution excluded African Americans from the jury; and PCRA trial Judge Albert Sabo, the same judge in Abu-Jamal's initial trial, declared, “I’m gonna help them fry the n----r.”
On Dec. 27, Mumia Abu-Jamal won a significant case before Judge Leon Tucker in a decision granting him new rights of appeal.
Philadelphia District Attorney Larry Krasner: We call on you to do the right thing. Do not stand in the way of justice. Do not appeal Judge Tucker’s decision.
As a progressive attorney you ran for Philadelphia District Attorney on a platform that included standing “for justice, not just for convictions.” You promoted reviewing past convictions and freeing the wrongfully convicted. In Philadelphia, Abu-Jamal’s frame-up stands out as the city’s most notorious wrongful conviction.
We call on you to cease defending former Philadelphia DA and later PA Supreme Court Judge Ron Castille’s now-discredited claim of impartiality. It was a people’s movement that paved the way for your election – not the financial backing of the FOP or the establishment including judges like Castille.
Show your supporters that your campaign promises meant something. That your concern for justice extends to controversial cases your predecessors held untouchable. Allow Abu-Jamal to go forward with re-arguing his appeals, which Judge Tucker states “would best serve the appearance of justice.”
Dec 28 rally outside DAs office
PRESS ALERT - Dec. 28, 2018
Contact: Pam Africa 267-760-7344 ; Joe Piette 610-931-2615
Mumia Abu-Jamal’s appeal rights restored. Emergency Rally Friday to demand DA Krasner Not CHALLENGE Judge’s Ruling
Mumia Abu-Jamal won a significant case before Judge Leon Tucker in a decision announced on Dec. 27.
Current DA Larry Krasner should cease defending former Philadelphia DA and later PA Supreme Court Judge Ron Castille’s now-discredited claim of impartiality. Krasner should not challenge Judge Tucker’s decision and allow Abu-Jamal to go forward with re-arguing his appeals, which Judge Tucker argues “would best serve the appearance of justice.”
In front of the DA’s office, 3 S. Penn Sq. across from City Hall, on Friday, Dec 28, 4:00 - 6:00pm, Abu-Jamal’s supporters will rally to demand Krasner not challenge this decision.
A larger protest will take place next Saturday, Jan 5 at noon, same location.
Pam Africa of the International Concerned Family and Friends of Mumia Abu-Jamal announced, “The people’s movement is responsible for this victory.”
A new appeal opens the door to Mumia’s freedom – a new trial or dismissal of the charges.
The decision by Court of Common PleasJudge Leon Tucker grants Mumia Abu-Jamal new rights of appeal. Tucker ruled former Pa Supreme Court Justice Ronald Castille denied Abu-Jamal fair and impartial appeals by not recusing himself from the defendant’s appeals from 1998-2012. The ruling referenced Castille’s public statements of being a “law and order” prosecutor, responsible for 45 men on death row, the support of the Fraternal Order of Police and the new evidence of Castille’s having singled out men convicted as “police killers”. It all created the appearance of bias and impropriety in the appeal process.
Judge Tucker’s ruling means that Mumia Abu-Jamal’s appeals of his 1982 conviction, that he was framed by police and prosecution manufacturing evidence of guilt and suppressing the proof of his innocence as well as other due process trial rights, are re-stored and must be re-heard in the PA appeals court.
Abu-Jamal has always maintained his innocence in the fatal shooting of police officer Daniel Faulkner. His prosecution was politically-motivated because of his Black Panther Party membership, his support of the MOVE organization and as a radical journalist. His trial was racially biased: trial judge Albert Sabo declared, “I’m gonna help them fry the n----r.” and the prosecution excluded African Americans from the jury.
After 37 years in prison for a crime he didn’t commit, the charges should be dismissed and he should be freed.
Sign the pledge today for Emergency Response to Free Mumia
On December 3, Judge Leon Tucker heard final arguments in Mumia Abu-Jamal’s two-year-long appeal case and announced that he would issue a decision at a future date.
The decision could come down at any time so we are asking everyone to be prepared to respond.
Pledge to take action as soon as a decision is announced!
Day After A Decision Action:
If Tucker rules in Mumia’s favor, we will rally at DA Krasner’s office to say #FreeMumia! and to tell Krasner: DO NOT APPEAL! If Tucker rules against Mumia, rally at the DA’s office to let them know we will continue the fight in the courts and on the streets.
Either way the initial protest will take place the day after Tucker’s ruling from 4-6pm at the Philly DA’s office, 3 S. Penn Sq. across from City Hall
Following Saturday Action:
A larger protest will take place on the next Saturday at noon same location.
Sign the pledge today to receive urgent action alerts as soon as a decision is announced! You will receive notification by email as soon as any new information becomes available.
Nov 4, 2018
Key points regarding Mumia Abu-Jamal’s current legal appeal
Philadelphia journalist and former Black Panther Party member Mumia Abu-Jamal was unjustly convicted and sentenced to death row for the death of a cop in 1982. Through the powerful work of the people’s movement his sentence was changed to life in prison without parole. Current litigation on winning his freedom is explained below:
* Based on a US Supreme Court decision in Williams v. Pennsylvania, Mumia’s initial petition was filed with PA Common Pleas Court in 2016. As Philly DA, Ron Castille sought the death penalty for Williams. As PA Supreme Court Judge Castille refused to recuse himself from hearing William’s appeal, violating his right to due process.
* Mumia’s appeal petition was first heard by Judge Leon Tucker on April 24, 2017. In September 2017 Tucker ordered the Philly DA’s office to turn over all the files from Mumia’s case.
* An initial search of 32 boxes of files uncovered evidence of the existence of a letter from DA Castille to then-Gov. Robert P. Casey requesting he speed-up signing death warrants to “send a message to all police killers.”
* Since January 2018 six additional hearings were held under current DA Larry Krasner, who angered many by appointing Castille to his transition team. Krasner’s office has repeatedly asked for more time to search for Castille’s signed letter, missing from files. Krasner’s office hired a paralegal to search hundreds of additional boxes and acknowledged more files may be missing.
* In late August 2018, Krasner’s office reported evidence of communication between Castille’s office and former PA Senator Michael Fisher regarding promoting legislation to further restrict appeals of capital convictions. The evidence was a letter by a Castille ADA responding to Fisher’s request about the status of death row cases, including Mumia’s. Missing was documentation of whom in Castille’s office Fisher made his request to.
* Yet it was known that on Sept. 23, 1988, DA Castille wrote directly to Fisher urging passage of an amendment to the death penalty law and conveying his fears about the impact of Mills v. Maryland, a U.S. Supreme Court case at that time. Castille raised concern that “Mills may lead to the vacating of scores of death penalties.” Abu-Jamal’s appeals not only contained a Mills claim – it became the basis for his eventual sentencing relief.
* Despite Krasner’s office’s failure to find the missing records, there is ample evidence establishing that a reasonable observer could conclude PA Justice Castille harbored disqualifying bias against Abu-Jamal as a person convicted of killing a police officer.
* Having been involved in Abu-Jamal’s post conviction litigation for over 30 years the DA’s office had a duty to preserve all evidence, including that favorable to the defendant. That they failed to do so is grounds for a positive ruling on Abu-Jamal’s appeal based on “adverse inference.”
* Mumia’s was the most important capital case in Philadelphia history. It lacks credibility for the Krasner’s office to argue that as DA Castille, whose office aggressively fought Mumia’s appeals, was wholly uninvolved. In 1988, DA Castille received a “Man of the Year” award from the Fraternal Order of Police who has arduously sought Mumia’s death. Mumia’s case also has international following.
* Castille’s focus on sending a message to “police killers” is clearly both bias against a particular defendant and a class of cases. It calls into question his ability to impartially hear their appeals. The PA Supreme Court has held that recusal is required wherever there is substantial doubt as to the jurist’s ability to preside impartially.
The Fraternal Order of Police continue their efforts to intimidate the court to rule against Mumia by packing recent courtroom hearings. Evicted from court on October 29 after throwing a tantrum, Maureen Faulkner used that incident to gain more press coverage. The next hearing is scheduled for December 3, 2018 at Criminal Justice Center, 1301 Filbert St, Philadelphia.
Mumia needs everyone to stay vigilant and show up for him as this case continues. For more information and to get involved contact: Mobilization4Mumia@gmail.com or visit & donate at www.Mobilization4Mumia.com .
March 08, 2018
at https://actionnetwork.org/petitions/freemumia/
We, the undersigned individual and organizational members of the international community concerned with issues of human rights, call your attention to an egregious example of human rights violations in your respective jurisdictions: the case of Mumia Abu-Jamal. Specifically, we call on you both, key officials with the power to determine Abu-Jamal’s fate, to:
1. Assure that all the District Attorney and police files relevant to Abu-Jamal’s case, be released publicly as the Philadelphia Court of Common Pleas is reviewing the involvement of retired Supreme Court Justice Ronald Castille in a conflict of interest when he reviewed Abu- Jamal’s case as a PA Supreme Court Justice.
2. Release Abu-Jamal now from his incarceration. That given the mounds of evidence of Abu- Jamal’s innocence and even more evidence of police, prosecutorial, and judicial misconduct, his unjust incarceration, including almost 30 years on death row, his twice near-executions, his prison-induced illness which brought him to the brink of death, and the lack of timely treatment for his hepatitis-C which has left him with a condition, cirrhosis of the liver, which poses a potential threat to his life … we call for the freedom of Mumia Abu-Jamal now.
Please start Black August off by joining the Abolitionist Law Center on August 6th for a webinar "Overcoming Death By Incarceration: The Path to Freedom for Mumia Abu-Jamal." Register at this Link
This webinar will present important information on the path to freedom for one of our longest serving political prisoners. Topics to be discussed include legal strategies and updates in Mumia's case, commutation, International Advocacy and compassionate release.
The panel includes Saleem Holbrook, ALC Exec. Director; Bret Grote, ALC Legal Director; Ghani Kempis Songster, former Juvenile Lifer and organizer; Journalist & Professor Linn Washington, Jr. and Dr. Jennifer Black co-editor with Mumia Abu-Jamal of the recently released Beneath the Mountain (City Lights 2024). Plus a special message from Mumia Abu-Jamal.
Please circulate to your network. Flyer below.
In Solidarity
Robert Saleem Holbrook
Executive Director
Abolitionist Law Center
In celebration of Mumia's 66th birthday on April 24, please participate in these exciting virtual events from April 23-26. To sign up please use the links below:
To view the April 23 press conference register at:
To register to view the teach-in: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/teach-in-us-empire-v-political-prisoners-tickets-102522325034Registration information for events on April 25 and 26 to follow.